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Lord Nityananda's meeting with Gadadhara dasa

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Hare Krishna,




Kindly glorify the pastimes of Sri Sri Gadadhara Pandita on his disappearance

day on 6th July. PS forgive me for the mistakes that I have made in past and

that I may commit in future due to my material condition while glorifying the

pastimes of the associates of Sri Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Due the fact

that I am not qualified to write the pastimes of the Lord all I have done is

copy directly from Nityananda Caritamrita by Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura. My

humble request to you is that you read the pastimes below of the associates of

the Lord, so that I would get your mercy. It is only your mercy that givies me

the courage to glorify the pastimes by at least copying the text directly.


Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Nanda Gopal Dasa


Nityananda Caritamrita

Antya Lila Chapter Five

Lord Nityananda's meeting with Gadadhara dasa


One time, Lord Nityananda wanted to wear ornaments. As soon as He desired this,

immediately various kinds of valuable and enchanting ornaments appeared before

Him made of silver, gold, and diamonds. Fortunate people brought these

ornaments bedecked with jewels and corals. They also brought fine cloth and

necklaces of pearls, which they gave to the Lord and offered Him obeisances.

Nityananda Prabhu decorated Himself with this jewelry according to His own

sweet will. He decorated His two hands with golden bangles and put ten golden

rings beset with jewels on His ten fingers. He decorated His neck with various

divine necklaces made of jewels, pearls, and corals.

To please Lord Siva, He took a string of rudraksa and cat's eye with gold and

silver respectively and tied it on His neck. He prepared two beautiful golden

earrings bedecked with pearls and put them on His ears. He decorated His lotus

feet with silver ankle-bells and put the most attractive rings on His toes. He

dressed Himself with various fine cloths of different colors such as white,

blue, and yellow. Dressed in this way, He appeared completely enchanting. He

wore various garlands made of jasmine, Arabian jasmine, and campaka flowers,

which continuously swung on His broad chest. He applied sandalwood paste on His

beautiful limbs. He adorned His head with a turban made of various fine cloths

and decorated it with different colored flowers. The beauty of His most

attractive face defeated the beauty of millions of moons. He always smiled and

chanted the name of Hari. In whichever direction Nityananda Prabhu glanced, His

lotus eyes sprinkled showers of krsna-prema.

He took a stick of a high quality sculpted iron and plated both ends with gold.

He always carried this stick in His hand in the mood of Lord Balarama who used

to carry a similar stick. All the associates of Nityananda who were in the mood

of cowherd boys of Vrndavana offered various ornaments such as bracelets,

bangles, anklets, rings, garlands, horn, stick, flute, rope, and garland of

gunja to their beloved Nityananda. Nityananda, by His own sweet will, enjoyed

various pastimes with His associates.

Lord Nityananda with His associates visited the houses of the devotees. The

most effulgent Nityananda traveled to all the villages on both sides of the

Ganges. Lord Nityananda was full of transcendental mellows. His name and form

are non-different. Simply seeing Him captivated all living entities. Even the

atheists would immediately offer prayers to Nityananda as soon as they saw Him.

They at once wanted to offer everything to Him. The body of Nityananda Svarupa

is sweet and most attractive. He generously bestowed mercy on everyone. Whether

eating, sleeping, or traveling, He did not waste a moment without doing

nama-sankirtana. Wherever Nityananda did sankirtana and danced in ecstasy, He

captivated hundreds of people.

Illiterate village children pulled big trees out of the ground without

difficulty. They roared loudly as they uprooted the trees. They ran around

shouting, "We are cowherd boys." The strength of one child was such that even

seven persons together were unable to control him. The children happily roared

like lions and chanted, "All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya! All glories to Sri

Nityananda!" Nityananda Prabhu, the life and soul of everyone, captivated the

hearts of even the children. Some children ate nothing for a whole month.

People were struck with wonder by seeing this. All the devotees were

overwhelmed with ecstatic love, as Nityananda Prabhu became their sole

protector. Lord Nityananda would feed everyone with His own hands treating them

like His sons. Sometimes, He tied someone with rope or even beat him, and

laughed loudly out of joy.

One day, to show affection to Gadadhara dasa, Nityananda came to his house.

