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By Danavir Goswami


nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine


namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine



namas te narasimhaya prahladahlada-dayine

hiranyakasipor vaksah-sila-tanka-nakhalaye


ito nrsimhah parato nrsimho yato yato yami tato nrsimhah

bahir nrsimho hrdaye nrsimho nrsimham adim saranam prapadye


Whatever meager humility and scanty sincerity of purpose I possess, let it

be offered to the assembly of Vaisnavas in an attempt to correctly express

the teachings of our beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I beg his forgiveness for entering such a

debate yet we pray to Govinda that we too will be saved in our hour of trial

as was Draupadi.


The views conveyed in this paper are my own-not an official policy statement

of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.


Considering the term "Gay Monogamy," we will first of all try to clarify the

imports of both words individually and then discuss them combined.


The word "gay" is primarily defined as: A) someone who practices

homosexuality; or B) someone having a sexual attraction to persons of the

same sex.


Concerning the second definition, one may, in other words, be attracted in

that way but may not indulge in homosexual activity of a physical nature.


This paper will use the first definition of "gay" namely, "a practicing

homosexual." Similarly in our reference to homosexuality in general we will

also use the same definition. In other words, a homosexual means a

practicing homosexual. The reason for this is that a person may have an

inclination for so many things but if one does not act on that inclination

they cannot be held responsible for the act. This is especially true in Kali

yuga where one is not held responsible for impious deeds done in the mind.


The word "monogamy" has two main imports:


1. The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during a

period of time.


2. A. The practice or condition of being married to only one person at

a time.

B. The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime.


In recent articles the word "monogamy" has been used variously causing

abundant confusion. However, since we are particularly responding to one

recent article ("Gay Monogamy"), we will try to maintain a consistent usage

for the term "monogamy" in keeping with the usage in that article. That

article stated:


"I am not convinced that marriage is the best means in all cases, but some

serious, formal, and public recognition and appreciation of gay monogamy is,

in my view, in the best interest of ISKCON and its members."


The statement uses the word "monogamy" ambivalently toward marriage between

homosexuals. Thus both definitions 2A and 2B above must be eliminated. That

leaves us with definition 1: "Monogamy" - "The practice or condition of

having a single sexual partner during a period of time."


"Gay Monogamy" then combining the two accepted definitions would portray:


"The practice or condition of having a single homosexual partner during a

period of time."


The paper adds the word "monogamy" to the word "gay" intending to

distinguish it from ordinary gay behavior which may be of a "promiscuous"

nature. "Promiscuous" is defined as: "casual and unrestrained in sexual

behavior-not restricted to an individual."


In other words, ordinary gay behavior indicates the possibility of

"homosexual activity with more than one partner," during a period of time

whereas "monogamous" homosexual behavior is limited to one partner during

some period of time.


In the article under discussion the terms "Gay Monogamy" are used in order

to clearly argue that homosexuality with a single partner is of a superior

quality comparatively to that of ordinary homosexual behavior. The redeeming

word "monogamy" is intended to elevate ordinary gay behavior up to a level

of respectability or acceptable morality. If that were not the case, why

would the term "monogamy" be needed at all? Thus the meaning of "Gay

Monogamy" carries contradictory nuances of homosexual morality, which, at

least to my mind, is as absurd as introducing the expression "Chaste





The aim of discussion within a Vaisnava forum is to present Krishna

conscious views-not simply to put forth what is normally accepted by

society. For example, slaughtering cows and eating them is normal, accepted

and completely legal practice in society at large. Members of the Krishna

consciousness movement recognize citizens' statutory rights to indulge in

such activity yet devotees of Lord Krishna do not accept this practice as

proper. Devotees argue that although society or the state allows such

behavior and declares it "legal" it is in fact not approved by the Supreme

state authority of God or Krishna. Vaisnavas consider cow killing demoniac

despite the "legal" tag sewn on it.

Similarly, ISKCON will recognize the statutory rights of individuals

to have common-law or legalized homosexual relationships (as authorized by

state law); however, it cannot condone such arrangements since they are

contrary to scripture.


What is the criterion for something to be considered Krishna conscious?


Sadhu-sastra-guru-all spiritual matters should be tested according to the

instructions of saintly persons, scriptures and the spiritual master.


