Guest guest Posted February 17, 2005 Report Share Posted February 17, 2005 Hare Krishna, PAMHO, AGTSP Kindly glorify the pastimes of Çréla Madhväcärya on his disappearance day. PS use font type 'Balarama' or 'ScaGoudy' or 'Palak' to read the text below. Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada Nanda Gopal Dasa Madhya TEXT 11 vaiñëavera madhye räma-upäsaka saba keha 'tattvavädé', keha haya 'çré-vaiñëava' TRANSLATION At the time, all the South Indian Vaiñëavas were worshipers of Lord Rämacandra. Some were Tattvavädés, and some were followers of Rämänujäcärya. PURPORT Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura points out that the word "Tattvavädé" refers to the followers of Çréla Madhväcärya. To distinguish his disciplic succession from the Mäyävädé followers of Çaìkaräcärya, Çréla Madhväcärya named his party the Tattvavädés. Impersonal monists are always attacked by these Tattvavädés, who attempt to defeat their philosophy of impersonalism. Generally, they establish the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Actually the disciplic succession of Madhväcärya is known as the Brahmä Vaiñëava sect; that is the sect coming down from Lord Brahmä. Consequently the Tattvavädés, or followers of Madhväcärya, do not accept the incident of Lord Brahmä's illusion, which is recorded in the Tenth Canto of Çrémad-Bhägavatam. Çréla Madhväcärya has purposefully avoided commenting on that portion of Çrémad-Bhägavatam in which brahma-mohana, the illusion of Lord Brahmä, is mentioned. Çréla Mädhavendra Puré was one of the äcäryas in the Tattvaväda disciplic succession, and he established the ultimate goal of transcendentalism to be attainment of pure devotional service, love of Godhead. Those Vaiñëavas belonging to the Gauòéya-sampradäya, the disciplic succession following Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu, are distinct from the Tattvavädés, although they belong to the same Tattvaväda-sampradäya. The followers of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu are therefore known as the Madhva-Gauòéya-sampradäya. The word päñaëòé refers to those who are opposed to pure devotional service. In particular, these are the Mäyävädés, the impersonalists. A definition of päñaëòé is given in the Hari-bhakti-viläsa (1.73), wherein it is stated: yas tu näräyaëaà devaà brahma-rudrädi-daivataiù samatvenaiva vékñeta sa päñaëòé bhaved dhruvam [Cc. Madhya 18.116] A päñaëòé is one who thinks that the Supreme Lord Näräyaëa, the Personality of Godhead, is on the same level with the demigods, headed by Lord Brahmä and Lord Çiva. A devotee never considers Lord Näräyaëa to be on the same platform with Lord Brahmä and Lord Çiva. The Madhväcärya-sampradäya and Rämänuja-sampradäya are mainly worshipers of Lord Rämacandra, although the Çré Vaiñëavas are supposed to be worshipers of Lord Näräyaëa and Lakñmé and the Tattvavädés are supposed to be worshipers of Lord Kåñëa. At present, in most of the monasteries belonging to the Madhva-sampradäya, Lord Rämacandra is worshiped. In the book known as Adhyätma-rämäyaëa, there are statements in Chapters Twelve to Fifteen about worshiping the Deities of Çré Rämacandra and Sétä. There it is stated that during Lord Rämacandra's time there was a brähmaëa who took a vow to fast until he saw Lord Rämacandra. Sometimes, due to business, Lord Rämacandra was absent from His capital for a full week and could not be seen by the citizens during that time. Because of his vow, the brähmaëa could not take even a drop of water during that week. Later, after eight or nine days, when the brähmaëa could see Lord Rämacandra personally, he would break his fast. Upon observing the brähmaëa's rigid vow, Lord Çré Rämacandra ordered His younger brother Lakñmaëa to deliver a pair of Sétä-Räma Deities to the brähmaëa. The brähmaëa received the Deities from Çré Lakñmaëajé and worshiped Them