Guest guest Posted April 2, 2006 Report Share Posted April 2, 2006 Hare Krishna, On March 23rd the second anniversary of HH Sridhar Swami Maharaja disappearance was observed in Mayapur. Below is the transcription of the memorial speeches given in his honour. __________________________ Gaurahari Das: So for those who of you who don't know this insignificant, impudent person sitting here, my name is Gaurahari. I have the great pleasure and honour of being an initiated disciple of His Holiness Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaja. I was originally a disciple of somebody else. . . anyway it's not about me but maybe it's relevant to tell the truth, a short story about how I came to be a disciple. I joined back in 1980 and as I said became a disciple of Harikesa. First time I met Maharaja, apart from just seeing him from a distance in Bombay and here in Mayapur, he came to Copenhagen, which is my home city, back in 1992 I think it was. Around New Year 92-93. He started travelling more at that time, before he had been pretty much staying in Bombay most of the time. But then he started travelling and giving his friend-making and fund-raising seminars. So he came to Denmark also and gave that seminar. He was there for a week. Interesting thing in the context of what later happened was that at that time I became very impressed. He was such a powerful personality, so enthusiastic, so fired-up his lectures were. We all know Maharaja was roaring sometimes from the Vyasasana. His whole personality attracted me. And I was married at that time and the first lecture he gave - we were living in a flat near the temple and my wife for some reason, she was sick or something, she didn't come for that lecture. But I was there and after the programme I came back to the flat and I was narrating to my wife about this very nice Maharaja. . . . I said he's really so powerful, he's such a great devotee and I told her at that time, I said - and I never said like that about anybody else, I'd met so many preachers, sannyasis, gurus - but when I came back I told her, "If I would be in a position to choose a spiritual master I might take shelter of him." I told her that. That was back in '92. Later on it proved to be prophetic words because I came in that situation and I took advantage of the opportunity and actually became his disciple. There are many things I could tell about my experiences with Sridhar Swami. The thing that really, besides that first meeting when I was really impressed, later on I got the chance to also have a little more person to person interaction with Maharaja and it came especially one time, that was later on when my marriage broke, unfortunately it happens like that, I don't want to go into great detail, but as a consequence of that I was asked to leave the temple. And I felt it was quite unfair to say the least. It was very hard for me to take, it was a big test in my spiritual life I can say frankly, but it just so happened that at that time Sridhar Swami made another visit to Denmark. He started coming every year since that first visit. It was also just after I got that message that "You have to go from here, your wife is more important to the temple than you are." You can imagine, it was hard to take. So I was a little depressed to say the least but Maharaja came very kindly to Denmark and by Krsna's arrangement, as we say, I was asked to pick him up at the airport, it was half an hour or more drive to the temple. Somehow we immediately got into talking about my situation. He had an aspiring disciple there in Denmark at that time, one Mataji. He immediately asked me when we sat in the car, "Do you know this girl?" I said, "Yes, I know her," and I said "I like her." [laughs] And at time I was already in saffron and he looked at me and said, "I hope not too much." [laughter] And I said, "No, no, don't worry. I just got out of one marriage so I'm not. I just changed to saffron now so I'm not, no plans to get into something again." And he said, "Oh really, how did that happen, tell me the story." Then I told him everything, including how I had been asked to go from the temple. In short he was just very nice, as we all know Sridhar Maharaja, giving me the physical and psychological pat on the shoulder, telling me that I should see this is all Krsna's plan, this is a chance for me to renounce, actually everything should be seen as a chance to make advancement in spiritual life, just very warm and friendly like that. It was just really what I needed at that time because I kind of felt that I really had no friends. I just needed somebody to at least show me some good feelings and he did that. That was very important for me to somehow go through and not bloop or do something stupid like that. That was in the beginning of '97. It was only one year later that the big earthquake in the North European zone took place and I realised I had to find some other shelter. Immediately I thought about Sridhar Swami and eventually I also decided to approach him. In this way I became his disciple. What