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An E-Newsletter of Sri Mayapur Project

Volume 1 No. 1, December 2005




.. Mayapur/Cambridge Union

.. New Websites Launched

.. Mayapur Festival 2006

.. Festival Schedule

.. Sat Sanga Seminars

.. Announcements


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Sri Mayapur International School Secures Cambridge Affiliation


Sri Mayapur International School has been officially recognized as a

University of Cambridge international examination center. The school - the

combined result of Mayapur's former day school and the boy's ashram school -

has secured the coveted registration as a center for CIE: the University of

Cambridge International Examinations. CIE is the world's leading provider of

international examinations and qualifications, with a long history of

delivering high-quality academic examinations, now available in over 150



Cambridge syllabuses are recognized internationally. Each year over one

million students enter CIE exams, and their teachers receive excellent

support and extensive resources to prepare them. The curriculum encourages

students both to acquire knowledge and use an exploratory approach to build

confidence in solving problems. CIE programs blend easily with other

curricula. As long as set outcomes and goals are achieved, they enjoy great

leeway for teaching methods and processes, leaving plenty of room for

devotional application.


Lalita dasi, headmistress of the former Mayapur day school, has worked for

ten years to achieve this recognition for the newly amalgamated school.


Through ISKCON's Sri Mayapur International School, children in the Mayapur

region will, for the first time, have access to an internationally acclaimed

educational experience.


For more information about Sri Mayapur International School, please visit

www.smis.in or email smis (AT) pamho (DOT) net



Mayapur Festival 2006:

Experience Navadvipa Dhama's Ever Increasing Sakti


Srila Prabhupada started the Mayapur Festival in 1972 as a facility for his

followers to enter Sridhama Mayapur for enlivenment, empowerment, and

purification. From its humble beginnings, the Mayapur Festival has developed

dramatically and now attracts thousands of devotees, who, upon entering

Mayapur, experience the incredible glories of Kali-yuga's most powerful



Srila Prabhupada often told us that devotional service performed in Sridhama

Mayapur earns a hundred (sometimes he would say a thousand) times more

benefit than the same service rendered outside the dhama. Furthermore the

Navadvipa-dhama Mahatmya states, "The glories of other holy places are

present hundreds and millions of times over in Navadvipa in the age of Kali.

Navadvipa is filled with ever increasing bliss. All the holy tirthas reside

in Navadvipa; therefore by serving in Navadvipa one automatically serves all

the tirthas". Our guess is that you will gain insights into these points

when you come to the 2006 Mayapur Festival and undergo profound changes in

your heart as we celebrate:


* The 520th anniversary of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance,

* The 500th anniversary of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu starting the sankirtana

movement, and

* The 40th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada starting ISKCON.


In these celebrations, we will organize:


* Over 25 MIHE Sat-sanga Seminars without service charges, given by ISKCON's

most senior leaders,

* The 1st Annual World Sankirtan Festival,

* The 2nd Annual Srila Prabhupada Disciples' Reunion with free

accommodations and prasadam for Srila Prabhupada disciples,

* The Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama,

* Free prasadam for everyone except during parikrama,

* Unique and unforgettable main stage entertainment arranged by Bhaktimarga

Swami and Praghosa Prabhu,

* Thrilling and exotic festivities after the parikrama,

* The 1st Annual Hare Krishna Film Festival,

* The grandest deity worship in the world, and

* Great kirtans, sanga and classes.


Hearing and chanting, associating with devotees, taking prasadam, and

worshipping the deities in the sanctity of Sridhama Mayapur will stimulate

deep Krishna conscious realizations that will remain with you for the rest

of your life.


Please consider this unique opportunity carefully and try to arrange your

schedule so you can come to the 2006 Mayapur Festival.

Please visit the accommodations section of Mayapur.com to secure the

reservations of your choice by using our Accommodations Request Form or by

writing Racitambara devi dasi at MGHB (AT) pamho (DOT) net


Please write Bhakti Purusottama Swami, our Festival Coordinator, at

bps (AT) pamho (DOT) net for general festival inquiries and suggestions.


There are no registration fees for the Mayapur Festival and all prasadam is

provided free to the visiting devotees, sponsored by Festival donors. The

Mayapur Foundation has made it easy for you to join in supporting the

festival with your contribution by visiting www.gaurapurnima.com and

participating in the Gaura Purnima Offering of Service.




2006 Mayapur Festival Schedule


January 30 - March 13 MIHE Gaura Purnima Courses (VTE-style seminars)

February 10 Lord Nityananda's Appearance

February 16 - 26 GBC Meetings

February 18 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's


February 25 Inauguration of Bhakti Tirtha Swami's Samadhi


February 27 - March 2 MIHE Sat-sanga Seminars (Sponsored)

2nd Annual Srila Prabhupada Disciples' Reunion

February 28 Mayapur Project Presentation

March 1 Congregational Preaching Night

March 2 Book Distribution Awards

March 3 - 9 Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama

March 10 MIHE Sat-sanga Seminars Resume after Parikrama

Sri Sri Radha-Madhava Boat Festival

World Excellence Awards Distribution

March 11 Santipur Festival

1st Annual Hare Krishna Film Festival

March 12 Ganga Puja / Immersion of Ashes of Departed Souls

March 13 Ratha-yatra

March 14 Gaura Purnima / Lord Gauranga's Abhisheka

March 15 Jagannath Mishra's Feast



Sponsored Sat Sanga Seminars from MIHE to Highlight 2006 Gaura Purnima



For the 2006 Gaura Purnima Festival the Mayapur Institute for Higher

Education will engage many ISKCON leaders and senior devotees in offering

free "Sat Sanga Seminars" that will directly address the needs, concerns,

and challenges of ISKCON devotees.


