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Coming Home to ISKCON

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That's his thing! His realisation!


It may be a passing Fad!


Tell him to write something in two years, and we will all get a good idea of

his feelings!


Who knows, perhaps in three months time he will realise that he is speaking

a load of nonsense! And be back fighting with the other devotees again!




Remember to get initiated takes at least six months this is how a letter of

this nature should be treated!


And even in six months if he is not fighting with the other devotees again.


Does that change the way in which "WE" should feel about Srila Prabhupada's

July 9th Order!





Mark prabhu writes...



That's his thing! His realisation!


It may be a passing Fad!



I presume he said that in response to Dasanudas's letter.

Anyone who knows Dasanudas knows that he flips from one camp to the next.

Except IRM, strangly enough. No scruples, gone with the wind type.

If IRM get any bigger and they surely will, then we can be sure that

Dasanudas will be jumping ship again, this time to join the IRM!






Like Dasanudas,we would all like to join the ISKCON family. However, some of

his rascal children have not followed the fathers instructions. There are

many rascal minds in ISKCON that Dasanudas should be wary of in addition to

his own.

When these wayward rascal brothers get back on the path our father has given

us, then we would be glad to join them. When it is clear the direction our

father directed us and it is also clear that our brotheres are going in a

different direction, then I don't think we should follow them down their

path to ruin. After all we have souls to protect.

Shrila Prabhupada made a very clear management decision concerning initial

initiations in the July 9th letter. He stated that the 11 should handle the

initial initiations and that the disciples would be Prabhupada's.

He further stated in his last will and testament that the movement should

run with the management instructions he gave it and that nothing should

change after his disappearance. It was all very clear and very simple.

Then when his disappearance came the 11 made the most serious of offenses.

They suddenly forgot the first and most important thing Prabhupada taught

them. You are not this body, you are spirit soul. However as soon as

Prabhupada left his body they treated him as if he no longer existed and his

instructions didn't matter and they could now do whatever they wanted. Did

they not think that Prabhupada had just as much relevance and power now that

he was pure spirit? Did they not realize that they were to have faith in

spirit? That was the whole of Prabhupada's teaching. We are spirit souls.

But suddenly, when the mere body was gone, they showed their true colors and

said," Oh a body is needed here on earth to teach souls and to continue the


It was as if they learned nothing. Until they start following the

instructions of our guru, there will be no mass return to the movement.


Identity withheld



Hari Bol Hari Bol


All glories to AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and all assembled



I have continued listening in on the conversations between y'all and keeping

my piehole shut for a while. Thank you for the association.


I realized a few things today and thought I'd share at this point.


Srila Prabhupada left a detailed system in the form of ISKCON, which was to

serve as the vehicle for sadhana for all those who would approach devotional

service to Sri Radha Krishna through him.


Anyone who deviated from his instructions could not possibly have purified

themselves of their material attachments.


If the people who were left with the responsibility to maintain the

structure of ISKCON and expand its influence failed to do so, then no one

who approached since then could possibly become a pure mahabhagavata through

following Srila Prabhupada's system unless they and others rebuilt the

system verbatim, then followed the instructions to their conclusion.


I know Jayananda Prabhu was considered by Srila Prabhupada himself to have

been a pure devotee of Sri Guru and Sri Chaitanya. Others may have attained

unalloyed spontaneous loving service while Srila Prabhupada was governing

the movement personally. But since then, unless there is a completely

Reformed replica of ISKCON dispensed by faithful disciples where Bhakti

Shastri, Vaibhava, Vedanta, and Sarvabhauma degrees are offered, where each

member can describe what role they play within Varnashrama Dharma, and where

deputed priests initiate on behalf of Srila Prabhupada unless otherwise

qualified to take disciples themselves, and where the GBC executes their

delineated powers according to His Divine Grace and not a bit more, unless

this exists right under my nose and I have not heard about it, then it looks

like we have alot of work to do. Good thing I am still young.





Hare Krishna


** it is good that you are young because the current ISKCON mafia is firmly

entrenched. After the disappearance of Prabhupada the 11 saw one big juicy

pie that they could divide up into 11 juicy pieces. YUM YUM the power, the

cash, the women, the men and, God forgive them, the children. Once throughly

gorged and drunk and addicted to the goodies, it will take a long time for

them to admit their addiction and seek the rehab at the feet of Prabhupada.

