Guest guest Posted March 6, 2005 Report Share Posted March 6, 2005 > Dears Readers. > > Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. > > We had a discussion regarding Prabhupada and his reaction when devotees > would chant 'Hari Bol', 'Nitai Gaura Hari Bol'. Could anyoune share any > info? > > I hope this meets you in good health, your servant, > > Rasananda Swami > > PS: Thank you Hari Sauri Prabhu being always ready to answer my mail. Here you go Maharaja, sorry for the delay, I am a bit wrapped up in the GBC meetings right now (excuse the diacritics, I didn't have time to convert them): August 30th 1976, New Delhi As Çréla Prabhupäda sat on the small stage, Lokanätha Mahäräja led his men in an exuberant kértana. After singing the standard prayers and the mahä mantra, he began chanting Agaura nityänanda bol, haribol, haribol; gaura çréadvaita bol, haribol, haribol; gaura çré gadädhara bol, haribol haribol .... with a lot of emphasis on the response of haribol, haribol. Çréla Prabhupäda suddenly signaled him from the stage to stop it; he apparently didn't like it, although he didn't say why. September 6, Vrindavana Haribol, haribol and Panca-tattva mantra After the temple darçana in the evening there is always a big kértana during ärati, especially with Lokanätha Mahäräja and his men here, as they are extremely enthusiastic chanters. However, they have developed a style of kértana that is a little different from the ISKCON norm. When the kértana reaches its climax, they gather around in a group and start singing Anitäi gaura haribol, haribol, haribol, haribol. They get completely carried away with chanting haribol. Sometimes they go on for five or ten minutes singing back and forth, 'haribol, haribol! haribol, haribol! Sometimes it even goes on longer than the chanting of the mahä mantra. Some devotees are not happy about it, although no one can fault their enthusiasm. Harikeça Swami objects to it quite strongly, and this evening he went into the garden to ask Çréla Prabhupäda's opinion. Since we have never heard Çréla Prabhupada sing this mantra, Harikeça had doubts it was actually a bona fide practice. Prabhupäda had stopped Lokanätha's kértana at the pandala in Delhi, but at that time he gave no reason why. Now this evening, Prabhupäda, although not too upset by it, made it clear that such chanting was not approved by him. He told us that we should mainly chant the Hare Kåñëa maha mantra. He said 'nitäi gaura haribol' is all right, because they are bona fide names of the Lord, but the real point is that we should strictly follow only what the äcäryas have given. This is the process. He said that the äcäryas only chant all five names of the Païca tattva, not just two. So although there is no offence in chanting the names of Gaura-Nitäi, if we deviate and chant our own made up mantras then this is guror avajnä, or disobeying the orders of the spiritual master, and the line of äcäryas. To make advancement in spiritual life one must always follow the line of äcäryas. He referred to the äçrama at the back of our temple where they sing every morning, Anitäi gaura rädhe çyäma japa hare kåñëa hare räma. He said that it is offensive because it is a deviation from the line of äcäryas. Other devotees were also present in the garden as we talked. Caraëäravindam has discovered that his service as Prabhupäda's gardener gives him free access and the ability to be present there whenever Prabhupäda is. Prabhupäda doesn't mind at all. Another devotee was Svayambhür däsa, an Australian. And we were joined by Vipramukhya däsa, one of the püjärés, who came seeking Prabhupäda's blessings because he is setting out tomorrow to open a center in Turkey. So there was a small group this evening, sitting at Çréla Prabhupäda's lotus feet, in a congenial atmosphere cooled and soothed by the sound of water gently flowing from the lotus fountain, and the nectarean words gently flowing from Çréla Prabhupäda's lotus lips. Svayambhür wanted more clarification on what Çréla Prabhupäda had said about the chanting of Nitäi Gaura being a deviation. In his mind there was some contradiction, and he put it to Prabhupäda to resolve. "Prabhupäda, you wrote in the Caitanya caritämåta that the Caitanya mahä mantra, çré kåñëa caitanya prabhu nityänanda. ... there is no offence to that. And so therefore in the Kali yuga it is actually more beneficial ..." Prabhupäda repeated his comments made to Harikeça Mahäräja. "Offence is that what is spoken by the äcäryas, if you do not follow, that is offence. Guror-avajïä. To chant Gaura Nitäi is no offence. But if our previous gurus have chanted çré kåñëa caitanya prabhu nityänanda çré advaitaCwhy should we go beyond that? That is guror-avajïä. Even there is no aparädha, because guru, Kaviräja Gosvämé, has sung like that and my guru has sung, we should follow that. We should not make any deviation. That is guror-avajïä, çruti çästra nindanam; nämno baläd yasya hi päpa buddhiù. So it comes to be one of the items of the daça vidha aparädha [ten offences in chanting]. Guror-avajïä. "Is it more beneficial for people to hear the Païca tattva mantra than the Hare Kåñëa mahä mantra?" Svayambhür asked. "Oh yes," Prabhupäda told us. "You are going to Hare Kåñëa through Nitäi Gaura. Nitäiyer karuëä habe braje rädhä kåñëa päbe. But he added, The principle is don't try to manufacture. Because you are not experienced, so what nonsense you will manufacture, that will be offensive. Better go on, the simple thing." Svayambhür said that he knew someone who chants the Païca tattva mantra on his beads. Prabhupäda raised his eyebrows. "Who?" AThat boy Richard in Rädhä kuëòa." He was referring to a tall thin New Yorker, liked by Çréla Prabhupäda and many devotees for his humble attitude, who has been living in Rädhä kuëòa for quite a long time. Prabhupäda shook his head in disapproval and sympathy. "Rascal. That is his bad association. Therefore I say don't