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HH Bhakti-tirtha Swami Memorial

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On the 25th, Srimad Bhagavatam class was held at 6 am. with Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja's last class in Mayapur shown on video (as sent out

in an earlier text). Then after darshan arati and Srila Prabhupada's

gurupuja, the urn containing Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja's ashes was taken in

harinama procession to his Samadhi, next to HH Gour Govinda Maharaja's

Samadhi. After the urn was ceremoniously placed with the Samadhi, the

memorial service continued with Sivarama Swami singing "je anilo prema

dhana" ending with "Jaya Vaisnava Thakur, Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja", followed

by the translation.


Below is the transcription of the first part of the morning function. We'll

try to do more later but are falling behind on the Bhagavatam class

transcriptions so can't guarantee it, sorry! The memories continued in the

evening in Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi auditorium with the disciples of

Maharaja sharing their memories. It was a powerful day of emotion and

Vaisnava smaranam.


Transcription follows:




Ekavira Das: His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai! First I want

to thank all of the devotees for coming to the samadhi inauguration for His

Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami. And I will introduce the Master of Ceremonies,

but before I do that I wish to offer a few words of appreciation on behalf

of the disciples of His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami.


Four months ago we brought the cremation urn to Sridham Mayapur and

Ragatmika Mataji made the suitable arrangements and those arrangements were

provided by His Grace Pancaratna Prabhu. We want to thank those devotees for

allowing us to offer our guru-puja every day, nicely. And this Samadhi, a

few months ago again, most of the devotees who are disciples of His Holiness

Bhakti-tirtha Swami reside outside of India, and we heard so many stories

about the challenges have about making a nice Samadhi. And His Holiness

Bhakti Caru Maharaja understood the anxiety that we were in and he said "I

would like to make this offering for His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami", and

he relieved that anxiety. Although he had another major project going on in

Ujjain, he facilitated the Samadhi in honour of Bhakti-tirtha Swami. So we

want to offer appreciation to Maharaja. [applause, Haribols!]


And last but not least, all the devotees who were in communication with His

Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami during the last year. He appreciated the loving

reciprocation of all of his Godbrothers and Godsisters and well-wishers

throughout the world. Not only did he appreciate it, but the caretakers

appreciated it so much because it gave strength and inspiration to continue

with the services. So thank you all, Haribol!


His Holiness Bhakti Caru Maharaja will act as Master of Ceremonies for this

programme. Please, Maharaja.



[bhakti Caru Swami ascends stage.]



Bhakti Caru Swami: His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai! Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharajer Vyasa-puja mahotsava ki jai! Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Swami Samadhi samsthapan mahotsava ki jai! Srila Prabhupada ki

jai! Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Sri Mayapur Dham ki jai! Samaveta

bhakta vrnda ki jai! Gaura premanande, Hariharibol!


Today is Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja's appearance day, Vyasa-puja

celebration. In a way it is quite unusual that on such a day we are actually

going to celebrate his Samadhi installation ceremony, but on the other hand,

we can also consider that a Vaisnava is eternal: "He reasons ill who thinks

that a Vaisnavas dies." Vaisnavas are individuals who have become situated

in their spiritual identity by becoming connected to the Supreme Personality

of Godhead. Therefore, there is no consideration of death for a Vaisnava.

Krsna also emphatically pointed out that one who recognizes His spiritual

identity as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he never comes back to the

material nature. Rather, he goes back to the spiritual sky.


So with that understanding, we are actually establishing Bhakti Tirtha

Maharaja through this ceremony the fact that he is eternally there with

Krsna. He is there and he will always be there, and now it's up to us to

become purified. When we become purified of our material contaminations,

then we will again go back to the spiritual sky, and there, we will once

again have his wonderful association.


Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja made a very special request. When he realised that he

was about to leave his body, he considered coming to Mayapur and leaving his

body here, but as compassionate as he always had been, he considered that

many of his disciples who are in the United States would not be able to come

to Mayapur to be with him. Considering their need and their inability, His

Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja decided to stay in the United States, in

Gita Nagari. At the same time, he wanted his Samadhi to be in Mayapur, and

although a sannyasi's body is generally not cremated, but put into Samadhi,

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja requested that his body should be cremated and the

remains of his body should be taken to Mayapur put in a Samadhi. Whereas in

Gita Nagari there'll be his Puspa Samadhi. Due to that request Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja's very wonderfully disciples - specially in this regard I remember

Mother Vrajalila and her husband, Ekavira Prabhu, the way they had always

been serving with so much care and attention and assisted the other devotees

who came from different parts of the world to serve Maharaja at that time.

