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Appearance of Sri Sri Radharamanaji

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Hare Krishna,








There are seven original and most important Temples of Vrndavana:


Temple Founder

Madana- Mohana Sanatana Goswami


Govindaji Rupa Goswami


Radha-Gopinatha Madhu Pandit Goswami


Radha-Damodara Jiva Goswami


Radha-Syamasundara Syamananda Pandita Goswami


Radharamana Gopal Bhatta Goswami


Radha-Gokulananda Lokanatha Goswami




By worshipping Madan-Mohanaji one can learn to establish relationship with

Krishna -Sambandha-jïäna-knowledge of one's original relationship with the





By worshipping Govindaji one can learn practical application while worshiping

Krishna i.e Abhidheya-the regulated activities of the soul for reviving his

relationship with the Lord; devotional service.




By worshipping Gopinathaji one can understand the ultimate goal of life -

Prayojana-the ultimate goal of life, to develop love of God.




By worshiping Radharamanaji one can have benefit of all three i.e. Sambandha,

Abhidheya & Prayojana.




On pilgrimage Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami obtained twelve Salagrama silas.

Later the Damodara sila manifested Himself as the beautiful Radha Ramana Deity.

Since 1542, Radha Ramanaji has been worshipped with pure devotion following

precise sastric rituals.




Kindly have beautiful Darshana of Sri Sri Radharamanaji of Vrndavana.




Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada




Nanda Gopal Dasa





Srinivasa Acarya




After witnessing Lord Guranga's sannyasa ceremony at Katva, Caitanya Dasa and

his pregnant wife visited Lord Caitanya in Jagannatha Puri. "Soon your wife

will give birth to a son named 'Srinivasa' said Lord Caitanya, "and through

Srinisava all the bhakti sastras of Rupa and Sanatana will be distributed."


When his father left this world Srinivasa visited the remaining associates of

Lord Gauranga in Katva, Navadvipa, Jagannatha Puri. They blessed Srinivasa and

gave him valuable instructions for spiritual advancement. Seeing his

absorption in Gauranga prema, they knew he was "an embodiment of Gaura-sakti,

the energy of Sri Guranga Mahaprabhu." He came to Vrdavana, toured the twelve

forests, and took diska from Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Srila Jiva Gosvami taught

him the complete philosophy of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Acknowledging his vast

learning, Srila Jiva gave Srinivasa the title "Acarya."




Accepting Srila Jiva's order, Srinvasa and his two friends Syamananada Prabhu

and Narottama Dasa Thakura pioneered the first transcendental book distribution

party. Vrajabasi Sankirtana Party ki jai! They took a bullock cart of the

Gosvami's devotional writings from Vrndavana and passed them out all over

Bengal and Orissa. Srinivasa Acarya initiated many disciples (Ramacandra

Kaviraja and others), wrote songs full of bhakti (Sad Gosvami-astakam), and

introduced a special kirtana style. When leading kirtana he would sometimes

lose his voice from chanting so long. Besides his external practiced intensive

raganuga bhajana. Raganuga bhajana is the spontaneous internal worship of

Radha and Krishna based on the mood and sentiments of the eternal residents of

Srila Vrndavana dhama, such as the gopis. While doing manasi seva (service to

Radha-Krishna within one's mind in a mentally conceived in spiritual form) he

would often bring tangible paraphernalia from these meditations back with him

upon returning to external consciousness. Once Srinivasa sat Lord Gauranga on

jeweled throne within his mind. Then he worshiped the Lord with a golden

handled camara whisk and five flowers garland. Pleased with his service, Gaura

Raya offered the garland back to Srinivasa, who then immediately awoke and lost

the meditation. A surprised Srinisava found the sweetest flower garland he

ever smelled hanging around his neck when he returned to external

consciousness. Another time Srinivasa was in his siddha svarupa as Mani-manjari

watching Srimati Radharani, Sri Krishna, and the gopis in Holi lila (joyfully

throwing colored powders and dyes on each other). The gopis told Mani-manjari

to supply colors to Radhika and side with them in their "war" against Syama.

The earth shook from their furious battle. Srinivasa's medication abruptly

broke. His body was completely covered from head to toe with fragrant and

exotic rainbow colored powders imported from the spiritual world. Holi lila ki

jai! Srinivasa Acarya's samadhi is in the Dhira Samira samadhis area.









Before Lord Caitanya appeared He sent His eternal associates like Sri Advaita

Acarya, Jagannatha Misra, Saci Mata, Madhavendra Puri, Isvara Puri to earth.

