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'Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi -A God!' by Bapatla Hanumanth Rao Garu

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Who is God?


      Who can answer this question truthfully? God only knows he answer. The wise

men explain about God from their own personal experiences. Philosophers

describe God, and His manifestations. In fact God is very different from

what they know and describe. Despite their constant and continuous search no

one has been able to know the Infinite and the Absolute. The terms God and

Godliness cannot be subjected to arguments and is beyond our comprehension.


      The truth that God exists is crystal clear. The opinions and views

propounded by various people about God are one only, though the words appear

to be different. The ultimate goal is the same. It is to realize God, who is

Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. To realize Him, different paths have

been pounded by the Smruties, Puranas and Itihasas. They are off shoots of

the Vedas. Based on these, the founders of different religious sects

professed their own theories. Superficially, they may appear as different.

But a careful detailed analysis reveals that the essence of all religions is

to realize God, and attain a state of Permanent Bliss - Sat - Chit - Ananda



      No other work in world literature is as ancient as the Vedas The Rigveda

says: (8-7-17-3)

"The entire universe was enveloped in utter gloom an darkness before the

creation and Swayambhoo (Creator), the embodiment of wisdom, was present

both inside and outside that with the naked eye. darkness. He neither had a

beginning nor an end. Emerging out' of the darkness, He created this

universe by his unique power and inimitable wisdom."


      "He is the Atman, the Universal Soul, Purana Purusha, and the ever-lasting.

Being perfect, incomparable, and imperceptible, He transcends all Maya

(illusion) and enjoys beatitude. He is Amruta Purusha (one who gives the

sweetness of delight)". Siva Purana also explains the same graphic

description of the Godly form.



To be contd....

(Source : http://www.saileelas.org/book/agod.htm



Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!


Baba Bless us all

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