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108 blissful names of Lord Nityananda

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sriman-nityananda-candraya namah

I offer my obeisances to the moon of Sri Nityananda

nityanandam aham vande

karne lambita-mauktikam



I praise Sri Nityananda, on whose ear a pearl ornament hangs. Accepting the

role of Lord Caitanya’s elder brother, He purified the earth.

pranamya sri-jagannatham


namnam astottara-satam

pravaksyami mudakaram

Offering prostrated obeisances before Sri Nityananda Mahaprabhu, master of

the universe, I shall now proclaim His one hundred and eight names, which

awaken ecstasy in the heart.

nilambara-dharah srimal

languli musala-priya

sankarsanas candra-varno

yadunam kula-mangalah

Nilambara-dhara: Sri Nityananda wears blue garments.

Srimat-languli: He wields a splendid plow (as His weapon).

Musala-priya: He delights in fighting with the club.

Sankarsana: and causes integration of the cosmic manifestation.

Candra-varna: His complexion is like the moon.

Mangala: and He creates auspiciousness.

Yadunam kula: for the Yadu dynasty.

gopika-ramano ramo


kadambari sudha-matto


Gopika-ramana: Sri Nityananda delights in the company of the gopis

Rama: He is the supreme enjoyer

Vrndavana-kala-nidhi: the moon of Vrndavana

Kadambari: decorated by garlands of kadamba flowers.

Sudha-matta: intoxicated by honey nectar

Avrta: and surrounded

Gana: by a multitude

Gopa-gopi: of cowherds and cowmaids



ramani-ramanah kami


Gopi-mandala-madhya-stha: Sri Nityananda Prabhu stands amidst a circle of


Pandita: He is a consummate scholar

Rasa-tandava: of exuberant rasa-dancing

Ramana: He is the lover

Ramani: of the beautiful young girls (of Vraja)

Kami: Sri Nityananda Prabhu feels amorous sentiments

Mada-ghurnita-locana: and His eyes roll in intoxication





Parisranta: Sri Nityananda Prabhu becomes exhausted

Rasa-utsava: in the rasa festival

Anana: and His face

Avrta: is covered

Gharma-nira: by drops of perspiration

Utsahi: That Lord showed His great might

Kalindi-bhedana: as He divided the Kalindi river into many streams with His


Kutuhala: He is eager

Nira-krida: to engage in watersports

gaurasrayah samah santo


nityanandavadhutas ca

yajna-sutra-dharah sudhih

Gaura-asraya: Sri Nityananda takes shelter of Gaura

Sama: He is equipoised

Santa: peaceful

Maya-manusa-rupa-dhrk: and accepts the apparent form of a man

Nitya-ananda: Lord Nityananda is ever blissful

Avadhuta: and is not bound by social convention

Yajna-sutra-dhara: He wears a sacred thread for performing sacrifice

Sudhi: and has exquisite intelligence

patita-prana-dah prthvi

pavano bhakta-vatsalah



Patita: To those fallen (in the world of birth and death)

Prana-da: Sri Nityananda bestows the energy of spiritual life

Prthvi-pavana: He purifies the earth

Bhakta-vatsala: Sri Nityananda is affectionate to His devotees.

Mada-unmatta: and mad with intoxication

Prema-ananda: of the bliss of Krsna-prema

Nama-gocara: His names are known

Brahma-adi: by Brahma (Haridasa) and other devotees

vana-mala-dharo hari




Vana-mala-dhara: Sri Nityananda wears a garland of forest flowers

Hari: and a necklace of pearls

Rocana-adi-vibhusita: Sri Nityananda is ornamented by yellow rocana ointment

and so forth

Nagendra-sunda-doh-danda: His arms, which resemble the trunks of elephants

Svarna-kankana-mandita: are decorated by golden bangles





Gaura-bhakti-rasa-ullasa: Sri Nityananda delights in the mellows of devotion

to Gaura

Calat-cancala-nupura: His anklets ring and His body sways to and fro

Gajendra-gati: as He strolls about like the king of elephants

Jagat-jana: causing the people of the world

Lavanya-sammohita: to become completely fascinated by His beauty



ho! Ho! Dhvani-sudhasis ca


Dhrk: Sri Nityananda accepts

Subha-lila: auspicious pleasure-pastimes

Samvita: which cover (His identity as the Supreme Lord)

Roma: The hair follicles

Kalevara: of His body

Ancita: expand (like kadamba flowers)

Sudha-asi: Sri Nityananda grants nectarean benedictions

Ho! Ho! Dhvani: as He cries out, "Ho! Ho!"

