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[Nectar] Lord Gauranga glorifies Lord Nityananda

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Nityananda Charitamrita -- Madhya Khanda Chapter 7

Lord Gauranga glorifies Lord Nityananda


Sri Gauranga placed a flower garland on Nityananda in front of him and

began to offer prayers, as the devotees listened attentively. He prayed

to Lord Nityananda thus:

name nityananda tumi rupe nityananda

ei tumi nityananda-rama murtimanta

nityananda paryyatana bhojana vyavahara

nityananda bine kichu nahika tomara

tomare bhujite sakti manusyera kotha?

parama susatya tumi yatha krishna tatha

"Your name is Nityananda and Your form is Nityananda. You are indeed

the abode of eternal bliss, non-different from Balarama. You are

wandering to the holy places. Your accepting food is simply filled with

eternal bliss. Who has the power to understand You? You are the Supreme

Absolute Truth and are as good as Krishna."


The most magnanimous Nityananda was totally absorbed in the mellows of

Sri Gauranga. Lord Gauranga wholly approved of whatever He said and

did. Sri Gauranga asked Nityananda, "Please give Me one of Your

kaupinas. I have a desire to keep it." After saying this, the Lord

took a kaupina from Lord Nityananda and tore it into small pieces. He

distributed those pieces of Nityananda Prabhu's kaupina to all the



Lord Gauranga then said to all the Vaishnavas, "All of you tie this

piece of cloth on your heads. What to speak of the Vaishnavas, even the

masters of mystic perfection desire this piece of kaupina. One can

surely get devotional service to Vishnu only by the mercy of

Nityananda. Know that Nityananda is a complete potency of the Supreme

Lord. There is no one more dear to Krishna than Nityananda. He

eternally serves Krishna as a companion, a bed, an ornament, an

associate, and a brother. The qualities of Nityananda are

incomprehensible to the Vedas. He is the father, the protector, and the

friend of all living entities. His dealings are full of transcendental

mellows for Krishna. If one serves Nityananda, he will attain loving

devotional service to Krishna without a doubt. All of you should tie

this piece of Nityananda's kaupina on your heads with devotion. You

should worship this piece of cloth at your homes with great

respect."Receiving the order of the Lord, all the devotees

respectfully tied the piece of the kaupina on their heads.


Sri Gauranga continued, "Listen, My devotees. All of you drink the

water that has washed Nityananda's lotus feet. Just by drinking that

water, one will attain unflinching devotion to Krishna. There is no

doubt about it."


Instructed by the Lord, all the devotees then washed the lotus feet of

Lord Nityananda and drank the water respectfully. In fact, every

devotee drank the water five or seven times. Nityananda was, however,

completely lost in rapture as He continued to laugh. Mahaprabhu Sri

Gauranga personally distributed the caranamrita of Lord Nityananda with

great jubilation. After drinking that water, all the devotees went

insane and loudly chanted, "Hari, Hari." Someone said, "Today my

life has become successful." Another person said, "Today I have

become a servant of Krishna." Someone else said, "Today has been an

auspicious day for me." Another said, "The water that has washed

the lotus feet of Nityananda is very tasteful. In fact the sweetness in

my mouth does not diminish at all."


What a wonderful influence of the caranamrita of Lord Nityananda! As

soon as all the devotees drank it, they all became agitated. Some of

them danced, some of them sang, others rolled on the ground, while

others shouted loudly. Then all the devotees happily started

nama-sankirtana. Overwhelmed with ecstasy, they all began to dance.

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