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Open Letter to Kavicandra Maharaja on Book Changes

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Dear Kavicandra Maharaja


Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila



I am a little surprised that you, a staunch supporter of Srila Prabhupada in

so many ways, are supporting the undocumented and unauthorized changing of

Srila Prabhupada's books.


The issue is not the person who is changing the books, or if the changes are

actually an improvement or not or even if the changes bring the books closer

to the original manuscript.


The issue is Srila Prabhupada did not ever instruct anyone to make such

changes. Even Jayadvaita Swami admits Srila Prabhupada did not request him

to "revise and enlarge" (as JAS has called his edition of the gita) his

Bhagavad-gita As It Is. And Prabhupada had six whole years to give this

instruction to Jayadvaita Swami if he actually wanted the gita "revised and

enlarged" by him.


If you would like to read the "Rascal Editors" conversation in the folio

with Srila Prabhupada, Tamal Krsna and other devotees, you will see that TKG

is trying to get Prabhupada to agree that JAS can go though the books and

make "corrections," however the conclusion of that discussion is that

Prabhupada states they can not change anything, the next printing should be

the original way. So this question was put to Prabhupada, "Can JAS correct

the books?" and Prabhupada rejected the idea, "No, the next printing should

be the original way."


The precedent that has been created here is horrendous and I think if you

honestly consider what has been done you must have concern for the

preservation of the teachings of Srila Prabhupada for future generations.

JAS has set the example that a BBT editor can go through Prabhupada's books

and change anything at all he feels should be changed without any system of

authorization at all, without anyone else even knowing what he has changed,

and then the BBT print the changed books, without any idea at all what has

been changed.


Now other BBT editors are doing the same thing. It will not stop with JAS.

He has set up the standard. Any BBT editor can change anything he feels

should be changed without any documentation and without any authorization

and without any system of checks and balances. Krsna book has now gone

through 4 different editions. The current BBT Krsna book has been changed 4

times and each time the changed version has been changed again, and

according to JAS this should continue every time a new edition is printed.

You are a thoughtful person Maharaja, and I am sure that you know if this

system is allowed to continue it will not be long before the "Prabhuapda"

books printed by the BBT are very different from the original books

published by the BBT under Prabhupada's direct personal guidance.


Dravida has made thousands of changes to Krsna Book and thousands of changes

to the Caitanya-caritamrta. He has made all these changes by himself, on his

own authority and in at least one case he has admitted to changing the book

because he feels what Srila Prabhupada has written does not tally with the

way such things are understood by today's ISKCON. We know of one such

change, there are most likely many such changes where Dravida has adjusted

things Prabhupada said to fit them within his concept of how things are

understood today in ISKCON.


There is a comparison of Srila Prabhupada's original Caitanya-caritamrta and

Dravida's changed version which you can study yourself at:




Please also check:




I have not yet had a chance to study it extensively, however I have seen

that there are thousands of needless pedantic changes that absolutely should

not have been made. There are so many changes where the original text is

perfectly good and the changed version is no improvement whatsoever, simply

change for the sake of change. These are the least talked about changes

which are being made by to Prabhupada's books by the BBT because on the

surface these changes do not seem to make any difference. For example:



When Vasudeva Ghosa performed kirtana, describing Lord Caitanya and

Nityananda , even wood and stone would melt upon hearing it.



When Vasudeva Ghosa described Lord Caitanya and Nityananda while

performing kirtana, even wood and stone would melt upon hearing it.


One may think this makes no difference, but because of the sheer number of

such changes, perhaps 5000 such changes in the Bhagavad-gita alone and a

similar number in Krsna book, and in Caitanya-caritamrta, cumulitavly such

changes have a huge effect on the experience we get from reading

Prabhupada's books.


Everyone of these tens of thousands of unauthorized changes by the BBT

editors, if analyzed minutely, changes the meaning of what we read in

Prabhupada's books. And taken together all these changes completely destroy

the authority of Prabhupada's books. When we read Prabhupada's original

books we know that we are reading the same books Srila Prabhupada himself

read personally daily and the same books he gave all his classes from, the

same books he approved of completely and did not request anyone to change.

