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100 names of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

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My dear Krishna candra Prabhu


Hare Krsna!


I think you WILL HAVE TO ADMIT that Srila Prabhupada WAS very concerned

about the "Corporate Iskcon" as you choose to call it. How the Institution

of Iskcon would be managed after his departure was something that Srila

Prabhupada took very seriously. He saw what happened to his spiritual

masters movement, how it disintegrated, how every sannyasi started his own

society.... and he saw that as a failure. He was always anxiously taxing his

brain on this point of making a viable method of succession for the society

that he created.


He gave us the example of how one stick could be easily broken but if there

was a bundle of sticks then they would be unbreakable.


I was there when the lawyer was brought, and Srila Prabhupada with a shaking

hand, signed his last will and testimony. Have you read that document



He makes it very clear therein that the GBC would be the final managerial

authority for Iskcon. If you like to call it "corporate" I don't mind. Why

not take up the service of getting these various Vaisnava entities, like

Tripurari Maharaja, Narayana Maharaja etc. to agree to work under that

"corporate" authority? Without having this kind of agreement your idea will

simply bring chaos, for there will be no standard for us to cooperate on in

practical affairs.


For instance, should we sing samsara prayers at mangal arti? Should we have

daily morning Bhagavatam class? Should it be from Srila Prabhupada's books?

Should we sing daily guru puja and have arti to Srila Prabhupada's murti in

our temple? Should Srila Prabhupada's murti be in our temples? Should we

emphasis distibution of Srila Prabhupada's books?????


The list goes on and on Prabhu.


You seem like an experienced preacher,why are you entertaining these kinds

of utopian dreams?


Yours sincerely

Trivikrama Swami



> Dear Trivikrama Maharaja

> radhe syam!


> > >

> > > the following is a sanga letter from Tripurari Swami, that was

> > > published on vnn.org:

> >

> > Without getting into a point for point refutation with Tripurari Swami

> > it should be clear to an objective observer that he *IS* minimizing

> > Srila Prabhupada. What has Srila Prabhupada done and what have the other

> > "Founder Acaryas" that he refers to done???

> >





> Srila Prabhupada is not the founder Acarya of Iskcon, because - in his own

> words, it was not founded now, but is existing since millions of years

> ago:


> "The Hare Krsna movement is not a new movement as people sometimes

> mistakenly think. The Hare Krsna movement is present in every millennium

> of Lord Brahma's life, and the holy name is chanted in all the higher

> planetary systems, including Brahmaloka and Candraloka, not to speak of

> Gandharvaloka and Apsaraloka. The sankirtana movement that was started in

> this world five hundred years ago by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is therefore

> not a new movement. Sometimes, because of our bad luck, this movement is

> stopped, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His servants again start the

> movement for the benefit of the entire world, or indeed, the entire

> universe." (SB 7.15.72 Purport)


> In his Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.9.6-7 purport, Srila Prabhupada lists some of

> the other prominent acaryas in this movement. He writes: "He (Narada) is

> the son and disciple of Brahmaji, and from him the disciplic succession in

> the line of Brahma has been spread. He initiated Prahlada Maharaja, Dhruva

> Maharaja and many celebrated devotees of the Lord. He initiated even

> Vyasadeva, the author of the Vedic literatures, and from Vyasadeva,

> Madhvacarya was initiated, and thus the Madhva-sampradaya, in which the

> Gaudiya-sampradaya is also included, has spread all over the universe. Sri

> Caitanya Mahaprabhu belonged to this Madhva-sampradaya; therefore,

> Brahmaji, Narada, Vyasa, down to Madhva, Caitanya and the Gosvamis all

> belonged to the same line of disciplic succession."


> Prabhupada confirms in this next quote that he is coming in the line of

> Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He writes: "Our original sampradaya stems from

> Madhvacarya. In that sampradaya there was Madhavendra Puri, and

> Madhavendra Puri's disciple was Sri Isvara Puri. Sri Isvara Puri's

> disciple was Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus we are coming in the disciplic

> succession from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore our sampradaya is

> called the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya. It is not that we have manufactured

> a sampradaya; rather, our sampradaya stems from Lord Brahma." (Teachings

> of Lord Kapila, chapter 14, text 31)



> "Some of them said that it is greatly fortunate for the Americans that I

> have started the Krsna consciousness movement in America. But actually the

> original father of this movement is Lord Krsna Himself, since it was

> started a very long time ago, but is coming down to human society by

> disciplic succession. If I have any credit in this connection, it does not

> belong to me personally, but it is due to my eternal spiritual master, His

> Divine Grace Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad

> Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada. If personally I

> have any credit in this matter, it is only that I have tried to present

> Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any adulteration. Before my presentation

> of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, almost all the English editions of

> Bhagavad-gita were introduced to fulfill someone's personal ambition. But

> our attempt, in presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is to present the

> mission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna."


