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Wearing a stone

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Hi ,


I will be very thankful if I get some advice abuot wearing stones. Way back

when my Rahu Mahadasha was just about to start , I was advised to wear

Yellow Sapphire. Now my Guru Mahadasha is on . Do I continue to wear the

stone ? Will it have any beneficial effects even now ? Or will it accentuate

the qualities of Jupiter to be excess ? Please help .


Thanks in advance .


Regards ,




Consultant - Work Simplification and System Redesign




<gjlist >

<gjlist >

Wednesday, August 16, 2000 4:24 PM

[gjlist] Digest Number 124










There are 15 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Re: kala sarpa yoga

"costa" <costa

2. Re: kala sarpa yoga


3. Re: Next Bava Conference

"danielle-rose" <danielle-rose

4. why the delay???

Rhoda Reporter <rhodes10

5. Question on a time...

"Tarun K. Tripathy" <ttripath

6. the influence of yogas-example

Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

7. Re: kala sarpa yoga

Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

8. RE: kala sarpa yoga

Prakash Desai <pdesai

9. Re: the influence of yogas-example

"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

10. Re: the influence of yogas-example

"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

11. Re: the influence of yogas-example


12. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part1)


13. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part2)


14. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part3)


15. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part4)







Message: 1

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:09:49 -0500

"costa" <costa

Re: kala sarpa yoga


Dear Manoj

I agree with Zoran .The yogas can put the finishing touches to the chart .

Beginners however should first learn to identify the strengths and

weaknesses of the planets. If yogas were not important sage Parasara would

not have gone to so much trouble to elaborate on them




I agree that Rahu can be a great benefit in a chart, when well placed.

There is

no doubt in that.


Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he will wreak havoc. For

example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu mahadasha .Rahu is not

spiritually evolved .


OK. Would you like me to post a chart which is not more afflicted than an


chart. However, the person had such a life that is hardy to imagine. There



major bad yoga that destroyed person's life. You will meet with terrible

obstacles to

scrutinize person's life with ordinary planetary assesment. I agree that in



axis is very important, but you will see that in some charts, yogas give


good or bad effects.


Please present the chart.














Message: 2

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:09:02 -0000


Re: kala sarpa yoga


Hello Manoj,


My version of BPHS covers Kuja dosha under the chapter on female

horoscopy. The cancellation of kuja dosha occurs here, when the

planet is aspected by a benefic. Or there is an equal yoga in the

partner's chart. So there is yoga bhanga twice mentioned. However I

realize that my copy of BPHS may be different from yours.


As to Kala Sarpa yoga, Bhrigu mentions that the enclosure of the

planets between malefics is very bad, especially if Rahu is one of





gjlist , "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote:

> Namaste Mu Mian,


> To disagree is your prerogative and I cant help it. Disagreement is

a sign

> of growth provided it is positive and constructive. Disagreeing for

the sake

> of disagreement could be a negative tendency, which I am happy is


> present in your note.


> Regarding you views, I would give my frank views here :


> Kuja Dosha or Mangala Dosha. Yes, there is no mention, but if you

read books

> on Muhurta, Muhurta Chintamani, Muhurta Martand, Muhurta Paarijaat,


> would find its mention invariably there. But this does not mean

that I am

> according sanctity to Mangala Dosha.


> If you look at the placements of Mars to give rise to Mangala

Dosha, you

> would find that this Mars afflicts the houses related to marriage


> because of the intrinsic malefic qualities of Mars, astrologers

have been

> scary of these particular placements of Mars. What happens, if

Saturn or

> Rahu occupy these positions ? Do we mean to say, they would not


> marriage in such cases, they would if they are qualified to do it.


> So, as I have been often saying, never look at anything singularly,

have a

> total view. We often talk of Yogas, but never have we talked about


> Bhanga or Yoga cancellation.


> Imagine a time when Jupiter is transitting through Cancer. During

that year,

> every day in Four Lagnas we would have Mahapurushas taking birth,

does it

> happen in reality. You find a Mahapurusha, perhaps, once in a



> regards,


> Manoj



> >Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey>

> >gjlist

> >gjlist

> >Re: [gjlist] kala sarpa yoga

> >Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:06:19 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Namaste Manoj,

> >

> >While I can appreciate your comments, I have to say

> >that I must disagree with your view, that things must

> >be sanctioned by the classical works in order for them

> >to be "alright". As Light on Life points out, this

> >combination doesn;t have a great written about it, yet

> >many, many Jyotishis know of it, whether they pay any

> >attention to it or not.

> >

> >Everyone knows about Kuja Dosha, even the populace of

> >India, yet there aren't any mention of this in BPHS,

> >Phaladeepika, Brihat Jatak, etc. So, just because it's

> >not in all of the classics, it doesn;t mean that it

> >isn't relevant.

> >

> >While I have always admired the classics, I have also

> >come to respect my own experience, too; and to that

> >end, I have found that KSY, like Kuja Dosha, to be

> >operating in the charts of people that I know very

> >well. If you want, I can show these cases to you.

> >

> >Salaam,

> >Mu

> >--- Manoj Pathak <manojpathak@h...> wrote:

> > > (Kala means both 'black' and 'time', and here refers

> > > to

> > > > >Ketu) and serpents (sarpa, which here refers to

> > > Rahu)

> > >

> > > Dear Patrice,

> > >

> > > Kala which you mention here means only time. It is

> > > Kal not Kala. And Kal is

> > > Samay or better still the wheel of time. Therefore

> > > dont confuse this with

> > > Kala (black). If you know hindi or sanskrit, it

> > > would be easy to follow. And

> > > astrologically, Saturn is Kal or Time.

> > >

> > > When none of the classics have any mention about

> > > this yoga, they why do we

> > > un-necessary stress upon such combinations. Of

> > > course you have to have a

> > > Rahu in the Chart and a Ketu in the Chart. They may

> > > be placed in any of the

> > > houses, diametrically opposite to each other and are

> > > there only to dispense

> > > destiny as destined by HIM. So please dont worry

> > > about them too much.

> > >

> > > Analyse this yoga also as per placement of Rahu and

> > > Ketu and not as Kal

> > > Sarpa Yoga.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > >

> > > Manoj

> > >




> > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> > > http://www.hotmail.com

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Kick off your party with Invites.

> >http://invites./





> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at








Message: 3

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:35:49 +0100

"danielle-rose" <danielle-rose

Re: Next Bava Conference


Dear Mu


Yes, tapes will be available after the conference.






Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey

gjlist <gjlist >

11 August 2000 20:38

Re: [gjlist] Next Bava Conference



>Hi Dany,


>Thanks for the info so far, and please do keep me

>posted on those tapes!




>--- danielle-rose <danielle-rose


>> Dear Mu


>> Here's list of speakers to the conference:


>> Jaya Shekhar (India)

>> Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Dennis Harness, William

>> Levacy, Edith Hathaway,

>> Christina Collins-Hill (USA).

>> Hema Bindu (France)

>> Andrew Foss, Gordon Brennan, Komilla Sutton (UK)


>> I don't know about the tapes. I will find out for

>> you.


>> Regards.

>> Dany





>> Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey

>> gjlist <gjlist >

>> 09 August 2000 23:00

>> Re: [gjlist] Next Bava Conference



>> >Hi Dani,

>> >

>> >I'm going to hit the sitre, and thanks for the

>> info,

>> >but....

>> >

>> >could you please tell, how's going to be there,

>> and,

>> >and this is the most important part, will there be

>> >lecture tapes available?

>> >

>> >Please let me know.

>> >

>> >Thanks,

>> >Mu

>> >--- danielle-rose

>> <danielle-rose

>> >wrote:

>> >> Dear List Members

>> >>

>> >> If anyone is interested, the next BAVA

>> International

>> >> Conference will be held in London (England) from

>> >> September 28th to October 1st. BAVA stands for

>> >> British Association for Vedic Astrology and for

>> the

>> >> lastest information visit www.bava.org.

>> >>

>> >> Namaste!

>> >> Dany

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been

>> >> removed]

>> >>

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >Kick off your party with Invites.

>> >http://invites./

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >gjlist-

>> >

>> >

>> >








>Kick off your party with Invites.

















