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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - on Health

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Prabhupada Said: on Health



You accept these principles of life, no meat-eating,

no intoxication, no illicit sex, and there will be no

cancer. Those who are strictly on this line, they

never suffer from cancer or any such disease. Now take

for example me. I've come here in this country for the

last eight years. How many times have I gone to the

doctor? That one heart attack. That is serious, that

is another thing. Otherwise, generally how many times

have I gone? I don't pay any bill of doctor.


So if we live a very hygienic life, regulated life,

there is no question of cancer or any disease. The

disease is created by violating nature's law. One of

the causes of cancer disease is this contraceptive

method. You can make research on it. So they are on

one side discovering contraceptive method,

contraceptive chemicals, and on the other side

researching for cancer disease. And they say also

smoking is one of the causes. So why not give up

smoking and illicit sex, contraceptive method?

-- Morning walk, Los Angeles

May 4, 1973


Prabhupada: "They foolishly say 'struggle for

existence,' 'survival of the fittest,' but who is fit?

He does not know. Fittest means one who does not get

next a material body. He is fit. Because as soon as

you get a material body, nunam pramattah kurute

vikarma .. "

-- Morning walk, Hyderabad

August 23, 1976


"So far your health is concerned, Hawaii is very good

climate. You can take bath in the sea, and that will

keep your health. Take dal, especially urad, a little

cheese, peanuts, green vegetables, especially squash


-- Letter of December 10, 1973


"I am sorry to learn that your health is not very good

at the present time. The best thing is that you rest

for some time until you are feeling stronger. When J.

was feeling very weak, I advised her to take complete

rest until she was stronger and then I advised her to

go out on sankirtana party. So you may follow the same

procedure of taking as much rest as you feel you

require, and then when you feel it is all right, you

resume your activities."

-- Letter of July 23, 1969


"For your toothache trouble you can brush your teeth

with the following mixture: common salt, one part, and

pure mustard oil, quite sufficient to make it a

suitable paste. With this paste brush your teeth,

especially the painful part very nicely. Gargle in hot

water, and keep always some cloves in your mouth. I

think that will cure your troubles. It doesn't require

to extract any teeth."

-- Letter of February 14, 1969


"Regarding your fasting, if you are sick, then fasting

is the best medicine. For disease and unwanted guests,

if you do not give them food, they will go away."

-- Letter of January 16, 1975


Letters on health to Sudama dasa, December 10, 1973;

Madana-mohana dasa, July 23, 1969; Kirtanananda Swami,

February 14, 1969; Revatinandana dasa, January 16,

1975. On a morning walk in Denver, July 1, 1975,

devotees inquired from Prabhupada about fasting. They

gave the example that one of Prabhupada's disciples

had taken to reading non-Krsna conscious books on

health and had gone on a thirty-day fast, which some

of the devotees said was the reason his consciousness

had changed and he had left Krsna consciousness.


"If one can fast, that is tapasya," Prabhupada said,

"but it should not be artificial. Just like Raghunatha

dasa Gosvami. He was fasting, but he was not just

fasting. People fast artificially and become weak and

cannot work; that is not required. If you fast and at

the same time you do not become weak, then that is

recommended. And if after fasting you cannot do

service, then what is the use of fasting? Raghunatha

Gosvami was fasting, but he was thrice taking bath and

offering obeisances hundreds of times. His regular

activities were not stopped, and he was taking every

alternate day a little quantity of butter. That's all.

It is not possible to imitate him. We have to work."


- From the Prabhupada Nectar by HH Satsvarupa dasa

Goswami Maharaj






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