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Homages to Srila Prabhupada from Vrindavana Dham (part 3)

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Here's the last installment of Disappearance Day transcripts that we will be

sending out. There were, of course, many more speakers, but for various

reasons this is all we can manage. Hope you all enjoy them.


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Vaisesika Das:


I offer my respectful obeisances at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, my

saviour, and to all the devotees here. We beg for your continued



Srila Prabhupada's disappearance day, tirobhava, is today. But according to

authorities, for the dedicated disciple, there is no tirobhava because the

disciple is dedicated to the spiritual master's order and goes on as such



When Lord Rama was banished to the forest by Dasaratha's order, Bharata came

and told him to come back as the rightful king. Bharata said that he would

step down, but Rama replied that, "My father has given this order and so

nobody can cancel it." So the disciple must feel that the guru's order is

the paramount guiding light of his life. He then lives always in the

association of the guru. Srila Prabhupada gave many instructions, but among

them, his mood of compassion is prominent.


Brahmananda Prabhu told me recently that when Prabhupada sent him to Africa,

he asked Prabhupada, "How will I preach there?" and Prabhupada told him, "Be

very merciful." This was his mood. He once wrote in a letter to Dayananda

and Nandarani, "You are very intelligent and nice boy and girl, and trying

to understand Krishna Consciousness, and I can simply pray that you shall

try to understand more and more about this transcendental science, and

whenever possible, try to talk about Krishna Consciousness to your friends

or whomever you may meet. Simply by this attempt you will get superior

strength and knowledge about Krishna Consciousness."


In the Eleventh Canto there is the description of Dattatreya who says that

water was one of his gurus. Water has three qualities: it purifies, it's a

clear via medium and makes a pleasing sound. By Srila Prabhupada's touch we

all can see we are not the body and that the goal of life is to go back to

Godhead, and by his teachings and through his Srimad Bhagavatam, he purifies

everyone and people worldwide are being transformed by this power.


I will leave you with one verse from Caitanya Bhagavat that Madhava Maharaja

told me this morning while we were at Srila Prabhupada's samadhi:




If you serve Lord Acyuta you may or may not become perfect, but if you serve

the devotee of Lord Acyuta you will definitely become perfect. Thank you.


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Smita Krsna Swami:


It's very wonderful to be here in Vrindavan today, the place where Krsna

performed His pastimes.


I joined in 1970 and I did not have much association with Srila Prabhupada.

I had some, but I take it that my association with him was through his

disciples. They had met him and all told me small stories of their

association and conversations with him. In this way Prabhupada became known

to me, through his disciples. Then, of course, I also came to know him

through his books and lectures. We heard that Prabhupada said that "If you

hear nicely, you'll be able to speak nicely." So I thought "Let me hear",

thus now I can speak something. In that way I got the mercy through my

Godbrothers and Godsisters. Now I'm getting more mercy as Prabhupada is

present here today and in one sense he is speaking to us through everyone.


In the early days, as we've heard, the Krsna consciousness movement wasn't

very big. We were told this movement will spread all over the world, which

is something we couldn't imagine, but now we see how many devotees have come

together to celebrate Srila Prabhupada's disappearance day. Of course one

thing is that there should be many, many more here who may be missing. I

wish they would be here too.


I take it that Srila Prabhupada has a place for all of us in his heart,

anyone who tried to do anything for him, whether they are disciples or

granddisciples. There is a place for everyone. Thank you, Srila Prabhupada.


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Moksa Laksmi Devi Dasi:


This morning in mangala-arati I was thinking that the temple has become too

small for all of us. Who would have thought in 1975 that we would outgrow

this huge temple? At that time it was a huge big temple in this dusty quiet

town with no cars and suddenly we are now standing in this small temple and

Vrindavan is so busy; it's all changed because of Srila Prabhupada's success

in preaching. It's so wonderful now everyone knows about Vrindavan. Actually

it's a shame we didn't have the foresight to make the temple bigger at that



Thinking of the temple, I am reminded of Srila Prabhupada sitting under the

Tamal tree. Bhavananda carried him in his arms like a baby to his rooms. We

hadn't seen Prabhupada for a few days and one day suddenly he came out of

his room and was sitting under the tree. The temple was empty when he came

but in a couple of minutes the temple was full. The devotees came from

everywhere, and there was this huge kirtana with Pancadravida playing

mrdanga, but Prabhupada wanted a quiet kirtana. It became our life to sit

with Prabhupada under the tree with quiet kirtan and all the gurukula

children dancing. It was a wonderful pastime.


