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Response to Jayadvaita Maharaj's recommended article

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> > Although I may not agree point for point with Basu Ghosh Prabhu I think

> > his point is well taken. I most assuredly don't agree with Gupta Nam

> > das's essay. I think it is very foolish to put a conspiracy theory like

> > this up on an official Iskcon web site, very foolish indeed. Who

> > controls this web site.


> Every American who has commented so far is convinced that these are only

> conspiracy theories. It seems rather alarming that you would think your

> government so innocent as to invalidate every other opinion as a

> "conspiracy theory." It only goes to substantiate how successful the

> American government has been in brainwashing the majority of its

> constituency. Very alarming indeed.


> Your servant

> Braja Sevaki dd



My main point is that it is a "theory" which no one of us can "prove"

therefore I don't see how this kind of exchange will be of any benefit to

our becoming more Krsna consciousness. Rather it has already created

dissension amongst us. After all it is said in the sastra (Not a theory.)

that if one sees a Vaisnava as belonging to a particular, community, or

caste, then such a seer is a resident of hell.



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Dear Braja Sevaki dd et al, PAMHO AGTSP

On Sep 7, 2005, at 3:09 PM, Braja Sevaki TKG wrote:


> Every American who has commented so far is convinced that these are

> only

> conspiracy theories.


Actually I didn't say that they were "only" conspiracy theories, in

the sense that there is nothing to them. The real point is that I

doubt very much whether any ISKCON devotee (even if they are a friend

of a friend of an X-CIA agent) would have real proof one way or the

other. I do not want to waste time with things that I cannot prove

one way or the other. I do not know what nationality you are, nor do

I care (it's not important to me as a Vasinava) but you can be sure

that not all Americans accept what this current administration has

done, nor do they all agree with American foreign policy at all.

Unless you live in Vaikuntha you are going to have problems in

government. The real question is what should devotees be doing about it.


Srila Prabhupada at one point wanted to have devotees run for

political office. The "In God We Trust" party was a short-lived

experiment approved by His Divine Grace in the 70's. Ultimately He

decided that we, as devotees should try to teach by example. That is

why I said that we should get our own house in order rather than

bother with these larger issues that we cannot have much effect on

directly. It is important for devotees to NOT think like ordinary

citizens in nationalistic mentality. I am not under any illusion that

there is anything spiritual or even moral about the so-called war on

terror. However if I look objectively at the different social systems

in the world today I am glad that communism has fallen, I am glad

when totalitarian regimes fall, even though I know that it may be the

work of multinational capitalists. Even though I know that democracy

is not a perfect system either. Far from it, democracy was derided by

Srila Prabhupada. Yet, I am all in favor of whatever system can give

the individual the most freedom of thought, word and deed, with which

they can pursue Krsna consciousness. Due to the nature of Kali yuga

democracy seems to do that as it is the system of government that

offers the most checks and balances against absolute power.


> It seems rather alarming that you would think your

> government so innocent as to invalidate every other opinion as a

> "conspiracy

> theory." It only goes to substantiate how successful the American

> government

> has been in brainwashing the majority of its constituency. Very

> alarming

> indeed.


It is not alarming that I properly label something as a conspiracy

theory, for that's all it is. My point however is not that the theory

has no basis but that it is not worth discussing one way or the

other. Our focus instead should be on getting at the root of all

conspiracies. The conspiracy to keep us in the material world. No

doubt I am against the human suffering inflicted by so-called

terrorists and at the same time I am also totally against any

unnecessary suffering inflicted by the US military-industrialists.

The only cure for the suffering of this world is Krsna consciousness

not discussing the pros and cons of what materialists are doing.





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Dear Braja Sevaki dd, PAMHO AGTSP


On Sep 7, 2005, at 3:09 PM, Braja Sevaki TKG wrote:


> However, in my own tiny world of theories, it seems to

> me that the whole is influencing the part: that the morals, ethics,

> theories

> of education, and political correctness that is pumped into the

> minds of

> Americans and then out to the world at large at an alarming rate is

> the same

> tripe that is starting to rule ISKCON.


So, you now have your own conspiracy theory. Could you back that up

with any facts, please?


> So in fact, addressing the greater

> issue as Gupta Nama has might also lead to shedding some light on

> our own

> system of governance. Would you agree?


No, sorry I don't agree. All these conspiracy theories do nothing but

waste our time. It is better not to get caught up with all these

things. I am not saying that you should not be informed. Nor am I

saying that you should not try to do something about it. I voted for

Gor (2000) and Kerry (2004). I am against the war. From what I see it

is all about the oil and the power. However I am not going to use any

devotional platform to preach these ideas. Instead it is better to

pour water on the root problem, the material disease that keeps us

all in this suffering world.





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Dear Braja Sevaki dd et al, PAMHO AGTSP


On Sep 7, 2005, at 3:09 PM, Braja Sevaki TKG wrote:


> Why does everyone run scared when

> something other than the party line is touted? I have an idea about

> why:

> because that's how the majority of Americans have been conditioned

> to think,

> and their influence around the world is increasing. It might

> surprise you to

> learn that there's a whole world out here who is sick to death of

> that kind

> of nancy-boy approach :)


Instead of your rabid anti-americanism which is simply the flip-side

of pro-americanism, why not become Krsna concious. This is exactly

why devotees need to look beyond these nationalistic designations and

see the bigger picture. America is not problem here, neither is

terrorism, materialism is. All sides are exploiters. To try to

unravel the web of karma in this world is a waste of time and energy.

The only business is to get out. That can only be done through

spreading Krsna consciousness. Again all these conspiracy discussions

are a useless waste of time. Enough said!





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