Message: 4

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 10:57:28 -0700 (PDT)

Rhoda Reporter <rhodes10

why the delay???


dear list members,

i am sending some details of a chart of a friend, who

wishes to know, why she is here in india while her

husband is working in australia.they have been

separated for over a year and she is desperately

trying to join him, but is not able to do so.

a lot of impediments and delays.

just for your info, she is at the tail end of her ketu


she wishes to know, what the future holds for her!!

thanking you dear friends in advance.

xperts please oblige!!


Jan 28,1964

Time: 4:00PM Zone: 5:30 DST: 0


Longitude: 78E27 Latitude: 17N27

Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:21 365.25 Day Year

Current Period: Ke/Ju


As 16:12 Ge

Su 14:12 Cp

Mo 07:06 Cn

Ma 18:35 Cp

Me 19:32 Sg

Ju 20:44 Pi

Ve 20:27 Aq

Sa 00:12 Aq

Ra 17:44 Ge

Ke 17:44 Sg


waiting to hear from you






Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!







Message: 5

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 14:02:19 -0700

"Tarun K. Tripathy" <ttripath

Question on a time...


Dear All,


Could someone tell if a very important thing that the native is

waiting for will go smoothly in the Sept - Dec timeframe ?



* Sat * Rahu * * Jup, Ven *

* * * * Mars *


* * * Sun, Mer *

* * * *

********* ***************

* * * Moon *

* * * *


* * * Ke * *

* * Asc * * *


Jupiter transiting 7th from Lagna

Sat transiting 7th from Lag

Dasa-bhukti: Moon-Jupiter

Pratyantar during Sept-Dec: Mer, Ketu, Venus










Message: 6

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 13:30:03 +0200

Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

the influence of yogas-example



Dear Manoj,

Here is the chart:

Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

Germany in 23h 48 minutes

11.27 E 48.47 N

time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the benefit

and easy reference of all.

Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will see

that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

Best wishes,










Message: 7

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 04:49:28 +0200

Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

Re: kala sarpa yoga


Dear Costa,


> Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he will wreak havoc. For

> example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu mahadasha .Rahu is not

> spiritually evolved .



You are completely right, about rahu. There is only one special exception.

When rahu becomes atmakarak, and is placed in 12th house from arudha

lagna, the sage is born, as the case is with Shri Ramakrishna. The atmakarak

which is the king of the chart, has a sole purpose, to cleanse the soul from


sins, thus rahu will reject the fruit of materialism. If placed in 12th



arudha lagna(loss) the person's direction of life(arudha lagna) rejects the


of materialism and he/she becomes very spiritual. It is also the case when



is placed in 7th house from arudha lagna( marak place) while ketu at the


time being placed in arudha lagna, turns the direction of life towards



> Please present the chart.

> Nicholas


It has been sent. Try to see some bad yoga in the chart.

Best wishes,










Message: 8

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:43:36 -0700

Prakash Desai <pdesai

RE: kala sarpa yoga


Dear Zoran,


I have Rahu in the 12th from Arudha Lagna. I also have my Lagna lord in the

12th House. And I can tell you the material world does not please me even

though I live in the lap of luxury. My Atmakarak is Venus placed in his own

house in Libra in the 9th house. In case you want to study further, here are

my details:


DOB: 7/26/45, 12:46:18 PM (DST On); Navsari (20N51, 72E55), India.


Thought this might help you confirm what you said. Also my daughter (older

child) has Rahu in the 7th (along with Jupiter in Mooltrikona) with Ketu in

Lagna! She too is very spiritual.




Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa]

Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:49 PM


Re: [gjlist] kala sarpa yoga



Dear Costa,


> Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he will wreak havoc.


> example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu mahadasha .Rahu is


> spiritually evolved .



You are completely right, about rahu. There is only one special exception.

When rahu becomes atmakarak, and is placed in 12th house from arudha

lagna, the sage is born, as the case is with Shri Ramakrishna. The


which is the king of the chart, has a sole purpose, to cleanse the soul



sins, thus rahu will reject the fruit of materialism. If placed in 12th



arudha lagna(loss) the person's direction of life(arudha lagna) rejects



of materialism and he/she becomes very spiritual. It is also the case when



is placed in 7th house from arudha lagna( marak place) while ketu at the


time being placed in arudha lagna, turns the direction of life towards



> Please present the chart.

> Nicholas


It has been sent. Try to see some bad yoga in the chart.

Best wishes,


























Message: 9

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:41:54 +0800

"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

Re: the influence of yogas-example


Hi Zoran & All


I've been away from astrology, the list, and indeed the world, for the past

12mths so I'm more than a little rusty, but here goes.

I've just taken a VERY QUICK look at the horoscope you put up for




All the benefics (MO-ME-JU-VE) are in inimical signs whilst only the

malefics (SU-MA-SA) are neutral. There are no planets dignified. This of

itself does not bode well for a smooth life.



Asc.Lord's dispositor (Mars) has gone to the 12th house...this again (of

itself) does not bode well for a smooth life.



Mars (in 12th) owns the two most important houses for happiness and problem

solving...4th hse; general happiness and contentment, and 9th hse; support

from nature, solutions to problems etc...not much luck! happiness &

contentment lacking!



Saturn (Lord of 6th & 7th) in ascendant will certainly bring a lot of

difficulties, obstacles & disappointments to the native.



The current dasa period is Rahu...note that Rahu's dispositor Mercury is

conjunct 12th lord Moon in the 5th house of the mind.


Sixth point:

Vidasa lord Jupiter is in the sign of a great enemy and is being aspected by

12th lord Moon and Rahu's dispositor (Mercury), who has, of course, taken

aboard the nature of Rahu.


Best Regards to All



Zoran Radosavljevic

gjlist ; manojpathak

Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:30 PM

[gjlist] the influence of yogas-example




Dear Manoj,

Here is the chart:

Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

Germany in 23h 48 minutes

11.27 E 48.47 N

time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the benefit

and easy reference of all.

Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will see

that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

Best wishes,


























Message: 10

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 13:53:43 +0800

"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

Re: the influence of yogas-example


Post Script

Most important feature that I forgot to mention is that 4 planets are in

retrograde motion...certainly this of itself will present many difficulties

in life. The houses ruled by these planets will not produce good results.




Zoran Radosavljevic

gjlist ; manojpathak

Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:30 PM

[gjlist] the influence of yogas-example




Dear Manoj,

Here is the chart:

Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

Germany in 23h 48 minutes

11.27 E 48.47 N

time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the benefit

and easy reference of all.

Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will see

that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

Best wishes,


























Message: 11

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 09:43:58 +0400


Re: the influence of yogas-example


Dear Zoran,Hare Krishna!

This chart...



Rachu/Ketu - Mean

Lunar Parallax - No

Vimsottari Dasha - 360

Ashtaka Varga Bindu Scheme :Shri Parashara


Best regards



Nikolai Agafonov.Director

Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02




Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:51 +0400 Zoran Radosavljevic wrote to

gjlist , manojpathak:



> Dear Manoj,

> Here is the chart:

> Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

> Germany in 23h 48 minutes

> 11.27 E 48.47 N

> time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


> Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

> afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

> dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

> Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the benefit

> and easy reference of all.

> Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will see

> that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

> Best wishes,

> Zoran

> gjlist-














Message: 12

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:11:07 +0400


Re: the influence of yogas-example (part1)


Dear Zoran,Hare Krishna!

This chart...



Rachu/Ketu - Mean

Lunar Parallax - No

Vimsottari Dasha - 360

Ashtaka Varga Bindu Scheme :Shri Parashara



The Horoscope of



Provided to you by



88018,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72



Uzhgorod : (03122) 2-46-02

Printed on 16/08/2000 at 09:25:39

Jyotish software: Goravani Jyotish v2


Based on the data of


12/12/1977, at 23:48:00


Vedic Astrology Weekday (Sunrise to Sunrise): Monday

Calendar Weekday: Monday

Lahiri: 23:32:59

Ingolstadt Germany

11 E 27 48 N 46

Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: -1.00


Main Classifications for Male born


Moon Sign: Sagittarius

Rising Sign: Leo

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Moon Star (Nakshatra): Uttarashadha Pada (Quarter): 1

Tithi 3rd Tithi-Tritiya of Waxing Moon

Yoga 11th-Vriddhi

Karan 6th-Gara


On the day of birth, at the place of birth:

Sunrise occured at local time:08:07:23

Sunset occured at local time:16:12:43


The Positions in the Zodiac of the Ascendant,

also known as the Lagna, and the Planets,

and the Nakshatra (Star) ruling over each.