Rather he forbid the devotees from changing his books and when it was

brought up by Yasoda Nandana that changes were being made to the Isopanasad

by the BBT editors Prabhupada called them rascals and forbade them from

making any changes at all and ordered that the next printing should be the

original way. That has still not been done except for a token printing of

Prabhupada's original Sri Isopanasad by the NA BBT. The mass distribution

books the BBT print are still the unauthorized changed editions even though

there is a clear recorded order from Srila Prabhupada that the original

books should be printed. And so many devotees, understandably, do not want

to distribute these changed books. Therefore this book changing is

devastating the very mission of Srila Prabhupada, the printing and

distribution of his books on a massive scale. There is no more effective way

to sabotage Prabhupada's Hare Krishna movement than by making unauthorized

changes to his books. And that is what the BBT editors are doing, knowingly

or unknowingly, sabotaging Prabhupada's Hare Krishna movement. Prabhuapda

said this movement can only be destroyed from within and that is what these

devotees are doing.


The above change in the statemnet about Vasudeva Ghosa by Dravida has been

made on the strength of his own mental speculation. He is thinking "Vasudeva

Ghosa performing kirtan describing Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda" is

wrong. That is the idea in his mind because he has "corrected" it in the

current BBT Cc. He has made it Vasudeva Ghosa describing Lord Caitanya and

Nityanda while performing Kirtana. Which is a completely incorrect and

nonsense statement if analyzed carefully. Vasudeva Ghosa was performing

Kirtana describing Lord Caitanya, just the way it is described in

Prabhupada's original Cc. Dravida has turned this into meaningless nonsense.

He does not realize one can describe in Kirtan, instead he has Vasudeva

Ghosa describing while performing Kirtan. Which is not possible. When one is

performing Kirtan his mouth is busy performing Kirtan, how can he describe

Lord Caitanya and Nityananda WHILE performing Kirtan??? It is complete

nonense. And so many of the thousands of needless and -- on the first

inspection -- apparently harmless changes, are actually not harmless at all.

Apart from being completely unnecessary and simply a result of the editors

personal preferences and style, so many of these changes turn perfectly

correct, clear and authorative statements of Srila Prabhupada into

meaningless gibberish.


If you study the changes in detail, which I very much encourage you to do,

you will see what I am saying is true. And I hope that you are honest enough

to do this. Maintaining the authority of Prabhupada's books is the most

essential element to the future of Srila Prabhupada's Hare Krishna movement.

Almost all of us became devotees by reading Prabhupada's books and the BBT

is busy changing those very books that have convinced us that Krishna is the

Supreme Personality of Godhead and that we should surrender to Him and

dedicate our lives to Him. It is a very, very dangerous thing.


The changed BBT books are not authorative. They have thousands of

unauthorized changes and no thoughtful person will ever accept them as being

"Prabhupada's books." They are Prabhupada's books changed by JAS and

Dravida. Prabhupada's books are the books which he himself printed with his

BBT. All the work was done under his direction and authority and the final

books were read by Srila Prabhupada daily and he gave all his classes from

them. JAS will try to tell us that Prabhupada had no idea what was in his

printed books, and that he has discovered and corrected so many errors that

Prabhuapda was unaware of. However we all know that one of Prabhupada's main

pastimes was reading his own books and hearing his devotees read his books.

We have so many tapes of devotees reading the Bhagavad-gita and Prabhuapda

listening and commenting on those points. There are examples where

Prabhupada has commented on a point in the Gita after a devotee has read it,

clearly accepting it and expanding on it, and that point has been removed or

changed in JAS's version. At ITV we have films of devotees reading

Prabhupada's books to him, so we know it, Prabhupada was very attached to

reading his books and hearing his devotees read them.


Srila Prabhupada's mission, more than anything else, was to print and

distribute books in the English language. That is the order Srila

Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gave to Srila Prabhupada, it is his life

and soul. The very mission of his life. And JAS would have us believe that

Prabhuapda was unaware of what was printed in his books and that he has been

able to "revise and enlarge" them and correct so many "errors" that

Prabhuapda did not spot. It is such an offensive attitude to take.

"Prabhupada had no idea what was in his books..."