It was a very, very wonderful experience for all who had gone there at that



Mother Vrajalila is an exceptional devotee, she had been serving Maharaja

for 25 years. Even after Maharaja's disappearance, she and her husband,

Ekavira Prabhu, are continuing to serve His Divine Grace. As Ekavira Prabhu

just mentioned, four momths ago they came to Mayapur to make the

arrangements for Maharaja's residence here in Mayapur Dham.


Today we are celebrating that glorious day when through this wonderful

ceremony, Maharaja, surrounded by his very dear Godbrothers and Godsisters

and disciples are establishing his permanent residency in Sridham Mayapur.

In a way I was feeling very bad because although I took the responsibility

to build the Samadhi Mandir of Maharaja, but due to some unforeseen

circumstances the Samadhi Mandir could not be completed. Even until last

night I was thinking that it would be done. When I realised it would not be

completed I was completely shattered. I was feeling I was assigned with

responsibility to create Maharaja's residence here, but I failed him.

Therefore, I repeatedly beg forgiveness from my wonderful Godbrother, Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja and to all his disciples and to all the

devotees due to my inability.


It is so wonderful that so many of you have assembled here today to

celebrate this glorious occasion. We'll have the festival throughout the

day, but from now until 9:30 we will have some senior Godbrothers of

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja offer their homages to him. Then we will break for

breakfast. The offerings will continue after that and will continue

throughout the day. That part of the program will be convened by Ekavira

Prabhu, Mother Vrajalila, and Pancaratna Prabhu. The GBC's have their

meetings starting at 10 o'clock therefore, they will not able to participate

during the day, but in the evening they will come back and continue their

glorification of His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja.


Now I will request the chairman of the GBC body, His Holiness Devamrta Swami

Maharaja, a very dear friend of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja to offer his

homage to His Divine Grace. Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai!


Maybe it will be convenient that I request the speakers to come onto the

stage. For the morning session we will request His Holiness Jayapataka

Maharaja to speak. It'll be nice if you all can come onto the stage,

Maharaja. Kavicandra Maharaja to speak, Bir Krishna Maharaja, Mother Malati.



Devamrta Swami:


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine


namaste sarasvati deve gaura vani pracarine

nirvesesa sunyavadi pascatya desatarine


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhakti-tirtha swamin iti namine


The coming of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja to the Krsna consciousness

movement was monumental just as his departure was monumental. Today I will

try to speak on aspects of his glorification which may not be readily

apparent to all of you.


If you know anything about the social situation in the United States more

than thirty years ago, you could understand why it is an extraordinary

testimony to Srila Prabhupada's inconceivable empowerment and a testimony to

Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja's spiritual programming that he came to the

Krsna consciousness movement.


In the early 70's he was attending Princeton University where the

aristocracy of the deep South of the United States goes to. They avoid

Harvard and Yale because they are very liberal, but Princeton is the bastion

of conservatism. There he went and underwent many torments, people throwing

buckets of urine on him. . . things are very different in the United States

now. Still he became president of his class, which from the material point

of view is very extraordinary.


I say these things because I want to make it clear how expert Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja was in engaging everything in Krsna's service. He was never a man

of repression in any way, shape or form. He always sought how to utilize

everything in Krsna's service, everything he had, every ability, every

insight, he sought to engage in the spirit of yukta-vairagya. His coming to

the Krsna consciousness movement, despite his interest in Eastern mysticism,

was very, very special. There was no question of any relation with the

flower power movement, the hippies. All of Srila Prabhupada's usual

clientele had no bearing upon Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja. His coming to

the Krsna consciousness movement was purely a spiritual event devoid of

countercultural trappings which were so prominent in the USA at that time.


>From the very beginning he always sought to understand how Srila

Prabhupada's movement can be a place of sensitivity for everyone, for all

types of persons. He took that as his life's mission. He was always

concerned does every devotee have a fair chance to be Krsna consciousness,

no matter their gender, no matter their body type.


And he was very expert in perceiving organisational dynamics and

psychologies. He would always try to make me aware of these things. He was

very concerned that he would never occupy a privileged position. He gave me

the example of diplomats in Africa, from such poor countries who lived in

rarefied atmosphere of wealth, international travel, opulence, convenience.

He never wanted to follow that route in any kind of way. So he was always

concerned that he doesn't want a privileged position and whatever perks he

may have, he wanted to use them to uplift others.


Another aspect of his yukta-vairagya was that he never shied away from

publicity or the media or anything that could be used to help others. If

there was a camera around, he was right in front of it. Why? Not for

himself, but recognising I can get some publicity, I can get some chance to

help others. Whatever I can get, I'll take to try to help other devotees.

This is a part of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja that maybe difficult for some

to understand but I have no doubt that the core of his pure heart was simply

concerned how can I use everything in Krsna's service.