The chief saintly person Narada Muni explained, "All the rules and

regulations apply equally to the householder and the sannyasi, the member of

the renounced order of life. The grhastha, however, is given permission by

the spiritual master to indulge in sex during the period favorable for



Marriage, as far as I understand from reading Srila Prabhupada's books, is

meant to be a sacred event (samskara) for helping the husband and wife

advance in spiritual progress and to provide a proper environment for

reproduction. It is called vivaha yajna. This is corroborated in "On the Way

to Krishna"; Chapter 3 as follows: "In religious and civilized societies,

marriage is intended as an indication that a couple is to engage in sex for

begetting good children. Therefore married sex life is considered religious,

and unmarried sex life is considered irreligious."




Among all scriptures, Srimad Bhagavatam is the chief. There we find: "Lord

Brahma, approaching the Lord, addressed Him thus: My Lord, please protect me

from these sinful demons, who were created by me under Your order. They are

infuriated by an appetite for sex and have come to attack me."


Purport: "It appears here that the homosexual appetite of males for each

other is created in this episode of the creation of the demons by Brahma. In

other words, the homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac

and is not for any sane male in the ordinary course of life." (SB 3.20.26

and Purport)


The proposal of "Gay Monogamy" ignores authorized Vedic literatures and

therefore is simply an unnecessary disturbance in society.


In the "Gay Monogamy" article the word "varnasrama" was used several times

although within the authorized varnasrama system there is no "Gay Monogamy"

mentioned or allowed.


"There are eight forms of marriage mentioned in the scripture Manu-smrti,

but only one process of marriage, brahma or rajasika marriage, is now

current. Other kinds of marriage-by love, by exchange of garlands or by

kidnapping the bride-are now forbidden in this Kali age." (SB 3.22.16



"Gay Monogamy" cannot be recognized as sex indulgence for bonafide

grhasthas, i.e. those who have undergone the sacred marriage vows, intending

to procreate according to religious principles. Sadhus only recommend sex

indulgence within proper marriage and then only for procreation.


Analyzing "gay monogamy" from sastra, both para (transcendental) and apara

(mundane) aspects, we find that homosexuality is condemned broadly-whether

it be performed with many partners or with one. Scripture does not support

gayness in any manner-whether it be ordinary or monogamous, wanton or

socially correct. Homosexuality is not a legitimate combination for

marriage. Sex outside of marriage is not allowed and none of the eight forms

of marriage include gay monogamy, therefore it does not lie within the

varnasrama system. Consequently gay monogamy does not qualify by either

level of the Vedas or other scriptures such as the Bible. One should not

manufacture a type of marriage that is based on illicit sex only. The

proposal for gay marriage is such a concoction.




A gay person wishing to advance in Krishna consciousness should engage in

favorable activities according to the scriptures and according to his/her

level of understanding. Assuming such a person is still attached to engaging

in illicit sex, then he should have hope that by chanting, hearing, serving,

praying, worshiping and remembering in relationship with Sri Krsna,

eventually he will become freed from that habit. Until then, he may live as

he chooses, either with a friend or alone, whatever is more conducive for

service to Krishna.

If by Krishna's and guru's grace, the candidate advances on the path

of bhakti, he will realize the futility of homosexuality and give it up

entirely. Coming to this wonderful understanding, the former-gay devotee may

continue to live with his/her friend as a Godbrother or Godsister without

physical contact or else he may totally change residential situations. If

one chooses to give up homosexuality but not sexuality altogether, he may

utilize the grhastha asrama as it is meant to be used-as a responsible

householder. And yes, there are sufficient successful examples of this

within our movement.

Without concluding that homosexuality must be abandoned ASAP, one is

bound by sinful activity blocking spiritual progress. If one wants something

cheap, there are many so-called "gurus" and "spiritual societies" that will

happily cheat the students by offering them the moon for money-but all that

glitters is not gold.

There is no need, nor sanction, for devotionally-inclined persons to invent

or have invented on their behalf, an artificial spousal complement program

for gays or monogamous gays. That will create utpatayaiva (disturbance) in

society. Indulging in illicit sex with one person as opposed to several is

not the saving grace; rather the actual saving grace is the extent to which

a person sincerely engages in devotional activities. They must be humble,

admitting to themselves their weakness and utilizing their full energy to

improve. Gay persons are welcome to visit and participate in ISKCON centers

and surely Krishna will help them if they are sincere.