I didn't expect was once I became his disciple our relationship changed quite drastically. I was very happy about this friendly relationship, but it was not in my hands, he had another plan. Because once I became his disciple, or once I told him I wanted to become his disciple, then his mood changed. He became more like a stern father. It was difficult for me also to handle that because by that time I was already a devotee for 20 years, and I thought I had basically got it figured out, I didn't need somebody to tell me how to brush my teeth, so to speak. So it was a little difficult, I have to admit, to cope with that drastic change of mood from his side, but anyway I knew that if I truly accept him as my spiritual master, it's up to him to define the terms of our relationship. I just have to put up with it. I said I want to be his disciple, now I have to take whatever comes. I struggled through it but now I can say that I'm beginning to understand that this was also what I actually needed and was actually very good for me. I had to go thought that new bhakta period almost, it felt like that. All in all I have not regretted that I made this choice. I actually feel very fortunate to get the chance to become a disciple of Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaja, and I beg for him to continue to bestow his mercy on this fallen soul. OK, let us stop here, Hare Krsna. Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaja ki jai! Sacipran Das: Hare Krsna. I am Sacipran, I am ex-gurukula, Mayapur. I left the Gurukula in 92-93. I am staying in Bangalore and I visit the local Jagannath temple. Actually I didn't know much about Maharaja. I met him at a very crucial time of my life. Actually in one sense I'm sitting here practically because of him. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be sitting here. It was a very brief moment, he spoke to me only for a few moments, but as the saying goes: lava-matra sadhu-sanga sarva siddhi haya I didn't leave the Gurukula in happy circumstances. In bad shape I left, I lost faith in the movement and I was working in the ritvik temple, Hare Krishna Hill. I had a lot of leaning towards Sri Vaisnavism because when I was in Gurukula, I used to do a lot of research work and I got attracted, of course it's authorized, but I had very strong leanings towards Sri Vaisnavism. Once Maharaja came from Bombay, and there is a Nrsimhadeva temple near Bangalore, about 140 kms from there. It's a very ancient temple and Maharaja was going there. So he met me in the temple, I was working as a karmi. So he said, "Hey Gurukula, how are you doing?" I actually didn't want to speak to him. I just said, "Yes, Maharaja, I'm OK." I just wanted to be nice, I didn't want to be impolite to a sannyasi. He clearly saw through that I had some problem with authority so he called me aside and then he told me that if one wants spiritual life, it is not the problem of the guru to go and make all facilities for the disciple to make advancement. It is the duty, or the responsibility is on the disciple, he should take the initiative, take difficulties, take pains and approach the guru for knowledge. That's how it is, it's not the other way around, like Prabhu had just said. It was very bitter for me at that time, it was very hard for me to swallow. But I took courage and said "OK, let me." The way he put it in a very friendly way, at the same time very firmly and authoritatively, I said, "OK, let me give a shot, let me see. What do I have to lose? I don't think I'm going to lose anything." Then slowly I came back. I think Maharaja, the way he put it was he didn't pressurize me but at the same time he was very firm in what he was saying, that he was not going to compromise with me bowing my head to the authorities, to ISKCON, guru, and Krsna. And I think that is what spiritual life is all about, that the disciple has to approach the guru with a humble mood. If he is in a bad mood, it is not that the guru is going to come and flatter him to come to spiritual life. I have very many Sri Vaisnava friends who are from very high families, great Nrsimhadeva devotees. Many of them whom I met they praise Maharaja like anything. They are very fond of him. They said whenever they met him he has been very affectionate to them, very friendly. . . . He was the most friendliest devotee they ever met in ISKCON, and they've had ISKCON association for the past 30-35 years. This place is Melkote. Sridhar Maharaja, they like him very much there. After His Holiness disappeared, we did some special puja in his name at that Nrsimhadeva temple. Maharaja's favourite Deity was Nrsimhadeva. I have this Sudarsana-astaka, eight verses in glorification of Sudarsana. I want to chant for Maharaja's pleasure, for the devotees' pleasure. It is just eight verses. I want to request you, the fourth line is jaya jaya sri sudarsana, jaya jaya sri sudarsana. I think everybody could join if you don't mind. This verse was revealed by Vedantadesika Acarya who is the bell. The bell you ring is Vedantadesika