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Strange happenings

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Early this morning after I had made my postings about sudden accidents I was

suddenly overwhelmed by a strong fear of impending trouble and could not sleep

even though it was 4am. I was convinced something bad was about to happen and

asked for divine protection from my guru.


At 5am the phone rang and my nephew who lives with me called to say he had just

been in a car accident where both cars had been total write offs. He and a

couple of his Thai mates who were drunk had T-boned a BMW big time. Thankfully

no one was hurt. He had one of my cars and allowed a friend who had no licence

but was sober to drive. Hopefully the insurance company will pay up. The car is

sitting out the front of my house and its amazing nobody got badly hurt as the

car is really banged up.


I just picked up a paper and there is a big story about the refugees burning

down the immigration centre. The next page has a story about a tower in Russia

on fire, the next page there is a story about 15 outbreaks of fire in Brisbane,

further in there is a story of a man who has been charged with burning an old

lady to death in a house fire. Today is Tuesday or Mars day. This shows although

Mars is neecha in Cancer it is actually very strong there.






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Funny, Andrew...I also was awoken in the middle of the

night this day (Tuesday...4:30 AM) by a dream of my

husband doing wrong with another woman and he and this

woman found a dead body...I was in the distance

watching in the dream, and the smell of the decaying

body literally woke me up...I got up to relieve my

bladder and I began to feel this 'awful' feeling

also...Coincidence or sensitive beings tapping into

something much bigger than ourselves???

--- Andrew Lynn <skinbags wrote:


> Early this morning after I had made my postings

> about sudden accidents I was suddenly overwhelmed by

> a strong fear of impending trouble and could not

> sleep even though it was 4am. I was convinced

> something bad was about to happen and asked for

> divine protection from my guru.


> At 5am the phone rang and my nephew who lives with

> me called to say he had just been in a car accident

> where both cars had been total write offs. He and a

> couple of his Thai mates who were drunk had T-boned

> a BMW big time. Thankfully no one was hurt. He had

> one of my cars and allowed a friend who had no

> licence but was sober to drive. Hopefully the

> insurance company will pay up. The car is sitting

> out the front of my house and its amazing nobody got

> badly hurt as the car is really banged up.


> I just picked up a paper and there is a big story

> about the refugees burning down the immigration

> centre. The next page has a story about a tower in

> Russia on fire, the next page there is a story about

> 15 outbreaks of fire in Brisbane, further in there

> is a story of a man who has been charged with

> burning an old lady to death in a house fire. Today

> is Tuesday or Mars day. This shows although Mars is

> neecha in Cancer it is actually very strong there.


> Skinbags



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Carol Corsi <carolcorsi

<gjlist >

Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:28 AM

Re: [gjlist] Strange happenings



> I hope it wasn't your body they found! Looking at your chart you are in

Mars dasha which is not a good planet for Virgo ascendent because it rules

the 3rd and 8th houses. Retrograde Saturn the 6th lord of enemies and 5th

lord of intelligence is also in Mar's sign the 3rd house. Mars is in

exchange with the Moon, the 11th lord. This is good for making gains from

occult matters or things represented by the 8th house. Your friends as shown

by the 11th house would also be interested in these things. This in not good

for the mother. Mars is in the sign of the Mother in exchange with the Moon

who is in the 8th house of death with Ketu. Chandrashtama. No happiness from

the Mother or in early life. Hey! did anybody have a good childhood???


You are in Mars / Jupiter which is good as they are friends and in 3/11

aspect. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Sun who is 12th lord of the afterlife

in the 10th house of career with directional strength (dig bala). You can be

successful in things as shown by the 12th house of moksha, hospitals,

afterlife matters. It is a house of loss don't forget, but positively it can

mean loss of self as your 12th lord is Sun who is Karaka of soul and is with

Atma karaka Venus, a sweet and kind planet also in the 10th house and in

exchange with Mercury. You would be a kind and generous soul, maybe too much

so in some ways


Maha parivartana Raja yoga is when the 9th and 10th lord are in exchange and

as both are natural benefics this is good for high status and position.

Lagna lord and 10th lord Mercury is in exchange with Venus the 9th lord and

a good planet for Virgo lagna. The 9th lord Venus who is depositer of the

lagna lord Mercury is in the 10th house with 12th lord Sun the lord of your

sleep and bed comforts. This can show prophetic dreams and inspitrations

coming to you in sleep. You may also get name and fame from the ability to

do this. Mercury is ava yogi and from the Moon rules two bad houses in the

3rd and 6th. It is in bad aspect to Saturn so will not give the best results

it as it is also in the nakshatra of Mars. It's results will be mixed like

all planets.