In my thirty-four years of devotional service I have personally helped to

engage hundreds of gay persons directly in the process of Krishna

consciousness. In many cases, they have demonstrated exceptional success. I

continue to help them today.




Next is a series of excerpts spoken by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta

Swami Prabhupada followed by my comments.


"A person on religious category, he's advocating something, oh, it is not to

be uttered. Homosex. You see? He's advocating homosex. Just see." (Sunday

Feast Lecture -- Los Angeles, May 21, 1972)


COMMENT: ISKCON's founder-acarya, Srila Prabhupada has commented explicitly

on the practice of homosexuality, which assumably has not changed

significantly in the past twenty-seven years. It would behoove ISKCON

members to familiarize themselves with his opinion.


"The sense gratification, homosex, they are supporting. Just see. Just see.

At least, in animal society there is no homosex. They have created homosex,

and that is being passed by the priest, the religious heads. You know that?

Just see. If you say that they are animal civilization, that is a great

credit for them. It is less than animal civilization." Room Conversation --

August 25, 1971, London


COMMENT: One of the ten offenses, sometimes referred to as the greatest

offense to the chanting of the holy name is guru-avajna or disobeying the

spiritual master. To willfully disregard the guru's expressed opinion on a

particular subject is not less than disobeying the orders of the spiritual

master or considering him an ordinary man. His Divine Grace saw no place for

homosexuality within his movement nor did he encourage it in any way.

Homosexuality does not become valid or legitimate in Vedic terms simply by

adding the adjective "monogamous."


"Watchtower." It has criticized, one priest has allowed the marriage between

man to man, homosex. So these things are going on. They take it purely for

prostitution. That's all." (Srila Prabhupada Talks with Bob Cohen --

February 27-29, 1972; Mayapura)


COMMENT: The "Gay Monogamy" proposal appeals for, "some serious, formal, and

public recognition and appreciation of gay monogamy." One may argue that the

proposal does not actually advocate homosexuality but rather it only

advocates giving recognition to those homosexuals who are willing to marry

another homosexual or who are willing to limit their acts of homosexuality

with one partner. Since the "Gay Monogamy" proposal approves of gay marriage

and gay behavior it is highly censurable.


"Now the priestly order supporting homosex. I was surprised. They are going

to pass resolution for getting married between man to man. The human society

has come down to such a degraded position. It is astonishing. When I heard

from Kirtanananda Maharaja there is a big conference for passing this

resolution. In India still, if there somebody hears about homosex (makes

sound of breathing out). Homosex is there but nobody will support publicly.

(indistinct) People are going down and this is the subject matter for

priestly order? It may be subject matter for the legislator, priestly order,

they are discussing for one week. Just imagine. Phalena pariciyate, one has

to study by the result. Not that superficially you show that "We are very

much advanced." Phalena, what is the result? Phalena pariciyate, your, that

is in English word also, end justifies the means. The end is this

(indistinct) "We are going to support homosex." Getting married. There are

many cases the priestly order has actually got married. I read it in that

paper, Watch, what is called?

Devotees: Watchtower.

Prabhupada: Watchtower. They have complained(?). So we have nothing to

(indistinct) them. The world is degrading to the lowest status, even less

than animal. The animal also do not support homosex. They have never sex

life between male to male. They are less than animal. People are becoming

less than animal. This is all due to godlessness. Harav abhaktasya kuto

mahad-guna, godless civilization cannot have any good qualities. Harav

abhaktasya kuto mahad-guna mano rathena asato dhavato. They simply go to the

untruth by mental speculation. (Conversation with the GBC -- Los Angeles,

May 25, 1972)


COMMENT: An essential point is made here. Homosexuality will go on despite

ISKCON's stance, however Srila Prabhupada praises India as being cultured in

that "nobody will support publicly." The "Gay Monogamy" proposal not only

advocates appreciation for homosexuals who live together but it also

recommends gay marriage. The proposal reads: "I am not convinced that

marriage [between gays] is the best means in all cases." In other words the

proposal considers marriage between gays as the preferred scheme although it

suggests common law homosexuality as secondary.


Jayatirtha: Ordained priests, they have left and gone off to marry or

whatever. Especially they are concerned that they can't marry. Catholic

priests are not allowed to marry.

Prabhupada: Marrying? They are marrying man to man ,what to speak of

marrying. Sodomy.

Jayatirtha: So that's the alternative. Either they're leaving or they're

marrying man to man.

