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internet interview with a hare krishna devotee

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Hello, my name is Adriane and I’m a grade twelve study of religion student from Australia. At the moment I’m conducting some research on what motivates the individual believer to belong to Hare Krishna, and i was wondering if there is a devotee with some spare time who i could interview either via email or this forum? The purpose of the questions will be to get a greater understanding of how an individual is effected by their faith, and how their spirituality empowers them in their every day life. I don't mind how long the interviewee has been a devotee, as long as they are committed to Hare Krishna. :)

This would be a massive help, if anyone would like to be interviewed relatively soon, could they please email me at adrianabakedbanana@hotmail.com, or send me a message?



*edit. these are the questions I would like to ask. If any of them are too intrusive, feel free not to answer them.


1. Background Information

Full Name:


How long have you been a devotee of Hare Krishna?

2. Rituals

What kind of Rituals do you attend, and how often?

What is your role in these rituals?

How do these Rituals give meaning to your beliefs, and add vitality to your life?

How is a new member initiated into your religion?

How important is communal worship in your religion?

3. Ethical

How do Hare Krishna traditions and beliefs give meaning to your faith and life?

Do you have any cultural habits/values/customs that are essential to Hare Krishna?

Are there any specific dietry habits in Hare Krishna?

Do you wear any special clothes/garments?

4. Doctrinal

What is your concept of God?

What is your belief regarding death and after-life?

What is your view of the nature of the human person?

What are your beliefs on the cause of ‘evil, suffering and sin’?

5. Emotional/Experiential

Why are you a member of Hare Krishna?

Is there any part of your religion that you disagree with or don’t believe in?

Is there any particular issue or challenge you face as a member of Hare Krishna?

How does the Bhagavad-Gita apply to your life? How relevant do you think it is in modern society?

I’ve done some background research on Hare Krishna, and what I’m really curious about is your belief that “The Lord descends whenever there is a decline in religious principles. Although there are many transcendental forms of the Lord, they are all one and the same Supreme Personality of Godhead” (BG. 4.7). How does this belief give meaning to your faith and life?

Does it give you a greater cosmic view of existence?

(If you converted to Hare Krishna) why did you convert to Hare Krishna?

Since you have been a member of the Hare Krishna community, what do you feel the purpose of your existence is?

6. Social

What Hare Krishna social activities do you attend?

Is the community growing?

How do you view other religions?

7. Material

Are there any significant symbols or signs of your religion?

What is their significance?

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