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sp hitler had the bomb he did not wish to use it'

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> Dear Giri-nayaka Prabhu,


> my obeisances.


> Could you send me the reference 10023747? I tried to download it, but for

> some reason are not allowed to download it.


ok, here it is.


Mail from PAMHO for Giri-nayaka (das) BVS (Ljubljana - SLO).



The name of the conference is: ISKCON India (news & discussion)


Text 9918942 (65 lines)


02-Jun-05 10:19 -0400

ISKCON India (news & discussion) [6131]

sp" hitler had the bomb he did not wish to use it'


remember the tape where SP says that Hitler had the bomb, he was

compassionate- he decided not to use it"


read on..



Nazi nuke plans uncovered


June 2, 2005 - 3:15PM



The only known diagram of a Nazi-era German nuclear weapon.

Photo: Physicsweb



The only known diagram of a Nazi-era German nuclear weapon.

Photo: Physicsweb

A pair of German and US historians said today they had found the only known

diagram for the nuclear bomb that Nazi scientists strived to build during

World War II.

The rough schematic does not imply that the Nazis built or even were close

to building a nuclear bomb, but it shows they had progressed farther toward

that goal than is conventionally thought, they said.

The article appears in the June issue of the British monthly Physics World.

The 60-year-old document is part of a report that appears to have been

produced just after the end of the war in Europe in May 1945 and describes

the work on nuclear weapons that had been carried out during the conflict.

The report is undated and in addition lacks a title page, which means its

author or authors cannot be identified. It came from a "private archive,"

the historians said.

In addition to the rough plan for a bomb, the Nazi report estimates,

comparatively accurately, that a plutonium warhead of just over five kilos

was needed to achieve critical mass -- the chain reaction that leads to a

nuclear blast.

The historians are Rainer Karlsch, an independent historian based in Berlin,

and Mark Walker of Union College, Schenectady, New York state.

Karlsch stirred controversy earlier this year when he published a book in

Germany, "Hitlers Bombe," in which he claimed that the Nazis had

successfully tested a primitive nuclear device in the last days of World War

II as Allied troops were closing in on both sides.

The device, tested in Thuringia, eastern Germany, killed several hundred

prisoners of war and concentration camp inmates, the book said.

That assertion was scoffed at by other historians, who said that by the end

of the war, the Nazis still did not understand some of the physics of chain


The knowledge gaps include the way in which fast neutrons emitted by

plutonium or uranium-235 atoms trigger further fission reactions.

This ignorance in turn caused the Nazi scientists to grossly over-estimate

the amount of nuclear material needed to achieve critical mass, according to

the critics' view.

Karlsch and Walker rebut this, saying that new sources of historical

material, such as documents squirrelled away in Russian archives, are

trickling out, showing that the Nazis were farther down the road to

acquiring nuclear capability than was thought.

Germany's "uranium project" was launched in 1939 to investigate nuclear

reactors, isotope separation and nuclear explosives.

Unlike the US-led Manhattan Project, which harnessed thousands of people and

several billion dollars to devise the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima

and Nagasaki in August 1945, the German effort amounted to no more than a

few dozen scattered scientists.

Scientific files seized after the war, and bugged conversations of 10 German

nuclear scientists held in a British prison camp in 1945, forged the

conventional belief, prevailing today, that even though Hitler craved a

nuclear bomb, he was still months or more likely years from ever getting


(Text 9918942) ------------

Comments: Text 10011057 by Yugala Kishor (das) (Gainesville, FL - US)



> Since you did not really get into my question about Srila Prabhupada

> understanding of the moon, and how we should understand that, I will try

> to comment on this letter concerning Hitler. However I prefer we start

> with the moon, since it is more simpler to understand.


I posted some thoughts on the moon. I already wrote once about it, in two

sentences. I didn't think there is more to it. Please explain what is not




> The `Hitler` topic is quit complicated. One of the things one has to take

> into consideration is that India was under British rule. Inderectly it put

> India with Germany since they had a common enemy. It seems obvious to me

> that newspapers in India would write favourable things about Hitler.

> We should also understand that factually Ghandi did not make India

> independent, but Prabhupada`s school friend (I forgot his name). According

> to Prabhupada, and I assume one can confirm this in regular history books,

> his friend was at the border and made a deal with the germans (or vice

> versa) that any Indian prisoners made by the germans (remember that the

> British made an artificial famine in Calcutta to recruit Indian poeple for

> the army) would be handed over to him. When the war was over thsi man had

> an whole army with trained soldiers waiting at the border to take over

> India. Subsequently the British realized that they where fighting a

> loosing battle and gradually gave up India (at least artificially or

> appearantly).


> On the recent topic, it seems true that there is new information that

> Hitler did indeed have the a-bomb. However this is not 100% confirmed. I

> would like to draw your attention back to the topic at hand: How to

> understand Prabhupada`s position as a shakte avesa avatara?


> I do not like to get into the whole world politics now, and hopefully it

> will suffice here that the Americans and the Germans are not much

> different, and are being guided by the same dark forces. However,

> Americans have never directly and openly tortured, murdered, gased etc

> 6,000,000 jews (and others also)....In that context it seem a little

> strange (to say the least) to say that Hitler was a gentleman.....


yes, it may seem strange. But still, our dear Srila Prabhupada said that!