He understood what it was like to be marginalised, what it was like to be

ignored, overlooked and he sought every means available in the Krsna

conscious movement for standing up for every devotee. He was the genuine

Rainbow coalition bhakta without a doubt. [applause]


Today I am trying to speak as he would like me to speak. He was always

pushing me, "Devamrta Swami, you have to speak out more." [chuckles] I will

tell you something, please take it in the right way.


He was so sensitive to Prabhupada's movement and how not to disturb others.

He would always tell me, "Let's not talk in public, you know the Americans,

they are very sensitive, both sides. All types Americans are very hung up on

the race issue, unconsciously. Let's speak in private." This is not a

political ploy. This was sensitivity. In no way did he want Prabhupada's

movement disturbed. And for that reason he would say like that, "Let's meet

out in the back" or "When you come to Gita Nagari, we'll speak." [chuckling]

He understood how a movement and its dynamics can be engaged in Krsna's

service. He was not afraid to look at those issues.


His mother was an extraordinary influence on his life coming from that

sociological material background where because of frustration, often the

fathers become irresponsible. So his mother played a great role in his life,

therefore, when he came to Krsna consciousness, he wanted to make sure that

the role of the mother, the role of women, they're properly honoured. My

point is not to stress material background, my point is to show his

determination to use everything he knew, everything he experienced, for

Krsna's pleasure, for the sake of Prabhupada's movement. That is the lesson

that is so firmly imprinted upon my heart.


I don't want to speak too long because we have other much better situated

speakers, but at the same time, in conclusion, I have doubt, as Bhakti Caru

Maharaja, spoke of his spiritual destination. We spoke of these things

before his departure, his engagement in Krsna's service, his passing is

monumental, his coming to Krsna consciousness is monumental, his years of

dedication to Prabhupada's service is monumental. And he has left behind

many wonderful disciples who are strikingly for real.


In conclusion, I'll say that was a great trademark of Srila Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja, he produced followers who dealt with themselves, and had no airs

but were fully understanding where they were at in Krsna consciousness and

where they should be at.


I will miss his physical association more than I can say, at the same time,

I have no doubt of his spiritual destination and I am extraordinarily happy

about that. Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja ki jai! [applause]



Bhakti Caru Swami: Now I'll request His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja who is

a very dear Godbrother of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja and had a lot of love

and respect for him, to speak.



Jayapataka Swami:


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

namaste sarasvati deve gaura vani pracarine

nirvesesa sunyavadi pascatya desatarine


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhakti-tirtha swamin iti namine


mukham karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim

yat krpa tam aham vande sri-gurum dina-taranam

paramananda madhavam sri caitanya-isvaram


I still remember the time when Srila Prabhupada called all the sannyasis

together in Mayapur, I wasn't a GBC then, but he said sannyasis, GBC's,

come together. He introduced us to Ghanasyama, a devotee who was going to do

library party preaching in the Soviet Union and behind the Iron Curtain,

that was Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja in his purva-asrama. And he told us that I

want all of you to give him your blessings, he's taking some big risks for

Krsna, he's going to preach in the Communist countries to bring them books.

And we thought, what can we do to bless someone when Prabhupada is there,

his blessings are worth unlimited, our blessings are like figs. But

Prabhupada said, "No you are all devotees, so your blessings, Krsna will

listen to your prayers."


Throughout his life we can see that Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja has always taken

some risks in spreading Krsna conscious movement. Today when we heard his

lecture, spoken here in Mayapur on this tithi, we could remember how he

would inspire everyone and I was just remembering that Prabhupada said that

the purpose of the GBC was to create unity in diversity in ISKCON. I was

thinking how his personality was a symbol of unity in diversity. He was

completely sold out, Prabhupada soldier, and he would take these amazing

opportunities to preach in all different kinds of environment. I think

sometimes people didn't understand, but as was spoken by Devamrta Maharaja,

his heart was completely pure and his desire was to spread Prabhupada's

message using all the opportunitieses he could. We should take inspiration

from his mood of care for all the devotees.


When I went to see Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja in Gita-nagari, I was of course

overwhelmed by the love that he showered upon me, but his love was for

everyone. I asked him that you should stay with us some more time, maybe

Krsna can do some miracle. But he said, "Well, I think my time in this body

is up, sometimes people can do more service after they leave." So he wanted

that his legacy, his mission, his mood of care for devotees would carry on

after him.


Before I was just thinking that he is maybe my best friend in Krsna

consciousness because a best friend is someone who will tell you the truth,

who will open his heart and share it with you. Even if it's unpleasant

sometimes they tell you because they care about your well being. On several

occasions he would take the time to give me advice because sometimes I'm

also not very well understood.


