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Prabhupada in the stars - part 2

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Now that we know how planet's astrological meanings are derived, let's see

what follows.


In November, 1977 — exactly on the month when Srila Prabhupada completed His

mission on this planet, a very unusual celestial body was discovered. It was

even further away than Saturn! Although thousands of asteroids were

discovered before that date, all they were moving between the orbits of Mars

and Jupiter, and no one suspected that minor bodies could be so far away.

So, this find was sensation for both astronomers and astrologers. But this

wasn't the only surprise. This body was so different from anything else ever

found that a whole new category had to be invented for it. This body was

difficult to classify, because in one sense it was like an asteroid but it

also manifested some comet like activity! So, until today it is the only

body that is included in both asteroids and comets catalogues.


Because of such a dual nature it was given a name of a Centaur — Chiron —

from Greek mythology. Centaurs were also dual in nature — half humans, half

horses. But Chiron was very special Centaur. Centaurs were notorious for

being overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when

intoxicated, and generally uncultured, bestial and brutal. Chiron, by

contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind and had an extensive

knowledge of the healing arts. Chiron was also immortal. In the art Chiron

is depicted in the "human-centaur" form (that is, he was a man from head

to toe, but with the center and hindparts of a horse attached to his

buttocks). This form was of course used to differentiate Chiron from all

other centaurs, who were mostly represented as men only from the head to the

waist, and therefore more animal-like. Centaurs are symbolizing jiva's

progress from lover life forms to the human form. Because Sagittarius in the

Zodiac is also a Centaur, Chiron is connected to Sagittarius sign and its

ruler Jupiter or Guru. In this way besides Jupiter also Chiron is supposed

to rule philosophy, religion and guruship in astrology. Most astrologers who

are studying new celestial bodies agree also that Chiron rules medicine and



And most important thing we can learn about Chiron from Greek mythology is

the fact that he was a Guru. He had been the tutor of, among others,

Heracles, Asclepius, Theseus, and Achilles. He had the gift of guiding his

pupils to uncovering their highest potential and discovering their destiny.

Chiron also had an extensive knowledge of the healing arts. So, here we have

a lot of similarities with Srila Prabhupada who was also "intelligent,

civilized and kind" unlike many other so called Gurus and who was a Guru who

guided his pupils to "uncovering their highest potential and discovering

their destiny". He was also acting in a medicine field while He was a

householder. But that's not all! Soon after Chiron's discovery, it's symbol

was proposed and it is DANDA! What a coincidence! To be precise — it is

danda, standing on a little circle and therefore it also resembles an

old-fashioned key. So, Chiron's connection to guruship and Srila Prabhupada

is becoming more obvious.


Have a look at it's symbols here:



Now things are going really interesting. As we have already seen, planet's

symbol and its physical characteristics, including details of its orbit

speak a lot about planet's astrological meanings. Chiron, whose symbol looks

like a key is furter away than Saturn which is symbolizing gates between

material and spiritual worlds. Key to the gate is at another side — in the

spiritual world! Doesn't this mean symbolically that no one from material

world can open those gates? Or in other words that this gate can be opened

only from the other side? Perhaps by the person who has a danda?


Even more connections to Srila Prabhupada can be seen by the very

interesting fact that Chiron was actually discovered twice! Guess when it

was discovered first! It was on the year 1896 when Srila Prabhupada was

born. Strange body was seen back then by one astronomer in the night sky but

unfortunately it was lost again. Now, when Chiron's orbit was precisely

determined after second discovery in 1977 and its position could be

calculated back and forth in time, it become clear that Chiron is the same

body that was lost after discovery in 1896! Isn't this very symbolical?

Srila Prabhupada appeared in this world and Chiron was discovered. Because

He was just a child, world had to wait for His mission to manifest. And

when Srila Prabhupada completed His mission, Chiron was discovered again to

symbolize that the key to the spiritual self realization has been

given to the mankind! After Chiron's discovery persons carring danda can be

seen even in the western world. This wasn't the case before its



There are also interesting connections between Centaurs deaths and the end

of Yadu dynasty.


