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Krsna in sruti

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Hare Krishna Prabhu, _/\o_


this should help:





from veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/tattvas1.htm:


Krsna's supreme ontological position is elaborately defined in

Sad-sandarbhas of Sri Jiva Gosvami, esp. Krsna-sandarbha.


Sruti references:


tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah

diviva caksur atatam visnor yat paramam padam


The wise continuously see the highest form of Visnu. This supreme

form, perceived with spiritual eyes, is Krsna. (Rg Veda 1.22.23)


apasyam gopam anipadyamana ma ca para ca pathibhis carantam

sa sadhricih sa visucir vasana avarirvati bhuvanesv antah


I saw a cowherd. He never falls from his position; sometimes he is

near, and some times far, wandering on various paths. He is a friend,

decorated with a variety of clothes. He comes again and again to the

material world. (Rg Veda 1.22.164 sukta 31)


yasmat param naparam asti kincid

yasman naniyo na jyayo'sti kascit

vrksa iva stabho divi tisthaty ekas

tenedam purnam purusena sarvam


There is no one greater than Him. There is no one smaller or larger

than Him. By this person everything becomes complete. He is situated

firmly like a tree, surrounded by effulgence. (Svetasvatara Upanisad



esa atma 'pahata-papa vijaro vimrtyu visoko

vijaghatso'pipasah satya-kamah satya-sankalpah


That soul is without sin, without old age, without death, without

lamentation, without hunger, without thirst, fully truthful and whose

wish is always fulfilled. (Chandogya Upanisad 8.1.5)


ayam atma sarvesam bhutanam madhu ayam atma sarvesam

bhutanam adhipatih sarvesam bhutanam raja


This soul is the honey for all living entities. He is the Lord of all

living entities, the king of all living entities. (Brhadaranyaka

Upanisad 2.5.14-15)


sa yadi sakhiloka kamo bhavati sankalpad evasya sakhayah

samuttistanti tena sakhilokena sampanno mahiyate


If He desires friendship, by his wish, friends appear and with them He

can obtain satisfaction. (Chandogya Upanisad 8.2.9)


na tatra suryo bhati na candra-tarakam

nema vidyuto bhanti kuto'yam agnih

tam eva bhantam anubhati sarvas

tasya bhasa sarvam idam vibhati


Neither sun, moon, stars, lightning, what to speak of fire, can reveal

the Supreme. Rather all the luminary objects, in accordance with the

Lord, receive their own existence. Everything rests on the existence

of the Lord. (Katha Upanisad. 2.2.15)


vedaham etam purusam mahantam

aditya varnam tamasah parastat

tam eva viditvatimrtyum eti

nanya-pantha vidyate'yanaya

sarvatah pani padam tat sarvato'ksi siro mukham

sarvatah srutimatloke sarvam avrty atitisthati


I know that great person as transcendental to the material world, self

illuminating like the sun. The jiva, knowing Him, surpasses death.

There is no other path for crossing death. His hands and feet are

spread everywhere. His eyes, head, mouth and ears are everywhere. He

exists spreading himself in all things. (Svetasvatara Upanisad 3.8.16)


na sandrse tisthati rupam asya

na caksusa pasyati kascanainam

hrda hrdi stham manasa ya enam

evam vidur amrtas te bhavanti


His form is beyond material sense perception. No one can see Him with

material eyes. Those who, by meditation, know him who is situated in

the heart, attain liberation. (Svetasvatara Upanisad 4.20)


tam isvaranam paramam mahesvaram

tam daivatanam paramam ca daivatam

patim patinam paramam parastad

vidama devam bhuvanesam idyam


You are the Lord of all other controllers such as Brahma and Siva. You

are the Lord of all the devatas such as Indra. You are the Lord of all

the prajapatis. You are superior to the supreme. We know you as the

ultimate object of all prayers and eulogies; the Supreme Personality

who is keen on performing wonderful pastimes. (Svetasvatara Upanisad



nirdosa purna guna grahatma tantre

niscetanatmaka-sarira-gunais ca hinah


sarvatra ca svagata-bheda-vivarjitatma


The Supreme Lord is endowed with all qualities in perfect, without

birth, maintenance and destruction common to material bodies. His body

is conscious, devoid of material qualities, composed of bliss. His

form is devoid of distinctions between of body and possessor of the

body, quality and possessor of the quality, devoid of internal

difference. (Narada Pancaratra)



Hope this helps.


Your servant, bh. Jan




(Bhakti-yoga, Vedic Encyclopedia, Vedic Library, Connections, Links)

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