So I thought he was a friend, but today when I was putting the flowers I was

also feeling he's a guru for me because he gave me so many instructions

representing Srila Prabhupada. I feel very much the loss of his association,

very much the need for more association with him, I'm trying to understand

how all these pioneer preachers, these very dynamic ground-breaking

preachers have been taken earlier by Srila Prabhupada. There's no doubt he's

with Srila Prabhupada so I have to take shelter again of his advice that he

gave us this morning through prayer. We can keep in contact with him by



He asked me to do three things. I don't know how I'll do these, but he said

I have to go to our festival at Gita Nagari. And he also told me that Gita

Nagari, the reason that he was there was that it was a tirtha. He wanted to

show that Prabhupada tirthas in the West are also holy places. They are

places of pilgrimage. Everyone knows that Mayapur and Vrindavan, are holy

places, but they should know that the places that Prabhupada visited and

worshipped and did his service are also holy places. So he wanted me also to

visit some time when they have their festival.


Then he asked me to visit West Africa for preaching, that's one place I

haven't visited yet. [laughter]. He also asked me to help his disciples any

way that they wanted or needed. So I just hope that I can always be serving

his lotus feet and remembering his wonderful qualities. Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Maharaja ki jai! Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai! Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Maharaja ki jai!



Bhakti Caru Swami: Thank you very much, Jayapataka Maharaja. I know what a

deep respect Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja had for you. He always considered

you to be a very senior Godbrother and a very loyal follower of Srila



His Holiness Radhanath Maharaja has undoubtedly proved himself to be the

most intimate friend of Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja. During Maharaja's last days

Radhanath Maharaja actually dropped everything and stayed with Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja at Gita Nagari, taking care of him for seven weeks, Unfortunately

Radhanath Maharaja could not be here today, but he sent his message and one

of his very senior disciples, Radha Krishna Prabhu, will read out that

message. Radha Krishna Prabhu, please. . . .


Radha Krishna Prabhu reads HH Radhanath Swami's letter:



"It breaks my heart to not be with all of you today. Due to ill health the

doctors and devotees in Mumbai have lovingly forced me to take this time for

needed medical treatment.


On this very auspicious day we have gathered together to offer a tribute of

love and gratitude to a most dear associate of Srila Prabhupada, His

Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja.


Maharaja superbly personified the qualities of surrender and compassion.

Srila Prabhupada personally acknowledged this by his praise, embrace and

tears of gratitude.


Behind the iron curtain he fearlessly distributed thousands of Srila

Prabhupadas books, excelling everyones expectations.


In the difficult and dangerous lands of Western Africa he was honored as a

chief and miraculously expanded Lord Chaitanyas mission with temples, farm

communities, media shows and thousands of devotees.


In the USA he established an Institute that presents sophisticated programs

bringing professionals and leaders of society to a level of unconditional

surrender. Something very few have even dared to attempt.


Through his urban development programs he gives shelter to the downtrodden

and forgotten people of the ghettos.


Maharaja bestowed personal spiritual guidance to world leaders and

celebrities and is reaching the world through his books.


His unique contributions are so diversified, creative and successful that I

am unable to properly describe them.


Above all else Maharaja loves the vaisnavas. He is friend of the fallen and

gives hope to the hopeless. His sympathetic heart gives solace to the

forgotten and misunderstood. To the GBC he is a dedicated soldier willing to

sacrifice everything for the sake of ISKCON and a man of the heart with

great wisdom. To the Gurukulis he is the "Cool (Kul) Guru" and to the

worldwide movement he is an ocean of inspiration through dynamic lectures,

cutting edge seminars and transcendentally ecstatic chanting and dancing.


To me he is a dearest Godbrother and friend whose separation breaks my heart

unbearably. During those last eight weeks he extended his heart to me with

such humility and spiritual love that I am forever indebted. Immersed in the

Lila of Vrindaban we both felt to be living in Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

That was his mercy on this fallen soul.


During his final months Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja put the greatest emphasis on

communities wherein all devotees are encouraged by loving and caring

vaisnava relationships. Communities providing an atmosphere where we could

all chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Let us all strive with utmost sincerity

to fulfill his dream.


In summary, Maharaja had an amazing faith in Srila Prabhupada's mercy and

wanted to share it with the world.


On this sacred occasion of establishing HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja's

Samadhi in Sri Mayapurdham beside His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada and his beloved disciples HH Gaura Govinda Swami Maharaj, HH

Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaja and HH Sridhara Swami Maharaja. Let take a

moment of silence to honor these great souls and pray that we may forever

aspire to follow in their holy footprints.