Acarya. He appeared in Sri Vaisnava sampradaya and at that time he set the Pancaratra system of worship. He reinforced what Ramanujacarya had established because what Ramanuja established had watered down and many other philosophies had come in. So Vedanta-desika Acarya established the Pancaratra system. He has glorified Lord Sudarsana very much because our preaching movement is always under attack, constant attack by the demons. Not made-up demons, these are real guys, they mean real business. They'll do anything to stop the movement. So the Sri Vaisnavas say that in Kali-yuga the war between devas and demons will be fought through humans. The so-called human being will be the medium. So it's up to each individual to align with the devas or the asuras. Deva means they have to become a devotee, asura means you have to be a non-devotee, as Srila Prabhupada says, those who are against the order of the Lord. So we need Lord Sudarsana's mercy. I just want to chant these prayers, if you could join me it would be very nice. [Recites Sudarsana-astaka] Sudarsana Maharaja ki jai! Sridhara Maharaja ki jai! Haribol! His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami: [invocatory prayers] I remember very vividly the first time I met Maharaja. It was in 1977, very beginning of '77, early January in Prayaga, Kumbha Mela. Prabhupada was there and we, from Mayapur, drove in a bus about 35-40 devotees traveled to Prayaga, Allahabad, for the Kumbha Mela there. The next morning after the prasad, Sridhar Maharaja announced that he was going to take the devotees who are interested in book distribution. Kumbha Mela is very, very wonderful place for book distribution because there are not only thousands of people that come, actually literally millions of people come. And most of them are very pious, so it is a wonderful opportunity for distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. I was just a new devotee, just a few months in the movement. So I raised my hand and expressed my hand to go for book distribution. Sridhar Maharaja was very pleased. He was as we all know, Sridhar Maharaja was very friendly. One of the most friendly persons I have ever met. When he saw I was just a new bhakta, a few months in the movement, who is not very expert in book distribution, he just took me to distribute books. He was pushing me, like, go, you speak Hindi, speak to them in Hindi. Most of the people there were Hindi-speaking, simple villagers. So that is the first time I met Maharaja. From the very first meeting, we became very close to each other. Those days of course, Maharaja was a sannyasi. In those days the sannyasis in ISKCON were something like very special individuals. They were naturally leaders of ISKCON. ISKCON movement those days was very strong, very powerful. Prabhupada was present and the movement was expanding. Maharaja was in a very exalted position as a sannyasi and I was just a new bhakta, but still Maharaja treated me with so much care and affection. That was Sridhar Maharaja. He has always been caring, very friendly, very loving, very welcoming. He never desired any respect for himself. He was very humble. He didn't have any pretension. That was one thing that was very striking about Maharaja's characteristics. Although he was a very big leader, very senior devotee, but he always carried himself in a very humble way and never really demanded any respect. And his compassion was very outstanding. I noticed after Prabhupada's disappearance many Prabhupada disciples left the movement. Not immediately after Prabhupada's disappearance, but gradually devotees were, for various reasons, they left the movement and gradually drifted away from their practices. Maharaja always whenever he used to go abroad he used to find those individuals and meet with them and try to bring them back. And if they couldn't come back, he would at least maintain an ongoing relationship with them so that they could at least establish a link to come back when they wanted to. In this way Maharaja brought many individuals, many Godbrothers of ours, back to their active service in the ISKCON movement. He was always very, very concerned about the spiritual life of everyone. Not only devotees, many people, many outsiders and congregation members remember him fondly how Maharaja actually brought them close to Krsna consciousness. In the early days Maharaja was very actively involved in making Life Members. Many such Life Members, due to Maharaja's influence, became close to ISKCON. One such person actually became my disciple. I always felt that Maharaja should actually initiate them, should have initiated him and his wife. Very nice couple came in contact with Maharaja, Maharaja actually made them Life Members. Then one day Maharaja took me to their house. When the time came for their initiation and they expressed their desire to take initiation, I was insisting that, "Maharaja, you should give them initiation because you have cultivated them." But Maharaja insisted I give them initiation mainly for some practical reasons. Because