I also want to address some comments of Tripada das that was forwarded by

Krishnapriya. Some of his comments were that one has to go to medical school

to learn to be a doctor and that one couldn't learn to be a doctor by

reading books. So he is stating that Prabhupada was a liar when he stated

that all the instruction we needed were in his books. Unbelievably

offensive. These rascals are always making these incredible offenses. I read

and see this all the time. They are always saying in so many words that

Prabhupada didn't know what he was talking about and that we don't have to

follow his instructions. Tripada das was comparing such mundane things as

technical training to transcental knowledge and trancendental training. Why

does he think Prabhupada went to such great detail, time and effort in his

purports to explain everything in such a clear and thorough way? He was

answering all questions we would ever have. Why do you think he also said

that all the the instruction we would ever need was in his books?

Tripada das talks about how we don't want to humble ourselves and take

instruction from a spiritual master. I would agree with him 100%. These

rascals, once they could no longer see Prabhupada's body, showed that they

had learned nothing, lost all faith in the main teaching that we are spirit

souls, let their lusty desires for power,position and fufillment of bodily

desires take over, and agreed to no longer humble themselves and take

instruction from a spiritual master. Does he not believe that Prabhupada, as

pure spirit residing with Krishna, can no longer instruct us AS HE SAID HE

WOULD, thru his books? Has he lost faith in Prabhupada and his instructions?

Does he have so little faith in Prabhupada's intelligence in the guidance

and maintenance and management of this movement, that when Prabhupada knew

he was dying and went to the trouble to write his last will and testament,

that if he saw that this movement needed a bodily earthly spiritual master

that was ready and up to the task, that he would have appointed him at that

time? Of course he would have. Please please please stop insulting

Prabhupada. I'll try to put this as simply and as clearly as possible in

terms I think you can understand,"Gee I think Prabhupada was a pretty smart

guy. I think he knew what he was doing." It hurts me to have talk so plainly

about such a great and loving and exalted saint. One who deserves great

reverence and love and respect. But it seems I have to stoop that low to get

people to realize that Prabhupada was a very very very intelligent soul.

Spititually& intellectually exaulted soul. This isn't just some guy who was

running a company and maybe made a few poor management decisions. That is

how Prabhupada is portrayed so often. It is so unbelievably offensive to

portray him in that way, that it literally makes me sick to read it. People

we are talking about a spirit who is now having pasttimes with Krishna.

Don't you understand this. Prabhupada was not an ordinary man. This was a

superior soul that we were incredibly blessed to have associated with on

this earth and one that we are still incredibly blessed to be able to

assiociate with spiritually. You do believe that we can still associate with

Prabhupada spiritually don't you? Afterall, the teaching is that we are

spirit souls. Right? Of course!

It is just so offensive how much these rascals seek to limit Prabhupada's

intelligence and how they have no faith in his teachings. They simply have

no FAITH. I will tell you what I believe. I have faith that Prabhupada was

an all knowing and fully Krishna Conscious spiritual master. I believe that

in the Kali Yuga that so many spirit souls are so crude and have such low

spiritual advancement that it was obvious to Prabhupada that there really

was no one even close to being at the level of spiritual master and that in

this Kali Yuga it may take hundreds of years of Krishna Consciouness

training before there is another earthly spritual master, so none was

appointed at this time. I believe that he dedicated his whole life to serve

Krishna. I believe that his instructions were for the benefit of all the

conditioned souls, to help them become fully Krishna Consious and that he

was infallible. I have faith in and believe what he taught and that since he

was guided by Krishna, that his instructions are to followed to the letter.

I believe that we are not this body but that we are spirit souls. I believe

that Prabhupada, in his spiritual body is eternal, all loving and all

guiding in his desire to help all conditioned souls come to full Krishna

Consiousness. In summation, I believe in Prabhupada and his teachings. I

have faith.

I also believe that the GBC and their appointed gurus have lost faith, are

not humbling themselves to the spiritual master, continue to offend by not

following the spiritual masters instructions and seek only to maintian the

body now and in the future in a comfortable fashion. I believe that they are

afraid of the body getting older and seek to secure this comfort by storing

up lots of cash. They do not remember or simply do not have faith in the

teaching of Prabhupada that a devotee would never be wanting. I believe that

some are incapable of following the teachings. It is simply too hard for

them so they sought an alternative easier way. I believe that if they do not

humble themselves and return to following the instructions of the spiritual

master that they will lead people further into the clutches of




Note by KP:


Above are several comments presented to Dasanudas's realisations and return

to Iskcon........{ posted from IRM forum}.

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