Thank you very much,


Your servant,


Radhanath Swami





Bhakti Caru Swami: Thank you very much, Radha Krishna Prabhu. His Holiness

Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai! His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaja

ki jai! Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada ki jai!


Devamrta Maharaja very kindly decided that today's GBC meeting will start

half an hour later so we can continue with the glorification of Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja.


Mother Malati is one of our seniormost Godsisters for whom His Holiness

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja had a lot of appreciation and respect. Mother Malati

also served as with Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja as a co-GBC with Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja in New Vrindavan, so we will request Mother Malati to offer her

homage to Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja.



Malati Devi Dasi:


I offer my respectful, humble and eternal obeisances to His Holiness Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja, a wonderful disciple of Srila Prabhupada, wonderful

friend to all of his Godbrothers and Godsisters, a wonderful guide and

mentor and spiritual master to his disciples, and an exemplary example to

anyone who ever met him outside of Krsna consciousness, who influenced and

caused their hearts to take a favourable turn towards their own spiritual

life and Srila Prabhupada's movement. I offer my humble obeisances to the

assembly of Vaisnavas, to my Godbrothers and Godsisters in particular.


I was not actually expecting to come up here this morning, I was expecting

to come this evening, so in reality, I haven't prepared, but I will just

speak personally that my own spiritual life was greatly influenced by the

association and guidance that was offered to me by His Holiness. After a

leave of absence from devotional service, he was among those who encouraged

me and pulled me forward in my service to Srila Prabhupada by words of

wisdom, by example, he was always there. And I never saw any meanness in

him. I never saw any envy in him. I never saw any stinginess in him. He was

always giving and giving to all of us.


I saw a heart that could actually in a such a strong person be very easily

touched and even easily hurt when he sensed these same type of unfortunate

qualities in others because he could see these qualities are not Vaisnavas

qualities, could easily hurt others, hurt ourselves and hurt this movement.

He was actually attacked by certain Godbrothers towards the end and it was a

very painful experience for him and a very painful experience for those

around him, for those of us who have taken his guidance and valued his

shelter. What was amazing was how he was hurt but he was without any

vindictiveness and he fully forgave such personalities.


His example could lift a fallen battleship. I noticed over in the Samadhi

that on the little covering, the little cloth covering, it had some

traditional Indian design and there were four hearts. I thought this was a

very appropriate shelter from the sun because Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja was all

heart and his heart was given to Srila Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada took his heart and enlarged it and enlarged it and he just

kept giving it to all of us. It was mentioned how he was non-discriminatory

and was always careful to see that. . . you might say he was a champion of

the underdog. Many times in our movement ladies are in an underdog position.

In the presence and service of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja, just as when we

were with Srila Prabhupada, that feeling was never evoked. We were pushed up

and allowed to serve graciously and wonderfully by his kindness in extending

all facility towards everyone, including the ladies. As a result, you can

see the wonderful disciples that he has left behind both men and women. But

in the hearts of the ladies, we will always be grateful that he took up

Prabhupada's mood in this regard and allowed us many avenues of service that

were otherwise closed in ISKCON's corridors.


Towards the end - or the beginning of what's happening, it was mentioned he

was going on to serve Srila Prabhupada in an even more intimate manner - but

in coming to see him, it was such an extraordinary experience when his

physical weakness was so apparent that he couldn't even lift his own hands

to even pick up even his beads yet when he would speak to us the strength

and purity of that enlarged heart just enveloped us and we would leave Gita

Nagari feeling strangely elated. I saw strangely because on one hand we knew

this may be the last visit, this may be the last visit, yet somehow or

other, even in that deteriorated condition, he had the ability and capacity

to lift us all up.


As he asked us today to raise our hands, as he asked us three years ago to

raise or hands and take a vow to Srila Prabhupada, I hope we all can do that

and help Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja in lifting the bar of devotion in



Thank you very much, Maharaja, for allowing us to be in your association and

try to serve you.


Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja ki jai! [applause]



Bhakti Caru Swami: Thank you Mother Malati. His Holiness Kavicandara

Maharaja was not only an intimate friend of His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Maharaja but he also served together with Maharaja in West Africa as co-GBC

with him. So I request His Holiness Kavicandra Maharaja to speak.



Kavicandra Swami:


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhakti-tirtha swamin iti namine


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine


namaste sarasvati deve gaura vani pracarine

nirvesesa sunyavadi pascatya desatarine


Usually I have a lot to say and usually my heart is very hard, but today

somehow or other it's cracking. When I went to see him last year in April,

of course I had been following and talking to him quite a bit, but when I

saw his face I thought, "Oh, he's fine." That big smile was there, but then

I could see that physically the body was quite deteriorated, but he was in a

very powerful preaching mood, loving like he always was. So everybody was

covering everything, but we didn't find any defects.