Saturn is not a good planet for you as it is in the 3rd house of mental

outlook and the 5th lord of creative intelligence and 6th lord of enemies

and bad health. You must keep a positive mantal outlook and avoid depression

which I would suggest has been a problem when you were younger. Saturn is in

it's enemy sign making you a slow starter in life. Saturn is in bad aspect

to Sun, Moon, Mercury and all the planets. Mars / Saturn can be a tough

dasha for everybody as they are both natural malefics. You are a person who

was a slow starter who has got better with age. Your best planets are in an

upachaya house or growing house that give better results as you grow older.

You have strong planets in the 9th, 10th and 11th houses, this will push you

to high status in someway or another.


Rahu (although is terrible in the 2nd for early family life as is Saturn in

the 3rd in Scorpio) will be the planet that gives you what you are seeking.

This is because Rahu is in the nakshatra of Jupiter who is in the lagna and

Rahu is in trine to Sun and Venus who are in the 10th house. Venus is also

in the the nakshatra of Jupiter; Rahu and Venus are in close trine aspect.

Rahu is in the 7th house of the masses from the Moon also. Venus is your

best planet ruling the 9th house of God and also being depositor of both

lagna lord Mercury and Rahu. In the navamsha Moon, Rahu and Venus are all in

Venus's navamsha. Jupiter and Mercury although lords of two kendras are

both not in kendra from Moon so do not suffer from kendra adipathya dosha

which means they are not overly spoilt by ruling two angular houses.


Your dashamsha or status chart is very strong with Sun in the lagna and

Jupiter, Moon and Mars in the tenth house in the division of Venus. Venus is

in the 7th house and Rahu in the 11th house. Very powerful status chart for

big material success in life. Don't forget me if you become rich! Your Venus

is atma karaka planet in trine to Rahu and conjunct a powerful Sun. In

navamsha it is with Rahu and in the D10 chart in trine to Rahu.


I already said you must have had a bad first marriage and Venus is the lord

of the 9th house of 2nd marriage showing a sweet natured but powerfully

sexually potent 2nd husband. He is younger as Venus is in a young sign in

Gemini and in exchange with a young planet Mercury. He is sexually potent

and healthy as Venus is with a strong Sun in trine to Rahu. Two marriages is

shown clearly as 7th house is a dual sign and Venus and Sun are also in a

dual sign. The 2nd husband is a good man, hang onto him.


I hope I answered some of your questions! if not just email me again.




P.S Always be aware of a husband who has a powerful sex drive and his need

to satisfy it. If he eats well at home he will never feel like going out for

take-away. Also be aware of the fact the only woman who really knows where

her husband is and what he is really up to is a




> Funny, Andrew...I also was awoken in the middle of the

> night this day (Tuesday...4:30 AM) by a dream of my

> husband doing wrong with another woman and he and this

> woman found a dead body...I was in the distance

> watching in the dream, and the smell of the decaying

> body literally woke me up...I got up to relieve my

> bladder and I began to feel this 'awful' feeling

> also...Coincidence or sensitive beings tapping into

> something much bigger than ourselves???

> --- Andrew Lynn <skinbags wrote:

> >

> > Early this morning after I had made my postings

> > about sudden accidents I was suddenly overwhelmed by

> > a strong fear of impending trouble and could not

> > sleep even though it was 4am. I was convinced

> > something bad was about to happen and asked for

> > divine protection from my guru.

> >

> > At 5am the phone rang and my nephew who lives with

> > me called to say he had just been in a car accident

> > where both cars had been total write offs. He and a

> > couple of his Thai mates who were drunk had T-boned

> > a BMW big time. Thankfully no one was hurt. He had

> > one of my cars and allowed a friend who had no

> > licence but was sober to drive. Hopefully the

> > insurance company will pay up. The car is sitting

> > out the front of my house and its amazing nobody got

> > badly hurt as the car is really banged up.

> >

> > I just picked up a paper and there is a big story

> > about the refugees burning down the immigration

> > centre. The next page has a story about a tower in

> > Russia on fire, the next page there is a story about

> > 15 outbreaks of fire in Brisbane, further in there

> > is a story of a man who has been charged with

> > burning an old lady to death in a house fire. Today

> > is Tuesday or Mars day. This shows although Mars is

> > neecha in Cancer it is actually very strong there.

> >

> > Skinbags

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> > -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >



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