Mukha: His face

Virajita: shines

Candra: like the full moon





Adhara-pallava: Sri Nityananda’s blossoming lips

Susnigdha: are tender

Aruna: and red

Sindhura-subimba: like vermilion or luscious bimba fruit

Sva-bhakta-gana-madhya-stha: He resides amidst the host of His devotees

Nayaka: Sri Nityananda (who is none other than Lord Balarama) is the Lord

Revati-prana: of Revati-rani’s life breath

lauha-danda-dharo srngi

venu-panih pratapavan


mattah pasanda-mardanah

Lauha-danda-dhara: Sri Nityananda wields an iron staff

Srngi: and wears wonderful ornaments

Venu-pani: He holds a bamboo flute

Pratapavan: Sri Nityananda is very chivalrous

Krta-hunkara: and He roars

Pracanda: very fiercely

Matta: displaying the symptoms of divine madness (in His ecstasy of love for


Pasanda-mardana: as He subdues the atheists

sarva-bhakti-mayo deva


gunatito guna-mayo

gunavan nartana-priyah

Maya: Sri Nityananda is embued

Sarva-bhakti: with all devotional attributes

Deva: He is the lord of luster

Varjita: and He abandons

Asrama-acara: the standard behavior of all asramas

Guna-attita: Sri Nityananda is transcendental to mundane qualities

Guna-maya: He is filled with sublime qualities

Gunavan: and is the embodiment of exalted qualities

Nartana-priya: Sri Nityananda delights in dancing.

tri-gunatma guna-grahi

saguno guninam varah

yogi yoga-vidhata ca


Tri-guna-atma: Sri Nityananda is the original source of the three material

qualities – goodness, passion, and ignorance.

Grahi: Sri Nityananda accepts (only)

Guna: the good qualities of a person

Su-guna: Sri Nityananda’s qualities are transcendental

Vara: and He is the best

Guninam: of all persons endowed with sublime qualities

Yogi: Sri Nityananda is (always) in union (with Sri Krsna Caitanya)

Yoga-vidhata: Sri Nityananda bestows yoga (union) (with Sri Krsna Caitanya)

Pradarsaka: Sri Nityananda proclaims

Bhakti-yoga: the glories of devotional union (with Sri Krsna)


mahananda-mayo natah

sarvagama-mayo dhiro

jnana-do mukti-dah prabhuh

Sarva-sakti: All powers

Prakasa: arise

Angi: from Sri Nityananda’s body

Maya: Sri Nityananda is filled

Maha-ananda: with immense bliss

Nata: He is the best of dancers

Sarva-agama-maya: Within Sri Nityananda all holy scriptures reside.

Dhira: Sri Nityananda is sober

Da: He is the bestower

Jnana: of transcendental knowledge

Da: and the giver

Mukti: of liberation

Prabhu: Sri Nityananda is the Master




radhika-mantra-do vibhuh

Paritrata: Sri Nityananda is the savior

Gauda-desa: of the land of Gauda

Prakasaka: Sri Nityananda reveals

Prema-ananda: the bliss of Krsna-prema

Rasa-anandi: Sri Nityananda tastes delight in the mellows

Prema-ananda: of the bliss of love for Krsna

Da: Sri Nityananda gives

Radhika-mantra: the mantra for worshipping Srimati Radhika

Vibhu: Sri Nityananda is self-controlled and all pervasive.

