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Global Vedic Village / Mumbai

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December 27, 2004,


Esteemed Prabhus-


I sent you a letter a couple of weeks back describing the Global Vedic

Village we are constructing at the Prabhupad Festival at Cross Maidan in

Bombay from February 12-20. This Festival will quite likely be the largest

ISKCON public event in history!


I also requested you humbly to bring or send some display materials which we

will mount in this giant GVV tent, to feature your particular ISKCON



Response has been fairly good-from as far away as Fiji and Kenya-and some of

the major centres such as Mayapur, Moscow, Los Angeles, Bhaktivedanta Manor

and New York have committed to put up their exhibits. Still, the Global

Vedic Village is going to seem empty without a lot more centers putting up

their displays!


This is a unique chance to show the people of India the greatness of Srila

Prabhupad's achievements-that he has spread Krishna Consciousness, India's

own culture, to every corner of the planet. Prabhupad himself during the

1971 Cross Maidan pandal was very insistent that we erect a display showing

his temples around the world. Now, 33 years later, imagine what we can show

the world!


We need especially displays or exhibits from Canada, South American

countries-and where's Australia, don't they want to be part of Prabhupad's

Global Vedic Village?


>From deep in my heart I most urgently beg you to show off your ISKCON temple

or program in the Global Vedic Village! Displays need not be elaborate at

all: A few nice photographs of local devotees in their temple (no matter how

grand or how humble), devotees doing sankirtan in the ice and snow, or

surrounded by palm-trees, or in front of famous landmarks--or just some farm

scenes with oxen and simple vedic living-food for life--or photos of

devotees interacting with Japanese people or Africans, or devotees meeting

big-shots and prisoners, children or the elderly-or video-tapes, CD's or

DVD's of your local programs. And local propaganda literature, whatever you

have, a pamphlet, a brochure-just send one and we'll have them printed here

and distributed in the GVV.


We have secure storage-space in Mumbai for these presentation materials, and

will provide all electricity or other props you may need. If you have your

own computer, please bring it; otherwise, we can rent computers, TV's,

VCR's, screens for power-point and CD/DVD projections. We'll print up all

the ISKCON locale names on each booth or display area. We'll help you get

stuff here by providing shipping information, and help you pack everything

nicely for shipment home. There is a whole team of dedicated Bombay

devotees standing by to help you in any way we can!


Please confirm your participation in the Vedic Global Village by writing:

prabhupadfestivalmumbai@pamho .net.


Yr servant,

Shyamasundar das

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