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Does anyone???: shivambu chikitsa

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> > > I'm asking since one guru/sannyasi has said the Vedas

> > > say absolutely no, and I wanted to send to him what

> > > was previously sent out.

> > >

> > > Also, what is Jayapataka Maharaj's email address to

> > > get this (these) reference(s).


> so in sastric debate one has to pull out the pramana's "put up or shut up"

> as they say in USA. so I have pramana's supporting my contention. anyone

> who has vedic pramana's against it are humbly requested to now submit

> them..


Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Not for arguing with you but just to answer your request for quotes:


"According to religious principles, stool, urine, wash water, etc., must be

left at a long distance. Attached bathrooms, urinals, etc. may be very

convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be

situated at a distance from residential quarters." SB 1.19.3pp


Let him not step intentionally on things used for cleansing the body, on

water used for a bath, on urine or ordure, on blood, on mucus, and on

anything spat out or vomited. [Manu-samhita v.4.132.]


[The rest is also from Manu-samhita]


Far from his dwelling let him remove urine (and ordure), far (let him

remove) the water used for washing his feet, and far the remnants of food

and the water from his bath. [MS v.4.151.]


The food of a king impairs his vigour, the food of a Sudra his excellence in

sacred learning, the food of a goldsmith his longevity, that of a

leather-cutter his fame; [v.4.218.]The food of an artisan destroys his

offspring, that of a washerman his (bodily) strength; the food of a

multitude and of harlots excludes him from (the higher) worlds. [v.4.219]The

food of a physician (is as vile as) pus, that of an unchaste woman (equal

to) semen, that of a usurer (as vile as) ordure, and that of a dealer in

weapons (as bad as) dirt. [v.4.220.]The food of those other persons who have

been successively enumerated as such whose food must not be eaten, the wise

declare (to be as impure as) skin, bones, and hair. [v.4.221.]If he has

unwittingly eaten the food of one of those, (he must) fast for three days;

if he has eaten it intentionally, or (has swallowed) semen, ordure, or

!!!!urine!!!!, he must perform a Krikkhra penance. [v.4.222.]


[see the description of differente Kricchhra penances at the end]


An earthen vessel which has been defiled by spirituous liquor, urine,

ordure, saliva, pus or blood cannot be purified by another burning.



Oily exudations, semen, blood, (the fatty substance of the) brain, urine,

faeces, the mucus of the nose, ear-wax, phlegm, tears, the rheum of the

eyes, and sweat are the twelve impurities of human (bodies). [v.5.135.]He

who desires to be pure, must clean the organ by one (application of) earth,

the anus by (applying earth) three (times), the (left) hand alone by

(applying it) ten (times), and both (hands) by (applying it) seven (times).

[v.5.136.]Such is the purification ordained for householders; (it shall be)

double for students, treble for hermits, but quadruple for ascetics.



(Men of) the three twice-born castes who have unintentionally swallowed

ordure or urine, or anything that has touched Sura [alcohol], must be

initiated again. [v.11.151.]



Krichchra tapas:

A twice-born man who performs (the Krikkhra penance), revealed by Pragapati,

shall eat during three days in the morning (only), during (the next) three

days in the evening (only), during the (following) three days (food given)

unasked, and shall fast during another period of three days.

[v.11.212.](Subsisting on) the urine of cows, cowdung, milk, sour milk,

clarified butter, and a decoction of Kusa-grass, and fasting during one (day

and) night, (that is) called a Samtapana Krikkhra. [v.11.213.]A twice-born

man who performs an Atikrikkhra (penance), must take his food during three

periods of three days in the manner described above, (but) one mouthful only

at each meal, and fast during the last three days. [v.11.214.]A Brahmana who

performs a Taptakrikkhra (penance) must drink hot water, hot milk, hot

clarified butter and (inhale) hot air, each during three days, and bathe

once with a concentrated mind. [v.11.215.]A fast for twelve days by a man

who controls himself and commits no mistakes, is called a Paraka Krikkhra,

which removes all guilt. [v.11.216.]




I agree that these quotes can still be argued with. And according to sastra

prana (life) is to be protected above dharma (religious injunctions)...


I know whole zones where devotees did this "UT". Didn't kill the movement



Your servant apd

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