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> 2) "The ritvik system has never happened before."


> a) Srila Prabhupada never states that if something has

> not happened before it must be rejected.

> b) If we rejected something simply on the basis that

> it has not happened before, then the first thing we

> must reject is the GBC's Guru system, with its

> voted-in, non-Indian Gurus; a system which has never

> been practised before.

> c) There is no historical precedent for a disciple to

> reject an order of his Guru purely on the basis that

> it has no historical precedent, therefore the argument

> is self-contradictory.


> Learn the truth about the ISKCON guru hoax

> ISKCON Revival Movement - http://www.iskconirm.com


What it all boils down to, really, is the question of the authority we

select to follow. You can quote from Prabhupada from now on till the end of

this Manu, but it's all meaningless if you have not understood his

teachings. The devil also quotes the Bible, as they say. Now, I know you are

not going to get any of this, since you are evidently not well versed in the

science of guru-tattva, but I am just stating it for the record.


You end every text of yours with the IRM logo, which promises to reveal the

guru-hoax in ISKCON. That means you refer to them and accept IRM as

authority. You advise us to follow that authority instead of the GBC and

ISKCON. This is the real point under discussion here. Forget the quoting. So

lets examine the authority you propose. If we take a quick, dispassionate

look at the persons you propose as authorities it's a rather sorry sight:


KK Desai - he has never lived in a temple, has never received any formal

training as a devotee. He has never submitted to any devotional authority.

He has never met Prabhupada, or associated closely with those who knew

Prabhupada, and who received personal training and instructions from him. My

question then is, how did he come to such insight in Srila Prabhupada's

mission and legacy? Where did he get it from? Yet you claim that only he,

and not one amongst Prabhupada's direct disciples and followers, has the

ability to understand Prabhupada correctly. Can't you see the preposterous

monstrosity of such a claim? When I ask, what are KK Desai's qualifications

to expand and comment on guru-tattva, your only reply is, that he has

properly understood what Prabhupada is saying.


Are you for real? Is that all it takes for you to be convinced about

something? I ask you again, what are KK Desai's qualifications to comment on

guru tattva in the first place, and secondly, why should his comments be

taken seriously, when he has no standing in any Vaishnava community and has

never submitted to any vaishnava authority? Please answer that. You may say,

he has submitted to Prabhupada, but then we want to see the evidence of

that. What is the evidence that KK. Desai is a surrendered soul onto

Prabhupada? Please tell me that.


Another one of IRM's gurus is Adri-dharan. He is wanted by the police for

the appropriation of tens of thousands of ISKCON dollars that went in his

own pockets. He is a greedy person who manipulates and usurps the facilities

of ISKCON to line his own pockets. What might be HIS qualification be to

comment on guru-tattva? Would you care to enlighten us about why you think

this is a proper person to receive instructions from? Please tell us what

are his qualifications to instruct everyone in gurutattva.


And Madhu Pandit - another person who by deceit, bribery and forgery of

documents has stolen a whole gigantic temple project away from ISKCON and

written it over in his own name, and who is now employing all his family

members in the lucrative business of ripping off life members and

congregation, pretending it is all done in ISKCON's good name. On the one

hand he is denouncing ISKCON and taking its members to court over

proprietorship, and on the other he is using ISKCON's good name to collect

funds for himself and his family. Is that kind of hypocrisy a qualification

you are looking for in an authority?


I have to say, you are one duped person. What's wrong with you? You come

across as someone who accepts his authorities blindly without any question

or explanation, just as long as it is against ISKCON. And this we have to

listen to? Only intellectual retards would fall for such nonsense. Actually,

you are doing ISKCON a real service. I guess nothing is so bad that it is

not good for something. If you can lure away any members of ISKCON, be my

guest. Anyone, who will fall for the drivel you are presenting here, doesn't

belong in ISKCON in the first place.

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Dear Madhusudana Prabhu, PAMHO. AGTSP!



> > > 2) "The ritvik system has never happened before."

> > >

> > > a) Srila Prabhupada never states that if something has not happened

> > > before it must be rejected.

> >

> > This is a ludicrous argument ("Srila Prabhupada did not say, therefore

> > the opposite is true").


> You are inventing arguments NOT made in a). Please demonstrate how a)

> above even suggests "therefore the opposite is true".


If by your statement (a) you wanted to say that 'if something has not

happened before, it does not have to be rejected', then this is a ludicrous

argument. Any argument that begins with "Srila Prabhupada did not say" or

similar is ludicrous.



> > > b) If we rejected something simply on the basis that it has not

> > > happened before, then the first thing we must reject is the GBC's Guru

> > > system,

> >

> > What has the GBC's guru system to do with ritviks? Please explain.


> What make you think that the GBC's guru system does have something to do

> with ritviks? Read b) carefully and show how b) has implied that the GBC's

> guru system has something to do with ritviks.


So we agree: The GBC's guru system has nothing to do with ritviks. Or does




> > > with its voted-in,

> >

> > You misunderstood the current guru system. The GBC does not vote-in

> > gurus. Where did you read that? Please quote. The GBC votes-out

> > unqualified gurus.


> 'The word appointed is never used. But there are "candidates for

> initiating guru", **VOTES** are taken, and those who make it through the

> procedures become "ISKCON-APPROVED" or "ISKCON-authorised" gurus. (Jas

> 1996)


Yes, Jayadvaita Swami explained it well.


www.dictionary.com says:

vote in

v : elect in a voting process; "They voted in Clinton"


This is not what the GBC does. They is a vote if there is any objection.



