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Kaupina suddhi:


Kaupina should be two pieces of cloth. The width should be equal to the

distance between the two nipples and the length should be equal to the girth

of the waist plus two fists.

Or the length may be fourteen fists and the width one pradesa.


The presiding deity of the kaupina, which restrains ones desire and helps

one cross over the ocean of material enjoyment is the consort of the Lord

embodying shyness. It is also considered prthivi, earth. The presiding

deity of the belt, which supports the kaupina, is ananta. Knot will be

placed on the right side. According to some authorities, Brahma, Visnu Siva,

Vasuki, Pavana, Agni, Candra, Sukra and Brhaspati are situated in the

kaupina, while others say that only Brahma Visnu and Siva reside there.

Visnu is present in the knot and brahma and Siva are at the sides. Ones

outer cloth, which should cover the kaupina, is considered the consort or

energy of Visnu.


One should smear sandalwood over the kaupina and belt and then purify them

again by sprinkling sandalwood paste and reciting the mantra:


gangadi sarva tirthani yani loka gatani tu

kaupinam parisudhyantu sarva siddhi karani bhoh


Along with the kaupina there should be two pieces of cloth for covering the

body, a blanket (kantha) for protection from the cold, sack, head cloth etc

and shoes. There should also be a tridanda of palasa, bamboo and vilva

poles, or three poles of one of the three types of trees. One should also

have a water pot made of tumbi gourd, earth or wood. (Some manuals also

include a water strainer made of cloth and an asana.) They should all be

purified along with the kaupina.

One should chant the following mantra ten times over the kaupina etc.


om kaupina suddhi mantrasya

brahma rsih

anustup chandah

hamso devata

brahma bijam

vaisnavi saktih

kaupina suddhi vidhanartham jape viniyogah


om kaupinadhisthatr lajjanantarupaya namah


One should worship the kaupina etc with sandalwood and flowers:


ete gandha puspe om kaupinadhisthatr lajjananta rupaya namah




Kaupina Pratistha:


om kaupinadhisthatr devate ihagaccha ihagaccha

iha sannidhehi iha sannidhehi

ihavaruntsva ihavaruntsva

iha parami kuru iha paramikuru

iha kaupine'dhisthanam kuru svaha



om asya kaupina prana pratistha mantrasya

pulastya rsih

gayatri chandah

savitri devata

kama bijam

varahi sakih

kaupina pratistha jape viniyogah


One should chant the following eighteen times over the items


om am hrim kraum hrim sarve pranah sarvanindriyani ca mahatmana sukham

pratisthantu svaha


One should worship the kaupina (and other itmes) with sandalwood and



om am kraum hrim susiddhaya kaupinaya (or the name of another item being

worshipped) etad gandha puspadikam namo'stu svaha



Qualification for the Kaupina:


One qualified to wear a kaupina should be free from the six forces of

hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion,old age and death

free from pride, violence,and lust, filled with friendliness and mercy,

initiated with visnu mantra, sense controlled, skillful at practicing

devotional service. One who is qualified may possess the qualities naturally

(vidvat sannyasi) or may attain the qualities through initiation and the

process of regulated devotional service (vivatsa sannyasi).


Those who are proud, duplicitous, agressive, and devoid of devotion, cannot

be given the kaupina. If that is done, the guru's own spiritual position

will be devastated.


As a person of bad qualities should be rejected for sannyasa, so a kaupina

of bad quality should be rejected. Ugly, stained or dirty cloth, sewn cloth,

or cloth not died reddish color, and fancy cloth for exterior covering are

to be rejected.


Siva received the kaupina made by Brahma from Ananta. Narada Muni received

it and became a great yogi.In this way rsis such as saunaka received it, and

finally Kesava Bharati. Gaura sundara received it from Kesava Bharati, and

he gave it to his devotees.

Receving the kaupina in this way one can certainly also become a great yogi.


Thinking of the kaupina in this way the candidate should pray:


maya tarange samsare patitam ma samuddhara

kaupinam dehi suddhyartham bhava tapa nibaraanam

kaupina grahanenaham puto'smity acirad iha


Please deliver this fallen soul from the waves of the material world. Bestow

upon me the kaupina to purify me and extinguish the suffering of material

existence. Receiving this kaupina I shall very quickly become pure.


The candidate should beg the guru:


bho guro bhiksupayogam yoga pattadikam mam grahaya


Oh spiritual master please give me the cloth and other items which are

characterisitc of a sannyasi.


The guru should say:


yady evam tarhi praisa iti bara trayam pathasva bhadra


Oh fortunate one, if you so desire this, then say praisa (may the function

commence) three times.



The candidate should say praiso'smi with his hands folded in prayer. The

guru should then show the candidate how to worship guru parampara up to

Krsna (yaga), if he has already received vaisnava mantra. Then he should

make the candidate offer the cloth etc. previously purified to the deity,

and then make him pray to the deity to receive it. The cloth etc, should te

touched by any sannyasis present, and then the candidate should be dressed

in his new cloth.

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