Some of course like we said they couldn't understand what he was doing. I

think of course most people in the world could see the dynamic effect of his

preaching. When I was just recently in Nigeria we went to the airport and as

usual there were no prior arrangements made. And they said the flight is

full, you can't go. One lady was there and she just looked at me and then

she starting shouting at the ticket agents. Then she said "OK, you're on

standby now, let's go right away." Then she turned around again and shouted

at them more and said "You have a fixed seat". And then she took me right

out to the plane, and they told me to go to the back of the line, she said

go to the front, she had a big fight again and put me on the plane first. I

was trying to ask her and she didn't really know much but she said "I saw

that black American guy on television. I know this is really important."

[laughter, applause]


So I hope we can follow up on her. That was quite some long time since he

had been on television. He used to be quite a television star but the

Christians got so worried that they bought up all the television time at

very high prices and we couldn't afford it anymore. Previously he was quite

famous there.


Everybody will say the same thing, and one thing is that he was very

dedicated to Srila Prabhupada. When I first met him, at that time of course

the library party was going but they weren't getting so much publicity, we

were getting all the publicity distributing books in the airports, and he

was following me around and watching me distribute, and he was taking notes,

[chuckles] I've never seen anything like it. So intensely he was watching,

listening what we were doing. Then later I got with him on the same party

distributing Srimad Bhagavatam sets and we would go around. In the car

always he was always just read Nectar of Devotion or something and asking

all kinds of questions. He was studying very very intensely, and kept the

discussions always on. . . he didn't talk about other things except when we

went in to speak to people then he was very, very expert to entertain them,

and lift them up, enliven them, and make them feel very important like he

did with all of us. And he tolerated me and tried to encourage me which is

further proof of his compassion.


And the energy that he had was phenomenal. In those early days we couldn't

find him sleeping very much. Nobody knew how many rounds he was chanting,

he was always chanting from early morning and studying very thoroughly. He

read many other books in order to preach to many varieties of people, but he

just utilised that to authenticate his presentation. He told us that it was

a tapasya to have to go through these academic or other books, but he just

wove that, took out what was essential and presented Krsna consciousness so

all kinds of people could catch it. So we see amongst his disciples very

educated people, very high class people and very, very dedicated.


So the separation, I feel great vacuum in my life. He was a great friend,

but he was a great friend to everybody who knew him, he made everybody feel

like he was their best friend. We have a great legacy, the class this

morning, I hope everybody remembers everything he was saying, especially in

Africa. I try to say the same things but I usually get disturbed and

frustrated and angry. But he is on a very transcendental plane.


I asked him for a special message for the Africans - this is for all of us,

probably it was especially for me - but the first thing he said is don't

quarrel. That's for all of us. Like my father would be so disturbed when I

would quarrel with my brother, and I couldn't understand why he can't

understand what a fool my brother was [laughter] but now that I have so many

children I see it's very painful to see devotees quarrelling. So that was

for all of us. And worship the Deities very nicely like he was saying this

morning very beautifully. And he said preserve what we have and distribute

Srila Prabhupada's books. And that was when he was quite weak but he was

smiling and happy.


We know the Vaisnava has not left, he's still there, but we feel the

separation. But he did manage to leave so many books behind, and I was

fortunate to get the recordings of all those lectures from the last six

months or so and they are so wonderful, I hope everyone hears them again and

again. Because we all have to face this track that we are going to leave

these bodies. The last book that came out was called "Die Before Dying". He

very, very beautifully utilized his fame, and Krsna let him be on

centre-stage right up to the last minute because he was giving so much

instruction, most essential instruction of how to let go of everything

except Krsna. He gave us so much, so much left behind, great disciples and

great example.


So I'll let others speak. I can't imitate how he said, "ISKCON

Founder-acarya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada ki

jai! It doesn't come off so good when I say it, [laughter] When he said it

was really wonderful, he was so dedicated to Srila Prabhupada, so grateful.


I hope everyone can get Radhanath Swami's five hour Sunday Feast memorial

speech and listen very closely a few times to that one. It was really

amazing, nobody left for prasadam or anything, everybody stayed. That's

available all around. I have it, I can make CD's for you if anybody needs,

you can buy it from me. [laughter] We'll send a donation to Chowpatty.


Jai Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai!



Bhakti Caru Swami: His Holiness Bir Krishna Maharaja served with Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja together, and I have seen what a deep appreciation

Bir Krishna Maharaja always displayed about His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja. So I'll request Bir Krishna Maharaja to speak.



