Guest guest Posted December 30, 2005 Report Share Posted December 30, 2005 DEVANANDA PANDITA was a professional reciter of Srimad- Bhagavatam who turned to pure devotional service during the time of Lord Caitanya. Devananda Pandita used to explain Srimad- Bhagavatam through impersonalistic interpretations. Because he had offended a devotee, he couldn't understand the essence of the Bhagavatam -- love and devotion for Krsna. But when Devananda Pandita served an advanced devotee, Lord Caitanya became pleased with him and revealed to him the path of devotion to Krsna. (See Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 10.77.) Devananda Pandita was Bhaguri Muni in Krsna lila adi lila 10 TEXT 77 TEXT bhägavaté devänanda vakreçvara-kåpäte bhägavatera bhakti-artha päila prabhu haite SYNONYMS bhägavaté devänanda—Devänanda, who used to recite Çrémad-Bhägavatam; vakreçvara-kåpäte—by the mercy of Vakreçvara; bhägavatera—of Çrémad-Bhägavatam; bhakti-artha—the bhakti interpretation; päila—got; prabhu haite—from the Lord. TRANSLATION Devänanda Paëòita was a professional reciter of Çrémad-Bhägavatam, but by the mercy of Vakreçvara Paëòita and the grace of the Lord he understood the devotional interpretation of the Bhägavatam. PURPORT In the Caitanya-bhägavata, Madhya-khaëòa, Chapter Twenty-one, it is stated that Devänanda Paëòita and Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya’s father, Viçärada, lived in the same village. Devänanda Paëòita was a professional reciter of Çrémad-Bhägavatam, but Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu did not like his interpretation of it. In the present town of Navadvépa, which was formerly known as Kuliyä, Lord Caitanya showed such mercy to him that he gave up the Mäyävädé interpretation of Çrémad-Bhägavatam and learned how to explain Çrémad-Bhägavatam in terms of bhakti. Formerly, when Devänanda was expounding the Mäyävädé interpretation, Çréväsa Öhäkura was once present in his meeting, and when he began to cry, Devänanda’ s students drove him away. Some days later, Caitanya Mahäprabhu passed that way, and when He met Devänanda He chastised him severely because of his Mäyäväda interpretation of Çrémad-Bhägavatam. At that time Devänanda had little faith in Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu as an incarnation of Lord Kåñëa, but one night some time later Vakreçvara Paëòita was a guest in his house, and when he explained the science of Kåñëa, Devänanda was convinced about the identity of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Thus he was induced to explain Çrémad-Bhägavatam according to the Vaiñëava understanding. In the Gaura-gaëoddeça-dépikä (106) it is described that he was formerly Bhäguri Muni, the sabhä-paëòita who recited Vedic literatures in the house of Nanda Mahäräja. (77) devänanda-uddhäraka Is the savior of Çréla Devänanda Panòita. Caitanya Bhagavat chapter 21 is Mahaprabhu chastising Devananda Pandita 21. Mahäprabhu Chastises Devänanda Paëòita All glory to Çré Viçvambhara, the life of Nityänanda, the master of Gadädhara Paëòita and the Lord of Advaita Äcärya! He is the most charming object of Çréväsa and Haridäsa Öhäkura’s love and the revered Lord of Gaìgädäsa Paëòita and Çré Väsudeva Datta. May the Lord be glorified along with all His eternal servitors and associates! One can easily attain pure devotion by properly hearing the wonderful pastimes of Lord Caitanya. The residents of Navadvépa saw their Viçvambhara performing His infinite pastimes with Gadädhara Paëòita, Nityänanda Prabhu and others. One day, the Lord was out walking with His associates. He decided to visit Viçärada Maheçvara, who lived near the dam on the Gaìgä. Right next to this place was the residence of Devänanda Paëòita, an equipoised brähmaëa scholar, who was aspiring after liberation. He was learned, renounced, and from his birth unattached to material life. He was also a teacher of Çrémad Bhägavatam, but unfortunately devoid of any devotional fervour. People praised him as being well versed in the Çrémad Bhägavatam, but factually, he was not acquainted with the real essence of the Bhägavatam. Within his heart, the latent devotional feelings for the Lord had not stirred. He still had not attained the eligibility to perceive the transcendental truth of the Bhägavatam. Despite his study of the Bhägavatam, he was not situated in devotional service. Only Kåñëa knows what offences had caused such a mishap. By some unknown coincidence, the Lord with His associates was passing by Devänanda’s house while Devänanda was lecturing upon the Çrémad Bhägavatam. Çré Viçvambhara, the Supersoul in everyone’s heart and the Absolute omniscient Supreme Lord, overheard his explanations, which were devoid of reference to the process of devotional service. Enraged by this the Lord said, “What does this foolish man say? He is completely ignorant about the essential teachings of Çrémad Bhägavatam. What right does he have to speak upon the Bhägavatam? “The Çrémad Bhägavatam is the literary incarnation of Çré Kåñëa and the ultimate goal of the Çrémad Bhägavatam is devotional service to the Supreme Lord. The Vedic