faithfully as long as he lived. At the time of his death, he delivered the Deities to Çré Hanumänjé, who, for many years, hung Them around his neck and served Them with all devotion. After many years, when Hanumänjé departed on the hill known as Gandha-mädana, he delivered the Deities to Bhémasena, one of the Päëòavas, and Bhémasena brought Them to his palace, where he kept Them very carefully. The last king of the Päëòavas, Kñemakänta, worshiped the Deities in that palace. Later, the same Deities were kept in the custody of the kings of Orissa known as Gajapatis. One of the äcäryas, known as Narahari Tértha, who was in the disciplic succession of Madhväcärya, received these Deities from the King of Orissa. It may be noted that these particular Deities of Räma and Sétä have been worshiped from the time of King Ikñväku. Indeed, they were worshiped by the royal princes even before the appearance of Lord Rämacandra. Later, during Lord Rämacandra's presence, the Deities were worshiped by Lakñmaëa. It is said that just three months before his disappearance, Çré Madhväcärya received these Deities and installed them in the Uòupé temple. Since then the Deities have been worshiped by the Madhväcärya-sampradäya at that monastery. As far as the Çré Vaiñëavas are concerned, beginning with Rämänujäcärya, they also worshiped Deities of Sétä-Räma. Sétä-Räma Deities are also being worshiped in Tirupati and other places. From the Çré Rämänuja-sampradäya there is another branch known as Rämänandé or Rämät, and the followers of that branch also worship Deities of Sétä-Räma very rigidly. The Rämänuja-sampradäya Vaiñëavas prefer the worship of Lord Rämacandra to that of Rädhä-Kåñëa. TEXT 245 TEXT madhväcärya-sthäne äilä yäìhä 'tattvavädé' uòupéte 'kåñëa' dekhi, tähäì haila premonmädé TRANSLATION Caitanya Mahäprabhu next arrived at Uòupé, the place of Madhväcärya, where the philosophers known as Tattvavädés resided. There He saw the Deity of Lord Kåñëa and became mad with ecstasy. PURPORT Çrépäda Madhväcärya took his birth near Uòupé, which is situated in the South Kanara district of South India, just west of Sahyädri. This is the chief city of the South Kanara province and is near the city of Mangalore, which is situated to the south of Uòupé. Near the city of Uòupé is a place called Päjakä-kñetra, where Madhväcärya took his birth in a Çivällé-brähmaëa dynasty as the son of Madhyageha Bhaööa, in the year 1040 Çakäbda (A.D. 1118). According to some, he was born in the year 1160 Çakäbda (A.D. 1238). In his childhood Madhväcärya was known as Väsudeva, and there are some wonderful stories surrounding him. It is said that once when his father had piled up many debts, Madhväcärya converted tamarind seeds into actual coins to pay them off. When he was five years old, he was offered the sacred thread. A demon named Maëimän lived near his abode in the form of a snake, and at the age of five Madhväcärya killed that snake with the toe of his left foot. When his mother was very much disturbed, he would appear before her in one jump. He was a great scholar even in childhood, and although his father did not agree, he accepted sannyäsa at the age of twelve. Upon receiving sannyäsa from Acyuta Prekña, he received the name Pürëaprajïa Tértha. After traveling all over India, he finally discussed scriptures with Vidyäçaìkara, the exalted leader of Çåìgeri-maöha. Vidyäçaìkara was actually diminished in the presence of Madhväcärya. Accompanied by Satya Tértha, Madhväcärya went to Badarikäçrama. It was there that he met Vyäsadeva and explained his commentary on the Bhagavad-gétä before him. Thus he became a great scholar by studying before Vyäsadeva. By the time he came to the Änanda-maöha from Badarikäçrama, Madhväcärya had finished his commentary on the Bhagavad-gétä. His companion Satya Tértha wrote down the entire commentary. When Madhväcärya returned from