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yoga? www.radhadesh.com

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Good points -- all of them.


> It seems wrong to conclude on the basis of all names, listed below, that

> everything is bonafide and under control. We all know that it can be seen

> otherwise too. You may get all kinds of names on the list, but to actually

> get their full support, is another thing. Managers know, that one face may

> be shown on outside, and another kept confident. It is normal in

> managment, no criticism made.


> It is not fair to take some hatha-yoga-course, and then whole

> Radhadesh college under it, and then say, that such things must certainly

> be bonafide, because of all senior vaishnavas lested. Radhadesh Collage is

> complex thing, and I'm sure, that all devotees listed don't agree with all

> things happening in the name of collage. But they cooperate anyway, and we

> must lear the same lesson, to cooperate no matter what.


> But cooperation is not just accepting any opinion, it may also be seen as

> just doing your own part, and leave others to do their part, in whatever

> way they know best. Cooperation can be seen as doing something, or as

> doing nothing, and tolerating it. Maunaˆ samyati lak¢aam. If something is

> happening, and you want to cooperate, you can work on it, if you agree

> with it, or you can tolerate it, if you disagre. In both cases one is

> considered as cooperating in certain activity, and thus he gains result of

> such activity. Therefore in one way you are right, by saying that all

> those listed senior vaishnavas support yoga-course. It just may be a bit

> tricky in pratice, to internally conclude like this too quickly.


> If atma-yoga is considered as ISKCON project of the future, then ok. Let

> it be done happily, and let it attract its own range of people to KC. But

> it need not be expected, that now immediately all of us will be 100%

> enthusiastic about it, and just go for it. It may take some time. The

> point is, that devotees are sceptical, and they have right to be so. It is

> not prohibited to be sceptical towards innovations. Especially, since even

> between hi-position names, that you listed, you could surely find some,

> who are a bit sceptical about at least something that is going on in



> your servant Giri-nayaka das

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