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HH Lokanath Swami

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>From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir


February 18, 2006 (Appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Thakur, Disappearance day of Srila Gaur Govinda Swami)


Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.17

Speaker: HH Lokanath Swami




manah sva-buddhyamalaya niyamya

ksetra-jna etam ninayet tam atmani

atmanam atmany avarudhya dhiro

labdhopasantir virameta krtyat


TRANSLATION: Thereafter, the yogi should merge his mind, by his unalloyed

intelligence, into the living entity, and then merge the living entity into

the Superself. And by doing this, the fully satisfied living entity becomes

situated in the supreme stage of satisfaction, so that he ceases from all

other activities.


PURPORT: The functions of the mind are thinking, feeling and willing. When

the mind is materialistic, or absorbed in material contact, it acts for

material advancement of knowledge, destructively ending in discovery of

nuclear weapons. But when the mind acts under spiritual urge, it acts

wonderfully for going back home, back to Godhead, for life in complete bliss

and eternity. Therefore the mind has to be manipulated by good and unalloyed

intelligence. Perfect intelligence is to render service unto the Lord. One

should be intelligent enough to understand that the living being is, in all

circumstances, a servant of the circumstances. Every living being is serving

the dictates of desire, anger, lust, illusion, insanity and enviousness-all

materially affected. But even while executing such dictations of different

temperaments, he is perpetually unhappy. When one actually feels this and

turns his intelligence to inquiring about it from the right sources, he gets

information of the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Instead of

serving materially for the abovementioned different humors of the body, the

living entity's intelligence then becomes freed from the unhappy illusion of

materialistic temperament, and thus, by unalloyed intelligence, the mind is

brought into the service of the Lord. The Lord and His service are

identical, being on the absolute plane. Therefore the unalloyed intelligence

and the mind are merged into the Lord, and thus the living entity does not

remain a seer himself but becomes seen by the Lord transcendentally. When

the living entity is directly seen by the Lord, the Lord dictates to him to

act according to His desire, and when the living entity follows Him

perfectly, the living entity ceases to discharge any other duty for his

illusory satisfaction. In his pure unalloyed state, the living being attains

the stage of full bliss, labdhopasanti, and ceases all material hankerings.



We're changing the topic now. Bhagavatam is a topic. I'm going to talk about

Bhagavat, Mahabhagavat. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura abhirbhava

tithi mahamahotsava ki jai!


Whenever in future Srila Vyasadeva would undertake the further compilation

or appendix or extension of his Bhagavatam, certainly he would be including

the life of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in that Bhagavatam. That is his position.


Now, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, what should I say? Srila

Prabhupada said he was a Vaikuntha man. So certainly Bhagavata talks of men

from Vaikuntha or men befitting position in Vaikuntha.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura appeared today one hundred and

thirty-two years ago in Jagannatha Puri, an auspicious location, in the

month of Govinda. This is month of Govinda besides being month of February.

On the pancami of the Krsna paksa, three-thirty in the afternoon. He was the

fourth child of Bhaktivinoda Thakura. When born, the umbilical cord was

wrapped just like we do the brahmana thread. Very unusual. Astrologer said,

"I have seen charts and astrology and kundali of so many children, but he is

the first child of his kind. Mahapurusa has taken birth. Look, all the

symptoms: one, two, three, four, thirty-two, all the symptoms of mahapurusa

in the personality of this child and the prediction he will be doing

wonderful things in the realm of spirituality."


The child was named Bimala Prasada, the mercy of Bimala Devi, hence the

prasada of Bimala Devi. While in month of July, during Ratha Yatra,

Jagannatha's cart was passing by Bhaktivinoda Thakura's home. His home was

right on the Grand Road, they call it Grand Road, Ratha Yatra, Jagannatha

rides on that road. Jagannatha would not move. One, two, third day, He did

not take a step forward. What's going on? Bhaktivinode Thakura said, "Take

the child onto the chariot." Bhagavati devi, the mother, took the child onto

the chariot and placed at the feet of Jagannatha. The garland fell right

around the child, Bimala Prasad. She climbed down. "Try one more time!"

