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Gay Monogamy

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Dear Umapati Maharaja prabhu,

Hare Krsna! Please accept my humble obeisance. Please forgive all my

offenses. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada always allowed persons of any sexual persuasion to come to

the temple and perform service. But Srila Prabhupada's general advice to

persons of unnatural sexual persuasion who wanted to live in the temple and

accept initiation was,

"First of all, you decide whether you are female or male, then be one or the

other. Then, you may enter our temple any time you like." [sPL 1975]


What to speak of the practice, even homosexual appetite is considered by

Srila Prabhupada to be "demoniac". [sB.3.20.26 Pp]




In your Dipika.Org letter of Dec. 20, 2004 you say,

"But the article (Gay Monogamy, by Hridayananda dasa Goswami) does not

condone homosexual behavior .... Nor does the article sanction any kind of

marriage ceremony for same-sex unions...".


That is not what I and no doubt many others have concluded from Hrdayananda

'Goswami's' article.


Hrdayananda 'Maharaja' has directly stated,


"4. I am not convinced that marriage is the best means in all cases, but

some serious, formal, and public recognition and APPRECIATION OF GAY

MONOGAMY (emphasis mine) is, in my view, in the best interest of ISKCON and

its members."


For you to say that this paragraph 4 (and the article in general) is NOT

suggesting condonation of homosexual behavior, strikes me as being the

height of duplicity. I cannot even imagine what the acaryas are thinking as

they sit here listening to you and Hrdayananda 'Maharaja' discuss the way in

which homosexual behavior and having an "appreciation of gay monogamy" is,

.... "in the best interest of ISKCON and its members". But I can envision

Srila Prabhupada's face when he hears of things which so utterly disgusted

him that it made him grimace.


That either you or Hrdayananda 'Maharaja' would have the temerity to try and

advance an "appreciation of gay monogamy" as Hrdayananda 'Maharaja' states,

is not only shocking but in diametric opposition to Srila Prabhupada's

direct teachings.


"Even they are not animal. Less than animal. In animal society there is no

problem. There is problem, but not so acute. They are free. Just like the

ducks, the pigeons, they fly from one country to another. They have no

problem of immigration department, passport, or visa. They have no problem.

These rascals should understand that they have created problem on account of

their animalistic, less than animalistic civilization. There is no limit of

sense gratification. The sense gratification, HOMOSEX (em. mine), they are

supporting. Just see. Just see. At least, in animal society there is no

HOMOSEX (em. mine). They have created HOMOSEX (em. mine) and that is being

passed by the priest, the religious heads. You know that?"

[Room Conversation London 1971]


"Now the priestly order supporting HOMOSEX (em. mine). I was surprised. They

are going to pass resolution for getting married between man to man. The

human society has come down to such a degraded position. It is astonishing."

[Conversation with GBC 1972]


"...similarly, these churches approve: "Yes, homosex is all right."

[Morning Walk April 1975 Mayapura]



Supporting an "APPRECIATION OF GAY MONOGAMY" (em. mine) is certainly your

right to express your free will as a living entity. And doing so privately

is one thing, but doing so publicly, and as a supposed 'priestly' member of

Iskcon is another. Such an a-sastric and apa-sampradayic, public speech

deserves the strongest possible castigation and is just one more perfect

example of how so many so-called leaders of Iskcon have in Srila

Prabhupada's words, become, "So degraded, and still they say, "What we have



"Homosex. They are supporting HOMOSEX (em. mine). So degraded, and still

they say, "What we have done?" They do not know what is degradation, and

they are PRIEST (em. mine) They are teaching others. They do not know what

is the meaning of degradation."

[Morning Walk 1972]


"The world is degrading to the lowest status, even less than animal. The

animal also do not support homosex. They have never sex life between male to

male. They are less than animal. People are becoming less than animal. This

is all due to godlessness."

[Conversation with GBC, 1972]



Neither is it within your, Hrdayananda 'Maharaja's' OR Iskcon's power or

mandate to, "give these people the same chance to make some advancement in

this lifetime ".


That right or chance is inherent in all souls & given by Sri Krsna Himself

to all entities since they are His parts & parcels. When one becomes

sincere, He gives them the opportunity of sanga with real sadhus who

practice sadhana bhakti properly and who do not add or subtract to the

acaryas teachings. Conversely when one becomes insincere (even on the

madhyama platform) one's consciousness gradually degrades.


None of us have the power to give or remove such a right. It is only within

our power to practice Krsna consciousness properly or not. Proper sadhana is

the sole item which can constitute proper preaching (kirtanam) and can thus

have an effect on the hearts of others.



What to speak of the members of Iskcon, perhaps your good self and

Hrdayananda 'Maharaja', could consider just what Srila Prabhupada is

thinking about your statements...since he is present before you now.


I was physically with Srila Prabhupada when he said,

"... homosex,... And the students, they are discussing, that means they are


[Morning Walk, Perth 1975]



Please feel free to publish this if you like.


Hoping this meets you in improving spiritual health I remain,

your servant

ganesa dasa

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