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Vedic Fest at Ohio State University

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Get your transcendental swerve on 

South Oval event promises good food, good karma 


By Caitlin Coyle 

Fast food, televised religion, and the notion that good music can be 

manufactured. The beauty of American culture right? For anyone 

interested in expanding themselves and their views on cultural 

beauty, there comes a great opportunity to take in a few tips from 

the east side and modify our western ways. 

The Multi-Cultural Center, along with other campus organizations 

such as The Indian Students Association, Student Wellness Center and 

the Yoga Circle are hosting the first Ohio State University Festival 

of Transcendence. On May 17 the south oval will be transformed into 

a diverse meeting of resources pertaining to eastern cultures and 

alternative lifestyles. 

“The event promotes alternative thinking on individual and 

collective health, such as vegetarian diet, ecological awareness, 

cross-cultural curiosity, and a role for spirituality and ethics in 

public life,” said Carl Clemens who is involved in the organization 

of the event. Although similar festivals have been going on at other 

universities since 1979, this will be the first Festival of 

Transcendence at OSU.  

There will be workshops and exhibits regarding Yoga, meditation, 

karma, and reincarnation. Vedic philosophy (“Vedic” comes from the 

Sanskrit word meaning knowledge) will be another important component 

of the festival. Books on all related topics will be available as 


Professors from the departments of comparative studies, philosophy, 

folklore studies, and linguistics will be on hand to answer 

questions and lead discussions. Students are also encouraged to 

bring their instruments and share in the music of East Indian 


Recipes for Indian cuisine will be available as well as a vegetarian 

feast. “We hope to contribute to the increasing trend of celebrating 

diversity, inter-cultural interaction and even interfaith dialogue,” 

said Clemens. 

With hopes of making the festival an annual event as well as a part 

of the International Buckeye World Tour project, there will be 

observers from the student wellness center and RPAC in attendance. 

“I would be delighted to see students line up for a plate of 

vegetarian cuisine, or pick up a book, or appreciate the music or 

any of the workshops. If we can draw any amount of appreciation for 

the event, our goal is achieved,” Clemens said. 

OSU Festival of Transcendence 

May 17, 2006 @ 10:00a.m.-8:00 p.m. 

South Oval 



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