Effortlessly they were able to pull the chariot. Bimala Prasada Datta ki

jai! Jagannatha wanted to have darsana of Bimala Prasada.


The boy was just a few years old, mango season. He got nice mangoes, just

purchased by dear father Bhativinoda Thakuraji. He grabbed one, "Nice mango,

Daddy." There was no "daddy" at that time.


"Oh, what? This mango was meant for the deity!" The child was mildly

rebuked, "You can't do this. First all the fruit has to be offered to the

deity, then we honour that as prasada."


"I take a vow, the rest of my life, I may starve, but I will not eat a

mango." What a vow! At the age of two, three years old child!


The child begins going to the school. Very excellent memory. First of all,

at the age of seven, he had memorized all the seven hundred memories of

Bhagavad-gita, all the eighteen chapters. Text number eighty - are there

eighty? Okay, seventy-two, and he would say immediately. Photographic

memory. There was no need for him to do any homework. Everything would stay

intact. He was expert in mathematics, astrology, astronomy, surya siddhanta.

OK, you get name Siddhanta Sarasvati. Teachers named him, "You have a

special benediction of goddess of fortune Sarasvati."


Bhaktivinode had some property in Calcutta. He was digging and he unearthed

small deity of Kurma. He handed this to Bimala Prasada, "Take care of this

deity," and he gave guidance and instructions on how to do so. Bimala

Prasada was only thirteen years old. Bhaktivinoda Thakura returned from

Jagannatha Puri, "Take this. This is japa mala for you. And chant harinama."

He also gave Nrsimha mantras for Bimala Prasada to chant, which he continued

doing for the rest of his life. Nrsimha Bhagavan ki jai!


He also went to Sanskrit college. He studied three years and then

discontinued. He had already learned enough, not interested not just in dry

grammar. He had enough. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada

ki jai!


He was being trained like this and Bhaktivinoda Thakura, he moved right

here, Godrumadvipa. Gaurakisora dasa Babaji also moved in, or used to come

to listen to Bhaktivinoda Thakura's talks. Bhaktivinoda Thakura instructed,

"You take initiation from Gaurakisora dasa Babaji. First attempt, few

attempts, "No, no, no, I have to consult. . . ."


"I will give up my life, kandiya kandiya prana na rakhibo aro, I will not

keep my life, I will give up my life!"


"OK, sit down." He was initiated, Sri Varsabhanavi-devi dayita, you are very

dear to varsabhanavi-devi, that's Radharani, you are very dear to Radharani.

That was the name given by Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. And

"Krsna-sambandha vijnana. He had learned from Bhaktivinoda Thakur and more

things he learned from Gaurakisora Das Babaji Maharaja, the science of

Krsna, prabhave namah. Very powerful he was, unto such Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Thakur we offer our most humble obeisances.


Madhuryojjvala premadhya, just see the difference, no comparison. Of course,

why even think, after so many attempts only Bhakti Caru Maharaja, you also

look like a little bit. . . madhuryojjvala premadhya, he was enriched.

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, enriched with madhurya-lila, love of Godhead. And

sri rupanuga bhaktida, he was a follower of Rupa and he delivered bhakti,

devotional service, and gaura karuna sakti vigrahaya, he was the form of the

energy of the mercy of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, vigrahaya nama stu te, unto such

a personality we offer our humble obeisances.


Then he was also gauravani-murti, he was a form of gaura-vani, personified

of gaura-vani, and he was dina-tarine, deliverer of the fallen, and last

line rupanuga. . . harine. I don't know who has complied this, but such a

beautiful. Rupanuga virudha apasiddhanta dhvanta harine. He will smash

anything that is virrudha, against, rupanuga, Rupa Goswami and his

followers' siddhanta, bhaktisiddhanta. Apasiddhanta means anything that is

contradictory to siddhanta, he will smash it. He was deadly against it and

he would roar smashing those philosophies of sahajiyism and casteism and

what not, smartha Brahmanism. He was known for this.