The whole idea is so offensive, the result is the authority of Prabhupada's

books is being destroyed and the pure message of Krishna consciousness that

is so purely and effectively transmitted through Prabhupada's original books

is being changed and destroyed in the changed versions of the BBT books.


I am sure the BBT editors are within themselves very sincere and thinking

they are improving on Prabhupada's books. But that is simply the covering of

maya, and that is creating a great disturbance to Srila Prabhupada, to the

Vaisnavas and to the whole world. We have seen so many "sincere" devotees

doing so much nonsense and this has caused Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON

so much grief. We have to be mature enough to spot nonsense and correct it

even if it may hurt the feelings of a couple of "Prabhupada disciples."

Prabhupada's mission is so much more important than the feelings of a couple

of misguided disciples. We can not let them lead the whole movement astray

just because we are to polite to correct their errors in understanding.


This book changing mentality is the greatest disaster and the most

significant reason for the problems ISKCON is currently facing. And it is

simply caused by a couple of BBT editors who have the "American disease" as

Prabhuapda called it. They simply want to change, change, change. They have

no respect for the authorized books read by Prabhuapda daily, the books that

have proven their potency and effectiveness by making attracting so many

conditioned souls to Krishna consciousness... NO. They want to change,

change, change... It is a disease, it has to be rectified and you are an

intelligent man and very outspoken on many issues in ISKCON and in many ways

you are standing up for Srila Prabhupada, so on this most important issue I

would humbly respect that you actually study in depth what changes have been

made to Srila Prabhupada's books for yourself and make your own informed

decision. If you can fight for Srila Prabhuapda in this battle to preserve

his teachings for the current and future generations, that will be very

pleasing to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, I know that from my personal



Prabhupada wants his original books preserved, printed and distributed in

massive quantities. If we do this the world will become Krishna conscious,

there is no question about it, but if we change the books and distribute

changed books the potency is lost and everything is spoiled. This change,

change, change mentality is poison and very much against the mood of pure

devotional service.


I pray that you please take this letter in the mood it is written of humble

service to Srila Prabhuapda and with a desire to preserve, protect and

distribute the original teachings of Srila Prabhupada. I know JAS and

Dravida are nice devotees and sincere, but on this issue of changing

Prabhupada's books they are mistaken and that mistake is slowly destroying

Srila Prabhupada's Hare Krishna movement. And they are wasting so much of

Srila Prabhupada's money. Just recently the BBT agreed to reprint Srila

Prabhupada's Sri Caitanya-caritamrta which has been out of print for so many

years now. For many months JAS and Dravida have been petitioning the BBT

trustees to not print Prabhupada's original but print the changed Cc.

instead. Dravida's plea is Prabhus, I have worked so hard on these changes,

please print the changed books... And the BBT agreed to these pleas and

printed the changed Cc. Even from a commercial point of view this is a crazy

decision. The changed Cc. is not out of print. They have plenty in stock and

there is no one waiting to purchase Dravida's edition. So there is no need

to print it at all. It is available, in stock. However there are thousands

of devotees out there waiting to purchase Srila Prabhupada's original Cc. So

if the BBT print the original Cc. immediately, practically overnight, they

will sell thousands of sets, thus the printing will pay for itself

immediately. I spoke with JAS in New York on these points and he agreed. His

only reply was the he liked the changed books, he wants to print the changed

books, and he does not want the BBT to be controlled by the desires of the

customers of the BBT, the devotees who want to purchase Prabhupada's

original books. They want to force everyone to read the changed books by

making Prabhuapda's original books unavailable. The BBT editors have been

doing this successfully for many years now on the plea that "we have not

changed Prabhupada's books." This has been clearly exposed as a complete

lie. There are so many changes.


I made the point to JAS that if the BBT print the original Cc. every BBT

customer will be happy with it. There is no BBT customer in the world who

would be unhappy with Prabhupada's original Cc. Only two such customers

exist. JAS and Dravida. And JAS agreed to this point. That everyone (except

him and Dravida) would be happy if the BBT simply printed Prabhupada's

original books. But he likes the changed books and that is why the BBT is

still printing the changed books. It is being done to please only two people

in the world. Dravida and JAS. But that is not the business of the BBT. It

is supposed to be for printing Prabhuapada's original books.


