Guest guest Posted May 10, 2006 Report Share Posted May 10, 2006 ---------- Forwarded Message ----------- "Hector Rosario" <hrosario (AT) math (DOT)> "IRM" <irm (AT) iskconirm (DOT) com> Wed, 10 May 2006 14:04:46 -0300 A challenge to IRM[Final] Hare Krishna, Krishnakant Prabhu: Please accept my greetings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am writing to inform you of the end of this debate. I have tried to treat you with all the respect a Vaisnava deserves, and have repeatedly asked for forgiveness for any offenses I might have committed against you or any other Vaisnava as we engaged in this exchange. Yet, you seem disturbed in your replies and hence it is wiser for me to avoid falling pray to anger, which might lead to vaisnava-aparadha. Nevertheless, I will leave you with a detailed explanation of the first and only point we were able to debate to help you see the falseness of your claim. Please, save it for future reference as you might never hear directly from me again. Firstly, I have admitted to making mistakes in the progression of this debate, some of them pointed out by you. However, those mistakes only helped to refine the arguments and our search for truth, which is to what, as sincere devotees, we should aspire. I will leave here the best I can offer in terms of deductive reasoning, which I admit is not the proper way to understand spiritual matters. However, since you have attempted to use the deductive reasoning approach (i.e. the ascending process) to establish the ‘veracity’ of your claims, I used the same method to show you where your argument in IRM’s “The Final Order” went wrong. If you want a verification of the pristine logic of the arguments hereby presented, look for the kind assistance of a mathematician or a logician. However, if you are interested in understanding spiritual matters, simply surrender to Krishna through His bona fide representative. The descending process of spiritual realization will then take place and you will be free to abandon all this nonsense, to which I have been part. As I said in my previous message, I followed your advice and went back to IRM’s Special Summary Issue to carefully read your words and study your arguments. Needless to say, I derived no spiritual benefit from the reading itself, but the reading gave me an opportunity to serve Srila Prabhupada by refuting your arguments. Remember Srila Prabhupada instructed us to use our writing abilities to spread Krishna Consciousness, not to become an impediment in such spreading. My original claim in Point 1 was that your purported Proof 4 in IRM’s The Final Order: “One guru falls = no Gurus authorised” was not logically sound. Again, please, study this simple argument carefully, and you will immediately realize that ‘proof 4’ is no proof at all, since from the very beginning it suffers from a serious logical flaw. In the Special Issue you write: “Here is the proof recapped: a) Nectar of Devotion states that when not properly authorised – sometimes the Guru falls. b) Hence, if Guru falls, then he was not properly authorised. c) But all Gurus authorised in exactly the same way. d) Thus all Gurus not properly authorised. e) Ritvik system authorised by July 9th directive remains.” Here is the flaw: B does not follow from A. Let us look at the logical structure of the statements. Let P be the statement “guru not authorized”. Let Q be the statement “guru falls.” You quote Srila Prabhupada in the Nectar of Devotion thus: “But sometimes, if a spiritual master is not properly authorized and only on his own initiative becomes a spiritual master, he may be carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of disciples.” I will accept your interpretation that being “carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of disciples” constitutes a falldown, which is only the agreed interpretation of two conditioned souls. Now, there are at least two ways to show B does not follow from A. CASE 1: Consider the word ‘sometimes’: The word ‘sometimes’ is not conclusive, something may or may not happen. If a guru is not authorized, then he may or may not fall. We cannot conclude anything further than that. Let P and Q be the following clauses: P: guru not authorized Q: guru falls -P: guru authorized (This is the negation of P.) -Q: guru does not fall (This is the negation of Q.) Remember that by a conditional statement is meant a statement of the form “if...then.” Using this notation, Srila Prabhupada’s conditional statement becomes: If guru not authorized, then guru falls OR guru does not fall. (Notice that the inclusive “or” logically represents “sometimes.” In the abbreviated notation, the statement becomes: If P, then (Q or –Q). This conditional statement is always true, regardless of the truth values of P and Q. Nothing further can be logically concluded. B does not follow from A. CASE 2: Ignore ‘sometimes’: For the sake of argument, let us ignore the word ‘sometimes.’ This might be an offense since we are changing Srila Prabhupada’s words. However, I do it only to show you that ‘Proof 4’ is no proof at all, at least logically speaking. Srila Prabhupada’s dictum becomes: If P, then Q. In B you claim, “If Q, then P”, that is “if guru falls, then he was not authorized.” This is called the inverse of the conditional statement. These two statements, namely the conditional and its inverse are not logically equivalent. A high school textbook on geometry or on introductory logic will help you see the truth of this. An introductory text on Boolean algebras will also do. After all, the entire structure of mathematical truth is built on these grounds. In summary, B does not follow from A. If you want to establish the validity of B, then you would need additional evidence or arguments. A direct quote from Srila Prabhupada stating “if a guru falls, then he was not authorized” will suffice. However, if you cannot show the validity of B *independently* of A, then the entire argument collapses. It gets a little worse than that for IRM if we consider the contrapositive of Srila Prabhupada’s dictum (that is, ignoring ‘sometimes’). As you might already know, a conditional statement is logically equivalent to its contrapositive, that is, the following two statements are equivalent: i) If P, then Q. ii) If –Q, then –P. Saying “If guru not authorized, then guru falls” is equivalent to saying “If guru does not fall, then guru is authorized.” That was not your intended conclusion, but is what logically follows. Again, the introductory textbook on logic might help you with these fine points. If one is conversant with the rules of deductive reasoning, one should not attempt to use it, especially in spiritual matters, as one may commit many offenses. With the evidence you have provided in “The Final Order” one can reach a different conclusion than IRM’s, simply by adhering to the standard rules of inference. There is more that can be said about these matters, especially if one reads Srila Prabhupada’s words carefully. In fact, there is a CASE 3 that can be considered to render your claim useless yet again. However, please do not waste your time on preparing a revised edition of The Final Order to make up for these mistakes. As a sincere devotee, that is the least you could do. You would not want to cheat others, having been warned of a logical flaw in your argument. Nevertheless, there is something much better you can do: focus on distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, and not your own. Always remember that we must cultivate the hearing process as a way to promote the validity of the descending method for realizing spiritual truth. My only advice to you is to devote your energies to discussing Krishna- katha. Ask for forgiveness from all those you might have offended throughout the years, even if unintentionally, and take shelter at Srila Prabhupada’s feet. I will end this debate with a quote from our beloved Srila Prabhupada: “The scripture known as the Brahma-yamala states: “If someone wants to pose himself as a great devotee without following the authorities of the revealed scriptures, then his activities will never help him to make progress in devotional service. Instead, he will simply create disturbances for the sincere students of devotional service.”” (The Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 7) I pray not to have committed this offense. At Srila Prabhupada’s feet, Hector P.S. Here is a list of Srila Prabhupada’s quotes compiled by Madhudvisa Prabhu that serve as ample evidence of the falsity of the ritviks. You may post them on your website, along with our exchanges in their entirety. ********************************* 761210DB.HYD Lectures So we got this information from His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and that knowledge is still going on. You are receiving through his servant. And in future the same knowledge will go to your students. This is called parampara system. Evam parampara prap... It is not that you have become a student and you'll remain student. No. One day you shall become also guru and make more students, more students, more. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, not that perpetually... Yes, one should remain perpetually a student, but he has to act as guru. That is the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is not that because I am acting as guru, I am no longer student. No, I am still student. Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us this instruction that we shall always remain a foolish student before our Guru Maharaja. That is the Vedic culture. I may be very big man, but still, I should remain a foolish student to my guru. That is the qualification. Guru more murkha dekhi' karila sasana. We should be always prepared to be controlled by the guru. That is very good qualification. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. Ara na kariha mane asa. So we should become always a very obedient student to our guru. That is the qualification. That is the spiritual qualification. 660729BG.NY Lectures There is no consideration of material impediment. So it is open for everyone. Catur-varnyam maya srstam. That is a chance given, that you can become a brahmana, you can become a great devotee of Lord Krsna, and you can become the spiritual master of the world. That is the... And I think you should take seriously. 750406CC.MAY Lectures And to become acarya is not very difficult. First of all, to become very faithful servant of your acarya, follow strictly what he says. Try to please him and spread Krsna consciousness. That's all. It is not at all difficult. Try to follow the instruction of your Guru Maharaja and spread Krsna consciousness. That is the order of Lord Caitanya. 