"Ret"='retrograde', meaning backwards moving.


Planet Ret Sign (Rasi) Degrees Nakshatras


Ascendant Leo 25¸ 29' Purvaphalguni

Sun Scorpio 27¸ 15' Jyestha

Moon Sagittarius 28¸ 52' Uttarashadha

Mars R Cancer 18¸ 0' Ashlesha

Mercury R Sagittarius 13¸ 50' Purvashadha

Jupiter R Gemini 8¸ 52' Ardra

Venus Scorpio 17¸ 36' Jyestha

Saturn R Leo 6¸ 59' Magha

Rahu Virgo 18¸ 0' Hasta

Ketu Pisces 18¸ 0' Revati

South Indian Style Rasi Chart for Male born



* 8* 9* 10* 11*

* * * * *

* * * * JUP *

* KET Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 7* * MAR 12*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 6* * 1*

* * * SAT *

* * * LAG *

* Cp* * Le*


* MOO 5* VEN 4* 3* RAH 2*

* * * * *

* MER * * * *

* Sa* SUN Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Rasi Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * RAH * * MAR * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * VIR* SAT * CAN* *

* LIB** **GEM *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * JUP *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * LEO * * *

* * * * * *


* * * * * *

* * * AQU * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* MER * * * * *

* SAG** **ARI *

* * CAP* * PIS* *

* * * * * *

* MOO * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * KET * *

** * * **


South Indian Style Bhava Chart for Male born



* SAT 8* 9* 10* 11*

* MAR * * * *

* * * RAH * *

* Pi* LAG Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 7* * 12*

* * * SUN *

* * * VEN *

* JUP Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 6* * 1*

* * * MER MOO *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 5* 4* 3* 2*

* * * * *

* * KET * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Bhava Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * SUN VEN * *

* * * * * *

* * 2 * MOO MER * 12 * *

* 3 ** **11 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * KET * 5 * * *

* * * * * *

* 4 * 10 *

* * * * RAH * *

* * * 7 * * *

* * * * * LAG *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * JUP * * *

* 5 ** ** 9 *

* * 6 * * 8 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * MAR * *

* * * * * *

* * * * SAT * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Navamsa Chart for Male born



* 5* 6* 7* SAT 8*

* * * * RAH *

* * * * *

* SUN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 4* * 9*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 3* * MER 10*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 2* LAG 1* 12* 11*

* KET * * * *

* VEN JUP * * * *

* MAR MOO Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Navamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * KET MOO * * * *

* * VEN MAR * * * *

* * JUP * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SAG* * LIB* *

* CAP** **VIR *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SCO * * *

* * * * * *

* AQU * LEO *

* * * * * *

* * * TAU * * *

* SUN * * * MER * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* PIS** **CAN *

* * ARI* * GEM* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * RAH * *

* * * * SAT * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Chandra Lagna Chart

or Male born



* 4* 5* 6* 7*

* * * * *

* * * * JUP *

* KET Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 3* * MAR 8*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 2* * 9*

* * * SAT *

* * * LAG *

* Cp* * Le*


* MOO 1* VEN 12* 11* RAH 10*

* * * * *

* MER * * * *

* Sa* SUN Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Chandra Lagna Chart

or Male born



** * * **

* * * * SUN VEN * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * CAP* MOO MER * SCO* *

* AQU** **LIB *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SAG * * *

* * * * RAH * *


* * * * * *

* * * GEM * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * LAG *

* * * * * *

* * * JUP * * *

* ARI** **LEO *

* * TAU* * CAN* *

* * * * * SAT *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * MAR * *

** * * **


Name Star Qtr. Lord Sub


Ascendant Purvaphalguni 4 Ven Merc

Sun Jyestha 4 Merc Jup

Moon Uttarashadha 1 Sun Mars

Mars Ashlesha 1 Merc Merc

Mercury Purvashadha 1 Ven Ven

Jupiter Ardra 1 Rahu Jup

Venus Jyestha 1 Merc Merc

Saturn Magha 3 Ketu Rahu

Rahu Hasta 3 Moon Merc

Ketu Revati 1 Merc Merc


Dasha, Bhukti Start Dates


Sun Mars 12/12/1977

Sun Rahu 07/02/1978

Sun Jup 28/12/1978

Sun Sat 12/10/1979

Sun Merc 18/09/1980

Sun Ketu 21/07/1981

Sun Ven 24/11/1981

Moon Moon 19/11/1982

Moon Mars 15/09/1983

Moon Rahu 12/04/1984

Moon Jup 04/10/1985

Moon Sat 27/01/1987

Moon Merc 19/08/1988

Moon Ketu 11/01/1990

Moon Ven 09/08/1990

Moon Sun 31/03/1992

Mars Mars 27/09/1992

Mars Rahu 21/02/1993

Mars Jup 06/03/1994

Mars Sat 05/02/1995

Mars Merc 10/03/1996

Mars Ketu 02/03/1997

Mars Ven 27/07/1997

Mars Sun 20/09/1998

Mars Moon 24/01/1999

Rahu Rahu 22/08/1999

Rahu Jup 20/04/2002

Rahu Sat 31/08/2004

Rahu Merc 23/06/2007

Rahu Ketu 27/12/2009

Rahu Ven 09/01/2011

Rahu Sun 24/12/2013

Rahu Moon 13/11/2014

Rahu Mars 06/05/2016

Jup Jup 19/05/2017

Jup Sat 26/06/2019

Jup Merc 24/12/2021

Jup Ketu 19/03/2024

Jup Ven 18/02/2025

Jup Sun 06/10/2027

Jup Moon 20/07/2028

Jup Mars 12/11/2029

Jup Rahu 14/10/2030

Sat Sat 24/02/2033

Sat Merc 12/02/2036

Sat Ketu 08/10/2038

Sat Ven 11/11/2039

Sat Sun 25/12/2042




Degree......29¸ Sco


Yogi Star...Jyestha



Sripati Bhava Madhyas


1st 25 Leo

2nd 24 Vir

3rd 23 Lib

4th 22 Sco

5th 23 Sag

6th 24 Cap

7th 25 Aqu

8th 24 Pis

9th 23 Ari

10th 22 Tau

11th 23 Gem

12th 24 Can



Sripati Bhava Sandhis


Sandhi Between

12th & 1st 10 Leo

1st & 2nd 10 Vir

2nd & 3rd 9 Lib

3rd & 4th 8 Sco

4th & 5th 8 Sag

5th & 6th 9 Cap

6th & 7th 10 Aqu

7th & 8th 10 Pis

8th & 9th 9 Ari

9th & 10th 8 Tau

10th & 11th 8 Gem

11th & 12th 9 Can


Sripati Bhava Cusps

Sandhis and Madhyas

Sandhi Madhya

Begins Middle


1st 10 Leo 25 Leo

2nd 10 Vir 24 Vir

3rd 9 Lib 23 Lib

4th 8 Sco 22 Sco

5th 8 Sag 23 Sag

6th 9 Cap 24 Cap

7th 10 Aqu 25 Aqu

8th 10 Pis 24 Pis

9th 9 Ari 23 Ari

10th 8 Tau 22 Tau

11th 8 Gem 23 Gem

12th 9 Can 24 Can


Shad Bala Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat


Rupas 4.68 9.11 7.90 7.68 7.16 4.61 7.63

Strength 0.72 1.52 1.58 1.10 1.10 0.84 1.53


Vimshopak Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat


Total 10.3 10.5 13.3 10.1 13.4 13.9 11.8

Percent 52 53 67 51 67 70 59



Bhava Balas


1: 6.50

2: 8.26

3: 4.28

4: 7.98

5: 7.81

6: 7.60

7: 6.59

8: 7.77

9: 9.27

10: 5.95

11: 10.30

12: 10.93



4 Prosperity Kshema

Saturn 12 Losses Vipat

Rahu 9 Very Good Param Mitra

Ketu 22 Prosperity Kshema



Planet Stars to Mars: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 26 Good Mitra