> (Preface of Bhagavad Gita!!!!)


> Srila Prabhupada is simply encouraging us to remember to honor our

> previous acaryas. They can also help us and bless us. If we think that

> Prabhupada is the first in this movement, we are not glorifying him. He

> does not want to be disconnected from his guru-parampara. His glory is his

> chastity to the words and moods of his disciplic succession. If we think

> that Prabhupada is first, it means we think we don't have to refer to the

> previous acaryas of the succession to understand what he is trying to

> teach. It means we think that we, and conditioned souls like us, are the

> authorities on understanding him.


> When Prabhupada was asked in 1969 in Boston what Jesus meant when he said

> I am the only son of my father. No one can come to Him but through me,

> Prabhupada replied, "He means, 'by me or anyone like me; in other words,

> by me or any bona fide representative of God.'" Similarly 'guru is one',

> as we have heard, and at the same time there is more than one bona fide

> guru. Srila Prabhupada is not disparaging other bona fide teachers. He is

> simply saying that it is no small thing to perfectly represent the line of

> Gaudiya acaryas.


> Srila Prabhupada has given the definition of ISKCON with this sloka:

> krsnah bhakti rasa bhavita matih.

> [srila Prabhupada Journey to Self-Discovery:] I have translated the words

> Krsna consciousness from krsna-bhakti-rasa-bhavita. So here Rupa Gosvami

> advises, 'If Krsna consciousness is available, please purchase it

> immediately. Don't delay.'




> A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Letter to: Dr. Bigelow: -- Allahabad

> 20 January, 1971: "I am the founder-acharya of the International Society

> for Krishna Consciousness."


> Here Prabhupada is saying he is the founder of corporate ISKCON, not

> eternal ISKCON. In the same letter Prabhupada writes, "This unnatural life

> of repeated birth, death, disease and old age can be stopped when his

> consciousness is dovetailed with the Supreme consciousness of God. That is

> the basic principle of our Krishna Consciousness Movement." Surely

> Prabhupada is not saying he is the founder-acarya of that basic principle.

> Here he is not referring to the eternal ISKCON, or the eternal Krsna

> consciousness movement, but the corporate ISKCON; and this is confirmed by

> the next statement:


> A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Letter to: Kurusrestha - Bombay 28

> December, 1974: "Also your idea of forming a trust between ISKCON and the

> leading men in the Indian community is approved by me. That is very nice.

> Let the Indians take part in our movement and help us to push on this

> mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In that trust you must be very careful

> to make sure that my name is registered there as the founder-acarya and

> that I am to be the ultimate authority. In other words, in any case of

> necessity of vetoing or canceling any decision made by the other trustees,

> I should be able to do like that. My decision should over-rule all the

> other trustees combined."


> Prabhupada would never say that he is the authority over Brahma, Krsna, or

> his own Guru Maharaja; neither are they trustees. It is clear that he is

> speaking of the corporate ISKCON and not the eternal ISKCON that he speaks

> of elsewhere. There is a term in English-language usage called 'homonym.'

> Homonyms refer to words that have the same spelling or pronunciation but

> different meanings. ISKCON is such a homonym.





> >

> > Our conviction however is that Srila Prabhupada is not just a Founder

> > Acarya of some Vaisnava sect, but has been especially empowered by Lord

> > Caitanya to establish a world wide Mission which is destined to change

> > the course of History.

> >


> I am sorry Maharaja, but I wonder what kind of picture do you have of the

> Hare krishna movement. It is really not very influential at the moment on

> this planet. And most persons who still know the Hare Krishnas have a

> compassionate smile for it....We can hardly maintain our temples and our

> own standards and you speak of changing the the course of history.....


> Why cant we give up this external institutional conflicts and just

> cooperate as a big family of all Gaudiya Vaishnavas - just to please our

> founder Acarya: Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu.....


> hari jana kinkara

> Krishna candra das



> Please do not think that I am frustrated. Since more than 15 years I am

> preaching kc all over and I do not have any other mission than to spread

> this wonderful message of our Gauranga

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