> > > c) There is no historical precedent for a disciple to reject an order

> > > of his Guru purely on the basis that it has no historical precedent,

> > > therefore the argument is self-contradictory.

> >

> > Another ludicrous argument.


> Why? I do not see what is ludicrous about c) above.


Any statement that begins with "Srila Prabhupada did not say", "there is no

historical precedence", or similar is ludicrous. After all, you cannot prove

that 'Srila Prabhupada did not say' or 'there is no historical precedence'.



ys Ramakanta dasa

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Ramakant prabhu.


Pamho. AgtSP.


--- "Ramakanta (das)wrote:


> Dear Madhusudana Prabhu, PAMHO. AGTSP!



> > > > 2) "The ritvik system has never happened

> before."

> > > >

> > > > a) Srila Prabhupada never states that if

> something has not happened

> > > > before it must be rejected.

> > >

> > > This is a ludicrous argument ("Srila Prabhupada

> did not say, therefore

> > > the opposite is true").

> >

> > You are inventing arguments NOT made in a). Please

> demonstrate how a)

> > above even suggests "therefore the opposite is

> true".


> If by your statement (a) you wanted to say that 'if

> something has not

> happened before, it does not have to be rejected',

> then this is a ludicrous

> argument. Any argument that begins with "Srila

> Prabhupada did not say" or

> similar is ludicrous.





What I find ludicrous is your inability to demonstrate

as requested how a) above suggests "therefore the

opposite is true". Why not take statement a) above as

it is?


Also your statement "Any argument that begins with

"Srila Prabhupada did not say" or similar is

ludicrous." Is also nonsense. The following is taken

from statements by ISKCON 'gurus' and seniors.


"I must also admit that **Srila Prabhupada did not say

anything** very clearly about how the initiation

system in ISKCON should be after his disappearance

from this planet."

(Bhakti Caru Swami, Day 3, LA Seminar,' Questions and

Answers', Published on June 11, 2000)


**Srila Prabhupada did not say** a word. He merely

stood and walked quietly into his bedroom to take

rest. Harikesa meanwhile continued to emphasize his

point. "If Brahmananda was still the secretary, you'd

never get away with this!" He cooled off, however,

when I explained that Srila Prabhupada himself had

asked me to read to him. Harikesa conceded that under

the circumstances I had no choice but to do it.



It was so transcendental, it was as if I suddenly

ceased to exist. ***Prabhupada did not say*** even a

word. It was just the prasadam, and Prabhupada became

absorbed in Krsna. So I very quietly offered my

obeisances and hurriedly left the room.



**Prabhupada did not say** exactly what was wrong, but

the devotees became distressed, especially the artist.

Everyone felt uncomfortable until Srila Prabhupada

found a solution.


**Prabhupada did not say** they were all useless, but

he told me in no uncertain terms that they were not



**Srila Prabhupada did not say** much on that morning

walk. Mainly he chanted japa.


**But Srila Prabhupada did not say** that we have to

become as pure as him before we could speak as plainly

as him.


So this last quote from ISKCON guru Bhakti Vikas Swami

is according to you ludicrous? Maybe you should get an

advisory seat on the GBC whereby you could give them

all guidance on how to write without being ludicrous.




Learn the truth about the ISKCON guru hoax

ISKCON Revival Movement - http://www.iskconirm.com






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Dear Madhusudana Prabhu, PAMHO. AGTSP!



> a) Srila Prabhupada never states that if something has not happened before

> it must be rejected.


> What I find ludicrous is your inability to demonstrate as requested how a)

> above suggests "therefore the opposite is true". Why not take statement a)

> above as it is?


If you take it as it is, then it is okay. But it is ludicrous to conclude

from a) that if something has not happened before, then it does not have to

be rejected.



> Also your statement "Any argument that begins with "Srila Prabhupada did

> not say" or similar is ludicrous." Is also nonsense. The following is

> taken from statements by ISKCON 'gurus' and seniors.


These statements are not arguments. I for example also say the July 9th

letter does not say when the ritvik system was to be stopped. But I don't

conclude that it had to be stopped or not to be stopped.



ys Ramakanta dasa

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Rama Kanta prabhu.


Please accept my most humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Ramakanta (das)wrote:


> Dear Madhusudana Prabhu, PAMHO. AGTSP!


> > So this is our argument! Since Srila Prabhupada

> never gave any instruction

> > on stoping the ritvik system, then why was it

> stopped?


> First, you cannot prove that Srila Prabhupada never

> gave that instruction

> because not everything what he said has been

> recorded.




Yes but the burden of proof is on you. To prove that

the system was to be stopped. Without any direct

evidence from Srila Prabhupada to stop the system.

Then there is absolutely no justification for stopping

the system.




> Second, even if it were true that he never gave that

> instruction, that would

> not mean that the ritvik system has not to be

> stopped.




Rama Kant this is just more speculation. Human life

has a higher purpose than simply to be engaged in

mental gymnastics.




Learn the truth about the ISKCON guru hoax

ISKCON Revival Movement - http://www.iskconirm.com





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Rama Kant Prabhu.


Please and accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Ramakanta (das) wrote:


> There was a "not" at the wrong place in my

> statement. Correct is:


> Third, every time you present such a statement, I

> can present a similar

> statement that says the opposite:



Well not quite correct since of all my statements are

from Srila Prabhupada.




Since Srila

> Prabhupadas never gave any

> instruction on continuing the ritvik system, then

> why should it be

> continued?



This is simply nonsense. Childish prattle.


Learn the truth about the ISKCON guru hoax

ISKCON Revival Movement - http://www.iskconirm.com





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