Sun 19 Danger Janma

Moon 16 Dangers Naidhana


Mercury 17 Good Mitra

Jupiter 4 Prosperity Kshema

Venus 19 Danger Janma

Saturn 27 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

Ketu 10 Danger Janma



Planet Stars to Mercury: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 10 Danger Janma

Sun 3 Losses Vipat

Moon 27 Very Good Param Mitra

Mars 12 Losses Vipat


Jupiter 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

Venus 3 Losses Vipat

Saturn 11 Wealth Sampat

Rahu 8 Good Mitra

Ketu 21 Losses Vipat



Planet Stars to Jupiter: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 23 Obstacles Pratyak

Sun 16 Dangers Naidhana

Moon 13 Prosperity Kshema

Mars 25 Dangers Naidhana

Mercury 14 Obstacles Pratyak


Venus 16 Dangers Naidhana

Saturn 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

Rahu 21 Losses Vipat

Ketu 7 Dangers Naidhana



Planet Stars to Venus: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 8 Good Mitra

Sun 1 Danger Janma

Moon 25 Dangers Naidhana

Mars 10 Danger Janma

Mercury 26 Good Mitra

Jupiter 13 Prosperity Kshema


Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

Ketu 19 Danger Janma



Planet Stars to Saturn: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 27 Very Good Param Mitra

Sun 20 Wealth Sampat

Moon 17 Good Mitra

Mars 2 Wealth Sampat

Mercury 18 Very Good Param Mitra

Jupiter 5 Obstacles Pratyak

Venus 20 Wealth Sampat


Rahu 25 Dangers Naidhana

Ketu 11 Wealth Sampat



Planet Stars to Rahu: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 3 Losses Vipat

Sun 23 Obstacles Pratyak

Moon 20 Wealth Sampat

Mars 5 Obstacles Pratyak

Mercury 21 Losses Vipat

Jupiter 8 Good Mitra

Venus 23 Obstacles Pratyak

Saturn 4 Prosperity Kshema


Ketu 14 Obstacles Pratyak



Planet Stars to Ketu: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 17 Good Mitra

Sun 10 Danger Janma

Moon 7 Dangers Naidhana

Mars 19 Danger Janma

Mercury 8 Good Mitra

Jupiter 22 Prosperity Kshema

Venus 10 Danger Janma

Saturn 18 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 15 Fulfilment Sadhana



South Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* 2* JUP 3*

* * MER * * *

* * * * *

* VEN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * SUN 4*

* * * KET *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * MOO 5*

* * * SAT *

* * * *

* RAH Cp* * Le*


* 9* MAR 8* 7* 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * VEN * *

* * * * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* MER * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * KET * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* MOO * * * RAH * *

* SAT * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * MAR * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born



* 11* 12* LAG 1* 2*

* * * VEN * *

* RAH * * * *

* MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 10* * 3*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 9* * SUN 4*

* * * SAT *

* * * *

* MAR Cp* * Le*


* 8* 7* 6* MOO 5*

* * * * JUP *

* * * * KET *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * GEM* VEN * ARI* *

* CAN** **PIS *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * RAH *

* * SAT * * * MER *

* * * TAU * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO * AQU *

* * * * * *

* * * SCO * * *

* MOO * * * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* KET * * * * *

* * * * * *

* VIR** **CAP *

* * LIB* * SAG* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MAR *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* VEN 2* 3*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * SUN 4*

* * * *

* * * *

* KET Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * RAH 5*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT Cp* * Le*


* 9* 8* MAR 7* 6*

* * * MER * *

* * * * *

* MOO Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * VEN * * JUP * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * KET *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* RAH * * * SAT * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * MAR * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* MER * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MOO *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born



* 7* 8* JUP 9* MER 10*

* * * SAT * *

* * * * *

* SUN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 6* * 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 5* * 12*

* * * *

* KET RAH * * *

* VEN MAR Cp* * Le*


* 4* 3* 2* LAG 1*

* * * * MOO *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * LIB* MOO * LEO* *

* SCO** **CAN *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * VIR * * *

* * * * * *

* SAG * GEM *

* * * * * *

* * * PIS * * *

* MAR * * * MER * *

* VEN * * * * *

* RAH * * * * *

* KET * * SUN * * *

* CAP** **TAU *

* * AQU* * ARI* *

* * * * * SAT *

* * * * * JUP *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born



* 3* 4* MAR 5* MOO 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 2* * RAH 7*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 1* * JUP 8*

* * * *

* * * *

* KET LAG Cp* * Le*


* 12* SUN 11* 10* VEN 9*

* * * * SAT *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* MER * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * AQU* KET * SAG* *

* PIS** **SCO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * SUN *

* * * CAP * * *

* * * * * *

* ARI * LIB *

* * * * * *

* * * CAN * * *

* MAR * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * RAH * * *

* TAU** **VIR *

* * GEM* * LEO* *

* * * * * SAT *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * JUP * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born



* 10* VEN 11* 12* LAG 1*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 9* * SUN 2*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 8* * MAR 3*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT Cp* * Le*


* 7* MER 6* JUP 5* 4*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* KET RAH Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * *

* MAR * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * CAN* * TAU* *

* LEO** **ARI *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * GEM * * *

* * * * * *

* VIR * PIS *

* * * * * *

* * * SAG * * *

* JUP * * * MOO * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * RAH * * *

* LIB** **AQU *

* * SCO* KET * CAP* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * MER * * SAT * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* KET 2* 3*

* * SUN * * *

* * MER * * *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * 4*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * JUP 5*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 9* RAH 8* SAT 7* MOO 6*

* * * * MAR *

* * * * *

* VEN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * KET * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * MER LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SAT * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * MAR * * * *

* * MOO * * RAH * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born



* 10* RAH 11* MER 12* LAG 1*

* * * * VEN *

* * * * *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 9* * 2*

* * * *

* * * *

* MAR Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 8* * 3*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 7* MOO 6* SAT 5* SUN 4*

* * * KET * JUP *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * MER * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * CAN* VEN * TAU* *

* LEO** **ARI *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * JUP * * * RAH *

* * * GEM * * *

* * * * * *

* VIR * PIS *

* * * * * *

* * * SAG * * *

* SAT * * * * *

* KET * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LIB** **AQU *

* * SCO* * CAP* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MAR *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born



* 7* JUP 8* VEN 9* 10*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 6* * MER 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 5* * 12*

* * * *

* * * *

* MAR Cp* * Le*


* 4* SAT 3* SUN 2* LAG 1*

* * * * RAH *

* * * * KET *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * *

* SAT * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * LIB* RAH * LEO* *

* SCO** **CAN *

* * * KET LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MER *

* * * VIR * * *

* * * * * *

* SAG * GEM *

* * * * * *

* * * PIS * * *

* MAR * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * MOO * * *

* CAP** **TAU *

* * AQU* * ARI* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * * * *

* * * * JUP * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* MER 2* SUN 3*

* * MAR * * *

* * SAT * * *

* MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * 4*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * RAH 5*

* * * KET *

* * * *

* JUP Cp* * Le*


* 9* VEN 8* 7* 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * MER * * MOO * *

* * * * * *

* SUN * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* MAR * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * SAT LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* RAH * * * JUP * *

* KET * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * VEN * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* 2* 3*

* * SUN * * *

* * * * *

* JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * MOO 4*

* * * MER *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * 5*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT Cp* * Le*


* 9* 8* 7* MAR 6*

* * * * VEN *

* * * * RAH *

* Sa* Sc* Li* KET Vi*



North Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * JUP * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * * *

* * MER * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* * * * SAT * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * RAH * * * *

* * VEN KET * *

Best regards



Nikolai Agafonov.Director

Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02









Message: 13

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:14:39 +0400


Re: the influence of yogas-example (part2)


Sarv-Ashtaka Varga Chart



* * * * *

* 24 * 34 * 37 * 28 *

* * * * *


* * * *

* 26 * * 19 *

* * * *

******* *******

* * * *

* 27 * * 29 *

* * * *


* * * * *

* 22 * 24 * 36 * 31 *

* * * * *





** 37 * 24 **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* 28 ** 34 ** 26 *

* * * * * *

* * 19 * * 27 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* 29 ** 36 ** 22 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 31 * 24 **




