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In a message dated 06/25/2000 6:27:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time,






Vox, give your birth details please. You are around 39 or 24 I think,

based on what you said, but you didn't give enough for me to draw the Rashi.


Hi, Das, I'm thirty five -- October 7, 1964 at 1:17 PM, Chicago, Illinois,

your program knows already this was during daylight savings time.


Then also, ask with the details what causes something- tell the thing

you mean exactly, like low energy, since when, and other traits, and any

time periods related to them, and try to be telling the truth, and I'll

show you what gives that in your Vedic chart. No lieing, no testing, please.


? Why would I lie? Sometimes the things you say really startle me.

Specifically, I have had problems with energy my whole life. I am a heavy

sleeper, and even as a child I can remember days when there was just no juice

running through my body, like it was made of something heavier than normal or

I was attracting more gravity or something. I have maybe four good hours in a

day when I can think, I don't travel well, and some days I wake up and have

really never awakened -- for example being awake at seven thirty in the

morning and staying awake all day seems almost impossible sometimes.


Regarding my personality, I am very very shy and really being cloistered and

away from other people is my most comfortable milieu. I can gather up enough

emotional energy to go out to work only for a year at the most, and then I

have to get away from everything, regroup and especially get away from other

people, who freak me out mightily, like my fear of others has been building

up residually and turns into a bigtime rash of terror. I could go on about

this but it's as if I am understanding a subtext to what is going on that I

can't express and it knocks me out of the world every time.


Sometimes I'll get the feeling that when people are talking to me they are

addressing some other person they see that I don't. Sometimes I get the

feeling that some behavior is expected of me and I don't know what it is, and

that freaks me out. I continue conversations with people I haven't talked to

in years, or who are actually dead by now, and fall into daydreams that can

last for hours and hours. I write in my head, I talk in my head. It's like I

really am somewhere else, and the only way I can hide this fact from the rest

of the world is to stay out of it.



<< Your sun and moon, being 2/12 to each other, form somewhat of a split

personality whereby the desire for rise, power, success, will force you

to ignore your mind which is always thinking too much, running here and

there, hoping that something will come easily. No, it won't. Your feel

this in your body, and you know you have to ignore it, but it's hard. We

all know how hard it is to NOT listen to the mind. For you, it's a

substantial issue in your life.



Maybe, but I have no desire for power of any kind, unless you mean the power

one would have to free one's self from fear, or bitterness. My mind does run

nonstop, sometimes I wake up thinking, hard, and it takes me a few hours of

shaking off my night time thoughts, which have been going all night trying to

resolve whatever it was I was trying to reason out. Or argue out. My

strongest desire is to know what comes after death, and most of my thoughts

in any moment are related to this in some way. My strongest fear is the

broken, terrified knowledge that I will not be able to protect my son from

everything that comes into his life, and my terror of losing him somehow is

large enough to fill fifteen extra people.


So other things, like money or a big career, really mean nothing to me,

unless I compare myself to others and realize I am totally without any kind

of...label or tag or title that would help me relate to the world, but to me

this is..adapting a persona, a lens, and I can't keep up it up for very long.

At least I have never been able to. It is tiring and disorienting.


Here's a date: On August 14th, 1991, I got on an airplane and went to join my

husband in germany, where he was stationed. When I woke up the next day, I

was absolutely convinced that the plane had crashed into the ocean and that I

died. I was so sure of this that I made my husband go find an American

newspaper so I could assure myself it hadn't happened.


This was like some kind of break in my mind, and I've been like this ever

since, more or less.





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Dear Vox



I read your letter. That was all Ketu speaking. Ketu by the Lagna causes

one to be ultra sensitive and needy in a certain way- they love to dream

and imagine themselves in various identities, and then they pull back

due to reality. Getting close to other people they feed off the

information the other persons personality and life provide, and then

they dream on that, then they pull back to their own reality. This is

very tiring, hence Ketu causes people ultimately to recluse to avoid the

stimulation of contact.


Real spiritual life requires that we ignore other people, so this is a

fault you can agressively undermine with your intelligence and will. So,

in other words, give up feeding off thoughts and impulses from other

people. Do your duty only, and ignore other people. Don't look at them-

just do your business. Principal should guide you. There is nothing to

be received. These are thoughts that will work to combat the "Ketu

Daydream SpaceOut Syndrome".


Moon in an air sign in the 11th...I have this too. Lots of lofty and

swift moving desires and dreams. That too is no help in accomplishing

things for real. You must pull the mind down to Earth and stop it from

ruling you.


You said you have a hard time working, getting out, etc. I mentioned

"power" and you rejected the notion. I was speaking of these

things...the ability to get out of the complex of pain, and be

"successful" as an entity in any way, in all ways, in YOUR power.


You have a positive and good tenth house in some ways. You can appear to

be pure and youthful to others. Virgo has some good qualities that

others can appreciate. It has some things to offer. So you can have a

career and a place, but Virgo is somewhat weak and dependent by nature.