sarva-mantra-svarupas ca


rasa-jno rasa-data ca

rasa-bhokta rasasrayah

Svarupa: Sri Nityananda is the original form

Sarva-mantra: of all mantras

Sundara: and He becomes the beautiful

Paryanka: bedstead

Krsna: of Krsna (Caitanya)

Rasa-jna: Sri Nityananda is adept in the science of rasa

Rasa-data: He is the bestower of rasa

Rasa-bhokta: and the enjoyer of rasa

Rasa-asraya: Sri Nityananda is the abode of rasa


vandita-sri padambujah



Sri-pada-ambuja: His beautiful lotus-like feet

Vandita: are offered worship

Brahma-isa-adi-maha-indra-adya: by the devas headed by Brahma, Siva, and


Upeta: Sri Nityananda has

Sahasra-mastaka: thousands of heads (in His form as Sesa-naga)

Kara: and causes

Rasatala-sudha: the residents of the lower planetary systems to taste nectar



raktopala-dharah subhro


Sambhuta: Sri Nityananda is born

Ksira-udarnava: of the milk ocean

Avatamsaka: He is ornamented

Kundala-eka: by a single earring

Rakta-utpala-dhara: He holds a red lotus

Subhra: His complexion is white

Narayana-parayana: and He is wholly dedicated to Gaura Narayana


nr-dosadarsinah sada

dayalur durgati-trata

krtanto dusta-dehinam

Apara-mahima: Sri Nityananda possesses unbounded glories

Ananta: for He is limitless

Sada: Sri Nityananda eternally

Adarsina: overlooks

Nr-dosa: the vices of mankind

Dayalu: He is merciful

Trata: and is the savior

Durgati: from catastrophe

Krta-anta: Sri Nityananda makes an end (awards death)

Dusta-dehinam: to evil embodied beings

manju-dasarathir viro

laksmanah sarvaval-labhah

sadojjvalo rasanandi


Manju: Sri Nityananda is the charming

Dasarathi: son of Dasaratha (Laksmana)

Vira: He is the greatest hero

Laksmana: and (the avatara of ) Laksmana

Labha: By gaining Nityananda

Sarvavat: one gains everything

Sada ujjvala: He is always effulgent

Rasa-anandi: engladdened by the transcendental relationships of Krsna


Vrndavana-rasa-prada: and He bestows Vrndavana rasa



kotindu-vaibhavah sriman


Sindhu: Sri Nityananda is the ocean

Sudha: of the nectar

Purna-prema: of full love for Krsna

Visarada: and He is expert

Natya-lila: in pastimes of drama

Vaibhava: His presence has the cooling power

Koti-indu: of millions of moons

Sriman: Sri Nityananda is illustrious

Jagat-ahlada-karaka: and He engladdens the whole world

gopalah sarva-palas ca


Gopala: Sri Nityananda is a cowherd

Pala: the protector

Sarva: of all (living beings)

Avatamsaka: and the crest-jewel

Sarva-gopa: of all cowherd boys

maghe masi site pakse

trayo-dasyam tithau sada

uposanam pujanam ca


yad yat sah kurute kamam

tat tad eva labhen narah

One who fasts without deviation and offers worship on the appearance day of

Sri Nityananda, which is the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight in the

month of Magha, will receive whatever wish one may desire.

asadhya-roga-yukto ‘pi

mucyate gada-bhisanat

aputrah sadhu-putram ca

labhate natra samsayah

Even though infected, a man becomes freed from that terrible malady. A

sonless man who worships Him receives a godly son, without a doubt.


namnam astottaram satam

yah pathet pratar utthaya

sah prema hi labhed dhruvam

One who rises early in the morning and recites the Hundred and Eight Names

of Sri Nityananda Svarupa truly achieves love of Krsna.

iti sri-sarvabhauma-bhattacarya-pada-viracitam

sri-nityanandastottara-sata-nama-stotram sampurnam

Thus the one hundred and eight names of Sri Nityananda, which was compiled

by Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya-pada, is fully complete.

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