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>> Some atheists argue that religion (theism) is the cause of evil,

>> including wars.


>Only for misunderstood and misused religion.


>Question is if such religion can be called a religion. Srila

>Prabhupada used to say that 'false guru' is a contradiction. One is

>either a guru or not. In SB 7 several such 'religions' are classified

>as adharmas.


Yes, either one is follwing the laws of God (one is religious), or one is

not following the laws of God one is irreligious.) There is no third option.

That means that the terme "false religion" is contradictory. So "false

religion" or "misused religion" means atheism. Therefore atheism is the

cause for all evil - even the evil that are committed in the name of theism

is atheism.


>> Their argument presupposes that God doesn't exist,

>> because IF an all-good God existed then every evil act would be

>> against the wish of such an all-good God. In other words such an act

>> would per definition be atheistic, it could never be theistic.


>One first needs definitions of 'good' and 'evil'. Solid definitions

>need a solid, absolute reference point, i.e. God whose Will defines

>the standards (i.e. dharma, SB 6.1.40).


Yes, my argument is based on the presumption (read knowledge) that God

defines good and bad. My point was that the atheist by his argument

presupposes that an all-good God doesn't exist, so therefore the theists can

also construct an argument that presupposes the existence of an all-good

God, which also has defined good and bad. On that basis both arguments are

equal and the atheistic argument is thus ruled out as definitive.


>> 1. - 5.


>Makes sense to me.




>> 1. Evil actions are all atheistic [see above argument]

>> 2. War is only caused by evil actions


>Well, there are also dharmic wars. In Kali-yuga almost nonexistent but



As far as I understand all these dharmic wars are caused by atheistic

behaviour. For example, the battle at Kurukshetra was caused by "the evil

minded sons of Dhrtarastra", and not by the Pandavas.


>> 3. Therefore, war is only caused by atheistic actions


>only > in 99% of cases. 8)


Well, the only kind of war or fighting I can think of being caused by

religion is when Krishna want's to fight and arranges it. His fights with

Jaya and Vijaya in their form as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu is an

example. But I don't think the atheists will pull out that example from

their sleeve, and if they do then we can argue that there exist beneficial

wars and that all harmfull wars are caused by atheism.


>sa eva bhagavan yuge turiye 'pi brahma-kule

>jayamanah sarva upanisadah uddidirsuh

>sarvani dharma-astrani vistarayisnuh sarvan

>api janan santarayisnuh sarvan api vaisnavan

>dharman vijrimbhayan sarvan api pasandan nicakhana


>In the Kali-yuga, Supreme Lord will appear in a brahmana's family.

>He will teach the message of the Upanisads and the dharma-sastras.

>He will defeat the atheists and offenders and He will establish the

>truth of Vaisnava-dharma. (Krsna Upanisad 2.6)


I guess his comming and fighting is caused by the atheistic and offensive

behaviour of the demons - and no one else. What do you say Prabhu?



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