Now, what are we to do with that? How shall we react? Some devotees are

embarassed of such statements. They tend to hide them, and when people find

such statements, they try to present some word jugglery, to avoid even more

embarassment. Some even think, that Prabhupada's words should be edited,

such passages thrown out.

It is a shame. Are we ashamed of Prabhupada. We like almost full Prabhupada,

but some things are obvious, that he was mistaken or misinformed? So how do

we react to that?


It is a big topic. We should discuss heavily on it. I'm sure, that untill we

have doubts like this, our studying of Srila Prabhupada will be just another

useless academic pursuit. And there is no time for that. Better we do

something else then.



> YS MGd


> PS Yes, those twelve symptoms of the spiritual soul are

> > > correct, except for ``all-knowing''. All-knowing it cannot be, but

> > > full of knowledge."Letter to: Rupanuga--Montrea,l3 July, 1968) and "

> > > Acarya is not God, omniscient. He is servant of God. His business is

> > > to preach bhakti cult. That is acarya."Morning Walk, April 9, 1975,

> > > Mayapur). At the same time we must be carefull not to see the

> > > "spiritual master as ordinary human being, these are hellish

> > > considerations."Morning Walk--June 29, 1974, Melbourne.


Yes, I can see where you are aiming at. You are trying to understand

seemingly contradictory topics in a way, to take into acount Srila

Prabhupadas historical background, political and social situation in India,

when he was living there and other worldly influences.


Well, that surely is one way to do it. You may come to interesting

conclusions by doing that. :)


But I prefer another way. Taking into consideration, that even we, who are

following Srila Prabhupada, don't get fooled by news in the same way as

karmis do. Even we don't care much about social and political influences. So

what to speak of Srila Prabhupada. He was too much in contact with Krsna. I

have hard time imagining, how could Srila Prabhupada form his words much

independently from his real influence, Krsna. All those political influences

were to him like sparks in the fire. They may look a bit interesting and

amusing, but the real light comes from fire itself. Srila Prabhupada didn't

comment such topics to give corect political conclusions, but to show us how

to react to this things. Basically, he was saying, anything, which is not

connected with Krsna, is useless. Even to the point of saying that Hitler in

better than Americans (... Clinton Bush). It is not important really who

was/is better. Like we care about that. It is all about the principle behind



I think it is our duty to give it a try, and frst try to understand Srila

Prabhupada's words as a words of fully empowered acharya. What is he trying

to tell us. Even if we cannot fit everything together, it doesn't imply that

Srila Prabhupada is mistaken. More likely, we just do not understand what he

is trying to say.


ys gnd


> Dear Yugala Kisor Prabhu.

> pamho. agtSP.


> I read the letter an didn't undesrtand words of BVMS in a way, that he

> wants to present Prabhupada as nazi sympathizer.


> To me it was obvious, that BVMS is ecstatic, because words of SP got

> confirmed. Prabhupada said, that Hitler had bomb, but didn't use it. But

> modern belief was, that Hitler made plans, but was far from any success.

> Thus public belief was contradictory to Prabhupada's statement. Now

> finally Prabhupada is again proven to be correct.


> ys gnd


> ============

> Year after year many books are published for public reading regarding

> Hitler's killing thousands of Jews in confinement. But no one is

> researching who killed Hitler and who created such a gigantic killer of

> human beings. The devotees of the Lord are not much interested in the

> study of the flickering history of the world. They are interested only in

> Him who is the original creator, maintainer and annihilator. That is the

> purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement.


> >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.11.19

> =============



> And here is some more points for preaching to "saintly" americans, who

> feel, that, tha Hitler was the biggest agressor in the world. Please take

> into consideration, tha nowadays many people consider americans to be far

> bigger agressors that Hitler or Stalin or whoever. It's just that

> americans do same crazy things in the name o peace. But thats even worse.

> Prabhupada considered Hitler to be gentleman, but not the americans.



> =====

> Dr. Patel: Yes, sir, but it is said that the German scientist ran away to

> America because they were afraid of Hitler. If Hitler gets the secret of

> atom, he would bomb out the whole world.

> Prabhupada: No, no. Hitler knew it.

> Dr. Patel: No. They were not able to be successful to...

> Prabhupada: No, no. He knew it, everything, but he did not like to do it.

> He said. He said. He was gentleman. But these people are not gentlemen. He

> knew it perfectly well. He said that "I can smash the whole world, but I

> do not use that weapon." The Germans already discovered. But out of

> humanity they did not use it. And all the, your American, other countries,

> they have stolen from German ideas.


> >>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- November 20, 1975, Bombay

> ======



> > This is a very delicate matter. This text may imply that Srila

> > Prabhupada was a nazi sympathizer. Is that your intentions? Or is it

> > that Prabhupada had some good disposition for Hitler (the epitome of

> > nazism)?

> >

> > What is it that you want to stress with this material?

> >

> > Nazis have been one of the most nefarious "ethnic cleansers" ever

> > existed in recent history. An uninformed reader may perceive a

> > corelation between the Nazis (Hitler himself, at that) and Srila

> > Prabhupada's sympathy for them (???). What's the point?

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