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Prabhupada in the stars - part 1

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Please accept my humble obeisances,

all glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Dear readers!


I would like to present you some interesting astrological thoughts that have

inspired me during many years. In fact I would like to show you no less than

Srila Prabhupada and His mission manifesting "in the stars". I have studied

both Vedic and Western Astrology, but here I will speak mainly about the

Western Astrology. I hope my posts will not create fights here about which

kind of Astrology is better. I personally am happy with both types of

Astrology and I am not interested about arquing. I am interested about the

cooperation between different Astrological schools, not about the fighting.

All the internet is full of such fights by different astrology schools and

there is no need to start one such thread more. But if anyone here is

offended by the Western Astrology then please just ignore my posts.


Also, I would like to say that I am not a native English speaker, so writing

in English is not easy for me and it may take time to reply. So, please

excuse my poor English and let's start.

In order to arrive at the conclusion I have to start from the very beginning

and guide you through the philosophy of Astrology.



How do we know by which planets or signs different areas of life are ruled?


First of all there are some ancient texts about the subject. But most

interesting thing is that planets themselves tell us what they are ruling in

the horoscopes! Astrology is, as its name says, a kind of logic - the logic

of the stars. And basic tool of logic is analogy. In this way we can look at

the physical characteristics of the planets and find analogies to them in

astrology. This, of course, is not easy for the beginner. I will try to give

some examples.


Venus is moving in very harmonious orbit, which is almost perfect circle.

Others planets orbits are much more elliptical. This speaks us that Venus is

dealing with harmony, beauty, balance, fidelity, etc in the horoscopes.

Venus is also rotating amazingly slowly, once every 243 days. It orbits the

sun every 225 days, so it takes longer to spin once on its axis than it does

to go completely around the sun! In this way, day on Venus is longer than

year! That's why Venus is ruling Taurus, who is considered most flegmatic or

"slow" person.


Mercury is the fastest planet in the Solar System. Therefore it rules

traffic on the street or uncontrollable mind and nerves in medical



Jupiter is the biggest and heaviest planet. Therefore it rules abundance,

everything big and expanding. Also in sanskrit Jupiter is called Guru and as

you all probably know Guru means heavy.


There are many such examples.


Another way to know planets meanings is to look at the mythology. Planets

have got their names from Roman mythology and by studying their stories we

can understand their meanings.


Mercury for example was believed to be a god of trade, profit, commerce,

games, thievery and story telling and messenger of the gods. Therefore it

rules the same things in astrology. Mercury also wore winged shoes and a

winged hat, so he was moving very quickly because with wings he could

practically fly. As you remember planet Mercury is also moving very quickly.


Mars was a war god. Therefore planet Mars is connected to the wars and

everything aggressive in astrology.

Venus is a Roman goddess principally associated with love and beauty.


Jupiter was believed to be the most powerful of the gods or the main god.

Therefore planet Jupiter speaks about the God and religion and philosophy in



In mythology Saturn was eating his children and no wonder - people born with

Saturn in the house of childrens are often having problems getting



Mythology books are revealing a lot more on the subject than I intend to

present here. I wanted to give just a few examples. Hopefully you see the

similarities and got the point.



There is also a third method to see what planet means, but this applies only

to the newly discovered planets. We have simply to look at the world events

at the time when new planet is discovered. As ancient axiom states "As

above, so below" - if something principially new happens in the world, it

will manifest in the skies also.


When Uranus was discovered, revolutions happened in the world. Also science

was developing rapidly. Therefore Uranus is connected to new technology,

revolutions, freedom and untraditional thinking.


When Neptune was discovered, advances were made in photography and

psychology started to develop. Also pure cocaine was extracted from cocoa

beans. Also medicine made big steps forward. Therefore Neptune is ruling

drugs, illusions, psychology etc.


And at the time when Pluto was discovered, scientists were studing atom.

Mafia became very prominent and lot of violence was happening in the world.

Similarly in astrology Pluto is connected to nuclear weapons, criminals,

mass killings and so on.


I have heard a lot of interesting examples about those discoveries, but my

poor English doesn't allow me to write everything down. So I hope that those

few examples were sufficient.


And last method to know about the planets meanings is to look at its symbol.

Symbols are not incidental, they speak a lot. All planets symbols are made

from three basic symbols - circle, cross and half circle (crescent). And

those three are symbolizing the spirit, matter and soul respectively. So,

different combinations of those three in the planets symbols mean different

relations between spirit, soul and matter.



OK, That's enough for the first part. I hope once again that you see the

points I tried to make here, because it's essential for arriving at the

conclusion later.

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