scriptures have declared that the Bhägavatam unequivocally establishes the sublime importance of attaining a loving relationship with the Supreme. “The four Vedas are likened to a pot of yoghurt, which, when churned, is converted to butter cream, which is the Çrémad Bhägavatam. This yoghurt was churned and served by Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé and then relished by Parékñit Mahäräja. “Çukadeva Gosvämé is most dear to Me and fully conversant with the esoteric truths revealed in the Çrémad Bhägavatam, which is replete with descriptions about My absolute position and nature as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. “Whosoever makes any distinction between Me, My pure devotees, and the Çrémad Bhägavatam is forever lost.” Although the Lord spoke these words angrily, the assembled Vaiñëava devotees were greatly pleased to hear them. The Lord continued speaking, “This fool does not know anything about the Bhägavatam. He tirelessly toils explaining the Bhägavatam without mentioning devotional service. Today, I will tear his book to shreds.” An irate Lord Viçvambhara was about to rush off and carry out His resolve when the Vaiñëavas collected around Him and dissuaded Him. The entire range of Vedic scriptures eulogize the Çrémad Bhägavatam as the most elevated of theosophical literature; the esoteric truths contained in this great literature are unfathomable by mundane scholars and materialistic men. One who claims to ‘fully understand’ the Çrémad Bhägavatam completely misses the truth expounded within this book. However, one who understands that the Çrémad Bhägavatam speaks of the inconceivable Supreme Truth automatically perceives its essence, which is devotional service to the Supreme Lord. Devänanda Paëòita was a learned scholar whose erudition was equalled by only a handful. However, the God of Death, Yamaräja, punishes all those who acknowledge such mundane scholars who have no actual understanding of the Çrémad Bhägavatam. Even though one is a professor of the Çrémad Bhägavatam, teaching many others, one will be misled in spiritual understanding if one disrespects Çré Nityänanda, who is the ultimate shelter for the entire creation. The Lord was fond of going about in Navadvépa accompanied by His associates. One day, He came to the outer precincts of the town and happened to pass by a drinking place. As he smelled the wine, He was reminded of väruëé, a similar intoxicating drink made from honey, which is a big favourite of Çré Balaräma. Immediately, the Lord was overcome with the emotions of Balaräma. In a trance, He loudly boomed to Çréväsa Paëòita, “Let’s go inside!” When the Lord insisted, Çréväsa fell to His feet and begged Him not to go inside. The Lord said, “Do I also have to be restricted by rules and regulations?” Nevertheless, Çréväsa Paëòita continued to dissuade the Lord from His decision. Çréväsa Paëòita explained, “You are the Universal Father and the perfect example, if you transgress the social laws then who will be left to uphold them? “Those, who out of ignorance will criticize you, will certainly have to suffer lifetimes of misery. You are the emblem of eternal religious principles, who will be able to divine the pastimes You are about to display? Considering this, if You insist on going into the drinking house, then I shall drown myself in the Gaìgä.” The Lord never minimizes the vows of His devotees. Upon hearing Çréväsa’s words, He smiled benignly and said, “I do not want to act against your wish, I will not go inside.” Gradually, the Lord withdrew within Himself the mood of Balaram and continued upon His way. However, when the drunkards from inside the drinking house saw Nimäi, they became excited and called out loudly after Him, “Hari! Hari!” One of them said, “Yes! Nimäi Paëòita is a good and honourable person, I like His behaviour and especially the way He sings and dances!” A few of them stood up swaying unsteadily and, clapping their hands, started to hop around making an attempt to dance. They tried to go out and meet Nimäi in the street. The drunks were now well worked up and at full volume sang, “ Haribol! Haribol! Jai Näräyaëa!” and danced about in great joy. The drinking place quickly became the scene of loud joyous chanting of Hari’s name; such reactions are understandable in anyone who sees the Supreme Lord Viñëu and His pure devotees, the Vaiñëavas. The Lord was pleased by the intoxicated efforts of the drunkards in chanting the Holy Name and Çréväsa Paëòita’s heart melted with tears of happiness upon seeing the display of the Lord’s transcendental potency. The drunkards were very happy to see Çré Caitanya, but the envious people found fault and criticized the Lord. Those offenders who become displeased when they hear the glories of the Supreme Lord will never know any joy in any birth. Therefore, I offer my obeisances to the soul who beholds the Supreme Lord with faith, even if he be a drunkard. The Lord blessed the drunks with His glance and went away. After walking some distance, the Lord saw Devänanda Paëòita coming from the opposite direction. Upon seeing him, the Lord felt