Prabhupada: Homosex. They are supporting homosex. So degraded, and still

they say, "What we have done?" They do not know what is degradation, and

they are priest. They are teaching others. They do not know what is the

meaning of degradation Morning Walk Conversation -- Los Angeles, September

28, 1972,


COMMENT: When sannyasis and devotees begin discussing the sanctioning of

this degraded activity it pollutes the entire society-both within ISKCON and

society at large. It is the duty of ISKCON and especially the sannyasis to

explain why homosexual activity is degraded and how it must be overcome.


"The dog and cat they are having sex on the open street, and now they are

talking of homosex in the school, colleges for education. This is their

position. They do not know even what is the standard of human civilization."

(Morning Walk -- May 11, 1975, Perth)


COMMENT: Through social acceptance of perverted homosexual activities,

society itself is making it so that more and more people are becoming

homosexuals. One astute observer has pointed out that most active

homosexuals were at one point latent homosexuals who became influenced by

environment and the social situation promoting homosexuality. The media is

especially guilty of encouraging people who were not homosexuals before to

become active homosexuals by propagating the idea that homosexuality is a

normal and acceptable occurrence. The "Gay Monogamy" proposal provides

unwanted stimulus for people to become or stay homosexuals.


"Yes. This is their philosophy. And as they pass laws in the Parliament,

similarly, these churches approve: "Yes, homosex is all right." Then it is

all right. This cheating system is going on. Similar cheating system is the

Hindus also. You'll find in Calcutta, in College Street, so many butcher

house. And they have kept one goddess Kali that "We are eating Mother Kali's

prasada." That's it. This is going on. (Morning Walk -- April 2, 1975,



COMMENT: The "Gay Monogamy" proposal is guilty of proposing this exact

scenario-in essence it says, "practicing homosexuality is acceptable because

the couple is monogamous." In the same way that foolish customers feel

better about eating Kali Prasada rather than ordinary flesh, foolish persons

think are they are in a better position because they have been approved by a

"Gay Monogamy" proposal.


"Our difficulty: the so-called swamis, priests, popes, they are also in the

pravrtti-marga. All these, priests, and they have illicit sex.

Pravrtti-marga. So they are passing, "Yes, you can have homosex with man."

They are getting man-to-man marriage. You know? They are performing the

marriage ceremony between man to man in the open church. What class of men

they are? And they are priest. Just see. Such degraded persons." (Morning

Walk -- May 13, 1975, Perth)


COMMENT: Priests passing resolutions in favor of homosexual behavior are

spiritually exhausted. They should get spiritually reoriented and

rejuvenated or retire.


"They are discussing in the university homosex. They are advanced.

Advancement of education. Just see. They are not even fourth-class men; they

are animals, producing so many animals, that's all, dogs and hogs. [break]

....in the beginning samah. Samah, damah-first two business. Control the

sense and keep the mind undisturbed. That is the beginning. Now they are so

much sexually disturbed, they're discussing about the profit of homosex.

Where is first-class men?

Amogha: They say that homosex keeps the balance of things because...

Prabhupada: Yes, fourth-class man can say anything wrong, bad, but we are

not going to hear of it. A fourth-class man's philosophy, we will have to

waste our time to hear them-that's not good. They are not even fourth class;

they are animal class. Fourth class has got some position, but they are

naradhama, the lowest of the mankind. So what is their philosophy, and who

is going to spoil his time to hear about their philosophy? (Morning Walk --

May 14, 1975, Perth)


COMMENT: This is the unfortunate reality about associating with and taking

education from mundane universities. One becomes contaminated by the

professors' and students' low level of consciousness because in universities

it is considered appropriate to discuss the merits of showing respect for



"That means they are gliding down towards hell, that's all. Yositam

sangi-sangam. Now they are coming to the platform of homosex. This is their

advancement, spiritual advancement. Yositam sangi-sangam." (Morning Walk --

May 21, 1975, Melbourne)


COMMENT: If one disagrees that homosexuals are in illusion then debates or

discussions with hopes of grasping Krishna consciousness are questionable.

The "Gay Monogamy" proposal seeks to provide a dignified place for

homosexuality within the sphere of ISKCON, otherwise why should such an

article be written and posted on the internet's most ISKCON-oriented site.


