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Appearance of Radha Kunda

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Hare Krishna,








Kindly glorify the appearance of Radha Kunda on Bahulastami day on 25th Oct.




PS note that all I have done is copied from Sri Stavavali written by Srila

Raghunatha Dasa Goswami since I have no qualification to glorify Radha





Nitai Haribol!!




Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada


Nanda Gopal Dasa





Sri Radha-kundastaka


Eight Prayers Glorifying Radha-kunda





Text 1




vrsabha-danuja-nasan narma-dharmokti-rangair


nikhila-nija-sakhibhir yat sva-hastena purnam


prakatitam api vrndaranya-rajna pramodais


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very fragrant Radha'-kunda, which, prodded by the gopis' many joking

words after Vrsabhasura's death, the king of Vrndavana forest happily built

and filled with His own hand, be my shelter.




Text 2




vraja-bhuvi mura-satroh preyasinam nikamair


asulabham api turnam prema-kalpa-drumam tam


janayati hrdi bhumau snatur uccair priyam yat


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very dear and fragrant Radha-kunda, which, for one who bathes in it

immediately creates in the land of the heart a desire tree of pure love rare

even among the gopi beloveds of Lord Krsna in Vraja, be my shelter.




Text 3




agha-ripur api yatnad atra devyah prasada-


prasara-krta-kataksa-prapti-kamah prakamam


anusarati yad ucaaih snana-sevanubandhais


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very dear and fragrant Radha-kunda, where, yearning to attain the

merciful sidelong glance of His queen, Lord Krsna diligently follows Her

bathing attendants, be my shelter.




Text 4




vraja-bhuvana-sudhamsoh prema-bhumir nikamam




paricitam api namna ya ca tenaiva tasyas


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very fragrant Radha'-kunda, which is named after a girl who is a realm

of love for He who is the moon of Vraja, a girl who is like the most

precious jewel in the crown of the sweet girls of Vraja, be my shelter.




Text 5




api jana iha kascid yasya seva-prasadaih


pranaya-sura-lata syat tasya gosthendra-sunoh


sapadi kila mad-isa-dasya-puspa-prasasya


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


The mercy obtained by serving Radha'-kunda makes the celestial vine of pure

love for the prince of Vraja, which is famous for bearing the flowers of

service to my queen, sprout. May that very fragrant Radha'-kunda be my





Text 6




tata-madhura-nikunjah klpta-namana uccair


nija-parijana-vargaih samvibhajyasritas taih


madhukara-ruta-ramya yasya rajanti kamyas


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very fragrant Radha-kunda, on the shores of which are many splendid and

charming forest groves filled with the sweet sounds of bumblebees and each

named after one of Sri Radha's friends, be my shelter.




Text 7




tata-bhuvi vara-vedyam yasya narmati-hrdyam


madhura-madhura-vartam gostha-candrasya bhangya


prathayati mitha isa prana-sakhyalibhih sa


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very fragrant Radha-kunda, on the shore of which, in a pleasant

courtyard Queen Radha and Her friends sweetly joke with Lord Krsna, the moon

of Vraja, be my shelter.




Text 8




anudinam ati-rangaih prema-mattali-sanghair


vara-sarasija-gandhair hari-vari-prapurne


viharata iha yasmin dam-pati tau pramattau


tad ati-surabhi radha-kundam evasrayo me


May very fragrant Radha-kunda, where the passionate divine couple daily

plays with Their passionate friends in the charming lotus-scented water, be

my shelter.





Text 9




avikalam ati devyas caru kundastakam yah


paripathati tadiyollasi-dasyarpitatma


aciram iha sarire darsayaty eva tasmai


madhu-ripur ati-modaih slisyamanam priyam tam


To one who is completely dedicated to Queen Radha's service and who happily

read these eight beautiful verses describing Her lake, even in this present

body Lord Krsna shows His beloved as he happily embraces Her.

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