680817VP.MON Lectures Now, this spiritual master's succession is not very difficult. Of course, my students, they offer me so much respect, but all these respects are due to my spiritual master. I am nothing. I am just like peon. Just like peon delivers one letter. He is not responsible for what is written in that letter. He is not responsible for what is written in that letter. He simply delivers. But a peon's duty is that he must sincerely carry out the order of the postmaster and deliver the letter to the proper person. That is their duty. Similarly, this parampara system is like that. Every one of us should become a spiritual master because the world is in blazing fire. (aside:) You can give them prasadam. Now, of course, time is very high. So to understand the spiritual master... Spiritual master is not a new invention. It is simply following the orders of the spiritual master. So all my students present here who are feeling so much obliged... I am also obliged to them because they are helping me in this missionary work. At the same time, I shall request them all to become spiritual master. Every one of you should be spiritual master next. And what is their duty? Whatever you are hearing from me, whatever you are learning from me, you have to distribute the same in toto without any addition or alteration. Then all of you become the spiritual master. That is the science of becoming spiritual master. Spiritual master is not any... To become a spiritual master is not very wonderful thing. Simply one has to become sincere soul. That's all. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that "By disciplic succession this yoga process of Bhagavad-gita was handed down from disciple to disciple. But in course of time that disciplic succession is now lost. Therefore, Arjuna, I am teaching you again the same philosophy." Songs Purport to Sri-Sri-Gurv-astakam 690102PU.LA We should always remember that the spiritual master is in the disciplic succession. The original spiritual master is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He blesses his next disciple, just like Brahma. Brahma blesses his next disciple, just like Narada. Narada blesses his next disciple, just like Vyasa. Vyasa blesses his next disciple, Madhvacarya. Similarly, the blessing is coming. Just like royal succession--the throne is inherited by disciplic or hereditary succession--similarly, this power from the Supreme Personality of Godhead has to receive. Nobody can preach, nobody can become a spiritual master, without obtaining power from the right source. Therefore the very word, it is stated here, praptasya. Praptasya means "one who has obtained." Praptasya kalyana. What he has obtained? Kalyana. Kalyana means auspicity. He has received something which is auspicious for all the human kind. Praptasya kalyana-gunarnavasya. Here is another example. Gunarnava. Arnava means ocean, and guna means spiritual qualities. Just like the same example is going on. It is very nice poetry. There is nice rhethorics and metaphor. The example is set, blazing fire, and it is to be extinguished with the cloud. And wherefrom the cloud comes? Similarly, wherefrom the spiritual master receives the mercy? The cloud receives his potency from the ocean. Therefore the spiritual master also receives his power from the ocean of spiritual quality, that is, from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So praptasya kalyana-gunarnavasya. Such kind of spiritual master, one has to accept, and vande guroh sri-caranaravindam, and one has to offer his respectful obeisances to such authorized spiritual master. (end) 710718RC.DET Conversations Prabhupada: Yes. All of them will take over. These students, who are initiated from me, all of them will act as I am doing. Just like I have got many Godbrothers, they are all acting. Similarly, all these disciples which I am making, initiating, they are being trained to become future spiritual masters. Conversations Prabhupada: "Like father, like son." You should be. Gaurangera bhakta..., jane. Everyone. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, amara ajnaya guru hana tara' ei desa. He asked everyone, "Just become guru." Follow His instruction. You become guru. Amara ajnaya. Don't manufacture ideas. Amara ajnaya. "What I say, you do. You become a guru." Where is the difficulty? "And what is Your ajna?" Yare dekha tare kaha krsna-upadesa. Bas. Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita. You simply repeat. That's all. You become guru. To become a guru is not difficult job. Follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu and speak what Krsna has said. Bas. You become guru. 750302BA.ATL Lectures So you are hearing this philosophy daily. Try to understand more and more. We have got so many books. And this is the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and, by disciplic succession, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, then my spiritual master. Then we are trying our level best. Similarly, you will also try your level best on the same principle. Then it will go on. Same principle. It doesn't matter whether one is born in India or outside India. No. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama, "As many towns and cities and villages are there," He did not say it to make a farce. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So sometimes I am very much criticized that I am making foreigners a brahmana. The caste brahmanas in India, they are very much against me. But this is not fact. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that all over the world His message will be broadcast, does it mean that it will be simply a cinema show? No. He wanted that everyone should become perfect Vaisnava. That is His purpose. 720518AR.LA Lectures So we have got this message from Krsna, from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, from the six Gosvamis, later on, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Bhaktisiddhanta Thakura. And we are trying our bit also to distribute this knowledge. Now, tenth, eleventh, twelfth... My Guru Maharaja is tenth from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I am eleventh, you are the twelfth. So distribute this knowledge. People are suffering. They are simply fighting on some false thing, maya. They should be given the real fact of happiness. 68-12-03 Letter: Hamsaduta Next January there will be an examination on this Bhagavad-gita. Papers will be sent by me to all centers, and those securing the minimum passing grade will be given the title as Bhakti-sastri. Similarly, another examination will be held on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day in February, 1970 and it will be upon Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Those passing will get the title of Bhakti-vaibhava. Another examination will be held sometimes in 1971 on the four books, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and Nectar of Devotion. One who will pass this examination will be awarded with the title of Bhaktivedanta. I want that all of my spiritual sons and daughters will inherit this title of Bhaktivedanta, so that the family transcendental diploma will continue through the generations. Those possessing the title of Bhaktivedanta will be allowed to initiate disciples. Maybe by 1975, all of my disciples will be allowed to initiate and increase the numbers of the generations. That is my program. So we should not simply publish these books for reading by outsiders, but our students must be well versed in all of our books so that we can be prepared to defeat all opposing parties in the matter of self-realization. ******************************************* On Mon, 8 May 2006 01:55:24 +0530, IRM wrote > Dear Hector Prabhu, > > Hare Krishna! > > Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. > > Prabhu, you really must stop doing this. Every time you are defeated, > you simply evade your defeat by making some new point. If you wish > to make yet ANOTHER point which was NOT made by you in your original > challenge, which is what we are debating, I can discuss accepting it, > but ONLY after you FIRST concede defeat on the actual challenge you > already made to me. To re-cap, your challenge point 1, was that: > > " I will grant you that, given the axioms you have chosen, the conclusion > would indeed follow logically. However, if we accept the argument > as sound, then we must be able to apply the same reasoning to other > cases. Let us apply it to the Gaudiya Matha. It is well known that > ‘some’ of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s disciples acting > as gurus fell, or at least did not show the purity expected of > someone holding such a post. Therefore, if we apply your rule of > “One guru falls = no Gurus authorised” and its reasoning, then we > would be forced to conclude that Srila Prabhupada is not bonafide. I > do not think neither you nor I are willing to accept that. Hence we > must revise or abandon the argument altogether. It would be wise to > do the latter." > > I just defeated this point of yours by demonstrating you have not > been able to apply the above reasoning to the Gaudiya Matha. > > If you are humble and sincere enough to actually accept defeat on > this point, rather than just trying to evade the defeat, we can > consider your new challenge for proof 4 below. > > I even KNEW you would try and evade your defeat and HENCE I gave you > the following warning: > > "Do not respond with methods of evasion like asking me further > questions (they will simply go onto the end of the list), or any > other unrelated verbiage, or complaining I have not answered > something else, or been defeated by others etc. These things did not > do you any good previously, nor will they help here. *Respond with > anything short of the evidence requested above, and your challenge > will still remain unproven, and I will simply keep pointing this out.*" > > We can only move onto new challenges once we have finished with the > challenge you made to me and announced to the whole world on April > 30th. If you concede defeat on this challenge point 1 (and if you > wish you can withdraw the others), THEN we can discuss immediately > answering your new challenge below. (as then it will not need to be > added to the end of the list as challenge No. 10 as per the rules.) > > Thank you. > > I look forward to hearing from you. > > Your servant, > Krishnakant ------- End of Forwarded Message ------- -- Héctor Rosario, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus PO Box 9018 Mayagüez, PR 00681 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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