I want to make it clear here that I am not against correcting real

typographical errors. That is the job of the BBT editors. And no one will

complain if simple spelling errors and Sanskrit errors are corrected. We

would expect any publisher to correct such obvious errors. There are a few

such errors that have been corrected in Prabhupada's books and those

corrections are fine. However the vast number of changes, more than 99% of

the changes, are not of this nature of correction of real errors. And that

is the problem. On the plea of "fixing errors" the editors have made

thousands of needless changes that destroy the authority of Prabhupada's

books and change the meaning of what Prabhuapda says in his books... It is

the greatest danger to Prabhupada's Hare Krishna movement.


It has been proven quite dramatically that the current BBT editors can not

be trusted to discern what is a typographical error and what is a change to

the book so we need a completely different system to authorize corrections

to real errors in Prabhuapda's books. The principle is nothing can be

changed, and every change should be resisted. And if there is a real error

it has to be very clearly and openly documented and the readers must have

access to documentation of every single change, they have to know exactly

what has been corrected. Otherwise nothing can be changed. The principle is

nothing can be changed. That is Prabhupada's principle and we have to accept



If you continue to support these unauthorized changes to Srila Prabhupada's

books you will not be respected by anyone at all in any respect. The one

issue that all of Srila Prabhupada's disciples are united on inside and

outside ISKCON is that the BBT should not change Prabhupada's books. Even

followers of other gurus are united on this point. NM is against the changes

to Prabhupada's books, Siddha Svarupa is against it, Kirtanannda is against

it, in ISKCON practically all the leaders are against the book changes and

those who are not are not aware of the extent and the ramifications of the

changes that have been made to Srila Prabhupada's books.


When I first heard of the changes to Srila Prabhupada's books I also did not

take it very seriously. I thought it was just some devotees complaining

about BBT editors fixing genuine errors in Prabhupada's books. It was not

until I made a systematic study of the changes to Srila Prabhupada's

Bhagavad-gita As It Is that I realized the magnitude of the problem we are

dealing with. JAS's edition of Prabhupada's Gita is not at all an attempt to

correct real errors, rather it is an attempt to "revise and enlarge" Srila

Prabhupada's work on the strength of his great advancement as a Sanskrit

scholar by going back to the original books Srila Prabhupada used when

translating the Gita. Prabhupada's books are Prabhupada's books and the BBT

editors do not have the right to "revise and enlarge" them by going back to

the original books Prabhupada used as reference books. They are destroying

everything and adding in their own concoctions and misconceptions to

Prabhupada's books and they are wasting so much of Prabhupada's money

printing these books. It is a disaster and if you can help to reverse the

effects of this disaster by encouraging the BBT to print Prabhupada's

original books again that would be the greatest service to Srila Prabhupada.


Hope you are well. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!


Your servant


Madhudvisa dasa

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Madhudvisa,


>The issue is Srila Prabhupada did not ever instruct anyone to make

>such changes.


And another issue is whether Srila Prabhupada ever instructed anyone

to spend time on his appearance day (or any other day) getting on the

internet and throwing tomatoes at his editors.


> JAS has set the example that a BBT editor can go through

>Prabhupada's books and change anything at all he feels should be

>changed without any system of authorization at all, without anyone

>else even knowing what he has changed, and then the BBT print the

>changed books, without any idea at all what has been changed.


On the contrary. . .


JAS has set the example that a BBT editor with more than 15 years of

experience in editing Srila Prabhupada's books under his personal

supervision can make carefully considered revisions--aimed mainly at

bringing the text closer to Srila Prabhupada's original words--after


* he has been so requested by the BBT trustees


* other BBT editors have carefully reviewed his suggested



* a GBC-appointed committee has thoroughly reviewed the

proposed revision for every translated verse


* an extensive list and explanation of the proposed

revisions has been widely circulated and comment invited


>The current BBT Krsna

>book has been changed 4 times and each time the changed version has

>been changed again, and according to JAS this should continue every

>time a new edition is printed.


Really? That's shocking. (But of course JAS said no such thing.)


>The changed Cc. is not out of print. They have plenty in

>stock and there is no one waiting to purchase Dravida's edition. So

>there is no need to print it at all. It is available, in stock.