He was also known as simha guru. He was a lion guru. Sometimes he would grab

people, "Hey, what did you say other day?" he would chastise. If he was on a

walk or going through the street and some mayavadi coming from other side,

sahajiya coming, "Oh, oh. . . "He would take a turn and flee in fear, "Hey,

Bhaktisiddhanta!" He was a powerful acarya. He was simha guru. We are just a

lamb. Simha guru.


1905, he had a strong will of spreading love of God all over. Great

determination and desire was rousing within him, but what he did first was

he took sankalpa of chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Sankalpa just like that of

Namacarya Srila Haridasa Thakura, 300,000 names a day. He was chanting those

names right here at Yogapitha. As I understood, he also had a place right on

the bank of Ganga and he would do his bhajan in these places. He did that

for nine years, chanting and hearing. In rainy season, he would sometimes

hold an umbrella over him and he is chanting, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna

Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, seriously chanting

and praying and crying and preparing for his life's mission.


But then, in 1914, he lost his father. 1915, he lost his spiritual master.

He was wondering, "How am I going to carry on the mission of my father and

my spiritual master?" Then one night, he had a dream. He sees Gauranga

Mahaprabhu chanting and dancing along with His associates. "Oh, there is

Bhaktivinoda Thakura also chanting! And here is my spiritual master,

Gaurakisora dasa Babaji!" And they say, as if in one voice, "We are with

you. Go on."


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura woke up only to carry on the mission

of his father and spiritual master vigorously. In 1920, he founded Gaudiya

Math. His headquarters, for those who do not know, Caitanya Math, where

there is Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's Samadhi, that was

headquarter of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Also his residence

is still there. From there, he was operating his mission of the Gaudiya

Math, spreading Krsna consciousness, and not limiting it to India.


In 1922, he was there in Calcutta for some business, some preaching mission.

Srila Prabhupada, Abhay Caran De, Malik brought Abhay. We know from

Prabhupada Lilamrta, "Oh, you!" He had not even sat properly. He was still

taking his seat. "Oh, you!" others were sitting. He said, "Take up this

mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Spread it in English language all over

the world." The dialogue continued. Srila Prabhupada was into something

else. He wanted to make his country independent. The argument was there.

Prabhupada was defeated. Then and there he accepted, "This is my spiritual

master." So that was first time Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada was

asked, "Take up the mission of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, spreading it all over

the world in English language."


Then again, it was 13th of December in 1936, two weeks prior to

Bhaktisiddhanta's departure, Prabhupada told us this several times, it is in

writing, Prabhupada wrote a letter to Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, "Oh you

have brahmacari disciples, sannyasis, they are always travelling, doing

wonderful service, but I am grhastha, I cannot associate with you all the

time like others do, but if there is anything I could do to please you." And

there comes response, "Preach in English language." Confirming the very

first instruction. The first instruction and the very last instruction are

very similar. And Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said, "If you take

this seriously, spreading Krsna consciousness in English language all over

the world," I am not saying it word for word, "then you will be happy and

those who receive this message also will be happy." Are you happy? (Hari



What a connection. Two great souls are exchanging letters. God consciousness

has not gone beyond the boundaries of India and they are thinking, planning,

dreaming to bring it all over the world. And here we are today sitting and

reaping the benefits of the exchange of that letter, the benefit of that

instruction of Bhaktisiddhanta as we have received the best gift of our

life, and that is Krsna consciousness.