Badarikäçrama, he went to Gaïjäma, which is on the bank of the river Godävaré. There he met with two learned scholars named Çobhana Bhaööa and Svämé Çästré. Later these scholars became known in the disciplic succession of Madhväcärya as Padmanäbha Tértha and Narahari Tértha. When he returned to Uòupé, he would sometimes bathe in the ocean. On such an occasion he composed a prayer in five chapters. Once, while sitting beside the sea engrossed in meditation upon Lord Çré Kåñëa, he saw that a large boat containing goods for Dvärakä was in danger. He gave some signs by which the boat could approach the shore, and it was saved. The owners of the boat wanted to give him a present, and at the time Madhväcärya agreed to take some gopé-candana. He received a big lump of gopé-candana, and as it was being brought to him, it broke apart and revealed a large Deity of Lord Kåñëa. The Deity had a stick in one hand and a lump of food in the other. As soon as Madhväcärya received the Deity of Kåñëa in this way, he composed a prayer. The Deity was so heavy that not even thirty people could lift it. Yet Madhväcärya personally brought this Deity to Uòupé. Eight of Madhväcärya's sannyäsa disciples became directors of his eight monasteries. Worship of the Lord Kåñëa Deity is still going on at Uòupé according to the plans Madhväcärya established. Madhväcärya then for the second time visited Badarikäçrama. While he was passing through Maharashtra, the local king was digging a big lake for the public benefit. As Madhväcärya passed through that area with his disciples, he was also obliged to help in the excavation. After some time, when Madhväcärya visited the king, he engaged the king in that work and departed with his disciples. Often in the province of Gäìga-pradeça there were fights between Hindus and Muslims. The Hindus were on one bank of the river, and the Muslims on the other. Due to the community tension, no boat was available for crossing the river. The Muslim soldiers were always stopping passengers on the other side, but Madhväcärya did not care for these soldiers. He crossed the river anyway, and when he met the soldiers on the other side, he was brought before the king. The Muslim king was so pleased with him that he wanted to give him a kingdom and some money, but Madhväcärya refused. While walking on the road, he was attacked by some dacoits, but by his bodily strength he killed them all. When his companion Satya Tértha was attacked by a tiger, Madhväcärya separated them by virtue of his great strength. When he met Vyäsadeva, he received from him the çälagräma-çilä known as Añöamürti. After this, he summarized the Mahäbhärata. Madhväcärya's devotion to the Lord and his erudite scholarship became known throughout India. Consequently the owners of the Çåìgeri-maöha, established by Çaìkaräcärya, became a little perturbed. At that time the followers of Çaìkaräcärya were afraid of Madhväcärya's rising power, and they began to tease Madhväcärya's disciples in many ways. There was even an attempt to prove that the disciplic succession of Madhväcärya was not in line with Vedic principles. A person named Puëòaréka Puré, a follower of the Mäyäväda philosophy of Çaìkaräcärya, came before Madhväcärya to discuss the çästras. It is said that all of Madhväcärya's books were taken away, but later they were found with the help of King Jayasiàha, ruler of Kumla. In discussion, Puëòaréka Puré was defeated by Madhväcärya. A great personality named Trivikramäcärya, who was a resident of Viñëumaìgala, became Madhväcärya's disciple, and his son later became Näräyaëäcärya, the composer of Çré Madhva-vijaya. After the death of Trivikramäcärya, the younger brother of Näräyaëäcärya took sannyäsa and later became known as Viñëu Tértha. It was reputed that there was no limit to the bodily strength of Pürëaprajïa, Madhväcärya. There was a person named Kaòaïjari who was