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As I wrote at the end of yesterday's transcription,




"Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Nityananda"


by Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura


(completed on 2/21/05, Nityananda-trayodasi, at Chowpatty, Mumbai, India.


1) sarac-candra-bhrantim sphurad-amala-kantim gaja-gatim

hari-premonmattam dhrta-parama-sattvam smita-mukham

sadaghurnan-netram kara-kalita-vetram kali-bhidam

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


Beside the splendor of His golden form and smiling face,

The splendor of the autumn moon appears most commonplace.

Because He's mad with love of God, though He's God in disguise,

He walks just like a drunken elephant and rolls His eyes.

The cowherd's rod He carries is His weapon to destroy

Whatever ills and evils wicked Kali can deploy.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


2) rasanam agaram svajana-gana-sarvasvam atulam


sada-premonmadam param aviditam manda-manasam

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


Unequaled in His love for Krsna, He's a vast abode

Of transcendental mellows only God has ever showed.

For all His devotees He's everything, and for His wives,

Sri Vasudha and Jahnava, He is their very lives.

Since love for Krsna makes Him mad, His actions may seem odd,

And so the foolish fail to see that He Himself is God.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


3) saci-sunu-prestham nikhila-jagad-istam sukha-mayam

kalau majjaj-jivoddharana-karanoddama-karunam

harer akhyanad va bhava-jaladhi-garvonnati-haram

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


Most dear to Saci's son, He is a reservoir of bliss.

Throughout the universe He's worshiped with great happiness.

Impelled by deep compassion when He sees the state they're in,

He saves the people sinking fast in Kali's sea of sin

By teaching them to chant the Holy Name with every breath,

Thus crushing the conceit of Durga's sea of birth and death.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


4) aye bhratar nrnam kali-kalusinam kim nu bhavita

tatha prayascittam racaya yad-anayasata ime

vrajanti tvam ittham saha bhagavata mantrayati yo

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


He said, "O Brother, Kali's now ascendant everywhere,

Increasing people's suffering - it's more than I can bear!

Please give these fallen souls an easy process to attain

The shelter of Your lotus feet, the place beyond all pain."

"Instruct them all to chant Sri Krsna's name," the Lord replied,

"To worship Him with love and by His teachings to abide."

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


5) yathestham re bhratah kuru hari-hari-dhvanam anisam

tato vah samsarambudhi-tarana-dayo mayi laget

idam bahu-sphotair atati ratayan yah pratigrham

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


"O friends, please chant the Hare Krsna mantra constantly,

And also teach this process to your friends and family.

Thus cross the sea of birth and death and be supremely blest-

Your liberation is the only alms that I request."

Entreating thus to save the people from illusion's thrall,

With upraised arms He went to every home througout Bengal.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


6) balat samsarambhonidhi-harana-kumbhodbhavam aho

satam sreyah-sindhunnati-kumuda-bandhum samuditam

khala-sreni-sphurjit-timira-hara-surya-prabham aham

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


A new Agastya Muni, with great force He drinks the sea

Of birth and death. How loving and compassionate is He!

For all His devotees He is the best of rising moons,

Expanding wide the ocean full of transcendental boons.

And for the many demons filling people's hearts with dread,

He is the sun dispelling all the darkness that they spread.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


7) natantam gayantam harim anuvadantam pathi pathi

vrajantam pasyantam svam api na dayantam jana-ganam

prakurvantam santam sa-karuna-drg-antam prakalanad

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


He wandered every path in Bengal, chanting "Haribol!",

His dancing and His singing bringing joy to every soul.

He put aside His own concerns to spread the Holy Name,

Thus mercif'lly fulfilling Sri Caitanya's preaching aim.

On seeing saintly devotees He felt great happiness,

And with His mercy-laden glance He filled their hearts with bliss.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


8) su-bibhranam bhratuh kara-sarasijam komalataram

mitho vaktralokocchalita-paramananda-hrdayam

bhramantam madhuryair ahaha madayantam pura-janan

bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi


He gently took His Brother's soft and graceful lotus hand,

And as He looked upon His face He felt His joy expand.

Caitanya felt the same way as He looked upon the face

Of Nityananda, and He held Him in a firm embrace.

And then They started dancing through the streets of all the towns,

Their beauty filling every heart with joy that knew no bounds.

O friends entrapped in Kali's clutches, yearning to break free,

Just worship Nityananda Ram, the root of the bhakti tree.


9) rasanam adharam rasika-vara-sad-vaisnava-dhanam

rasagaram saram patita-tati-taram smaranatah

param nityanandastakam idam apurvam pathati yah

tad-anghri-dvandvabjam sphuratu nitaram tasya hrdaye


For Nityananda's devotees who relish mellows sweet,

This poem is a precious nectar-reservoir replete

With endless waves and whirlpools of the sweetest, deepest love,

Beyond what even gods and goddesses are dreaming of.

It has the power to deliver any fallen soul

And place him at Sri Nityananda's feet, our final goal.

May those who read these transcendental verses I impart,

Forever see His lovely lotus feet within their heart.

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