Asht. Varga

Bindus in Own

Name Signs B/M Shastiamsa


Ascendant M Kala Pavaka

Sun 5 B Kinnara

Moon 5 B Payodhi

Mars 1 B Mahesvara

Mercury 2 B Kshiteesa

Jupiter 4 B Indu

Venus 4 B Deva

Saturn 3 B Marut

Rahu B Mahesvara

Ketu B Mahesvara




Planet Shastiamsa M/B Meaning


Ascendant Kala Pavaka M The destructive fire at the end of the world

Sun Kinnara B A mythical being with a human head in the form

of a horse, a bad or deformed man

Moon Payodhi B Ocean

Mars Mahesvara B Siva

Mercury Kshiteesa B Ruler of the earth

Jupiter Indu B Moon, the number 1, camphor

Venus Deva B Divine

Saturn Marut B The wind god

Rahu Mahesvara B Siva

Ketu Mahesvara B Siva



Planet Latitude Veloc. Deg/Day



Sun 1.03 1.0168

Moon + 09:19 1.14 14.9865

Mars + 14:27 -0.00 -0.0022

Mercury - 10:55 -0.12 -0.1408

Jupiter - 16:46 -0.99 -0.1310

Venus + 03:56 1.22 1.2575

Saturn + 08:58 -0.04 -0.0028

Rahu + 01:17

Ketu + 01:17



Planet Owns Exlt.Debil Frnd Enmy Trin Kend Dust.



Sun 1 2 2 6 5 1 7 2

Moon 2 1 1 4 3 5 6

Mars 2 2 3 5 2 4 5 5

Mercury 2 5 1 5 1

Jupiter 3 2 2 3 3 4 3

Venus 4 2 3 4 1 4 5 4

Saturn 1 3 1 6 5 6 6 2

Rahu 1 2 1 5 6

Ketu 2 2 4 5 4



Planet Lord Sub SubSub Disp. Rasi & Navamsa


Lagna Ven Merc Jup Sun Mars

Sun Merc Jup Ven Mars Jup

Moon Sun Mars Merc Jup Jup

Mars Merc Merc Jup Moon Jup

Mercury Ven Ven Moon Jup Sun

Jupiter Rahu Jup Jup Merc Jup

Venus Merc Merc Mars Mars Jup

Saturn Ketu Rahu Ven Sun Merc

Rahu Moon Merc Merc Merc Merc

Ketu Merc Merc Jup Jup Jup



Planet Aim Symbol Deity Sex Caste


Lagna Kama Font legs of Bhaga F Brahmin

Sun Artha Umbrella Indra F Servant

Moon Moksha Back of Squar Visvadev F Kshatriya

Mars Dharma Serpent Nagas F Lowest

Mercury Moksha Front of Squa Apas F Brahmin

Jupiter Kama Head Lord Rud F Butcher

Venus Artha Umbrella Indra F Servant

Saturn Artha Palanquin Pitris F Shudra

Rahu Moksha Palm Suryadev M Vaisya

Ketu Moksha Fish Pushan F Shudra



Planet State Ear Wat Fire Air Odd Even Card Fixed Comm


Lagna 4 1 5 5 10 5 9 4 2

Sun NTL 3 5 4 3 7 8 6 5 4

Moon ENM 4 5 3 3 6 9 3 3 9

Mars NTL 6 5 2 2 4 11 7 4 4

Mercury ENM 2 5 7 1 8 7 6 5 4

Jupiter GEN 5 3 4 3 7 8 3 5 7

Venus ENM 5 4 3 3 6 9 3 4 8

Saturn NTL 4 1 4 6 10 5 6 5 4

Rahu 5 6 2 2 4 11 4 3 8

Ketu 6 4 2 3 5 10 4 4 7



Planet Shad Bala Bhava Vimsho Karaka for:


Lagna 6.5

Sun 0.7 8.0 52% Amatya (Mind)

Moon 1.5 7.8 53% Atma (Self)

Mars 1.6 10.9 67% Bhatri (Father/Brother

Mercury 1.1 7.8 51% Putra (Children)

Jupiter 1.1 10.3 67% Gnati (Caste)

Venus 0.8 8.0 70% Matri (Mother)

Saturn 1.5 6.5 59% Dara (Spouse)

Rahu 8.3

Ketu 7.8



Planet Body Part By Drekkana By Star


Lagna General Pelvis Right Hand

Sun Stomach Right Thigh Right Torso

Moon Chest Right Knee Waist

Mars Head Left Shoulder Ears

Mercury Neck/Shoulders Right Heart Back

Jupiter Waist/Genitals Left Ear Eyes

Venus Face Right Side Right Torso

Saturn Thighs Head Lips/Chin

Rahu Legs Right Shoulder Fingers

Ketu Legs Left Chest Ankles



Planet Dwadashamsha (12 parts) Meaning Age


Lagna Age

Sun Cattle Child

Moon Yogic Practices Dead

Mars Mysticism Teenage

Mercury Pregnancy Youthful

Jupiter Education Teenage

Venus Comforts Youthful

Saturn Head Teenage

Rahu Concentration Teenage

Ketu Homicide Teenage



Planet House Names Natural Karaka(s)


Lagna Tanu Body Sun

Sun Sukha Happiness Moon/Mercury

Moon Suta Son Jupiter

Mars Vyaya Loss Saturn

Mercury Suta Son Jupiter

Jupiter Labha Gain Jupiter

Venus Sukha Happiness Moon/Mercury

Saturn Tanu Body Sun

Rahu Dhana Wealth Jupiter

Ketu Mrityu Death Saturn



Planet Lag Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket


Lagna 8 11 26 10 23 8 27 3 17

Sun 21 4 19 3 16 1 20 23 10

Moon 18 25 16 27 13 25 17 20 7

Mars 3 10 13 12 25 10 2 5 19

Mercury 19 26 2 17 14 26 18 21 8

Jupiter 6 13 16 4 15 13 5 8 22

Venus 21 1 4 19 3 16 20 23 10

Saturn 2 9 12 27 11 24 9 4 18

Rahu 26 6 9 24 8 21 6 25 15

Ketu 12 19 22 10 21 7 19 11 14



Planet Stars to Lagna: Result (Sanskrit)



Sun 21 Losses Vipat

Moon 18 Very Good Param Mitra

Mars 3 Losses Vipat

Mercury 19 Danger Janma

Jupiter 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

Venus 21 Losses Vipat

Saturn 2 Wealth Sampat

Rahu 26 Good Mitra

Ketu 12 Losses Vipat



Planet Stars to Sun: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 8 Good Mitra


Moon 25 Dangers Naidhana

Mars 10 Danger Janma

Mercury 26 Good Mitra

Jupiter 13 Prosperity Kshema

Venus 1 Danger Janma

Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

Ketu 19 Danger Janma



Planet Stars to Moon: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 11 Wealth Sampat

Sun 4 Prosperity Kshema


Mars 13 Prosperity Kshema

Mercury 2 Wealth Sampat

Jupiter 16 Dangers Naidhana

Venus 4 Prosperity Kshema

Saturn 12 Losses Vipat

Rahu 9 Very Good Param Mitra

Ketu 22 Prosperity Kshema



Planet Stars to Mars: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 26 Good Mitra

Sun 19 Danger Janma

Moon 16 Dangers Naidhana


Mercury 17 Good Mitra

Jupiter 4 Prosperity Kshema

Venus 19 Danger Janma

Saturn 27 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

Ketu 10 Danger Janma



Planet Stars to Mercury: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 10 Danger Janma

Sun 3 Losses Vipat

Moon 27 Very Good Param Mitra

Mars 12 Losses Vipat


Jupiter 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

Venus 3 Losses Vipat

Saturn 11 Wealth Sampat

Rahu 8 Good Mitra

Ketu 21 Losses Vipat



Planet Stars to Jupiter: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 23 Obstacles Pratyak