Bir Krishna Das Goswami:


om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah


vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca

patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhakti-tirtha swamin iti namine


nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale

srimati bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine


namaste sarasvati deve gaura vani pracarine

nirvesesa sunyavadi pascatya desatarine



Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami ki jai! So I was extremely fortunate to have had

Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami's association from the beginning of my Krsna

consciousness, right from the second year I joined the Krsna consciousness

movement in 1972, I was posted with him. Both of us were travelling with an

ISKCON sannyasi who is still a sannyasi in our Krsna consciousness movement.

In those days, sannyasis were, let us say, a little heavier than they are

nowdays. Now they are older, wiser, kinder and gentler. But in those days

they were tougher. You get the idea. [laughter]


We were two brahamacaris and this sannyasi chastised us for everything we

did and didn't do. [laughter] Especially he wanted to chastise Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja because he was the president of the student body in

Princeton before. So the sannyasi felt it was his duty to destroy all sorts

of designations and things like that. Of course, Srila Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja had no material designations even from the very beginning. I can

say that he was completely free from false ego. But as Malati Prabhu stated

he was also very sensitive. So when we were chastised by this sannyasi, he

started to cry. I also cried. So we would put our arm around each other,

embrace and cry together. [laughter]


I think this was the first real bonding experience I've had in the Krsna

consciousness movement of crying for Krsna or crying together. Of course we

were told by the sannyasi this is good for your false ego to cry like that.

[laughter] Even if I am chastising you for something you didn't do, that's

all right, it's Krsna's will. You should be chastised because you are here

in the material world and have a material body. That was the mood.


Anyway, so we spent quite a few months with Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja

crying together. The reason I am telling this is we became very close. When

you go through a traumatic experience with someone you become very close. So

we became very, very close to him in many ways, actually inseparable.


Through the years, I've been thinking about him and visiting him. After some

time, we were separated physically because he was sent on the library party

and you've heard about this library party from some other devotees. In this

library party he risked life and limb. Just to be a little specific about

that, he was travelling in Eastern Europe which at that time was an

extremely dangerous place. If he was caught by the KGB or any of the other

Secret Services he could have been put in to the prison, and in those

prisons people sometimes disappeared. They weren't heard from again. It

wasn't just like your ordinary prison. So in order to evade capture and

distribute Srila Prabhupada's books, he was literally living in trains in

Eastern Europe. Jumping from one train to another, from one university to



And Srila Prabhupada was so pleased with this determination and

fearlessness. As we know from the Gita, that's one of the primary qualities

of a sannyasi, abhaya, first quality mentioned, abhayam sattva-samsuddhim,

jnana-yoga vyavasthitih. He was so pleased with him that when he saw Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja, he embraced Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja and he said to

him, "You have achieved perfection."


Now I don't know or have any recollection of Srila Prabhupada saying that to

anyone else. Not only did he receive this praise and appreciation from Srila

Prabhupada, but he always maintained his abject humility, always considered

himself to be servant of the other Vaisnavas. I remember here in Mayapur, in

the prasadam pavilion, after he had received this acclaim from Srila

Prabhupada, that he was humbly serving the Vaisnavas prasadam. I was sitting

there because I just wanted to eat. I had no conception of serving

Vaisnavas. He was serving. He would wait till everyone had finished until he

ate prasadam. I was saying to him, "Maharaja sit down, sit down, sit down,"

because I was embarrassed. Because here was someone showing more Vaisnava

qualities and I wanted to show more Vaisnava qualities because I was proud

of my so-called Vaisnava qualities. But he determinedly kept serving every

single Vaisnava here in the Dham. Some of the older devotees here, I'm sure

you'll remember that.


He was so renounced from eating and sleeping, that was already mentioned.

I'll give one experience I had with him. One time I visited his asrama in

Washington DC, that's when he had his Institute for Applied Spiritual

Technology. I was staying in his room. So I stayed with him in his room and

I didn't see him sleep. Of course that was very worrisome, bothersome for me

because I wanted to sleep. So I said "Maharaja, do you have a closet I can

go into?" So finally I locked myself in his closet so I could get some rest.

But I didn't see him sleep one week. He was up all night, eating once a day,

simply amazing me with his determination.


I was thinking when I was visiting him for the last time, I was thinking

that this is going to be a very, very sad occasion. We are both going to be

crying because this is going to be the last time we'll see each other in

this lifetime. And I approached it with that particular mentality. So I went

to see him, we were discussing Krsna consciousness. As we were talking about

Krsna consciousness, we both came to the realisation that at least he is on

Srila Prabhupada's transcendental Radha Damodara Party. Just like you've all

heard about the Radha Damodara party that was there in the United States.

And they used to - I don't want to use the word steal - but they used to

encourage devotees to leave, not leave they used to encourage devotees to

travel with them. [laughter] And the temple president would sometimes wake

up the next morning and find all of his brahmacaris gone.