Gadadhara dasa Mahasaya was fully absorbed in transcendental bliss in the mood

of the gopis. Gadadhara dasa put a pot of Ganges water on His head and cried

out, "Who will buy milk?" He had a beautiful Deity of Sri Bala-gopala at his

house. The beauty and sweetness of this Deity were matchless. Seeing this

enchanting Deity of Bala-gopala, Nityananda Prabhu held Him on His chest with

great love and affection. When everyone saw that Sri Bala-gopala was clinging

on the heart of Nityananda Prabhu, they loudly chanted the name of Hari.

Absorbed in the mood of a cowherd boy, Lord Nityananda shouted loudly and began

to dance. Madhavananda Ghosa sang of the pastime of Krsna demanding taxes from

the gopis.

Hearing this song, Avadhuta Nityananda became very pleased. The sweet voice of

fortunate Madhavananda completely captivated the heart of Nityananda. The Lord

danced imitating the pastimes of Krsna in Vrndavana. The fortunate Gadadhara

dasa forgot himself absorbed in the mood of the gopis. He always considered

himself a gopi.

Hearing the pastimes of Krsna in Vrndavana, Nityananda Prabhu danced so

emotionally that it was beyond description. He matchlessly danced exhibiting

all the signs of ecstatic love and devotion. The movement of His dancing was

equal to lightning. His legs and hands were most enchanting. How wonderfully He

moved His eyes and smiled. The pastime of shaking His head was wonderful. He

put His beautiful feet together and jumped up and down in a wonderful way.

All the men and women floated in the happiness of krsna-prema by the merciful

glance of Nityananda. His merciful look was so intense that everyone forgot

himself in spiritual bliss. By the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, anyone and

everyone easily achieved the love and devotion aspired for by sages and yogis.

If a person as big as an elephant does not eat for three days, he will become

weak and unable to walk. But when a child eats nothing for one month and acts

like a lion, it is indeed the manifestation of Lord Nityananda's mercy and

energy. Still, by the illusory energy of Sri Caitanya, no one could understand

this fact. Being thus absorbed in love of God, Lord Nityananda stayed at the

house of Gadadhara dasa.

Gadadhara dasa was fully in trance as he induced everyone to chant the name of

Hari. In the Gadadhara dasa's village lived a most sinful Kazi. He was

vehemently opposed to the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. Fully absorbed

in spiritual bliss, Gadadhara Mahasaya fearlessly went one night to the house

of the Kazi of whom everyone was afraid. Chanting the names of Hari, he entered

the Kazi's house. All the guards and the servants of the Kazi saw him there,

but no one dared to come forward and speak to him. Gadadhara said, "Where is

the Kazi? Chant the name of Krsna right now or I'll tear off all your heads."

The Kazi came out of his room as angry as fire. Seeing Gadadhara dasa, however,

he became somewhat calm. The Kazi asked, "Gadadhara, why did you come here?"

Gadadhara said, "I have something to tell you. Sri Caitanya and Sri Nityananda

Prabhu have appeared in this world and have made everyone chant the name of

Hari. You're the only one who's not chanted the name of Hari. This is why I

come to you. Now chant the most auspicious holy names of Hari. They'll deliver

you from all your sins." By nature, the Kazi was the most envious person;

however, he did not utter a word. Rather he was stunned. The Kazi smiled and

said, "Listen, Gadadhara, tomorrow I'll chant the holy names of Hari. But

today, please go home."

As soon as Gadadhara dasa heard the name of Hari from the mouth of the Kazi, he

was filled with ecstatic love. "Why tomorrow?" He said, "You've just now

chanted the name of Hari. Now no misfortune will ever fall on you since you've

chanted the name of Hari." Saying this, Gadadhara dasa became overwhelmed with

ecstasy and began to dance and clap his hands. Later, Gadadhara dasa returned

home. Lord Nityananda resided in the body of Gadadhara dasa. Such was the

extraordinary glory of Gadadhara dasa who is counted among the associates of

Lord Caitanya.

Gadadhara glanced mercifully towards the Kazi whom the devotees avoided from a

distance. He had forcibly converted Hindus into Muslims and was the most sinful

person. But even a person as sinful as the Kazi gives up violence by the

merciful association of devotees of Krsna. It is indeed a fact that even

snakes, fire, or tigers do not threaten one who is absorbed in Krsna


By Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, His associates easily received the love and

devotion desired by Lord Brahma and the attachment for Krsna aspired for by the

gopis. O brothers, please worship the lotus feet of Nityananda Prabhu. It is by

His mercy that one obtains the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya.

Accepting Sri Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu as my life and soul, I, Vrndavana

dasa, sing the glories of Their lotus feet.

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