Sun 16 Dangers Naidhana

Moon 13 Prosperity Kshema

Mars 25 Dangers Naidhana

Mercury 14 Obstacles Pratyak


Venus 16 Dangers Naidhana

Saturn 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

Rahu 21 Losses Vipat

Ketu 7 Dangers Naidhana



Planet Stars to Venus: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 8 Good Mitra

Sun 1 Danger Janma

Moon 25 Dangers Naidhana

Mars 10 Danger Janma

Mercury 26 Good Mitra

Jupiter 13 Prosperity Kshema


Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

Ketu 19 Danger Janma



Planet Stars to Saturn: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 27 Very Good Param Mitra

Sun 20 Wealth Sampat

Moon 17 Good Mitra

Mars 2 Wealth Sampat

Mercury 18 Very Good Param Mitra

Jupiter 5 Obstacles Pratyak

Venus 20 Wealth Sampat


Rahu 25 Dangers Naidhana

Ketu 11 Wealth Sampat



Planet Stars to Rahu: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 3 Losses Vipat

Sun 23 Obstacles Pratyak

Moon 20 Wealth Sampat

Mars 5 Obstacles Pratyak

Mercury 21 Losses Vipat

Jupiter 8 Good Mitra

Venus 23 Obstacles Pratyak

Saturn 4 Prosperity Kshema


Ketu 14 Obstacles Pratyak



Planet Stars to Ketu: Result (Sanskrit)


Lagna 17 Good Mitra

Sun 10 Danger Janma

Moon 7 Dangers Naidhana

Mars 19 Danger Janma

Mercury 8 Good Mitra

Jupiter 22 Prosperity Kshema

Venus 10 Danger Janma

Saturn 18 Very Good Param Mitra

Rahu 15 Fulfilment Sadhana



South Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* 2* JUP 3*

* * MER * * *

* * * * *

* VEN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * SUN 4*

* * * KET *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * MOO 5*

* * * SAT *

* * * *

* RAH Cp* * Le*


* 9* MAR 8* 7* 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * VEN * *

* * * * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* MER * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * KET * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* MOO * * * RAH * *

* SAT * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * MAR * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born



* 11* 12* LAG 1* 2*

* * * VEN * *

* RAH * * * *

* MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 10* * 3*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 9* * SUN 4*

* * * SAT *

* * * *

* MAR Cp* * Le*


* 8* 7* 6* MOO 5*

* * * * JUP *

* * * * KET *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * GEM* VEN * ARI* *

* CAN** **PIS *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * RAH *

* * SAT * * * MER *

* * * TAU * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO * AQU *

* * * * * *

* * * SCO * * *

* MOO * * * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* KET * * * * *

* * * * * *

* VIR** **CAP *

* * LIB* * SAG* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MAR *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* VEN 2* 3*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * SUN 4*

* * * *

* * * *

* KET Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * RAH 5*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT Cp* * Le*


* 9* 8* MAR 7* 6*

* * * MER * *

* * * * *

* MOO Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * VEN * * JUP * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * KET *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* RAH * * * SAT * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * MAR * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* MER * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MOO *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born



* 7* 8* JUP 9* MER 10*

* * * SAT * *

* * * * *

* SUN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 6* * 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 5* * 12*

* * * *

* KET RAH * * *

* VEN MAR Cp* * Le*


* 4* 3* 2* LAG 1*

* * * * MOO *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * LIB* MOO * LEO* *

* SCO** **CAN *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * VIR * * *

* * * * * *

* SAG * GEM *

* * * * * *

* * * PIS * * *

* MAR * * * MER * *

* VEN * * * * *

* RAH * * * * *

* KET * * SUN * * *

* CAP** **TAU *

* * AQU* * ARI* *

* * * * * SAT *

* * * * * JUP *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born



* 3* 4* MAR 5* MOO 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 2* * RAH 7*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 1* * JUP 8*

* * * *

* * * *

* KET LAG Cp* * Le*


* 12* SUN 11* 10* VEN 9*

* * * * SAT *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* MER * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * AQU* KET * SAG* *

* PIS** **SCO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * SUN *

* * * CAP * * *

* * * * * *

* ARI * LIB *

* * * * * *

* * * CAN * * *

* MAR * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * RAH * * *

* TAU** **VIR *

* * GEM* * LEO* *

* * * * * SAT *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * JUP * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born



* 10* VEN 11* 12* LAG 1*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 9* * SUN 2*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 8* * MAR 3*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT Cp* * Le*


* 7* MER 6* JUP 5* 4*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* KET RAH Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * *

* MAR * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * CAN* * TAU* *

* LEO** **ARI *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * GEM * * *

* * * * * *

* VIR * PIS *

* * * * * *

* * * SAG * * *

* JUP * * * MOO * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * RAH * * *

* LIB** **AQU *

* * SCO* KET * CAP* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * MER * * SAT * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* KET 2* 3*

* * SUN * * *

* * MER * * *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * 4*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * JUP 5*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 9* RAH 8* SAT 7* MOO 6*

* * * * MAR *

* * * * *

* VEN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * KET * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * MER LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SAT * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * MAR * * * *

* * MOO * * RAH * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born



* 10* RAH 11* MER 12* LAG 1*

* * * * VEN *

* * * * *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 9* * 2*

* * * *

* * * *

* MAR Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 8* * 3*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 7* MOO 6* SAT 5* SUN 4*

* * * KET * JUP *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * MER * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * CAN* VEN * TAU* *

* LEO** **ARI *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * SUN * * * *

* * JUP * * * RAH *

* * * GEM * * *

* * * * * *

* VIR * PIS *

* * * * * *

* * * SAG * * *

* SAT * * * * *

* KET * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LIB** **AQU *

* * SCO* * CAP* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MAR *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born



* 7* JUP 8* VEN 9* 10*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 6* * MER 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 5* * 12*

* * * *

* * * *

* MAR Cp* * Le*


* 4* SAT 3* SUN 2* LAG 1*

* * * * RAH *

* * * * KET *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * *

* SAT * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * LIB* RAH * LEO* *

* SCO** **CAN *

* * * KET LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * MER *

* * * VIR * * *

* * * * * *

* SAG * GEM *

* * * * * *

* * * PIS * * *

* MAR * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * MOO * * *

* CAP** **TAU *

* * AQU* * ARI* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * * * *

* * * * JUP * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* MER 2* SUN 3*

* * MAR * * *

* * SAT * * *

* MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * 4*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * RAH 5*

* * * KET *

* * * *

* JUP Cp* * Le*


* 9* VEN 8* 7* 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * MER * * MOO * *

* * * * * *

* SUN * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* MAR * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * SAT LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* RAH * * * JUP * *

* KET * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * VEN * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born



* 12* LAG 1* 2* 3*

* * SUN * * *

* * * * *

* JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 11* * MOO 4*

* * * MER *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 10* * 5*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT Cp* * Le*


* 9* 8* 7* MAR 6*

* * * * VEN *

* * * * RAH *

* Sa* Sc* Li* KET Vi*



North Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * JUP * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

* GEM** **AQU *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * * *

* * MER * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN * CAP *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* * * * SAT * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* LEO** **SAG *

* * VIR* * SCO* *

* * * * * *

* * RAH * * * *

* * VEN KET * * * *

* * MAR * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Bhamsa Chart for Male born



* 2* MER 3* MOO 4* 5*

* * VEN * MAR * *

* * * JUP * *

* Pi* Ar* KET Ta* Ge*


* 1* * 6*

* * * *

* * * *

* LAG Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 12* * 7*

* * * *

* * * *

* SUN Cp* * Le*


* 11* RAH 10* SAT 9* 8*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Bhamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * SUN * *

* * * * * *

* MER * * * * *

* VEN * * * * *

* * PIS* * CAP* *

* ARI** **SAG *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * * *

* * MAR * * * *

* * JUP * AQU * * *

* * KET * * * *

* TAU * SCO *

* * * * * *

* * * LEO * * *

* * * * RAH * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* GEM** **LIB *

* * CAN* * VIR* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * SAT *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Trimshamsa Chart for Male born



* KET 6* 7* 8* 9*

* RAH * * * *

* VEN * * * *

* MAR Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 5* * 10*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT JUP Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 4* * 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 3* SUN 2* LAG 1* 12*

* * * MOO * *

* * * * *

* MER Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Trimshamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * SUN * * * *