Bhaktisiddhanta, founder of Gaudiya Math, he also wanted his math to be

managed by Governing Body Commission, some name, but we call it Governing

Body Commission. Prabhupada took that concept. Soon after the departure of

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, they did not follow that

instruction of governing Gaudiya Math by Governing Body Commission, whatever

the name was that Bhaktisddhanta had given. They went for one acarya and

everything was destructed and disastrous, into splinter groups and ? were

everywhere. Learning from this history and hard lesson, Srila Prabhupada, he

wanted his society to be governed by the Governing Body Commission. GBC is

the ultimate governing body of my ISKCON, my International Society for Krsna

Consciousness. Then again we saw the body was there but in its weak state,

or something else became stronger than the GBC, the zonal acarya syndrome

showed its ugly face and we barely survived from becoming zonal society for

Krsna consciousness. Gauranga Mahaprabhu intervened, reason prevailed, Srila

Prabhupada blessed, and Governing Body Commission is once again in stronger



Today is Bhaktisiddhanta Appearance Day and we are in the middle of GBC

meetings, something to remember from the life of Bhaktisiddhanta, his

preaching instructions, and then of course, Srila Prabhupada imparted the

mahatmya, the necessity of the Governing Body Commission. It is not just for

a piece of decoration, but it has utility to maintain the purity, maintain

the cooperation amongst all the members, all the leaders, and make sure

there is no perversity.


Be always watchful and not again only bureaucratics enacting legislations,

no, but loving, caring leaders of the International Society for Krsna

Consciousness. Governing Body Commission ki jai! Srila Prabhupada ki jai!

Something we should be always remembering and also follow, the governing

Body Commission that has been put in place by Srila Prabhupada.


Bhaktisiddhanta, as he founded his Gaudiya Math, he was very, very

successful. I was further amazed as I was again going through his life and

teachings and his biographies. He founded Gaudiya Math in 1920. He had only

fifteen - sixteen years. Sixty-four maths were established within his

lifetime. Sixty in India, four overseas. He was very powerful and very, very

active. Travelling very extensively all over the country. He took a tour to

establish, his goal was to establish pada pithas in 108 locations of

Caitanya Mahaprabhu's visits of South India, out of which he established

eight, which have been listed. He was installing deities of Radha-Krsna,

Gauranga Mahaprabhu in south India, in North India, in Bengal, in Dhaka, in



In Kuruksetra, he was known for his diorama exhibitions. He was known for so

many things. I wish I had so many mouths or I wish we could all speak

simultaneously about his glories. They are unlimited. There is so much to

talk about. There is so much he did for the sake of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to

establish Caitanya Mahaprabhu's glories all over, everywhere. In Kuruksetra,

his exhibits where gopis feeling separation from Krsna, very appropriate for



He goes to Suktal on the banks of Ganga to the very spot where Sukadeva

Goswami has spoken Bhagavatam and he speaks glories of Bhagavatam there. He

goes to Naimasaranya and establishes Gaudiya Math and gives lectures there.

He goes to Vraja Mandala Parikrama, 1932, he does Vraja Mandala Parikrama

with thousands of his followers. A small city was camping out every night

location to location. Srila Prabhupada was in Allahabad. He travelled to

Vrindavan, joins Bhaktisiddhanta at Kosi, listens to Bhaktisddhanta very,

very attentively. Others are more interested in some kind of walk and extra

pilgrimage. Abhay Babu stays behind. He is interested in hearing.


After Vraja Mandala Parikrama, Bhaktisiddhanta goes to Allahabad. He is

founding another math at Allahabad. He has governor of UP, some Sir, big

person from England, he is presiding over the function. Time for initiation.

Abhay Babu is being introduced, "This is. . . ."


"Oh, I know him. He listens very carefully. I have taken note that he

listens very attentively." He gets initiated in Allahabad in 1932.


Bhaktisiddhanta was there during Karttika of 1933 and 1934, he was spending

one month in Karttika, Vrindavan side. He was doing his Vraja Mandala

Parikramas also. He went eight times around doing Vraja Mandala Parikrama.

He would ride on elephants doing Vraja Mandala. He also, of course, would

ride in a car. Sannyasi riding in a car? Very much untradiitoinal, but yukta

vairagya. He was also yukta vairagya personification, he was exhibiting.