>However there are thousands of devotees out there waiting to purchase

>Srila Prabhupada's original Cc. So if the BBT print the original Cc.

>immediately, practically overnight, they will sell thousands of sets,

>thus the printing will pay for itself immediately. I spoke with JAS

>in New York on these points and he agreed.


That's funny. JAS is quite sure he agreed to nothing of the sort.


>His only reply was the he

>liked the changed books, he wants to print the changed books, and he

>does not want the BBT to be controlled by the desires of the

>customers of the BBT, the devotees who want to purchase Prabhupada's

>original books.


Again, how shocking. And how different from what JAS actually said.


>They want to force everyone to read the changed books

>by making Prabhuapda's original books unavailable.


Ditto. And so on for the rest of the stuff you attribute to JAS.


I have an idea. Instead of using the holy day of Srila Prabhupada's

appearance to clog people's in-box with nasty accusations, let's take

to heart the excellent recommendation you made at the end of your



>Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!



Jayadvaita Swami



PS: In service to my respected godbrother Madhudvisa Dasa, who has

expressed to me his dismay that unsuspecting people sometimes think

the texts you write are written by him, I should let people know that

you are the Madhudvisa Dasa who was initiated sometime in the 1980's

or 1990's.


PPS: Thoughtful readers concerned about the BBT's editorial policies

can find an extensive discussion starting here:




Best wishes. Hare Krsna.



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I think we should mention here that Michael never received formal diksa

with a yajna and beads etc. Rather the name Madhuvisa was given to him

by Jayadharma Prabhu like a temple name was given in days of yore. He is

really still Bhakta Michael.


> PS: In service to my respected godbrother Madhudvisa Dasa, who has

> expressed to me his dismay that unsuspecting people sometimes think

> the texts you write are written by him, I should let people know that

> you are the Madhudvisa Dasa who was initiated sometime in the 1980's

> or 1990's.


> PPS: Thoughtful readers concerned about the BBT's editorial policies

> can find an extensive discussion starting here:


> http://www.krishna.com/main.php?id=40


> Best wishes. Hare Krsna.


> --js

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Dear Jayadvaita Swami,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!


I received the following letter addressed from you and this forum so I am

assuming that you may have read somewhere my statement in support of

Madhudvisa's campaign to convince the GBC and BBT to republish Srila

Prabhupada's books in the versions that were available when he was

personally present with us. This is a very important issue to me, and I was

wondering if you would be willing to answer my doubts about the changes that

have been made if I put them forward on this forum.


I promise to be respectful as I agree with you that many ISKCON critics

become offensive in their challenges and the way they put them forward, and

that is not favorable for their or anyone who hears them's spiritual life.




Makhanchor dasa



"Jayadvaita Swami" <Jayadvaita.Swami (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

"(BBT) Bhaktivedanta Archives Forum"

<Bhaktivedanta.Archives.Forum (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:08 AM

Re: Open Letter to Kavicandra Maharaja on Book Changes



> Dear Madhudvisa,


> >The issue is Srila Prabhupada did not ever instruct anyone to make

> >such changes.


> And another issue is whether Srila Prabhupada ever instructed anyone

> to spend time on his appearance day (or any other day) getting on the

> internet and throwing tomatoes at his editors.


> > JAS has set the example that a BBT editor can go through

> >Prabhupada's books and change anything at all he feels should be

> >changed without any system of authorization at all, without anyone

> >else even knowing what he has changed, and then the BBT print the

> >changed books, without any idea at all what has been changed.


> On the contrary. . .


> JAS has set the example that a BBT editor with more than 15 years of

> experience in editing Srila Prabhupada's books under his personal

> supervision can make carefully considered revisions--aimed mainly at

> bringing the text closer to Srila Prabhupada's original words--after


> * he has been so requested by the BBT trustees


> * other BBT editors have carefully reviewed his suggested

> revisions


> * a GBC-appointed committee has thoroughly reviewed the

> proposed revision for every translated verse


> * an extensive list and explanation of the proposed

> revisions has been widely circulated and comment invited


> >The current BBT Krsna

> >book has been changed 4 times and each time the changed version has

> >been changed again, and according to JAS this should continue every

> >time a new edition is printed.


