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Incompatibility with ISKCON

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> Pamho, agtSP!


> Just one small note:


> >Also I seem to differentiate between old ISKCON, as started by Srila

> >Prabhupada, and modern ISKCON, as deducted from Srila Prabhupada's

> >teachings. Personally I use this method to help myself putting

> >controversal things together. Is this a proper thing to do?


> If one does that then I guess that one should be aware that ones

> interpretation of what is the "old ISKCON" is also a deduction from Srila

> Prabhupada's teachings and what you heard from others.


True, unless strong understanding is there, there will be

misinterpretations. If we are left to our own idea what is right or wrong,

then we are in dangerous position. There must be some unified understanding.

Or at least conscious decision, that something is accepted as unified

understanding. It is imperative. At least one person in ISKCON needs to know

exactly what are Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and then he needs to lead and

educate others, to develop, or at least to follow this unified

understanding. In our case GBC is presented as single entity, who knows

exactly, what are Srila Prabhupada's teachings. Now GBC should present it

unitedly, and educate everybody about proper "Understanding of Srila

Prabhupada's teachings". There can be no disagreement from side of leaders.



> As long as one is in line with Prabhupada who cares for compatible or

> incompatible? Such interests should only be to cleanse ISKCON from

> diviations - as far as I can see.


Exactly. In personal level, one need not care about any compatibility. We

can tolerate and separate, and thus practice our KC just fine. But to

provide purity on level of ISKCON, as worldwide society and culture,

question of incompatibility becomes most important. Either one is ISKCON, or

he is out. There is no inbetween. If one wants to be ISKCON, then he needs

to know, what he is expected to do, and what he cannot do. Right now there

is no such definitions, and this causes much confusion and thus lack of

faith and cooperation.


ISKCON has brought numerous deviations in its lines by letting "bridge

methods" becoming part of ISKCON itself. Because limits were not defined,

all strange things became part of ISKCON's everyday. And what is worse,

nobody knows, if they are actually part of ISKCON or not! There is no

definition at all! So one thing can be by one considered as bonafide, and by

another considered as maya. And there is no agreement, no unity. And this is

ok, we must be nice, some call it "unity in diversity". But results are

disastrous. Devotees are loosing faith in ISKCON authority, and insted of

identifying with ISKCON worldwide, they are forced to identify with carisma

of local leaders. Thus ISKCON becomes more and more separated, and it splits

down to "matha system", where each matha has its own mood. It is a duty of

GBC to provide unified government, unified laws and only then ISKCON can be

considered as actually existent as definable entity.


It is claimed, that ISKCON is already able to provide working collective

managment, as desired since Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, as a

model for worldwide vaisnavism. But this is not a fact! In order for ISKCON

to provide such model, unified ISKCON vision must be provided, besides the

system of protection, based on "punishment and reward". Only then, when

ISKCON is unified and membership defined, can ISKCON claim any working model

of collective managment. Untill then, all is just nice words, based on

unrealized ideas.


It would be nice to hear comment of at least some GBC members on this

points. I think that some open discussion with GBC memners would shed light

on some weak areas of current collective managment. I also think, that GBC

should open its communication towards its subordinates, since any discussion

in this direction could prove itself most valuable to GBC members and other

leaders. But thats of course just my humble opinion, not likely to be taken



your servant Giri-nayaka das

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