* * * * * *

* MER * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SCO* MOO * VIR* *

* SAG** **LEO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* * * * * *

* CAP * CAN *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* SAT * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* AQU** **GEM *

* * PIS* * TAU* *

* * * * * *

* * RAH * * * *

* * VEN KET * * * *

* * MAR * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Khavedamsa Chart for Male born



* 3* 4* 5* MOO 6*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 2* * 7*

* * * *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 1* * 8*

* * * *

* * * *

* SAT LAG Cp* * Le*


* 12* 11* KET SUN 10* VEN 9*

* * * MAR * *

* * * MER * *

* Sa* Sc* RAH Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Khavedamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* JUP * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * AQU* SAT * SAG* *

* PIS** **SCO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * CAP * * *

* * * * KET * *


* * * * MER * *

* * * CAN * MAR * *

* * * * SUN * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* TAU** **VIR *

* * GEM* * LEO* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VEN *

* * * * * *

* * MOO * * * *

** * * **



South Indian Style Akshavedamsa Chart for Male born



* 6* 7* 8* SAT 9*

* * * * *

* KET * * * *

* RAH Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 5* * MOO 10*

* * * MAR *

* * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 4* * MER 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* JUP Cp* * Le*


* 3* 2* LAG 1* 12*

* * * VEN * *

* * * * *

* SUN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Akshavedamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* SUN * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SCO* VEN * VIR* *

* SAG** **LEO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * JUP * * * *

* * * * * MER *

* * * LIB * * *

* * * * * *

* CAP * CAN *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * MAR * *

* * * * MOO * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* AQU** **GEM *

* * PIS* * TAU* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * SAT *

* * KET * * * *

* * RAH * * * *

** * * **







Nikolai Agafonov.Director

Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02









Message: 14

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:15:39 +0400


Re: the influence of yogas-example (part3)


South Indian Style Shastiamsa Chart for Male born



* 6* 7* SUN 8* 9*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*


* 5* * MAR 10*

* * * *

* * * *

* KET Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 4* * 11*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 3* MER 2* LAG 1* MOO 12*

* * JUP * VEN * SAT *

* * * * RAH *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*



North Indian Style Shastiamsa Chart for Male born



** * * **

* * MER * * MOO * *

* * JUP * * SAT * *

* * * * RAH * *

* * * * * *

* * SCO* VEN * VIR* *

* SAG** **LEO *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * LIB * * *

* * * * * *

* CAP * CAN *

* * * * * *

* * * ARI * * *

* KET * * * MAR * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* AQU** **GEM *

* * PIS* * TAU* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * SUN * *

** * * **





Nikolai Agafonov.Director

Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02









Message: 15

Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:17:26 +0400


Re: the influence of yogas-example (part4)


List of Yogas

for Male born


Each Yoga has it's name underlined. Following the name

you see the configuration of factors which cause the yoga

in Goravani Jyotish Tag Form (a type of astrological

shorthand) and then translated. The readings for the yogas

can be found amongst the other readings.




Bhagyavahana Yo



The lord of the 5 is in 11, and the lord of the 11 is in



Bodily Discomfort



The lord of the 1 conjoins a malefic planet or the lord

of the 1 is in 8, and is not the lord of the 1 is

aspected by a benefic, and is not the lord of the 1

conjoins a benefic.






The lord of the 5 conjoins Venus or the lord of the 5

conjoins Mercury or the lord of the 5 conjoins Jupiter or

the lord of the 5 is aspected by Venus or the lord of the

5 is aspected by Mercury or the lord of the 5 is aspected

by Jupiter, and 5 is aspected by Venus or 5 is aspected

by Mercury or 5 is aspected by Jupiter or Venus is in 5

or Mercury is in 5 or Jupiter is in 5.





A malefic planet is in 2, and the lord of the 2 conjoins

a malefic planet or the lord of the 2 DEB.





The lord of the 1 is in a kendra or Venus is in a kendra

or Jupiter is in a kendra.


Good Creativity




Jupiter is the lord of the 5, and the Sun is in Aries or

the Sun is in Leo or the Sun is in a trine or the Sun is

in a kendra, and is not the Sun DEB.





The lord of the 5 is in 11, and the lord of the 11 is in

5, and Moon is in 5.





Venus conjoins Mars or Mars is aspected by Venus or Venus

is in Aries or Venus is in Scorpio.


Putra Sukha ----



Mercury is in 5.



Raja on 12



The lord of the 9 is in 12, and the lord of the 4 is in

12, and Leo is in 1 or Aquarius is in 1.


Raja on 3 by Aspect



3 is aspected by the lord of the 4, and 3 is aspected by

the lord of the 9.


Raja on 3 by Aspect



3 is aspected by the lord of the 5, and 3 is aspected by

the lord of the 7.


Raja on 3 by Aspect



3 is aspected by the lord of the 7, and 3 is aspected by

the lord of the 9.


Raja on 4



The lord of the 1 is in 4, and the lord of the 10 is in

4, and is not Virgo is in 1, and is not Pisces is in



Raja on 6 by Aspect



6 is aspected by the lord of the 9, and 6 is aspected by

the lord of the 4.


Raja on 7 by Aspect



7 is aspected by the lord of the 5, and 7 is aspected by

the lord of the 4.


Raja on 7 by Aspect



7 is aspected by the lord of the 5, and 7 is aspected by

the lord of the 7.


Raja on 7 by Aspect



7 is aspected by the lord of the 9, and 7 is aspected by

the lord of the 4.


Raja on 7 by Aspect



7 is aspected by the lord of the 9, and 7 is aspected by

the lord of the 7.


Rogagrastha -



The lord of the 1 is considered Weak in Shad Bala.



Separated from Family



The lord of the 4 conjoins a malefic planet or the lord

of the 4 is aspected by a malefic planet or the lord of

the 4 is in the house of an enemy or the lord of the 4 is

in the house of a great friend the house of a great

friend or the lord of the 4 DEB.


Strong Raja on 12



The lord of the 9 is in 12, and the lord of the 4 is in



Weak Raja on 10 by Aspect



10 is aspected by the lord of the 10, and 10 is aspected

by the lord of the 1, and is not Virgo is in 1, and is

not Pisces is in 1.


Weak Raja on 10 by Aspect



10 is aspected by the lord of the 7, and 10 is aspected

by the lord of the 1.



Nikolai Agafonov.Director

Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02








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In general a stone is worn if the planet (jupiter in your case) is

weak in strength. The general principle is that a planet, good/bad

(by nature or ownership of houses) tends to do do good/less evil if

it is strong. Wearing s stone strenghtens the planet (in essence) for

the individual and improves the houses it owns.


If jupiter owns good houses in your horoscope then wearing the stone

should continue. However, if it owns dusthanas, please avoid it,

unless it is debilitated or afflicted.

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I noticed substancial changes in my life (for Jupiter)

when I began wearing Jade!

--- Anand <aquamarine wrote:

> Hi ,


> I will be very thankful if I get some advice abuot

> wearing stones. Way back

> when my Rahu Mahadasha was just about to start , I

> was advised to wear

> Yellow Sapphire. Now my Guru Mahadasha is on . Do I

> continue to wear the

> stone ? Will it have any beneficial effects even now

> ? Or will it accentuate

> the qualities of Jupiter to be excess ? Please help

> .


> Thanks in advance .


> Regards ,


> Anand


> Consultant - Work Simplification and System Redesign

> hmm_aha

> simplework.homepage.com

> -

> <gjlist >

> <gjlist >

> Wednesday, August 16, 2000 4:24 PM

> [gjlist] Digest Number 124





> gjlist-






> There are 15 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: kala sarpa yoga

> "costa" <costa

> 2. Re: kala sarpa yoga

> lostinmotion

> 3. Re: Next Bava Conference

> "danielle-rose"

> <danielle-rose

> 4. why the delay???

> Rhoda Reporter <rhodes10

> 5. Question on a time...