> Really? That's shocking. (But of course JAS said no such thing.)


> >The changed Cc. is not out of print. They have plenty in

> >stock and there is no one waiting to purchase Dravida's edition. So

> >there is no need to print it at all. It is available, in stock.

> >However there are thousands of devotees out there waiting to purchase

> >Srila Prabhupada's original Cc. So if the BBT print the original Cc.

> >immediately, practically overnight, they will sell thousands of sets,

> >thus the printing will pay for itself immediately. I spoke with JAS

> >in New York on these points and he agreed.


> That's funny. JAS is quite sure he agreed to nothing of the sort.


> >His only reply was the he

> >liked the changed books, he wants to print the changed books, and he

> >does not want the BBT to be controlled by the desires of the

> >customers of the BBT, the devotees who want to purchase Prabhupada's

> >original books.


> Again, how shocking. And how different from what JAS actually said.


> >They want to force everyone to read the changed books

> >by making Prabhuapda's original books unavailable.


> Ditto. And so on for the rest of the stuff you attribute to JAS.


> I have an idea. Instead of using the holy day of Srila Prabhupada's

> appearance to clog people's in-box with nasty accusations, let's take

> to heart the excellent recommendation you made at the end of your

> text:


> >Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!


> Cordially,

> Jayadvaita Swami



> PS: In service to my respected godbrother Madhudvisa Dasa, who has

> expressed to me his dismay that unsuspecting people sometimes think

> the texts you write are written by him, I should let people know that

> you are the Madhudvisa Dasa who was initiated sometime in the 1980's

> or 1990's.


> PPS: Thoughtful readers concerned about the BBT's editorial policies

> can find an extensive discussion starting here:


> http://www.krishna.com/main.php?id=40


> Best wishes. Hare Krsna.


> --js


> -----------------------

> To from this mailing list, send an email to:

> Jayadvaita.Swami (AT) pamho (DOT) net

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Dear Makhanchor Prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


>I am assuming that you may have read somewhere my statement in

>support of Madhudvisa's campaign to convince the GBC and BBT to

>republish Srila Prabhupada's books in the versions that were

>available when he was personally present with us.


No I haven't read it. If you'd like you could send it to me.


And by the way, I should clarify some matters about Madhudvisa's



First of all, most of Srila Prabhupada's books--including the entire

Srimad-Bhagavatam--are still being published only in the editions

published during Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. (And therefore

campaigns advertising the UNEDITED editions of Srimad-Bhagavatam--

campaigns you perhaps might be aware of -- are misleading, and

deliberately so.)


As I'm sure you know, the BBT now publishes the second edition of

Bhagavad-gita As It Is. But for those who prefer the first edition, we

publish that too.


Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has now come out in a second edition, though I

believe that copies of the first edition are still available.


The current, second editions of Sri Isopanisad and Teachings of Lord

Caitanya--both condemned by Madhudvisa--are editions revised by

Hayagriva Prabhu and published during Srila Prabhupada's lifetime.


I provide this information not to argue any point but just as a matter

of clarification.


>This is a very

>important issue to me, and I was wondering if you would be willing to

>answer my doubts about the changes that have been made if I put them

>forward on this forum.


I have always been willing to respond to any reasonable doubts. I am

not a member of the forum, but if you add me as a receiver to your

texts they should reach me.


I would like to make a condition, though, and I think it's a

reasonable one.


I have already extensively responded to doubts both about revisions in

general and revisions of particular texts. Those responses (and

further relevent information) appear in the following documents:


Responsible Publishing

Gita Revisions Explained, Parts 1, 2, and 3

Bhagavatam Revisions Examined

BBT Editorial Policies


They are all reachable through my website, <www.krishna.com/jas>.


Therefore, so that our discussion may be well informed, my condition

is that you first (if you haven't already) kindly go through all these



After going through them, you may still have doubts and questions, and

I will do my best to respond.


>I promise to be respectful as I agree with you that many ISKCON

>critics become offensive in their challenges and the way they put

>them forward, and that is not favorable for their or anyone who hears

>them's spiritual life.


Thank you.


Hare Krsna.


Hoping this finds you in good health,


Your servant,

Jayadvaita Swami






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