follow these so called Rädhä kunda bäbäjés. Nara kunda bäbäjé. And they smoke bidi. I have seen. Richard is still there?" May 2, 1976 B Fiji Nitai Gaura will have some effect Prabhupäda's feelings about the Mäyävädés are well known, but there are variations of Vaiñëavism that are not so clearly understood. Desiring to get some clarification on gurus who may not be so far removed from our lineage Gurkåpa Mahäräja cited the statement in çästra that if someone can induce others to chant Hare Kåñëa they must be empowered, and therefore qualified. He then asked about one Caraëa däsa Babajé in Bengal, who in the early part of this century had induced people to chant a mantra which included the holy name. He built up a large following, but the mantra was his own invention and not strictly within the paramparä. Prabhupäda acknowledged that the man had some credit, but he said that overall he was not successful because of his deviation. "He introduced a new system of chanting: nitäi gaura rädhe çyäma. So the Nitäi Gaura chanting will have some effect in Kali yuga. Although he was presenting pervertedly, the beginning was Nitäi Gaura, so it would have some effect. He did not know actually Nitäi Gaura from his words it appears. He used to preach that Nitäi is Rädhäräëé and Gaura is Kåñëa. That is siddhänta viruddha. But some way or other, he was chanting Nitäi Gaura, so some effects were there. Just like sandalwood: you do not know which way better pulp comes out, but if you rub anyway, some pulp will come because it is sandalwood. So he had some effect of chanting Nitäi Gaura, but later on they deteriorated because they did not know actually; neither they were taught. Siddhänta virodha means it will deteriorate; it will not endure." Gurukåpa Mahäräja then brought the conversation closer to home. He wanted to know about Çréla Prabhupäda's Godbrothers, because they have disciples, they are properly initiated, and they give the Hare Kåñëa mantra. Prabhupäda gave us a frank, unbiased analysis from his own broad perspective and successful experience. "The thing is the spirit, real service of preaching, stopped. The formality is going on, but the real business. ... "Caitanya Mahäprabhu's movement means ämära äjïäya guru haïä tära' ei deça [become a guru and try to liberate everyone on this landCCc. Madhya 7.128] That is stopped. Do you follow? The formality is there, but the real life of Caitanya Mahäprabhu's movement is preaching. Otherwise why Caitanya Mahäprabhu says, ämära äjïäya guru haïä tära' ei deça. Tara means preaching. Yäre dekha täre kaha 'kåñëa' upadeça [instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Çré Kåñëa as they are given in the Bhagavad gétä and Çrémad BhägavatamCCc. Madhya 7.128] And that is stopped. They are satisfied if they could construct one temple and beg some rice from the neighborhood: 'Sir, we have got some temple.' That's all. They are satisfied. The spirit of preaching forward "päpé täpé yata chila, hari näme uddhärila that is stopped. "So by hari näma, by chanting, by this way, to live little peacefully in the temple and eat and sleep, that much they have got. If that is the success, that success they have got. And this was condemned by my Guru Mahäräja, that 'To earn some money by showing Deity in the temple and eat and sleep? Better you become a sweeper in the street and earn your honest livelihood and live.'" Many temples in Våndävana have the same mentality, he said. They think of the operation of the temple as a business; that if people are coming and they give something, that is their good income. "According to the temple's popularity, they think, 'This is our success.' Therefore they are deteriorating. So that is not success. Success is his who is pushing forward the preaching method. That is his success. And if we think that 'By showing a temple Deity we get some money and rice and cloth and just peacefully live here; don't bother about going to Fiji and all over. ...' That much success they have got. But that is not Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Påthivéte äche yata nagarädi gräma, sarvatra pracäraCWhat they are doing for that? That is point." "What if sometimes a disciple, he may go to preach, but he's not preaching in the exact same spirit of his spiritual master?" Gurukåpa wanted to know. "Therefore he is not to preach," Çréla Prabhupäda said. "Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, janma särthaka kari' kara para upakära: 'Go to do good to others. First of all you do good to yourself.' First of all you become really preacher. Then go to preach. Caitanya Mahäprabhu never sent neophyte to go to preach. For neophyte the preaching is not their business. For neophyte, one should stick to the worship of Deity in the temple. "And those who have understood the philosophy, applied the philosophy in his life, he should go for preaching. Otherwise he'll preach wrongly, like Caraëa däsa Bäbäjé. And it will stop. He wanted to preach but he did not know how to preach, and therefore after his life it is finished. So Caitanya Mahäprabhu does not say like that, that 'You remain a rascal and go to preach.' No. Janma särthaka kari'. 'Your first business is that you make your life perfect. Then go to preach. Perfect means you learn how to obey My orders.' That is perfection. Ämära äjïäya. So if you are actually, perfectly, carrying out the orders of Caitanya Mahäprabhu, then you are preaching. Otherwise you will do wrongly, mislead. Don't do that. Andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäù. If you remain blind, don't try to lead other blind men. That is misleading. First of all open your eyes. Everything is there. Nobody can do anything whimsically. If you do whimsically, concoctedly, that will be failure. It will not be effective." Your humble servant, Hari-sauri dasa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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