Maharaja said that, "Look I'm hardly in Calcutta; I'm mostly in Bombay and you are spending most of your time there." In this way Maharaja was very concerned about individuals' spiritual lives, not anything else, especially not his self-aggrandizement. As I mentioned, initially, I had a very reverential attitude towards Maharaja because he was such an exalted sannyasi and I was just a new bhakta. I joined much later. I joined the movement in 1976 and Maharaja was already a sannyasi. But in 1977 Srila Prabhupada gave me sannyasa. So when I became a sannyasi and I tried to maintain that reverential attitude, Maharaja just wouldn't allow me to do that. He just took me as a friend. He was always pushing, he used to push me that we should do this. All for the spreading of Prabhupada's mission and the expanding of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sankirtana movement. Bombay and New York were two places where I had a lot of Maharaja's association. More in New York than in Bombay. I was involved in New York, Maharaja was spending a lot of time in New York. There we had a lot of time together. I used to see how concerned he was about the welfare of our movement, about the expansion of Krsna consciousness movement. He always considered how to bring more people in and engage them. And in his very friendly and jovial and boisterous way Maharaja used to enliven everybody. Especially the newcomers used to become very enchanted by Maharaja's nature. He was so humorous, so jovial. I remember one incidence in New York. I took one of my acquaintances from Washington and Maharaja used to have one contraption like that would make you hang upside down. [chuckles] So Maharaja put Henry in that. And when you put him upside down, like you lie down in that thing and that contraption swivels and then you hang upside down. Maharaja used to use that for his physical exercise. He used to tell me that it is a very good thing for your body. So when he did that, all of the money in Henry's pockets fell out. [laughs] He said, "Don't worry, this is how we collect money from people." [laughter] We miss him, we miss him a lot, especially when I go to Bombay, each time I go to Bombay. One very important part in Bombay that is missing now is Sridhar Maharaja. Bombay was like his home. Bombay temple was his place of activities. He used to take care of everyone - from devotees to congregation members to guests, young and old. He used to take care of everyone. Our movement is missing out on his input that was so valuable, that was so important. But what to do? This is the reality. One by one we will be leaving. But this movement will go on, the movement must go on and the void that has been created by the disappearance of individuals, very important individuals like Sridhar Maharaja. We have to make the endeavour to fill up that void by acquiring the qualities, the wonderful exemplary qualities that they used to have. That is how we enrich our souls and that is how we will enrich the society. We pray to Maharaja that he blesses us that we can develop a fraction of his wonderful qualities and become a valuable part of this movement as he so wonderfully displayed. Srila Prabhupada has a lot of affection for him because of the wonderful service he continuously rendered. There is no doubt that Srila Prabhupada has blessed him in a most wonderful way. That is why Prabhupada arranged to bring him to this holy Dham of Mayapur. When one leaves his body in these holy Dhams like Mayapur and Vrindavan, he gets his spiritual position in the spiritual sky. And obviously a personality like Srila Sridhar Maharaja has now achieved his position in the spiritual sky at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. And it is not ordinary the way he left his body, in a very special place like holy Dham, Mayapur; on a very special occasion, a very special day of Srila Srivasa Thakura's appearance day; in a very special year when Panca Tattva were established in Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir; at a very special time like bahma-muhurta, the most auspicious time of day. These are all such wonderful indications that he has achieved his spiritual perfection. Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaja ki jai! Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Gaura-premanande! Rajendranandana Prabhu: [invocatory prayers] My name is Rajendranandana Das, a very insignificant disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Once time when Srila Prabhupada was asked to glorify his spiritual master, he said, "What can I say? He was a Vaikuntha man." The highest praise that I can give to Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaja is, "What can I say, he was a Prabhupada man." I'm going to keep my expression of gratitude very short because I'd rather be hearing. That's what I like about these days. It may sound funny but sometimes we don't glorify our Godbrothers, sisters, associates enough while they're on the planet with us. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we hear in Caitanya-caritamrta in several places that when he would get the chance to glorify devotees it would be as if he would speak with five mouths. Sometimes, like with Vasudeva Datta, I think it says as if with thousands of mouths. This is a special day as Maharaja has just said. Usually the light's not in the Samadhi while coming to mangala-arati, but some of you Prabhus were fixing up the Samadhi very nicely and decorating with flowers and his light was on. Usually when I pass I just pay pranams and think of the four exalted Vaisnavas there and head on to mangala-arati. But the light was on and I could see Maharaja's picture and I took my shoes off and paid my obeisances. And when I got up, of course I'm chanting japa, a wave of wonderful enthusiastic Krsna consciousness overcame me. And I'm simply saying this because I want to share with you that Maharaja is there, he's there in his remembrances, he's there in his instructions which he may have shared with some of us, when the Vaisnava passes away he doesn't really leave, not if we don't let him go. If we hold on to the vani, to the memories, he is very much accessible. So I appreciated feeling that this morning. Part of the reason why I don't mind sitting here taking the opportunity to try and say something about Maharaja comes from one reciprocation with him a number of years ago here in Mayapur. It was up on Jayapataka Maharaja's roof. Jayapataka Maharaja, Kavicandra Swami and Sridhar Maharaja were there and they were sharing Srila Prabhupada katha with those who wanted to hear, specifically about Mayapur katha. So when Prabhupada was here I was only here for the 1977 Gaura Purnima Festival here in Mayapur, so I didn't think I had very much to offer and I certainly didn't want to sit on the same level as my senior and exalted Godbrothers, but I had had a little bit of reciprocation in the past with Sridhar Maharaja, more with Kavicandra Swami, etc., and they were going, "Come on, Raj," Kavicandra, that's what my friends call me, and I said, "No, no, it's OK Maharaja, please." But Sridhar Swami Maharaja basically came and grabbed me by the arm and said something very significant, at least I take it as such. He said, "You may not want to but you have to accept this responsibility, Srila Prabhupada wants it of you." So in his life he never shirked away of the responsibility of serving Srila Prabhupada, glorifying Srila Prabhupada, devotional service, and Krsna, and sometimes when one is a neophyte like myself, you try to pray for and cultivate humility and part of that is you feel you want to shy away from public attention, but real humility is to follow the instructions of the spiritual master and represent him. Actually we're encouraged to do that from the very beginning of Krsna consciousness that's the mercy of this ISKCON movement, and Maharaja, as we've heard, in the last couple of years he really embodied that, giving everybody the opportunity to serve Krsna, trying to offer such an opportunity and just get right into it. He was such a wonderful person. I hope - since Catura's not here I can say it - my wife this morning said, "You know, I'm seeing sometimes there are devotees twenty-four hours a day serving Krsna but sometimes they are lacking some of the qualities that are very attractive in a devotee." You could not say that about Sridhar Maharaja. He was a real Vaisnava. He had the humility, he had the compassion, you go down the twenty-six qualities, I don't know if there's one he didn't have. You come to grave, maybe the humour would overshadow that. Anyway I should stick to how he personally reciprocated with me. So I appreciated him encouraging me not to hesitate glorifying Krsna, Srila Prabhupada, or devotional service. I appreciated that a lot. When I did service in San Diego as the Temple President, when I came to the service it was financially on shaky grounds. It was not unusual that our treasurer had to, when it was time to pay the electricity bill or the utilities bill, he would go right around to the householders and say, "Come on, you want to have the lights on right for kirtana and class." Anyway he would collect some money. That was in the mid 80's and Sridhar Maharaja had arranged that some famous Bombay star, kirtan or bhajan star was touring America. Forgive me for not really latching on to the significance of her talents or contribution she made at this time. Anyway, it was one of the first times that we in San Diego had undertaken one of these types of fundraisers that Maharaja was expert at doing and encouraged us. And we followed his instructions and by Krsna's grace we raised like 35,000 dollars. It was hard work arranging for the concert and all this, but at the time it was a significant amount and I give a lot of credit to Sridhar Maharaja for encouraging us to do this service. It seems sometimes that there's always a need for laksmi in our society - there was a time when we wouldn't have said that but it's not unusual these days - but he was expert at it, he didn't shy away from asking someone