He was writing books. He has a whole appendix that goes on page after page

after page. His publications, the articles he wrote, the books he wrote, the

Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books he edited and published, it's a big, big list

of publications, books. He wrote a commentary on Caitanya Bhagavata. He

published entire twelve cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam. He used to have

printing presses. He had one in Calcutta, one is Cuttak, one in Mayapur, and

one more place. He had four printing presses. He would have a printing press

so that the deity could see the printing press and lots of books were being

published and also distributed. Sajjana Tosani was being published in

Bengali, Sanskrit, Hindi, English. "So much could be written about that we

could have daily newsletter," he was proposing, "Oh, there is so much to

write about." Newspapers were writing, but we have bigger words to deal

with. Krsna consciousness being spread on this planet and whole material

world is just one fourth of the material creation. Another three-fourths is

out there. There is so much we could write. This was his vision.


In 1933, after Gaura Purnima, he gets some of his sannyasis ready to go to

the West. He gives a lecture inspiring them in spreading Krsna consciousness

all over the world. They go and they attempt. Not much success. Another one

was sent. He manages to meet the Lord Zetland, something like that, they had

appointment with him. He says, "Swamiji, Swamiji, will you make me a



He says, "No problem."


"What do I have to do?"


"Nothing much. No meat-eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex, no



"Impossible," was the response of that lord, but now the devotees of Krsna

consciousness are doing all over the world, following those four regulative



Bhaktisiddhanta was in Vrindavan again in 1935 during Karttika and Srila

Prabhupada was there. Both of them met on the banks of Radha Kunda.

Bhaktisiddhanta seemed to be in some kind of anxiety, he was concerned about

something. He said, "Agun jwalbe," soon there will be fire. He was

predicting something: fighting in Gaudiya Math. "When we made little money

in Calcutta in Gaudiya Math," he said, "in Baag Bazar, we were happy, but

now we have palatial building and the inmates of the asrama are fighting,

'Which room for me, which one for. . . .'" Bhaktisiddhanta said, "I would

rather sell the marble and print books." He said, in Bengali, "Amara iccha

chilo," it is my desire, "kichu boi korano," I want to publish some books.

"If you ever get money, print books." That order was given right on the bank

of Radha Kunda.


After that meeting, that instruction, final instruction, "in English

language. . . , " Srila Prabhupada took it seriously, the mission of his

spiritual master. He prepared, lifetime preparation, and finally he founded

International Society for Krsna Consciousness in 1966. For all the successes

he had, he always gave credit to his spiritual master, always gave credit,

"My spiritual master. . . ." Whenever you hear Prabhupada in his lectures

talk about his spiritual master, the way he says, "MY spiritual master,"

with a full mouth, full heart, proud. He was very proud of his spiritual



"My spiritual master is always close to me. My spiritual master is always

next to me." sometimes some Gaudiya Math leaders noticed that whenever Srila

Prabhupada came here to Candrodaya Mandir, he did not stop at the samadhi of

Bhaktisiddhanta, they kind of criticised. When Prabhupada heard, he was

furious, he said, "What do they know, what do they know? My spiritual master

is always next to me!" Haribol.


Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, the ray of Visnu, he was ray of hope.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura prayed for such a son. By all that he did, sure his

father also and spiritual master are very proud of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Thakura. Today is his appearance day. We pray for all the mercy that we

could get from this brilliant lion-like spiritual master with a photographic

memory and courage and a vision, if we could get a little drop of that mercy

and vision.


Today is also disappearance day of our dear godbrother, His Holiness Gaura

Govinda Swami Maharaja. He departed on the appearance day of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. It was also in 1996, the year of Srila

Prabhupada's 100th birth anniversary. He was very much in Mayapur. That day

he attended full day's service. He attended GBC meetings. He attended

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's appearance day celebrations, more

service in the afternoon in GBC meetings. He came down to his quarters. He

was surrounded by devotees who like to hear from him. He was talking about

Krsna, some highly elevated topics of Radha and Krsna. As he was talking, as

if he was in Vrindavan, or as he talked, he entered those pastimes. What a

glorious way of departing, in a holy Dham, in a holy place, while his lips

are talking of Radha and Krsna, surrounded by devotees on appearance day of

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. We also pray for his mercy. He was also

kind of lion-like preacher, roaring. So on this day, we pray for his mercy

so that we also have liking for talking about Radha and Krsna.

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