"Prabhupada: Priest should be ideal character. And they are advocating

homosex. So where is the ideal character men? If the priestly class they are

going to hospital for drinking habit, and they are allowing man-to-man

marriage and homosex, then where is ideal character?: But homosexual is a sickness.

Devotee: He said it's an illness.: It's an illness. It's just like a person can't see, you would

punish him for not seeing. You can't punish a person for being homosexual.

That our society says.

Prabhupada: Well, anyway, the priestly class, sanctioning homosex.: Pardon?

Prabhupada: Sanctioning. They are allowing homosex. And there was report

that man and man was married by the priest. In New York there is a paper,

Watchtower. That is a Christian paper. I have seen in that paper. They are

condemning it, that priest is allowing man-to-man marriage. And they are

passing resolution, homosex is passed, "All right." And in Perth you said

that the students are discussing about homosex, in favor of homosex. So

where is the ideal character? If you want something tangible business, train

some people to become ideal character. That is this Krsna consciousness

movement." (Room Conversation with Director of Research of the Dept. of

Social Welfare -- May 21, 1975, Melbourne)


COMMENT: The Krishna consciousness movement cannot condone or appreciate

homosexuality in any way, shape or form. It must be condemned. Hate the sin

not the sinner. Devotees do not hate homosexuals because they are in

illusion and are in need of deliverance by mercy. However there must be

genuine hate for the sin. The problem with the "Gay Monogamy" proposal is

there is insufficient hatred for the sin of homosexuality.


"Brahmananda: They are trying to make that more and more accepted in

America, homosex.

Prabhupada: Yes. The churches accept. It is already law.

Nitai: This women's liberation movement, the leaders are also homosexual.

They're lesbians.

Prabhupada: (laughs) Just see. Hare Krsna. The whole world is on the verge

of ruination. Kali-yuga." (Morning Walk -- September 6, 1975, Vrndavana)


COMMENT: When spiritual leaders think that liberality with the sin of

homosexuality is compassion they become like an old lady who blows on a boil

to cure it. Simply imagination. We do not need inventions like "Gay

Monogamy" to solve problems, rather we need firm adherence to the principles

of bhakti yoga as given in the Vedic literatures and as taught by Srila

Prabhupada. Lord Caitanya's mission is described as

vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yoga or the process of renunciation and

transcendental knowledge.


"Just see. Rascal priests also so sinful. Yes, they're supporting homosex.

So when the priests are sinful, the public is sinful, how the church will go

on? (Morning Walk -- June 6, 1976, Los Angeles)


COMMENT: Srila Prabhupada strongly criticizes priests of commonplace

churches for assenting to same sex marriage, how much more would he denounce

ISKCON priests for similar approbation. ISKCON will not be able to go on if

such outrageous proposals as "Gay Monogamy" are upheld. It is a mistake to

think that in order to spread Lord Caitanya's movement ISKCON must make

allowances for all sorts of nonsense within the organization. The "house

that can accommodate the whole world" is not a house where homosexuality is

welcomed -it should be left outside the door.


"Nowadays, of course, they are thinking like that, that man should remain

independent, and they'll have homosex, and the woman also independent and

they will make some... This is most immoral things." (Morning Walk --

December 10, 1975, Vrndavana)


COMMENT: The "Gay Monogamy" proposal is trying to give a cloak of decency to

the "most immoral things."


"Tamala Krsna: Now they have churches for homosex. That means the priest is

a homosexual, and the persons who come are homosexuals. A special church for


Prabhupada: Just see. Is that religion?" (Room Conversation -- January 8,

1976, Nellore)


COMMENT: Religion means dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam, to follow the

principles established by the Supreme Lord. The "Gay Monogamy" proposal, in

a feeble attempt to help homosexuals, actually encourages apathy towards

Krishna's instructions.


"The persons from the ecclesiastical order, they are also so polluted, they

are sanctioning homosex, abortion. What can be done for the common man?"

(Morning Walk -- April 8, 1976, Mayapur)


COMMENT: The "Gay Monogamy" proposal also attempts to get an eventual

sanction for homosexuality within ISKCON. If ISKCON's ecclesiastical leaders

become weak as in most other religious institutions, then there will be no

hope for the common man. It is the duty of ISKCON to firmly condemn

homosexual behavior in all aspects.


(After hearing how parents allow their sons to go to homosexual parties

Srila Prabhupada commented:) "It is horrible to hear even." (Room

Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri)


COMMENT: Srila Prabhupada was so opposed to homosexuality and considered it

so sinful that he felt it should not even be heard. In my opinion, to pursue

the "Gay Monogamy" proposal is to commit the grave offense of guru-avajna.