rage rising within Him. It came back to Gauracandra’s memory that sometime ago Devänanda Paëòita had committed a grievous offence against Çréväsa Paëòita. At the time when this incident had taken place, Viçvambhara had not yet revealed His saìkértana pastimes. The world was then too engrossed in materialistic pursuits to cultivate the eternal loving relationship with the Supreme Lord and, seeing this, all the devotees of the Lord felt despondent. Some scholars were lecturing on the Çrémad Bhägavatam and the Bhagavad-gétä, but neither the lecturers nor the audience accepted nor even perceived the devotional essence of these texts. Devänanda Paëòita was also lecturing on the Bhägavatam in those days. People respected him, as he was very erudite and gentle. He lectured continuously on the Bhägavatam and maintained strict celibacy vows like a sannyäsé. One day, while Devänanda was lecturing on the Bhägavatam to a group of students, Çréväsa Paëòita, thirsting to hear the transcendental sound of the Bhägavatam, came and sat in the audience. All the syllables of the Bhägavatam are steeped in the nectar of love of Kåñëa. When they entered Çréväsa Paëòita’s ears, his heart melted in loving ecstasy and he began to cry, sighing deeply. The students around him were mundane, agnostic logicians, who felt disturbed by Çréväsa Paëòita, and they said, “This man is creating a nuisance, we cannot study in this atmosphere, this is a waste of time for us.” Çréväsa Paëòita is very dear to Gauracandra and a highly elevated Vaiñëava who can deliver the entire world. He was unaware of the others’ comments and unchecked tears streamed out in ecstatic love. The students then plotted amongst themselves and dragged Çréväsa Paëòita out of the house, but Devänanda Paëòita did not utter a word in protest. When the teacher is bereft of devotional understanding, his students are expected to be the same. When Çréväsa Paëòita came out of his ecstatic trance, he returned home, his feelings deeply hurt. The Supersoul, Çré Viçvambhara, in everyone’s heart, took note of every thought and deed of everyone. Now as Lord Viçvambhara saw Devänanda Paëòita approaching the entire episode raced through His mind. The Lord accosted him with angry words, “You there! Devänanda! I hear you give discourses to many on the Çrémad Bhägavatam. “One day, one devotee by the name of Çréväsa Paëòita went to listen to your lecture, but while he was engrossed in the pastimes of Kåñëa, your students dragged him outside the premises. What was his offence? “Should one who is moved to spiritual emotions and cries upon hearing the Bhägavatam, appreciating the mellows of loving relationship with Kåñëa, be dragged out and treated with such contempt? In such an offensive manner, you and your agnostic students maltreated this great devotee, who is so eagerly sought after by Gaìgä devé herself. “You may be a teacher of the Bhägavatam, but you do not possess even an iota of the piety required to understand the real purport of the Çrémad Bhägavatam. When a person has eaten to his full satisfaction only then does he feel amicably disposed to the world around him. As for you, although you teach others about the Bhägavatam you yourself cannot relish its divine nectar, which can give one unlimited pleasure.” Devänanda Paëòita, who was indeed a learned brähmaëa, heard every word feeling very ashamed, but did not speak. Çré Viçvambhara finished His chastisement and left. Devänanda Paëòita also left for his home feeling broken and dejected. Although the Lord chastised Devänanda, still he is a very fortunate soul because to be chastised by Çré Caitanya is a rare blessing. Even those demons that are killed by the Lord attain the spiritual world. One who faithfully and sincerely accepts the Lord’s chastisement is soon blessed with pure devotional service unto Him, while others who do not care for the Lord’s wrath will perish to eternal damnation. Çré Kåñëa manifests Himself in four special forms, as the Çrémad Bhägavatam, Tulasé, Gaìgä, and the pure Bhägavata devotee. Kåñëa is directly perceived in them in His original form, thus they do not require any installation. However, the Deity form of the Lord in the temple has to be first installed with mantras requesting the Lord to accept that form, only then do the deities become worshipable by the recommended rituals. The Vedas are clear on this point. The pastimes of Çré Caitanya are causeless, without beginning or end. Somehow or other, I am trying to put them in some orderly sequence. I offer my obeisances to the feet of all the devotees of Lord Caitanya so that my offences may be forgiven. All these pastimes of the Lord, as they manifest in the pages of the Madhya-khaëòa, are showers of nectar that can sweeten the bitterness of agnosticism within the heart. May Çré Nityänanda, who is so dear to Lord Caitanya, never take away the shelter of His lotus feet. Lord Çré Kåñëa Caitanya and Lord Nityänanda are my life and soul. I, Våndävana däsa, humbly offer this song at Their lotus feet. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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