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yoga? www.radhadesh.com

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> > It seems wrong to conclude on the basis of all names, listed below, that

> > everything is bonafide and under control. We all know that it can be

> > seen otherwise too.


Of course.



"There's nothing "Vaisnava" about this brand of home-grown yoga, made up by

the guy who's selling it.


"Normal"? Yes, it's normal: life is full of opportunities for the cheaters

and the cheated to get together...."



You are not saying - "Hey fellows, what do you think of this." You call him

a cheater and the people who attend his course cheated. I was trying to

raise a doubt that the devotee in question, who chants 16 rounds a day,

follows four principles, and is not a ritvik or anything but an ISKCON

devotee, does not deserve such condemnation without investigating further

(unlike me who gets the GBC of Belgium wrong).


Also, he never calls it Vaishnava Yoga as someone stated. Read his blurb and

he says:


"By offering a Vaisnava brand of yoga to the general public atma yoga is

creating new friends of Krishna, temple supporters, and aspiring devotees."


And what makes this a Vaishnava brand of yoga? - no doubt he includes mantra


Like there is a vaishnava sanscrit book where people learn sanscrit by using

the names of Lord Visnu, which pleased Lord Chaitanya - somehow induce

people to chant.


I agree, names of important people do not guarantee that the course is

bone-fide. But why assume it is not? It might be, it might not be. Not

knowing, how can we call the devotee a cheater? I am not so much defending

his Yoga Course, as questioning whether we have enough information to

denounce it.


> It is not fair to take some hatha-yoga-course, and then whole

> Radhadesh college under it, and then say, that such things must certainly

> be bonafide, because of all senior vaishnavas lested.


You are quite right. There is not enough information for me to say it is

bone-fide, or for you to say it is not.


Do you agree?




Antardwip das

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