famed for possessing the strength of thirty men. Madhväcärya placed the big toe of his foot upon the ground and asked the man to separate it from the ground, but the great strong man could not do so even after great effort. Çréla Madhväcärya passed from this material world at the age of eighty while writing a commentary on the Aitareya Upaniñad. For further information about Madhväcärya, one should read Madhva-vijaya, by Näräyaëäcärya. The äcäryas of the Madhva-sampradäya established Uòupé as the chief center, and the monastery there was known as Uttararäòhé-maöha. A list of the different centers of the Madhväcärya-sampradäya can be found at Uòupé, and their maöha commanders are (1) Viñëu Tértha (Çoda-maöha), (2) Janärdana Tértha (Kåñëapura-maöha), (3) Vämana Tértha (Kanura-maöha), (4) Narasiàha Tértha (Adamara-maöha), (5) Upendra Tértha (Puttugé-maöha), (6) Räma Tértha (Çirura-maöha), (7) Håñékeça Tértha (Palimara-maöha), and (8) Akñobhya Tértha (Pejävara-maöha). The disciplic succession of the Madhväcärya-sampradäya is as follows (the dates are those of birth in the Çakäbda Era; for Christian era dates, add seventy-eight years.): (1) Haàsa Paramätmä; (2) Caturmukha Brahmä; (3) Sanakädi; (4) Durväsä; (5) Jïänanidhi; (6) Garuòa-vähana; (7) Kaivalya Tértha; (8) Jïäneça Tértha; (9) Para Tértha; (10) Satyaprajïa Tértha; (11) Präjïa Tértha; (12) Acyuta Prekñäcärya Tértha; (13) Çré Madhväcärya, 1040 Çaka; (14) Padmanäbha, 1120; Narahari, 1127; Mädhava, 1136; and Akñobhya 1159; (15) Jaya Tértha, 1167; (16) Vidyädhiräja, 1190; (17) Kavéndra, 1255; (18) Vägéça, 1261; (19) Rämacandra, 1269; (20) Vidyänidhi, 1298; (21) Çré Raghunätha, 1366; (22) Rayuvarya (who spoke with Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu), 1424; (23) Raghüttama, 1471; (24) Vedavyäsa, 1517; (25) Vidyädhéça, 1541; (26) Vedanidhi, 1553; (27) Satyavrata, 1557; (28) Satyanidhi, 1560; (29) Satyanätha, 1582; (30) Satyäbhinava, 1595; (31) Satyapürëa, 1628; (32) Satyavijaya, 1648; (33) Satyapriya, 1659; (34) Satyabodha, 1666; (35) Satyasandha, 1705; (36) Satyavara, 1716; (37) Satyadharma, 1719; (38) Satyasaìkalpa, 1752; (39) Satyasantuñöa, 1763; (40) Satyaparäyaëa, 1763; (41) Satyakäma, 1785; (42) Satyeñöa, 1793; (43) Satyaparäkrama, 1794; (44) Satyadhéra, 1801; (45) Satyadhéra Tértha, 1808. After the sixteenth äcärya (Vidyädhiräja Tértha), there was another disciplic succession, including Räjendra Tértha, 1254; Vijayadhvaja; Puruñottama; Subrahmaëya; and Vyäsa Räya, 1470-1520. The nineteenth äcärya, Rämacandra Tértha, had another disciplic succession, including Vibudhendra, 1218; Jitämitra, 1348; Raghunandana; Surendra; Vijendra; Sudhéndra; and Räghavendra Tértha, 1545. To date, in the Uòupé monastery there are another fourteen Madhva-tértha sannyäsés. As stated, Uòupé is situated beside the sea in South Kanara, about thirty-six miles north of Mangalore. Most of the information in this purport is available from the South Känäòä Manual and the Bombay Gazette. Madhya 9.246 TEXT 246 TEXT nartaka gopäla dekhe parama-mohane madhväcärye svapna diyä äilä täìra sthäne TRANSLATION While at the Uòupé monastery, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu saw "dancing Gopäla," a most beautiful Deity. This Deity appeared to Madhväcärya in a dream. Madhya 9.247 TEXT 247 TEXT gopé-candana-tale ächila òiìgäte madhväcärya sei kåñëa päilä kona-mate TRANSLATION Madhväcärya had somehow or other acquired the Deity of Kåñëa from a heap of gopé-candana that had been transported in a boat. Madhya 9.248 TEXT 248 TEXT madhväcärya äni' täìre karilä sthäpana adyävadhi sevä kare tattvavädi-gaëa TRANSLATION Madhväcärya brought this dancing Gopäla Deity to Uòupé and installed Him in the temple. To date, the followers of Madhväcärya, known as Tattvavädés, worship this Deity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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