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> are these devotees such as Ramakanta, and Sankarsana, really expect us to

> believe that they fit this above description?


Srila Prabhupada's instruction is independent of what happened afterwards or

what his disciples did afterwards. The argument "Srila Prabhupada introduced

the permanent ritvik system because some years later some of his disciples

left ISKCON" is silly.


ys Ramakanta dasa






What can we expect, bhogus gurus attracting sincere people to join ISKCON?

People to whom you actually can preach what Krishna says,





tad viddhi pran?ipatena

pariprasnena sevaya

upadeks?yanti te jñanam´

jñaninas tattva-darsinah


Bhagavad-gita As It Is 4.34


"Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from

him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can

impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth."



to only surrender to the lotusfeet of a bonafide selfrealized soul?

The problem is obviously not the way we argue with these people but the fact

that they joined a dubious character who pretends to be something what in

fact he is not and will never, ever be. The reason why they joined should be

examined, it is surely not to attain pure bhakti, but power.

Power, they can't reach with their present bad karma on their own, so they

join an institution. Throughout history you find individuals joining a

monastic life because they know they are defeated by bad karmas from the

past. However, as soon as they are become used to be monks, they again start

to gain power and do all kinds of crimes in the name of their church. To

preach to such people is wasted time. God, Krishna Himself will do this


Latest release of the GBC, strategies to make money:




>From the ISKCON Spiritual Strategic Planning Team website:



.........Market analysis: Who are our current and potential target customers,

audiences or clientele? What are their needs? How do they try to satisfy

them now? Do they fall into different groups (market segments)? What risks

and opportunities do the current and potential markets present?


Competitive analysis: Where else do our target audiences go to in order to

satisfy the needs we wish to fulfill? What are the strengths and weaknesses

of these competitors? How do the customers perceive them?


Identification of market segments: Where do the above two analyses indicate

that we might we compete successfully and thrive? These "market segments"

are specified by a) the particular kinds of Krishna conscious products or

services we will offer....



This is what Prabhupada instructs to us, if you feed a snake with milk and

bananas it will thank you one day by biting in your hand, the very same hand

that fed it. It's surely of more value to sell BTP or a BG to our sinful

neighbours or the butcher at the next corner, why, they are sinful but not

envious. To preach to the envious pollutes our minds and this results in,

that we start to loose faith.


Audarya-lila das posted recently what has to change in ISKCON, but this will

never happen:




Here is a short list of areas in need of drastic change in my opinion:


1. There should be a training period of at least two years before any

sadhaka is allowed to publicly represent the teachings. Even after such a

period there should be standards of scriptural expertise and basic social

ettiquette and presentation style that should govern any outreach program.


2. There should be a training period of several years where devotees are

trained in philosophy and ritual and allowed to explore their own psychology

before anyone is allowed to enter into monasitc life. Furthermore, monastic

life should be the exception, not the rule and the monastic life style

should be reformed so that it functions as a natural ashrama for those whose

psychological makeup is suited for it. The monastic ashramas should be

reformed such that there is no desire to take up such a lifestyle to gain

position or prestige within the society.


3. Supporting the temples by sales of books or other things by monastics

should be stopped. The whole societal structure needs to change such that a

very few monastics and dedicated grhastas support the needs of the lay

community. The temples should be supported by the grahastas and lay

community and by various businesses set up for that purpose. The monastics

should not be involved in money making or business endeavors, rather they

should spend their time serving the community by hearing, chanting,

worshiping, studying, praying, eduating, etc.


4. An open academic environment needs to be established such that there is a

better engagement with the world and other traditions. No one will stay in

Iskcon by banning them from individuality or intellectual development

outside of the current narrowly defined acceptable parameters. People will

stay by inspiration to do so, not by coercion. This is incredibly important

because in order for the society to foster growth and fulfillment it must

become dynamic and embrace change rather than remaining static and stunted

due to paranoia and fear.


I don't think any of these changes have much chance of occuring however

because there is an overwhelming fear of changing anything that Prabhupada

set up. Of course many things have changed - but the fear factor and the

basic paradigm of Prabhupada being the ultimate authority in all things

whether essential or non-essential is so prevalant that I seriously doubt

that any meaningful or substantial change will be possible for a long time

to come. It will take a huge leap forward to put Prabhupada's teachings into

context of time and place and apply the essentials to the current social in

intellectual dynamics of today's world. It would also take a huge break

through in thinking for Iskcon to make major changes in anything Srila

Prabhupada instituted even though it is obvious to many that this is

precisely what must occur.

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