to contribute. Another opportunity that I saw this, and this is really on a much more sober note, was in Alachua for the GBC-Temple Presidents meeting, and it was really the first time that on a managerial and movement level that we were coming to grips with accepting the horrendous reality that there had been tragic abuse of some of our young children. And so it was difficult. The children were asked to speak of their experiences so the leaders could hear their story because that brings it home and makes it a reality, what are we discussing here. So we all painfully listened to this, and when it came time, we realised we had to raise funds for this. There is a need to help many of these children. It takes money to do so. So Maharaja stepped right up front, right in the very beginning he says, "I'm a sannyasi, I don't have any money," but anybody who knows him knows that he always had the latest toys, yukta-vairagya. He had a really nice laptop computer. In the mid-80's I didn't even know how to turn one on at that time. It was nice, and he said, "Although I don't have any money but I'd like to donate this and maybe this can be used for an office to generate the momentum to start taking responsibility for the movement's past." So that was very, very inspiring. At that time I was Temple President in Honolulu, Hawaii, and my forte isn't really the money side - Krsna-krpa could tell you that - I have many faults, and one of my strengths is not that I'm a big money magnet or what have you. So Hawaii was in some financial difficulty itself, and we made a pledge being inspired by Maharaja saying, "Come on, all the temples." While I did the service we were never really able to fulfill that pledge. But a large part of it was the way Maharaja responded to the reality that we had culpability. Everybody in the movement, it's Prabhupada's family, we should all take some responsibility. So a couple of years later after I had given that service up I had the means to fulfill the pledge that our temple had made. I had been the one speaking the words, and I'm not saying that for any pat on the back, I'm saying it as an acknowledgement that Sridhar Maharaja very personally embraced this movement and mission of Srila Prabhupada's, and he was one who really cared for it, which means its members. He's a person for people, and I think that's really one of the most beautiful things about him, as was just said, that he really cared about the devotees. Last but not least I was also fortunate to be here when he passed away, I got to go up to the room very shortly thereafter, before Bhagavatam class or greeting the Deities. When we say he was a Prabhupada man, that means whenever I would see Sridhar Maharaja years previous or at this point, you cannot help but be reminded of Srila Prabhupada. I too have had the good fortune of being there when Srila Prabhupada passed away and seeing Sridhar Maharaja, already having left his body, and sitting up in his bed with the garlands and the chandan, etc., brought it so much home the memory of Srila Prabhupada and also the reality that each and every one of us are going to have that final test. And so much service was done in life and also the perfection, the example is set in leaving his body right here in Sridham Mayapur surrounded by devotees. Fixed, just totally fixed. Such a wonderful example. When he first arrived just a few weeks just before I'd never seen such an outpouring of love from all the devotees as was given to him. Not since Srila Prabhupada was on the planet. And that just softens the heart when you see Vaisnava reciprocation. It is about love and trust. When we fall short of that level we're really cheating ourselves and others. Because he was on that platform it was just mirrored back a thousand-fold to him and that's the way it is in Krsna consciousness. Whatever we do in serving Srila Prabhupada, our spiritual master, or Krsna, the Lord, the spiritual master, come ten steps towards us. They give us more blessings than our two hands can hold. The thought I had when I bowed down to his Samadhi this morning was: saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih kinto prabhor yah priya eva tasya vande guroh sri-caranaravindam Only the translation that came to my mind right after that, I like saying always the English because Sanskrit isn't my language so it's not just a ritual when I'm singing praise to the spiritual master, but the translation that came to my mind was, "Srila Sridhar Maharaja, you are offered worship on an equal level with Srila Prabhupada. Why? Because you are very dear to him." So I'm very grateful to have had a little reciprocation with him. In Krsna consciousness it's absolute. Srila Prabhupada would say that with his spiritual master he had very few visits or time with him, and that may be the case with me, but it doesn't diminish at all the absolute benefit that can be there if we simply desire and take advantage of what is being offered by the exalted Vaisnavas. Thank you very much for your patience, Srila Sridhar Maharaja ki jai! Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Nandakisora Prabhu: My name is Nandakisora Das. I am a disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja. After Guru Maharaja instructed me to go to Bombay. In the early days, His Holiness Sridhara Maharaja didn't have any drivers or even any disciples in those days. I was very fortunate, or rather Maharaja was very merciful, so I used to drive Maharaja on many evening programmes, whenever we went to any programmes. In that way Maharaja used my services, or I could offer my services to Sridhar Swami Maharaja. Also in Bombay I was doing public relations, and Maharaja was one of the GBC's we were reporting to. So I always wanted to impress him or bring some good donors. So one day the Chief of Bombay Police of Maharastra, Mr. O.P. Bali, I was cultivating him. I thought let me introduce him to Sridhar Swami Maharaja. So I made an elaborate programme in our Govinda's on the mezzanine floor where we bring VIP's and take there. And O.P. Bali, the Police Commissioner, came with many police cars and everything. And I also telephoned Maharaja that, "Maharaja, please make sure you don't have any programme tonight. Make sure that you are there." So he said, "Yes, I will come down." He said, "Who is this police officer?" I said, "His name is Mr. O.P. Bali." He didn't mention anything, "OK, I'll be there." In the evening everybody came down and we received them, Maharaja was a little late, fifteen, twenty minutes. As soon as I went to introduce them, the Police Commissioner went to touch Maharaja's feet and they hugged each other as if they knew each other so well. I said, "Oh, I wanted to introduce both of you, how come you're hugging each other?" O.P. Bali said, "Do you know, it is Sridhar Swami I put in the jail." [laughter] In those early days Maharaja was in the prison when the Juhu battle was going on. And the in-charge of the Juhu Police Station was Mr. Bali. Today Mr. Bali was one of the top Police Commissioners. So they hugged and they laughed. That was Maharaja. One thing Mr. Bali mentioned that how he got attracted to ISKCON because in those days they were a bit confused. There was a big fight between Mr. Nair and the land problems and all that. But he said, "Sridhar Swami, even when he was in the jail, whenever I would come and meet him, he always spoke about Krsna. The only thing he would talk is bhakti and Krsna. So many years later I got attracted." That is how we remember Maharaja very well, very humorous. Once I had a problem with my heart. The doctor said something is wrong with my heart or something. As soon as Maharaja found out that I was not well, because I was serving under him, he immediately drove to my home. He said, "Where is the ECG?" So I showed him the cardiogram which goes up and down. He said, "All these which are lower down you missed all the mangala-aratis, and the higher up are then ones when you ate a lot of prasadam." [laughter] That is how Maharaja was always very humorous and very happy to have. . . . Whenever Guru Maharaja was not around he was always very fatherly, taking so much of care. We were under his protection. That is how he was. Many times we were serving him in Mira Road, Madhumati was always cooking. Frequently we were going up and down. He gave us a chance to serve. That's what I can say. Just in the last few days before he left his body, Ramanuja Prabhu, one of your Godbrothers, they were sitting down. Three days before Maharaja left his body. He was taking intense darsan of Panca Tattva Deities. I came in about quarter to nine to redress Srivasa Thakura that day. And I saw Maharaja didn't have any garlands, so I thought let me offer some. So fortunate, because I know how Srivasa garlands looks. Because Srivasa is holding hands like that, the garland is kind of tucked though. I didn't find any garlands, I wanted to offer Mahaprabhu's garland. Luckily in one tray Srivasa Thakura's was there, so I went and offered it to Maharaja. He said, "Why this garland is in three pieces?" So I was explaining him. I could see that he was a very pure devotee. The very way he left in the morning, I think you came in the morning when I was dressing, removing the night dress and took some. . . Maharaja was very special, he was about to leave the body. Also Pankajanghri Prabhu was taking a Tulasi leaf during those hours to Sridhar Swami Maharaja during those hours. So Maharaja is very special, I am very fortunate to serve him. Every incidence we remember with him is either connected to prasadam, with him I enjoyed many feasts at many life donor's house. It was always great fun to be with Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaja. I pray to him that he always keep us under his shelter and engage us and keep us focussed. Maharaja was very strong at times I remember. If things were not going right he was heavy. That also I remember. His Holiness Sridhar Swami Maharaja ki jai! Hare Krsna. END Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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