Srila Madhavendra Puri took initiation from Srila Laksmipati Tritha in the

Madhvacaraya sampradaya. He had many but Sri Advaita Acarya and Isvara Puri

were the chief disciples. In one way or another, all the Vaisnavas in Bengal

and Ksetra mandala (Jagannatha Puri) were connected with Srila Madhavendra

Puri. After Lord Caitanya came many of his disciples joined Mahaprabhu's

sankirtana movement. 'Madhavendra Puri's body was completely full of divine

love; so were his followers. He displayed uncommon love of God. Seeing a dark

blue rain-cloud, he would fall down unconscious. Day and night he was

intoxicated from drinking the ambrosia of Krishna prema.' (Vrndavana Dasa

Thakura) After making an extensive pilgrimage of Bharata-bhumi (India) he

passed his life in Vrndavana and Orissa. He began the restoration work of

Vrndavana that Rupa and Sanatana Goswami continued later. Wandering from grove

to grove, remembering Radha-Krishna's sweet Vrndavana pastimes, Madhavendra

Puri would faint in ecstasy.




In a dream, Sri Gopal ordered him to uncover a buried Gopal Deity and install

Him a top of Govardhana Hill. Madhavendra Puri celebrated Gopal's installation

with an annakuta (grand festival offering a mountain of foodstuffs to Krishna).

This annakuta festival, also called Govardhana Puja, is one of the most

important Vaisnava festivals in Vrndavana, in India, and around the world. The

original Gopal Deity, known as Sri Nathji, is now worshipped in Nathadvara,

Rajasthan. Madhavendra Puri introduces the conception of madhurya bhava

(conjugal love) in the Madhvacarya sampradaya. Madhavendra Puri sowed the seed

of prema bhakti. And Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became the towering tree dropping

honey sweet fruits of prema upon everyone. He also revealed viraha bhava, the

mood of love relished in separation from God. His branch of the Madhva sect

distinguished itself by this ecstatic love of God. It is known as the

Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya.




In Jagannatha Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu showed an intense mood of viraha

bhava. This increased unlimitedly when the Lord heard verses from Srimad

Bhagavatam tenth canto, Krishna Karnamrta, Gita Govinda, Padyavali, and the

love poems of Candidasa and Vidyapati. Mahaprabhu's viraha begins with a single

verse spoken by Madhavendra Puri, His parama guru (grand preceptor):


Ayi dina dayadra natha he


Mathura natha kadavalokyase

Hrdayam tvad aloka kataram

Dayita bhramyati kim karoty aham


'O compassionate Lord of the poor and humble! O Lord of Mathura! When shall I

see You again! Without seeing You, my heart has become very much afflicted. Oh

My beloved I am overwhelmed. What shall I do now! (C.C. Madhya lila 4.197)




Srila Krishna Dasa Kaviraja says that as the diamond kaustubha jewel is the

most precious amongst all rare valuable jewels, this sloka is the rasa kavya

(the best verse in the entire treasury of rasa poetry). Actually, Srimati

Radharani Herself spoke this verse. It was Radha's pathetic cry to

Syamasundara, who had gone to Mathura leaving Her alone, desperate in

Vrndavana. Radharani's mercy brought this same verse from the mouth of

Madhavendra Puri. Reciting even a few words of this sloka would tear open the

door of Madhavendra's ecstatic love, making Him swoon in ecstasy falling

unconscious. Feeling intense separation from Krishna, Madhavendra Puri

constantly chanted this verse when departing this world. Krishna Dasa Kaviraja

says that with this verse Madhavendra Puri teaches devotees how to achieve

Krishna Prema. Gaudiya Vaisnavas accepted that this verse expresses the essence

of the mood of separation.




The Gaudiya sampradaya teaches that worship of Radha and Krishna in separation

represents the highest level of devotional service. At this stage of

realization the devotee feels completely 'vacant in the world in the absence of

Krishna.' A moment without Madhava feels like millenium. Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu always swam in the ocean of divyonmada mahabhava, the maddened

ecstatic emotions shown by Sri Radha in Brahmar Gita (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.47).

In this verse Madhavendra Puri discloses similar emotions. Gaudiya Vaisnava

conclude that the monsoon shower of ecstatic love exhibited by Lord Gauranga

during His manifest pastimes began with Madhavendra Puri. It then came through

Isvara Puri, who played the role of Lord Caitanya's spiritual master.




Madhavendra Puri's samadhi is in Remuna, Orissa near the temple of Ksira-cora





Srila Madhavendra Puri ki jaya !!!

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