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appearance of advaita acarya prabhu

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The foremost of all the Vaisnavas who reside at Navadwip is Sri Advaita


whose virtuous presence has made all the worlds blessed. He is the most

prominent preceptor in all fields including knowledge, renunciation and

devotion. In explaining Krsna-bhakti he is like unto Lord Sankara himself,


whatever scriptures that exist within the three worlds he explains in the


of Krsna-bhakti.


With the intense eagerness he continually worships Sri Krsna with Tulasi

manjaris and Ganges water. By the momentum of his spiritual force, his loud

shouts pierce the coverings of this universe and, resounding throughout

Vaikuntha, reach the ears of Sri Krsna. Hearing this loving summons


with devotion, Sri Krsna advents Himself.


jaya jaya advaita isvara avatara

krsna avatari kaila jagat-nistara


"All glories to Advaita Prabhu, the incarnation of the Supreme Personality


Godhead. He induced Krsna to descend and thus delivered the entire world."

[Cc Antya 8.4]


"On the seventh day of the bright fortnight of the month of Magh, the great

ocean of ecstasy swelled to its limits, being forcibly attracted by the moon


Advaita, Who appeared from the womb of Sri Nabhadevi as the moon appears in


autumn sky. His father, Sri Kuvera Pandit floated in that ocean of joy. In

great happiness gave many gifts in charity to the brahmanas (who voluntarily

accept vows of poverty). Very quietly he approached the maternity room to

get a

glimpse of his newborn son. Then his own face began to shine by the


light of that moon-like personage. The residents of Navagram came running to

see the child. Everyone remarked that they had never seen such a beautiful

baby. What a pious activities his father must have been performed to get

such a

jewel of a son, and that in his old age? Thus Ghanasyama sings about this

occasion." [b.R.12.1759] The child was named Mongal and his other name was



Advaita Acarya is the combined incarnation of Maha Visnu and Sadasiva (who

resides in Goloka). His two consorts, Sita and Sri are manifestations of


Maya. Once when Advaita performed worship, whatever gods and demigods He


to meditate upon He saw all gathered at Lord Caitanya's lotus feet, offering

prayers. Raising up his two hands, Advaita exclaimed in great ecstasy,


all the days of my life have produced a succesful result, as all my desires

have been fulfilled. My birth and activities have finally born fruit. I have

directly perceived Your two lotus feet, which are proclaimed throughout the

four Vedas but are unattainable thereby. Now, by Your causeless mercy, You


revealed Yourself to Me."


Mahaprabhu replied, "Acarya, now you should perform My worship." First


Acarya washed the Lord's two lotus feet with water scented by flower petals


then with water scented with sandalwood. Then He placed on His lotus feet

Tulasi manjari dipped in sandalwood paste along with arghya - an auspicious

offering of rice, durva grass, yogurt etc. His eyes brimming with tears, he

offered incense, ghee lamps, flowers, sandalwood paste, and some foodstuffs.

After offering various prayers he loudly proclaimed the Lord's glories with

auspicious shouts. "All glories to the Lord and maintainer of the universe,


Lord of all that lives. All glories to Gauracandra, the ocean of mercy. All

glories to the most munificent incarnation of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu,

whose form is all-enchanting. All glories to He who is decorated with the

ornaments of Sri Vatsa and Kaustubha. All glories to He who has revealed the

Hare Krsna Maha-mantra. All glories to He who enjoys the pastimes of


devotion unto Himself. All glories to Mahaprabhu who reclines on the bed of

Ananta Sesa. All glories to the refuge of all living entities. [C.B.Mad.



Hearing Advaita's prayer's Mahaprabhu replied, "My dear Acarya, I am very

pleased by your prayers. Now you can ask from me any benediction you like."


Then Advaita requested that, "My only request is that you distribute love of

Krsna even to women, laborers and the ignorant fools as well. [C.B. Mad.



A Nrsimha-sila and Deities, fashioned after a picture of Sri Sri Madan-Gopal

that were worshiped by Advaita Acarya are still residing at Santipur in

Madan-Gopal Para. Santipur is a short distance from Krsnanagar by bus.


The place on the banks of the Ganga where Advaita Acarya worshipped salagram

and called out to the Lord to please descend to the world is known today as

Babla. A temple has been built in memory of Advaita Acarya's pastimes there.

This place can be reached by rickshaw from Santipur.


Appearance: The seventh day of the bright fortnight of the month of Magha,


moon of Advaita appeared from the womb of Sri Nabhadevi.







He is a disciple of Madhavendra Puri, and constitutes one of the

figures amongst the Pancatattva. In an earlier incarnation he was Lord


He was born in a varendra brahmana family on the seventh day of the bright

fortnight in the month of Magha, 1355 Saka (1433 AD.), in the village named

Lauda in Srihatta.


According to Bangabhasa O Sahitya, Advaita Prabhu was born in 1434


and met Vidyapati in 1458 AD. Advaita's former name was Kamalaksha

(Kamalakanta) Vedapancanana. His two wives were Sita Devi and Sri Devi.

Acyutananda was born of Sita Devi (1425 Saka 1503 AD.), followed by


Gopala, Balarama, Svarupa, and Jagadisa Misra. While Sri Devi gave birth to

one son named Syamadasa (Premavilasa 24).