What better way to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the sankirtan movement

than to associate with ISKCON's most advanced souls?



Seminars Available:


Holistic Cow Care: Not Just Milk -Balabhadra dasa


Understanding Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Teachings through

Srila Sanatana Goswami's Sri Brihad Bhagavatamrita -Bhakti Caru Swami


The Scientific Presentation Concerning Ultimate Reality of Krishna

Consciousness -Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami


Brahma Jijnasa: Questions and Answers Concerning Ultimate Reality -Bhakti

Vikasa Swami


Sri Siksastakam -BVV Narasimha Maharaja


Brightside Seminars -Danavir Goswami


Brain Gain Seminars -Danavir Goswami


Garga Samhita -Danavir Goswami


Stability in the Grihastha Ashrama: Making Progress towards Life's Ultimate

Goal -Dhirasanta dasa


Poetry in Praise of Mahaprabhu: Rupa Gosvami's Caitanyastakas -Dvija-mani



Teachings of Lord Rsabhadeva -Gopal Krishna Goswami


(3 seminars - to be announced) -Jayapataka Swami


Forgive and Forget, or How Can We Live? -Kavicandra Swami


Yoga for Kids -Kavicandra Swami


Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Visit to Sri Vrindavana -Lokanath Swami


Gaura Katha -Radhanath Swami


The Unique Gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu -Sacinandana Swami


The Sadhana of Writing -Tulasi-priya devi dasi


Lines that Sell Books and Win Friends for Life -Vaisesika dasa


The Internal Art of Book Distribution -Vijaya dasa


Basic Child Protection -Tamohara dasa


Caring for the Great Souls that Distribute Prabhupada's Books -Manidhara



For more details please visit www.mihe.info







On the auspicious day of Ramachandra Vijayotsava, the anniversary

celebration of Lord Rama's victory over Ravana, volunteers and staff from

the Mayapur Foundation launched the new www.mayapur.com website. Mayapur.com

is your information gateway to all things related to the sacred land of

Sridhama Mayapur. Here you will find a wide variety of sights, sounds, and

news of this holy village which is quickly emerging as a major world

spiritual pilgrimage site. Mayapur.com is now in it's beta testing stage,

inviting feedback from visitors to enhance their online experience.




On February 24, 2005, in Sridham Mayapur, thousands exploited a moratorium

on all customary passport and visa requirements for entering the spiritual

world. That day, the splendid life-size Pancha-tattva Deities appeared in

Mayapur, bringing overwhelming ecstasy to thousands of participating

devotees. Everyone agreed that a new era of the sankirtan movement had



The Pancha-tattva installation shows how Mayapur can serve as a spiritual

focal point for the international family of Prabhupada's followers. Whether

you were there or not, you can now relive that extraordinary event by

visiting www.panchatattva.com. For beginners, the site includes an

historical and theological overview of Sri Pancha-tattva. For mature

Vaishnavas, the site offers excerpts from the book "Eighteen Days: Sri

Pancha-tattva's Mayapur-lila". The book is written in diary form and covers

the eighteen day period leading up to the installation, including details of

the making of the Deities, and the deep realizations recorded by

eye-witnesses to Their arrival and installation. The gallery of stunning

photos taken that day will appeal to all. The Sri Mayapur Project offers

this website for the spiritual enrichment and pleasure of all devotees, with

special appreciation for the one thousand -plus sponsors from sixty

countries who made the Pancha-tattva installation possible. These

much-appreciated sponsors are listed on the website.







After a "slight" delay of twenty-three years, the Mayapur Magazine returns

this Gaura-purnima in a beautiful, full-color, international standard

format. For rs to the Journal, it's included in the subscription.

(To , go to http://mayapurjournal.com) The magazine is packed full

of articles, essays, poetry, artistic photography, regular columns, and

features from devotees around the world. Also featured is the new "Writers

Group," plus invitations to submit articles, writing, art, photography, and

poetry to the Magazine. If you're a r, it's in the mail

mid-January, otherwise it's on sale in Mayapur during the festival season.



Eighteen Days: Sri Panca-tattva's Mayapur-lila


Eighteen Days is a living history of an important moment in ISKCON's

evolution; a photographic journal that at once captures the depth of the

occasion, and the festival of color and sound surrounding it.


To order a copy of Eighteen Days, write to the Mayapur Foundation staff at

info (AT) mayapur (DOT) com


Our Contact info:


Mail: PO Box 747

Alachua, FL 32616

(386) 462-9000


Email: info (AT) mayapur (DOT) com

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