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Dear Natabara

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I have been on the sidelines enjoying your writings immensely.

You posess a presence of mind that is spiritual, yet quite humanly

warm. You have an uncanny grasp of reality, and it is that

very fact that I might imagine, seems a burden to you at times,

when it comes to questions asked of you as an astrologer.

The other delimma we astrologers face is can this person handle

this imformation, yet aren't we supposed to know from looking

at the chart if they are. What are the significators of a spiritually

ascending person?

Yours Very Truly,

Karen Townsend

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dear natabara


if you have misunderstood my statements then i am sorry. i apologise

to you if i have not been able to communicate my ideas.



> Me

> I an also a devotee of Krishna, or a Krishna's bhakta. Perhaps we

all undertand scriptures according to our own nature and perhaps

Krishna has directed me to tell you something prabhu, very important



> My guru told me to be humble to the humble because a mad person do

not understand humility. Also, he told me or i understood "Not to

allow anybody to walk over me".


yes natabara, i stand by you. we should not allow any one walk over

us. we shoud question any one who is against our spirit.





> You said

> <<when it comes to arguements i can be volatile>>


> Me

> Prabhu, i think that i can be more volatil than you and i am

dealing here man to man no man to a lady like you are trying to do.


Dear natabara this is not a gender issue. i just aksed everybody

politely to tone down their rhetoric. then stavavali said that i

should try to go into personal affairs of the whole episode which i

felt was not correct.


> You said

> <<This is the list to discuss jyotishya and not carry out personal

attacks on a senior person.>>


> I say

> So, what are you doing? smart Partha? Or are you a senior guy

wanting to be worshipped? Are you as well on the trip of a bogus




dear natabra, me a guru, you must be kidding. i am a very small

person. i appreciate yuor nature and also your humility. but you are

telling that i am a bogus guru. well since i like you , i will ask

you to introspect yourself.



> I have a lot of respect to senior people but when i see that some

of them use and abuse their position, i like to put them in their



> So please think about your "trip" because everybody know the score.



dear natabra, we can very well sak questions in a freindly tone.

senior person means a person who is elder to us. we should question

them, but at the same time we should not personally attack them. i am

paying the price of the same.





> You said

> <<So if a senior person has found some mistake in our analysis then

we must accept the mistake and carry on. >>


yes, if the mistake is made we should accept. if we know that there

is no mistake then we can rebel and question the senior person.


loving regards




p.s: dear natabra do not get emotional. i am very small person. i am

only 25 years of age and only beginning to take my steps in this

world. so you should bless me and not curse. i appreciate your

knowledge and stature. please do not misunderstand me.

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Dear natabara this is not a gender issue. i just aksed everybody

politely to tone down their rhetoric. then stavavali said that i

should try to go into personal affairs of the whole episode which i

felt was not correct.

No partha, I did not say this, you wrote your post admitting you had not any

idea what had caused others on the list to object to wendy's argumentative

posts. i simply said to you then you should take the time to find out before

you write such posts, as you did.

your post to me was offensive, and way out of line..

stavavali devi dasi

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there's only so much of this I can take.

dear wendy

you are the agent of your own suffering, no-one else is causing you to suffer.

wasn't it you sometime back who was barred from the list due to continuous

venomous posts towards Sanjay Rath prabhu, (?)(if it wasn't Sanjay, i'm sure he

will correct me if I'm wrong). but anyway did it not get to the point where the

other person refused to correspond with you further?? ,then eventually you were

barred for a time, did you stop to think about the effect it had on other list

members at that time? there were many times i was going to leave this list

because of YOUR posts.

no, wendy, you are not a victim..of anyone on this list, least of all the ISKCON

devotees. i responded to carol, marcia responded to me..that was all..it was an

expression of concern.

i have been a professional astrologer (western)for over 20 years, i joined this

list to further my studies in Vedic astrology,..i don't profess to be a vedic

astrologer..far from it, which i why i am so grateful to the learned

astrologers on this list who are giving so much of their time and effort in

sharing their knowledge..

in the 20 or more years that i have been working as an astrologer i can honestly

say i had never come across such vitriol from another astrologer,(western or

vedic) as i saw from your posts to Sanjay(?),previously

this was the reason why I reacted as i did this time around, and I make no apology for my concern.

Krishna's Mercy

stavavali devi dasi

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Dear Stavavali, Natabara, Marcia, Carol and all ISKCON devotees,


Please enjoy your list in peace...there's only so much of this I can take. Guess

I'm not as strong as I thought I was.


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


stavavali108 (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:27 PM

Re: [GJ] Re: Dear natabara

In a message dated 29/12/01 05:01:25 GMT Standard Time, partvinu5 writes:

Dear natabara this is not a gender issue. i just aksed everybody politely to

tone down their rhetoric. then stavavali said that i should try to go into

personal affairs of the whole episode which i felt was not correct.No partha, I

did not say this, you wrote your post admitting you had not any idea what had

caused others on the list to object to wendy's argumentative posts. i simply

said to you then you should take the time to find out before you write such

posts, as you did.your post to me was offensive, and way out of line..stavavali

devi dasi Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo ,

send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use

of is subject to the

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Dear Wendy


I hope that you will read my former message and do decide to stay and play.

Eclipse time is always a little emotional. One thing I do know from other

lists is that it takes all types of astrological expression and all approaches

to communication to really keep things lively. I hope that you will reconsider

and Ihope that others will encourage you as well, perhaps in time.


Again, my appreciation for you and your knowledge. Also, I know what it feels

like to be told that my words were not p.c. so I do understand if you feel you

must go.






Wendy Vasicek


Saturday, December 29, 2001 7:43 AM

Re: [GJ] Re: Dear natabara

Dear Stavavali, Natabara, Marcia, Carol and all ISKCON devotees,


Please enjoy your list in peace...there's only so much of this I can take. Guess

I'm not as strong as I thought I was.


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


stavavali108 (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:27 PM

Re: [GJ] Re: Dear natabara

In a message dated 29/12/01 05:01:25 GMT Standard Time, partvinu5 writes:

Dear natabara this is not a gender issue. i just aksed everybody politely to

tone down their rhetoric. then stavavali said that i should try to go into

personal affairs of the whole episode which i felt was not correct.No partha, I

did not say this, you wrote your post admitting you had not any idea what had

caused others on the list to object to wendy's argumentative posts. i simply

said to you then you should take the time to find out before you write such

posts, as you did.your post to me was offensive, and way out of line..stavavali

devi dasi Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo ,

send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use

of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Dear Wendy

Thanks for your contributions to the list .Best wishes for the future .



Wendy Vasicek


Sunday, December 30, 2001 12:43 AM

Re: [GJ] Re: Dear natabara

Dear Stavavali, Natabara, Marcia, Carol and all ISKCON devotees,


Please enjoy your list in peace...there's only so much of this I can take. Guess

I'm not as strong as I thought I was.


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


stavavali108 (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:27 PM

Re: [GJ] Re: Dear natabara

In a message dated 29/12/01 05:01:25 GMT Standard Time, partvinu5 writes:

Dear natabara this is not a gender issue. i just aksed everybody politely to

tone down their rhetoric. then stavavali said that i should try to go into

personal affairs of the whole episode which i felt was not correct.No partha, I

did not say this, you wrote your post admitting you had not any idea what had

caused others on the list to object to wendy's argumentative posts. i simply

said to you then you should take the time to find out before you write such

posts, as you did.your post to me was offensive, and way out of line..stavavali

devi dasi Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo ,

send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use

of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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