From Lauda, Advaita Prabhu migrated to the village of Navahatta and


to Santipura. He also had a house at Navadvipa. In 1480 Saka (1558 AD.),


the age of 125 years (i.e. 25 years after the disappearance of Lord


Advaita Prabhu passed away. (Advaita Vilasa)


However, according to Premavilasa 24, Advaita Prabhu was born in

Santipura. He studied the Vedas and other scriptures under a scholar named

Santacarya in Phullavati village near Santipura, where he was awarded the

title Acarya. The genealog y of Advaita Prabhu can be found in Premavilasa

24. Also books such as Valyalilasutra (in Sanskrit), and Advaitavilasa,

Advaitamangala, Sitacarita (in Bengali) present detailed information on

Advaita Prabhu.


To verify the meeting of Advaita with Vidyapati, it is known that in

1330 Saka (1408 AD.) Vidyapati received the endowment of Bisaphi village


Sivasimha. Vidyapati was born around 1307 Saka (1385 AD.), and was a

contemporary of Candidasa . Vidyapati mentions their meeting one another in

songs he composed in 1325 Saka (1403 AD.).


One manuscript of the Bhagavata which was copied by Vidyapati is


available and carries the date of copying as 1379 Saka (1457 AD.) Evidence

shows that Vidyapati was alive until 1401 Saka (1479 AD.). In 1485 AD.

Advaita Prabhu, at the age of fifty two, arrived at the room where Lord

Gauranga was born. Much earlier he undertook a pilgrimage. Hence his


with Vidyapati should be taken as a fact.


See Advaita Prakasa for further information.


The following are extracts of references to Advaita Prabhu from some


biographical sources:


CC 1.9.21 Advaita Prabhu likened to the trunk of the trunk of the imaginary

tree of bhakti.


CBh 1.2.79 105 Advaita interprets all scriptures from the Krsnabhakti point


view. While offering Ganga water and Tulasi, Advaita calls


loudly demanding that Krsna incarnate.


CBh 1.7.29 67 Visvarupa visits Advaita daily to discuss sastra; Nimai goes


Advaita's house to bring His brother home.


CBh 1.7.95 108 Advaita wails in separation, deeply grieved when Visvarupa

takes sannyasa.


CBh 1.11.72 83 Arrival and introduction of Isvara Puri at he house of



CBh 1.16.20 21 and 311, 2.1.5 Milana with Thakura Haridasa.


CBh 2.2.4 154 Milana with Lord Gauranga.


CBh 2.2.155, 2.6.8 175 Advaita goes to Santipura to test Lord Gauranga and


brought back to Navadvipa by Ramai.


CBh 2.10.147, 151 155 Advaita's loyalty to Lord Caitanya.


CBh 2.10.166 Music lessons in the presence of Lord Caitanya.


CBh 2.10.169 Advaita's prayers to the Lord, begging that He shower His


upon the fallen souls.


CBh 2.13.238,257,300 305,335 Discussions in the house of Lord Gauranga

regarding the liberation of Jagai and Madhai.


CBh 2.13.341 360 Loving fights between Advaita and Nityananda.


CBh 2.16.45 51 Seva puja offered by Advaita to Lord Gauranga while the Lord

was in a state of bhava avesa.


CBh 2.16.52 93 Lord Gauranga's annoyance with Advaita for trying to touch


feet while the Lord was in an unconscious state.


CBh 2.19.13 160 Advaita's grief at finding Lord Gauranga's interpretation of

Bhakti oriented philosophy. Advaita departs for Santipura

where he deliberates on "Yoga Vasistha."


CBh 2.22.35 125 Aparadha committed by mother Saci forgiven when she touches

the feet of Advaita.


CBh 2.24.40 76 Advaita sees the Visvarupa.


CBh 3.1.36 46 Advaita's grief when Lord Caitanya takes sannyasa.


CBh 3.4.441 515 The subject of the occasion when Madhavendra is worshipped.


CBh 3.8.3 86 Advaita visits Nilacala, accompanied by the the devotees.


CBh 3.9.12 88 Advaita cooks and serves Lord Gauranga with his own hands.


CBh 3.9.164 184 Caitanya sankirtana performed by Advaita.


CBh 3.9.256 284 Prema delivered by Rupa and Sanatana through Advaita.


CBh 3.9.290 305 Anger of Lord Caitanya with Srivasa on the subject of




CC 1.12.23 Advaita chants the Nrsimha mantra when his son, Gopala,




CC 2.12.38 43 Solace given by Advaita after Lord Caitanya's chastisement




CC 2.14.88 92 Water sports, after the cleansing of Gundica.


CC 3.3.213 Advaita gives sraddha to Haridasa Thakura.


CC 3.19.16 21 Advaita sends a riddle through Jagadananda.


Premavilasa 1. Lord Caitanya's grief at Advaita's preaching of Jnanavada


the second time.


Premavilasa 24. Advaita meets Vijayapuri and receives Madanamohana and His

seva from the Kunja; Feuds amongst various groups at


regarding Haridasa being offered the sraddha; Advaita ex

communicated from the brahmana community;

Haridasa demonstrates his spiritual power.


Advaita Prakasa 22. Advaita's final instructions and his death at the age of


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