I was here for his last days, including when we took him around Vrindavan on

parikrama the day after. It was a very intense day but we were so happy to

be part of that. Yesterday when we took him down to the town it took three

hours and we were dancing the whole way, it's so wonderful. It was actually

on the request of the Goswami from Radha Raman that we took Prabhupada on

parikrama originally.


When Prabhupada left Vrindavan the last time he was going to London to

preach. He left Vrindavan at midnight, lying on the back of the car seat on

some mattresses from the guest house. As the car was pulling out it suddenly

stopped where I was standing and I looked into the car where he was lying. I

met his gaze, he was so frail and weak but still he was willing to leave

Vrindavan. Everyone wants to die in Vrindavan, but he left for us so we

could spread this movement.


Srila Prabhupada will be as near to us as we want, it's really up to us how

close he is to us.


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Dravida Das:


Srila Prabhupada had so many varied disciples all over the world, and has

been mentioned before, some of them are beginning to leave their bodies.

Also it is a testimony to his power and his mercy that many of them are

leaving in a very exalted manner. Recently, my old friend, Kusakratha

Prabhu, left his body right here, just a few weeks ago, actually. I knew him

from 1977 when he first started translating the works of the Goswamis. Many

of you may not know that he was also a poet. He also wrote many Sanskrit

poems, many of them are about Srila Prabhupada. In his honour, and in Srila

Prabhupada's honour, I would like to share with you one he wrote in 1978. it

is included in the Vyasa puja book of that year. I present to you eight

verses glorifying Srila Prabhupada, Prabhupadastakam:


Eight Verses Glorifying Srila Prabhupada

inspired by a Sanskrit poem by Sriman Kusakratha dasa

Versification by Dravida dasa


1) sri-sri-navadvipa-para-pradipah

sandipyamanah satato bhuviha

cetas-tamo hanti hi yasya yatnat

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


The transcendental lamp of Navadvip, Gaurangadev,

He took with great endeavor 'round the world the souls to save

Who long had dwelt in darkness, never chanting Krsna's name-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


2) sri-bhaktisiddhanta-pracoditah sri-

vyasadya-kosam kusalam krpaluh

san mleccha-vag-desa-caye 'dadhad yas

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


The sacred treasure left by Vyas and other learned saints

He rendered into English free of speculation's taints,

And thus he mercif'lly fulfilled Sri Sarasvati's aim-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


3) acchadyate yat-para-tarka-drsya-


advaiti-khadyota-kulam jagatyam

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


The brilliant sun of Lord Govinda's form is shining bright

Throughout this world because of his sharp logic's awesome might.

That sun makes all the Mayavadi glowworms hide in shame-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


4) yasyaiva yatnena purana-raja-

gangamala kesava-keli-hamsa

sat-stotra-ratna vahatiha loke

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


The pristine Ganges of the Bhagavat flows everywhere

Because of his great effort. In that stream, the sages' prayers

Are gems, and Krsna's pastimes are swans sporting unrestrained-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


5) sri-radhika-krsna-padaravinde

sahasra-hrtsu sata-mandiresu

aropayad yo madhure prthivyam

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


Ensuring that his mission's victory would be complete,

He planted Sri Sri Radha-Krsna's charming lotus feet

In temples by the dozen and in countless hearts unchained-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


6) kausalyadair yasya sahasra-sastra-

sastrativarsaih pratihanyate hi

canda kaler moha-camur hathena

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


The fierce and formidable army led by wicked Kali

Is being slain by arrow showers, volley upon volley.

Those arrows are his all-auspicious books of spotless fame-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


7) nana-lasad-gaura-sudha-prakasa-

phalah ksitau sthapita eva yena


tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


The Hare Krsna movement's a desire tree, whose fruits

Are all the splendid ways Lord Gaura's army wins recruits.

To plant that tree upon the earth, from Krsna's realm he came-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


8) yo nityada jivati daivikisu

nijasu siksasu sahanugami

krpambudhir nanda-sutasritatma

tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam


An ocean of compassion, he has taken shelter of

Sri Nanda's Son with all his being in everlasting love.

He lives on by his words, with him his followers remain-

The vast renown of Srila Prabhupada I now proclaim.


I pray that those who hear this hymn, which shines the brilliant light

Of Srila Prabhupada's renown in Kali-yuga's night,

Will soon attain firm faith in his instructions so that they

May one day join him in Golok, and there with Krsna stay.

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