The following is from wikipedia:



This had taken place during the visit of Heracles to the cave of Pholus on

Mount Pelion in Thessaly when he visited his friend during his fourth

labour in defeating the Erymanthian Boar. While they were at supper,

Heracles asked for some wine to accompany his meal. Pholus, who ate his

food raw, was taken aback. He had been given a vessel of sacred wine by

Dionysus sometime earlier, to be kept in trust for the rest of the centaurs

until the right time for its opening. At Heracles's prompting, Pholus was

forced to produce the vessel of sacred wine. The hero, gasping for wine,

grabbed it from him and forced it open. Thereupon the vapours of the sacred

wine wafted out of the cave and intoxicated the wild centaurs, led by

Nessus, who had gathered outside. They attacked the cave with stones, rocks

and fir trees. Hercules was forced to shoot many arrows (poisoned, of

course, with the blood of the Hydra) to drive them back. During this

assault, Chiron was hit in the thigh by one of the poisoned arrows. After

the centaurs had fled, Pholus emerged from the cave to observe the

destruction. Being of a philosophical frame of mind, he pulled one of the

arrows from the body of a dead centaur and wondered how could such a little

thing as an arrow have caused so much death and destruction? In that

instant, he let slip the arrow from his hand and it dropped and hit him in

the foot, killing him instantly.


Next part is from Srimad Bhagavatam:

The Lord and His eternal associates appeared on earth to help the

administrative demigods in eradicating the burden of the world. He therefore

called for some of the confidential demigods to appear in the Yadu family

and serve Him in His great mission. After the mission was fulfilled, the

demigods, by the will of the Lord, relinquished their corporeal bodies by

fighting amongst themselves in the madness of intoxication.


>>> Ref.

VedaBase => SB 1.15.34


Both Centaurs and Yadus became extinct after becoming intoxicated.


There are also interesting connections between Chiron's death and Krishna's



Lord Sri Krishna, manifesting His four-armed form, sat down under a pippala

tree, placing His left foot, the heel of which was colored red like the red

koka-nada lotus, upon His right thigh. A hunter named Jara, watching from

the shore of the ocean at Prabhasa, mistook the Lord’s red-colored foot to

be the face of a deer and shot his arrow at it.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 11.6.35


Chiron was immortal but he gave up his immortality in order to escape the

pain by dying after he has been shot in the thigh by poisoned arrow.


So, both Krishna and Chiron were actually immortal, yet they left this world

after little injury.


Similarly Srila Prabhupada was liberated soul but in order to save us He

gave up His immortality and came into this material world where He had to

"die" after having completed His mission.


After discovering all those analogies I naturally became curios about how

was Chiron placed in the sky on the day when Srila Prabhupada officially

founded ISKCON. And sure enough — Saturn and Chiron were in conjunction! As

you remember Saturn is the Gate and Chiron is the Key. So, Key was in a

keyhole!!! Besides that Saturn was in the last tropical degree of Pisces.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and last degree of that sign is

the last degree of whole zodiac therefore. That's why this degree is

symbolizing the end of material existence. Isn't ISKCON founded exactly for

that purpose?


After seeing all this I can only conclude that ancient principle — as above,

so below — really works. Stars and planets are actually describing

everything that happens on the earth. I can only wish to understand their

language more and more. And Srila Prabhupada was so special person that a

new planet had to appear in the sky to describe His activities. And please

notice that all this written here is not just my wishful thinking but it is

according to the principles of western astrology. We have seen how Chiron's

mythology, events aroud its discovery, its symbol and its physical

characteristics, especially its orbit, all speak about one thing — The Guru.


OK, that's all I wanted to speak about and I hope that my poor english

didn't obstruct you to enjoy this view to Srila Prabhupada and His mission.

If you have any questions I will try to answer. But here, at the end I leave

you one interesting find from the internet:


On the page http://www.zanestein.com/chiron_a.htm it is stated


"There is a Native American prophecy which states that when the planet of

'healing' is discovered in the sky, this is when the sacred warrior

teachings will return to earth."



Your servant,

Abhirama das

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