"Homosex, what is that religion? And they're passing to homosex, religion.

They're getting married man to man. Most degraded." (Morning Room

Conversation -- February 16, 1977, Mayapura)


COMMENT: The concept that "once a homosexual, always a homosexual" is pure

nonsense. One has to get a higher taste by Krishna consciousness and then

give up the degraded position. Appreciating monogamous homosexuality is so

nonsensical that it is offensive to the Krishna consciousness movement. Even

if we are taken to court we should preach about the degradation.


"They [priests] are having homosex. They are encouraging homosex, giving

man-to-man marriage. You know that? This is going on. Doing everything

nonsense." (Conversation: -- April 28, 1977, Bombay)


COMMENT: What is the use of having a big worldwide organization that tacitly

approves of homosexual behavior? Maya wants devotees to think that to be

progressive and broadminded we must widen our vista of acceptance. The "Gay

Monogamy" proposal advocates more open-mindedness yet Srila Prabhupada did

not appreciate such thoughts. Certainly persons of homosexual orientation

are welcome in ISKCON and the sankirtana movement, but like all other sinful

activities such as meat eating, intoxication and gambling, the vice of

illicit sex should be discarded at a pace they feel comfortable with.


"I am very sorry that you have taken to homosex. It will not help you

advance in your attempt for spiritual life. In fact, it will only hamper

your advancement. I do not know why you have taken to such abominable

activities. What can I say? Anyway, try to render whatever service you can

to Krishna. Even though you are in a very degraded condition Krishna, being

pleased with your service attitude, can pick you up from your fallen state.

You should stop this homosex immediately. It is illicit sex, otherwise, your

chances of advancing in spiritual life are nil. Show Krishna you are

serious, if you are." (Letter to: Lalitananda -- Hawaii 26 May, 1975)


COMMENT: This letter is very instructive. There are two fallacies which

exist regarding homosexuality. 1) that one is born homosexual and 2) no one

can change once they become homosexual.

Srila Prabhupada explained earlier that homosexuality "is not for any sane

male in the ordinary course of life." That means it can be changed because

His Divine Grace specifically recommends a change in this letter.

The compassionate spiritual master advises the candidate for spiritual life

to immediately give up homosexual behavior. If the student tries to change,

he will get strength and mercy from the spiritual master and from Krishna.


"Amogha: In one high school here they asked the question whether we accept

homosexuality. And I said, "Of course not. This is only a perversion." And

they said, "This is nature's way to stop overpopulation," because there

won't be any children. So much foolish.

Prabhupada: How degraded the human society is becoming. And the children,

they are discussing." (Morning Walk -- May 9, 1975, Perth)


COMMENT: Kali yuga has put forward the "Gay Monogamy" proposal within the

society of Vaisnavas. Such things should not be contemplated, nor

verbalized-what to speak of advocated on public forum. It is maya's trick to

make people believe that such discussions or arrangements will be helpful

for becoming Krsna conscious.


"Now they are marrying man to man and accepting homosex, so what is the

value now of this priestly class?" (Morning Walk -- May 13, 1975, Perth)


COMMENT: What about the brahmanas within ISKCON? Will they also succumb to

passing resolutions allowing the marrying of man to man and woman to woman?

This is the time to get more serious about never agreeing to approval of

"Gay Monogamy," lest we disobey the instructions of Srila Prabhupada-

guru-avajna. It is a serious wake up call. Every member of the priestly

class must object.


"Just like yesterday you told me the students are talking about homosex.

That means tamo-guna, that the education-students, they are discussing about

homosex. That means tamo-guna, lusty desires, very prominent, and how to

fulfill, by homosex or sex with woman. This is their subject matter, kama.

So everyone in this material world infected with this tamo-guna, all lusty

desires, in various ways, varieties." (Morning Walk -- May 11, 1975, Perth)


COMMENT: There is nothing religious about homosexuality. It is 100%

irreligious-monogamous or otherwise. It would be beneficial if the topic of

Gay Monogamy, Gay Marriage or Gay Rights be permanently put to rest and

never be uttered in any Vaisnava forum within ISKCON in the future.


"Oh, it is not to be uttered. Homosex." - (Srila Prabhupada)

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