It's rather pure and innocent. So you can't be weakened on top of that.

It's no good if Virgoan people are weak in other ways, then they appear

too much like leaches and too weak. Gotta get strong otherwise.


Highly desireful with Moon in the 11th, but that lord goes to the 9th,

which means the desires are based on religion ultimately, which is good,

and that 9th lord is the Sun, and goes to Virgo in 10th. This is all

good and fine enough. So you want to go to good places, to serve pure things.


First lord and moon are in Venus ruled signs and Venus is in Leo. So you

are devoted to enjoying at any price, and agressively, and

independently. So for an answer to your woes, try looking to your

indulgences. Only through austerity and courage can we cure our

problems. I too have served Venus too much. I comiserate with you.


First lord goes to sixth. Early life and mother houses indicated to be

"your own enemy". Not so happy there. Fifth lord goes to 8th and is in a

difficult sign for it. This indicates that your own strange mental

patterns are a difficulty for the first child, children in general, but

it is not that they are weak, they are holding back thinking of your

interests. This will be the karma. Your navigating abilities are

suffering due to emotions, which are against the structure of your life.

Being born under Sagittarius is not a good lagna for being emotional,

hence Capricorn goes to 8th and so on.


You have a good chart in many ways. I like the emphasis on the risen

half, specifically the 9th through 11th. These are good placements

overall, for faith, being involved in pure things, thinking hard,

striving forward.


You definitely have identity issues. Either node in 1st or with Moon

will do this. Then if first and fifth lords go to Dusthanas, we know for

sure the person has alot of contempt for their own natural body,

upbringing, their family, their position in society. They want badly to

change, to get away, to get to a new life. Then the structures in the

houses of faith-career-dreams, 9th through 11th, emphasize you want to

believe, achieve, move on, etc.


The thing is this: You are highly driven and desireful, and you want to

pursue purity, goodness, connection to powerful divine female warrior

goddesses who are pure and good, and so on, these dreams are there. Well

and good. Those are good aspirations.


But a Venusian devotee, in other words, a lush, cannot achieve anything,

so Ketu comes to give plenty of dreams to fill in the gaps in reality.


You will gradually become strict and austere, as promised by Saturn in

the 3rd. You're graduating from this whole process I think. I think that

you've actually been realizing the errors of your ways over time. I

think you know that it's not lack of energy, so much as lack of desire

to work hard.


Real problems need real solutions. Life is for putting us up to tests

and freaking us out, til we get it, and we desire to change. The fix is

not always found in this life, but it will be found. Connections between

the 8th and 10th or 11th is never good. Your energy is debilitated by

your reproductive area, and desires connected to that and mysticism type

thoughts. Have to curb your mind overall. Less emotion and dreaming will

help increase the energy.


You soon arrive at what could be one of your best dashas in life, as

Mercury is well placed. Good for learning, having contact with

foreignors in learning, might travel far.


Overall, your chart is good for fighting spiritual growth battles inside

yourself and is not very good for being a "normal American" in the

television sense - this is a compliment.


But there are errors of desire in your chandra chart. First lord Venus

goes to 11th in Leo. This is a Yoga for agressive taking in life. 10th

lord in 1st and 7th lord debilitated in 10th, this is a yoga for being

selfish and causing pain to others thereby- like a serious show off.


Rationale: 1st lord in 11th in Leo- the person is devoted to pursuing

their dreams in an agressive independent way.


Rationale 2: 7th lord is debilitated in 10th- other people are disturbed

when this person "rises" or is "noticed" or is "standing out". How do

they stand out? 10th lord goes to 1. They themselves try to stand out,

as their body, found often with models, woman who dress up alot,

especially with Libra, the marketplace sign, ruling the first. (this is

all speaking of the chandra chart).


These addictions of selfishness have all these bad effects of self

indulgent woe is me bs. Spending one's life pursuing Venusian

satisfaction is a wipe out, a drain, it can kill you, like most rock

stars etc.


Do not feel I am heavy on you. This is normal speaking for me with my

friends. I actually like your chart personally. I can relate to it. But

spiritual reality is not here to stroke your ego, otherwise God would be

our servant. We are His/Her servants. We are the ones with the growing

to do, and the present errors.


I'm NOT on your case. I have similar personlity flaws to you actually.

It's not about me being good and you're bad. It's just about being

people, and these are the real issues. I believe in truth even when it

hurts. I never said you had to change today, nor that I or anyone will

abandon you, or any such thing. But lets face issues, recognize them,

start to work on them, and move on slowly.


That's the point for all of us.


Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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"for being emotional,

hence Capricorn goes to 8th and so on"



I meant Cancer...is in the 8th, not Cap.



Cancer in 8th shows Sagitt.'s relationship to Moon/Cancer things...





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