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Goverdhana Puja - Happy Diwali

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Hare Krishna,








Once again we reached the festival of Dewali and more important is the

Goverdhana Puja (Appearance of Goverdhana Hill). We wish all of you a very


Govardhana on 2nd Nov. the auspicious appearance day and celebrate the

Govardhana Puja.




Please note that we don't have any qualifications to glorify Sir Sir

Giriraja Goverdhana and we wish that all of you would give us your mercy so

that we will endeavour more and more to serve the lotus feet of Sri Sri

GauraNitai and glorify the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.








Your servant in the mission of Srila Prabhupada




Nanda Gopal Dasa


Mohan Priya Devi Dasi


Bhaktas Balarama & Krishna










Lord Krishna's father Nanda Maharaja once inquired from His brother Upananda

how Goverdhana Hill appeared in the sacred land of Vrandavana. Upananda

replied that King Pandu, father of the Pandavas, had asked this question to

Grandfather Bhisma, who had narrated the following story from the Garga





One day in Goloka Vrandavana Lord Krishna informed Srimati Radharani that

She should now appear on earth as it was time for Them to perform Their

transcendental pastimes within the material world. Radharani replied that

unless Vraja Dhama, the Yamuna and Goverdhana Hill were present there, She

would not be very happy. Krishna then told Radharani that She need not

worry, as Vraja Dhama, along with the Yamuna and Goverdhana Hill had already

appeared on earth.




Many years before this incident, in the land of Salmali dvipa, the wife of

the great mountain Dronacal gave birth to a son named Goverdhana. At the

time of Goverdhana's birth all the demigods appeared in the sky and showered

flowers upon Him. The great mountain, led by the Himalayas and Sumeru, came

there to offer their respects. They then performed parikrama of Goverdhana

and accepted Him as their king. They offered very nice prayers praising

Goverdhana for having descended from Goloka Vrandavana, describing him as

the "crown jewel of Vraja."




Some years later, at the beginning of Satay-yuga, the great sage Pulastya

Muni paid a visit to Salmali dvipa. Upon seeing the beautiful Goverdhana

Hill covered with many lovely creepers, flowers, rivers, caves and chirping

birds, the sage felt that this Hill was capable of giving liberation. He

then went to meet Dronacal, who immediately offered his respects and

inquired from the sage what service he could render. Pulastya Muni informed

Dronacal that he was from Kasi (Banares) and was on pilgrimage to all the

holy places. And he said that even though the sacred river Ganges flows

through Kasi, there is no beautiful hill. He then asked Dronacal to give

Goverdhana to him so that he could perform his austerities sitting on top of

the hill.




On hearing the sage's request, Dronacal, who was not willing to part his

son, started to shed tears in thought of separation from his beloved

Goverdhana. Not wanting to see Pulastya Muni become angry and curse his

father, Goverdhana asked the sage how he would carry him all the way to

Kasi. The sage replied that he would carry him in his right hand. Goverdhana

then agreed to go with the sage on one condition - that if the sage put him

down anywhere during the course of the journey, he would not be able lift

him again. Pulastya Muni agreed. Carrying Goverdhana in his right hand he

left for Kasi.




By the will of providence Pulastya Muni passed through Vraja, on his way to

Kasi. On arriving in Vraja, Goverdhana thought that now he was here, he

should remain in the holy dhama. By his mystic power he was able to

influence Pulastya Muni to attend to the call of nature. Unmindful, the sage

put Goverdhana down and went off to answer the call. But when he returned he

was unable to again lift Goverdhana. Trying with all his might, using both

hands, he could not lift Goverdhana even slightly.




In great anger Pulastya Muni cursed Goverdhana to sink into the ground by

the measurement of one mustard seed every day. When Goverdhana first came to

Vraja in the beginning of Satya-yaga, he was eight yojanas long (64 miles);

five yojanas wide (40miles) and two yojans high (16 miles). It is said that

after ten thousand years of Kali-yaga, Goverdhana Hill will have completely





After narrating the wonderful story of Goverdhana's appearance, Sunanda

informed Nanda Maharaja that as long as Goverdhana Hill and the river Yamuna

remained manifest, Kali-yuga would not take its full effect. Sunanda also

said that anyone who is fortunate enough to hear the description of the

appearance of Goverdhana Hill would be freed from all sins.




" O Goverdhana, O king of mountains, O hill whose nectarine name-the best of

Hari's servant - flows from the moonlike mouth of Sri Radha, O hill that the

Vedas declare to be the tilaka marking of Vraja, please grant me a residence

near to you."


>From 'Stavavali' by Raghunatha dasa Goswami




Sri Sri Giriraja Goverdhana Raja ki jay!




CC: Antya 6 TEXT 294




Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Raghunatha dasa, "This stone is the

transcendental form of Lord Krsna. Worship the stone with great eagerness."




Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya that in the

opinion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the govardhana-sila, the stone from

Govardhana Hill, was directly the form of Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda.

The Lord used the stone for three years, and then in the heart of Raghunatha

dasa the Lord awakened devotional service to the stone. The Lord then gave

the stone to Raghunatha dasa, accepting him as one of His most confidential

servants. However, some envious people conclude that because Raghunatha dasa

had not taken birth in the family of a brahmana, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did

not give him the right to worship the Deity directly but instead gave him a

stone from Govardhana. This kind of thought is naraki, or hellish. As stated

in the Padma Purana, arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave

jati-buddhih . . . yasya va naraki sah. If one thinks that the worshipable

salagrama-sila is a mere stone, that the spiritual master is an ordinary

human being or that a pure Vaisnava preaching the bhakti cult all over the

world is a member of a particular caste or material division of society, he

is considered a naraki, a candidate for hellish life. When Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu instructed that the govardhana-sila, the stone taken from

Govardhana, is non-different from the body of Sri Krsna, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, He indirectly advised such foolish persons that one

should not be envious of a Vaisnava who belongs to a different caste or

sect. One should accept a Vaisnava as transcendental. In this way one can be

saved; otherwise, one is surely awaiting a hellish life.


Antya 6.295


TEXT 295


ei silara kara tumi sattvika pujana


acirat pabe tumi krsna-prema-dhana




Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Worship this stone in the mode of

goodness like a perfect brahmana, for by such worship you will surely attain

ecstatic love of Krsna without delay.


Antya 6.296


TEXT 296


eka kunja jala ara tulasi-manjari


sattvika-seva ei--suddha-bhave kari




"For such worship, one needs a jug of water and a few flowers from a tulasi

tree. This is worship in complete goodness when performed in complete



Antya 6.297


TEXT 297


dui-dike dui-patra madhye komala manjari


ei-mata asta-manjari dibe sraddha kari'"




"With faith and love, you should offer eight soft tulasi flowers, each with

two tulasi leaves, one on each side of each flower."


Antya 6.298


TEXT 298


sri-haste sila diya ei ajna dila


anande raghunatha seva karite lagila




After thus advising him how to worship, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

personally offered Raghunatha dasa the govardhana-sila with His

transcendental hand. As advised by the Lord, Raghunatha dasa worshiped the

sila in great transcendental jubilation.




PS note that today one can have darshana of Goverdhana-sila given to

Raghunatha dasa Goswami at Radha Gokulananda in Vrndavana attached is a

photo of the same.

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