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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - on Sannyasa

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Srila Prabhupada Said: on Sannyasa



"That you cannot stay anywhere very long due to the

rules of your visa is a blessing in disguise. It is

very good for a sannyasi. Narada Muni was similarly

cursed by Daksa that he could not stay anywhere very

long, and this only increases preaching. So you also

increase your preaching and be more merciful to a

greater number of persons."


-- Letter of January 24, 1976



"Regarding returning to your own village, a sannyasi

is not supposed to go back to his own village."


-- Letter of September 21, 1975



"The spirit soul is equal in either a man or a woman.

For one who is actually engaged in the service of

Krsna, there is no such distinction as man or woman.

In the Bhagavad-gita, sixth chapter, first verse, it

is stated, anasritah karma-phalam karyam karma karoti

yah/ sa sannyasi ca yogi ca na niragnir na cakriyah.

Anyone acting for Krsna, he is a sannyasi or

sannyasini. It is also stated: striyo vaisyas tatha

sudras te pi yanti param gatim. So spiritually

everyone is equal. But materially a woman cannot be

given sannyasa, but you should not be bothered because

you are certainly on the spiritual platform."


-- Letter of February 4, 1976


"Regarding your wanting to leave your family and take

sannyasa, what is your family? You live aside from

your wife, and you have no children, so you are

already sannyasa. Anyway, we can consider later on.

First we have to push this movement. That is most



-- Letter of July 29, 1975


"I think that B. should follow the example of Rupa

Gosvami. Rupa Gosvami took sannyasa and gave fifty

percent in charity, twenty-five percent for family

use, and he kept twenty-five percent for emergencies.

Krsna wants to see that their life is sacrificed, but

also accumulation of money should be given to Krsna.

Life to Krsna and money to wife is not a good



-- Letter of February 21, 1976



"If you feel maya attractive, then live an honest life

as a householder and contribute to our movement. As a

family man you can join Svarupa Damodara and help with

the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says

it doesn't matter whether one is a sannyasi, grhastha,

brahmana, or sudra. You have intelligence. Study more

and more. If you think you should be married, then do

that and assist Bhaktivedanta Institute by giving

service. My request is that you don't become an

ordinary foolish man. Keep Krsna consciousness in any

condition of life. That is success."


-- Letter of October 29, 1976


Letter to Gurudasa, November 18, 1976; letter to

Gurudasa, August 21, 1975; letter to Jayatirtha dasa,

January 13, 1976; letter to Nalinikanta dasa, November

21, 1975; letter to Prthu Putra Maharaja, January 24,

1976; letter to Gauragovinda Swami, September 21,

1975; letter to Aditya-devi dasi, February 4, 1976;

letter to Hamsaduta dasa, July 29, 1975; letter to

Rupanuga dasa, February 21, 1976. In this case,

Rupanuga was informing Prabhupada of a devotee in the

temple who had inherited $19,000, which he loaned to

the temple. The arrangement was that the loan should

be paid back because the man planned to take sannyasa

in five to ten years and wanted to keep aside some

money for his wife's maintenance. Letter to Pusta

Krsna dasa, October 29, 1976.



- From the Prabhupada Nectar by HH Satsvarupa dasa

Goswami Maharaj






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