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GBC Meeting Day Three and Four

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The day began with the traditional kirtana and reading from Srimad

Bhagavatam (2.10.44).


The GBC were given updates on the French, German, and Moscow Yatras,

Ambarisa Prabhu gave a personal update on the Mayapur Project, Tamohara

Prabhu gave a report on the Child Protection Office, and there were some

more presentations by the Deputies.


France (presented by Praghosa Das):


This year, the French Yatra, after nearly twenty years of struggle

is on the upswing. In a strong show of cooperation that transcends

boarders and zones, devotees from France, various parts of Europe, America

and India came together to focus on reviving ISKCON's presence in France.

They felt that Srila Prabhupada would have insisted on such an effort, and

thus even though their aide comes with much personal sacrifice, they

accepted it in deference to Srila Prabhupada's desires.

Sivarama Swami, Indradyumna Swami, and other senior devotees

commited their time for rebuilding the French Yatra. Donations were raised

to develop projects in France. These developments encouraged the local

French devotees who volunteered services in fields such as fund

development, communications, book distribution, and legal guidance.


Germany (presented by Dina Sharana-devi dasi, Euro GBC for Germany):


At the same meeting that brought devotees together to help the

French Yatra, devotees met to create a new and brighter future for ISKCON

Germany. The German temples have been plagued with debts for a long time,

and creditors have been demanding their payments. During the meeting,

individual householders, preachers, temples, and book distributors all

pledged funds to help the situation. In addition to these funds,

Bhaktivedanta Manor gave a loan that will be instrumental in saving the

German yatra great sums.

Often when resources are limited, interpersonal relationships are

strained. During the meetings and subsequent to them, much effort was

successfully made-with the help of the meeting facilitators-to heal past

wounds, and create a new mood of trust and unity.

Tangible results were reported such as increased book distribution,

three new centers, and a new communications department


Dina Sharana thanked all the GBC's and leaders who gave their time to help

Germany and appealed for more visits from senior devotees. In

reciprocation, a number of GBC members offer appreciation for Dina

Sharana's determined effort to revived the Germany yatra. Sivarama Swami

mentioned that sometimes devotees question what the role of women should

be in ISKCON. He said that Dina Sharana-devi dasi was a wonderful example

of a woman leader. She saw a need and fulfilled it. He said that just as

Srila Prabhupada was so proud of his grihasta disciples who went to

London, he must be similarly proud of this daughter who is rendering such

empowered service.


Moscow (Presentation by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami):


This was yet again, another example of devotees from various parts of the

world coming together to help a yatra. The Moscow project is experiencing

great challenges from the Russian Orthodox Church. By their influence, the

Mayor of Moscow cancelled his approval for ISKCON to build a new temple

there. Devotees in India-headed by Gopal Krishna Goswami, Krishna Candra

dasa and Mahamantra dasa-helped Bhakti Vijnana Goswami to meet the top

political and industrial leaders of India to request their support.

Similarly, Gauri dasa, Romapada dasa, Srutidharma dasa and Pranabandhu

dasa gathered support for the Moscow project from political and spiritual

leaders in England.


Ambarisa dasa gave an impassioned talk about the vision for the Mayapura

temple and Vedic Planetarium. He described his strong determination to

start construction on the present ISKCON land as soon as is practical with

the combined help of the international ISKCON devotees, and those serving

in India.



Tamohara dasa, the director of ISKCON's Central Office of Child Protection

provided a report on his service in the past year. There was a forty-eight

percent increase in funding; twenty-nine new judges were trained,

including some from South America; the ICOCP's website has expanded

(childprotectionoffice.org), a statistical analysis of ISKCON's abuse

cases has been developed, and there has been tremendous cooperation from

temples and GBC's as the ICOCP strives to establish a child protection

team in every ISKCON center.


Last year the CPO completed three cases, five cases are currently under

judgement, and four are in investigation. This year at least four more

training courses will be conducted by Tamohara and Hanuman dasa.


The day ended with a discussion about a GBC proposal to improve the ISKCON

laws regarding disciplining of ISKCON officials who act inappropriately or

no longer carry out their services effectively. On one hand we should

appreciate the service of all devotees, and there is room for mistakes

which naturally occur. But on the other hand, ISKCON needs standards and

when the mistakes of one impact the lives of others, action is often

needed. There was also a discussion on a proposal to encourage more of

Srila Prabhupada's disciples to initiate.


Day Four consisted of a closed-door session about the Youth Fund. The

Sannyasa sub-committee and BBT Allocation Fund also met today.

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