So I was thinking that Srila Prabhupada has such a travelling Radha Damodara

party. When he needs to go somewhere and preach, then he calls for his

personal assistants, "Whatever you're doing, you come and join me." So we

may see externally that the devotee appears to have some disease or appears

to have some car accident or something like that, but in actuality, Srila

Prabhupada is calling these devotees to assist him somewhere else. Just like

with Srila Tamal Krishna Maharaja we experienced this.


One dream that Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja had illustrates this point. This

dream was that shortly before leaving this world, Srila Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja dreamt that Tamal Krishna Maharaja came to him and he was taking

his hand and saying "Come, it's time to come and rejoin Srila Prabhupada and

Srila Prabhupada's party." Isn't that wonderful? "It's time to come, Srila

Prabhupada is calling you."


So my understanding was at that meeting that - of course I am not so dear to

Srila Prabhupada, and I am not so sure I'd want to come if Srila Prabhupada

was calling me, I'm so attached to this body too - but somehow or other,

Srila Prabhupada has given us eternal service at his lotus feet. So even

though we may apparently be separated for some time - not only from Srila

Prabhupada, but even from each other - that separation is not real

separation. It's apparent separation and then soon we'll be serving together

again. When I last said good bye to Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja, it wasn't a

tearful good-bye, the good-bye was, "See you later."


I mean that's quite unusual, see you later. We are just going to be

somewhere in a few years, whatever it is, serving Srila Prabhupada. Maybe

some other universe, spiritual world, who knows, but the eternal service to

Srila Prabhupada. So when I was saying good-bye to him like that I realised

that my connection, or keeping my association with Srila Bhakti-tirtha

Maharaja was dependent on serving not only Srila Prabhupada but serving my

Godbrothers, especially Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja at that juncture. So I asked

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja, "I want to keep your association so please give me

some service to do in your separation so I can keep or stay with you."


And Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja said something I didn't want to hear at that

point, he said, "Please become GBC of Croatia and Bosnia." That was the last

thing I wanted to hear because I already have enough areas of

responsibility. I said, "Maharaja can you ask me something else. [laughter]

You know, something easy like a donation or something." And he said, "Think

about it."


And so I left him thinking about it and I thought about it and thought about

it and those of you who come from a particular type of family heritage know

about guilt. Some of you may know about that. So I felt guiltier and

guiltier and guiltier every day. So I contacted Maharaja after about three

days of feeling guilty, and I said to Maharaja, "I give in. I give up, I'll

do what you ask."


And Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja wrote back to me. He said, "Thank you very

much for going along with the last request of a dying man." [laughter] So he

understood also how to apply guilt. [laughter]


So somehow other we hope to be serving him and serving our Godbrothers. If

we simply think serving Srila Prabhupada is enough, then we are not quite on

the right track. Serving Srila Prabhupada, to please Srila Prabhupada the

most we need to serve his disciples, his granddisciples and his Krsna

consciousness movement. This keeps all of us together. As Prabhupada said,

"We have an ISKCON in the spiritual world and everyone gets to go except for

who? Mr. Nair." That's right and maybe by Prabhupada's mercy one day he'll

one day get to go.


We have to remember, this is another thing I discussed with Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja and then I'll end, is that we're all meant to be

together forever so we better learn to get along with each other now. Srila

Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja told me this, because this is going to be the group

you are with for ever and ever and ever and ever. [loud applause and



Jai, Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja ki jai! Haribol!



Bhakti Caru Swami: Hare Krsna. Although the GBC meeting has been postponed

by half an hour, and it's supposed to start at 10:30, but we are already ten

past ten and no one actually has taken breakfast as yet. The GBC members

have to take their breakfast and attend the meeting at 10:30. So although I

do not want to, and I would like to continue with this programme, I have to

adjourn it for the time being and the programme will resume again at 4:30.

And all the GBC members have been requested to come. . . . The GBC members

can come after the GBC meetings at 4:30 they can take part in this

programme. Mother Vrajalila just corrected me, the programme will continue

until 11:30, only the GBC members are expected to leave because they have to

go take their breakfast and attend their meeting. Thank you very much. All

glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami!


And the prasadam is at the Samadhi, Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir and

Pancaratna Prabhu will MC now.


Since Maharaja's disciples are fasting till noon, they can continue to be

here and the programme will continue till 11:30. Thank you very much. All

glories to Srila Prabhupada.


[singing] Jaya Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja, Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja!

[devotees repeat]


Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja ki jai! Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Maharajer Vyasa-puja mahotsava ki jai! Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja's

Samadhi Installation ceremony ki jai! Gaura premanande, hari haribol!

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