> "Tarun K. Tripathy"

> <ttripath

> 6. the influence of yogas-example

> Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

> 7. Re: kala sarpa yoga

> Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

> 8. RE: kala sarpa yoga

> Prakash Desai <pdesai

> 9. Re: the influence of yogas-example

> "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

> 10. Re: the influence of yogas-example

> "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

> 11. Re: the influence of yogas-example

> root

> 12. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part1)

> root

> 13. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part2)

> root

> 14. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part3)

> root

> 15. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part4)

> root








> Message: 1

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:09:49 -0500

> "costa" <costa

> Re: kala sarpa yoga


> Dear Manoj

> I agree with Zoran .The yogas can put the finishing

> touches to the chart .

> Beginners however should first learn to identify the

> strengths and

> weaknesses of the planets. If yogas were not

> important sage Parasara would

> not have gone to so much trouble to elaborate on

> them




> I agree that Rahu can be a great benefit in a chart,

> when well placed.

> There is

> no doubt in that.


> Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he

> will wreak havoc. For

> example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu

> mahadasha .Rahu is not

> spiritually evolved .


> OK. Would you like me to post a chart which is not

> more afflicted than an

> avarage

> chart. However, the person had such a life that is

> hardy to imagine. There

> is


> major bad yoga that destroyed person's life. You

> will meet with terrible

> obstacles to

> scrutinize person's life with ordinary planetary

> assesment. I agree that in


> nodal

> axis is very important, but you will see that in

> some charts, yogas give

> extraordinary

> good or bad effects.


> Please present the chart.

> Nicholas






> gjlist-











> Message: 2

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:09:02 -0000

> lostinmotion

> Re: kala sarpa yoga


> Hello Manoj,


> My version of BPHS covers Kuja dosha under the

> chapter on female

> horoscopy. The cancellation of kuja dosha occurs

> here, when the

> planet is aspected by a benefic. Or there is an

> equal yoga in the

> partner's chart. So there is yoga bhanga twice

> mentioned. However I

> realize that my copy of BPHS may be different from

> yours.


> As to Kala Sarpa yoga, Bhrigu mentions that the

> enclosure of the

> planets between malefics is very bad, especially if

> Rahu is one of

> them.


> Alex


> gjlist , "Manoj Pathak"

> <manojpathak@h...> wrote:

> > Namaste Mu Mian,

> >

> > To disagree is your prerogative and I cant help

> it. Disagreement is

> a sign

> > of growth provided it is positive and

> constructive. Disagreeing for

> the sake

> > of disagreement could be a negative tendency,

> which I am happy is

> not

> > present in your note.

> >

> > Regarding you views, I would give my frank views

> here :

> >

> > Kuja Dosha or Mangala Dosha. Yes, there is no

> mention, but if you

> read books

> > on Muhurta, Muhurta Chintamani, Muhurta Martand,

> Muhurta Paarijaat,

> you

> > would find its mention invariably there. But this

> does not mean

> that I am

> > according sanctity to Mangala Dosha.

> >

> > If you look at the placements of Mars to give rise

> to Mangala

> Dosha, you

> > would find that this Mars afflicts the houses

> related to marriage

> and

> > because of the intrinsic malefic qualities of

> Mars, astrologers


=== message truncated ===





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Hi Anand,


If Jupiter owns the 2nd, 7th it is very dangerous for your health to

wear the stone, as Jupiter's energies will be strengthened whether

bad or good.


Likewise if Jupiter is functionally malefic, or owns the 6th, 8th,

12th the houses owned will be strengthened, thereby bringing more

malefic effects into your life.


Particularily be careful if you are a Taurus or Libra ascendant, as

Jupiter is very dangerous for these.





gjlist , "Anand" <aquamarine@p...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I will be very thankful if I get some advice abuot wearing stones.

Way back

> when my Rahu Mahadasha was just about to start , I was advised to


> Yellow Sapphire. Now my Guru Mahadasha is on . Do I continue to

wear the

> stone ? Will it have any beneficial effects even now ? Or will it


> the qualities of Jupiter to be excess ? Please help .


> Thanks in advance .


> Regards ,


> Anand


> Consultant - Work Simplification and System Redesign

> hmm_aha

> simplework.homepage.com

> -

> <gjlist >

> <gjlist >

> Wednesday, August 16, 2000 4:24 PM

> [gjlist] Digest Number 124





> gjlist-



> --



> There are 15 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: kala sarpa yoga

> "costa" <costa@A...>

> 2. Re: kala sarpa yoga

> lostinmotion@h...

> 3. Re: Next Bava Conference

> "danielle-rose" <danielle-rose@c...>

> 4. why the delay???

> Rhoda Reporter <rhodes10>

> 5. Question on a time...

> "Tarun K. Tripathy" <ttripath@c...>

> 6. the influence of yogas-example

> Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa@p...>

> 7. Re: kala sarpa yoga

> Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa@p...>

> 8. RE: kala sarpa yoga

> Prakash Desai <pdesai@i...>

> 9. Re: the influence of yogas-example

> "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@o...>

> 10. Re: the influence of yogas-example

> "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@o...>

> 11. Re: the influence of yogas-example

> root@k...

> 12. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part1)

> root@k...

> 13. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part2)

> root@k...

> 14. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part3)

> root@k...

> 15. Re: the influence of yogas-example (part4)

> root@k...










> Message: 1

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:09:49 -0500

> "costa" <costa@A...>

> Re: kala sarpa yoga


> Dear Manoj

> I agree with Zoran .The yogas can put the finishing touches to the

chart .

> Beginners however should first learn to identify the strengths and

> weaknesses of the planets. If yogas were not important sage

Parasara would

> not have gone to so much trouble to elaborate on them




> I agree that Rahu can be a great benefit in a chart, when well


> There is

> no doubt in that.


> Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he will wreak

havoc. For

> example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu mahadasha .Rahu

is not

> spiritually evolved .


> OK. Would you like me to post a chart which is not more afflicted

than an

> avarage

> chart. However, the person had such a life that is hardy to

imagine. There

> is


> major bad yoga that destroyed person's life. You will meet with


> obstacles to

> scrutinize person's life with ordinary planetary assesment. I agree

that in


> nodal

> axis is very important, but you will see that in some charts, yogas


> extraordinary

> good or bad effects.


> Please present the chart.

> Nicholas

> [<http://adimg./img/7746/1/_/913692/_/966217916/>]

> <http://click./1/7746/1/_/913692/_/966217916/>


> gjlist-













> Message: 2

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:09:02 -0000

> lostinmotion@h...

> Re: kala sarpa yoga


> Hello Manoj,


> My version of BPHS covers Kuja dosha under the chapter on female

> horoscopy. The cancellation of kuja dosha occurs here, when the

> planet is aspected by a benefic. Or there is an equal yoga in the

> partner's chart. So there is yoga bhanga twice mentioned. However I

> realize that my copy of BPHS may be different from yours.


> As to Kala Sarpa yoga, Bhrigu mentions that the enclosure of the

> planets between malefics is very bad, especially if Rahu is one of

> them.


> Alex


> gjlist , "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote:

> > Namaste Mu Mian,

> >

> > To disagree is your prerogative and I cant help it. Disagreement


> a sign

> > of growth provided it is positive and constructive. Disagreeing


> the sake

> > of disagreement could be a negative tendency, which I am happy is

> not

> > present in your note.

> >

> > Regarding you views, I would give my frank views here :

> >

> > Kuja Dosha or Mangala Dosha. Yes, there is no mention, but if you

> read books

> > on Muhurta, Muhurta Chintamani, Muhurta Martand, Muhurta


> you

> > would find its mention invariably there. But this does not mean

> that I am

> > according sanctity to Mangala Dosha.

> >

> > If you look at the placements of Mars to give rise to Mangala

> Dosha, you

> > would find that this Mars afflicts the houses related to marriage

> and

> > because of the intrinsic malefic qualities of Mars, astrologers

> have been

> > scary of these particular placements of Mars. What happens, if

> Saturn or

> > Rahu occupy these positions ? Do we mean to say, they would not

> spoil

> > marriage in such cases, they would if they are qualified to do it.

> >

> > So, as I have been often saying, never look at anything


> have a

> > total view. We often talk of Yogas, but never have we talked about

> Yoga

> > Bhanga or Yoga cancellation.

> >

> > Imagine a time when Jupiter is transitting through Cancer. During

> that year,

> > every day in Four Lagnas we would have Mahapurushas taking birth,

> does it

> > happen in reality. You find a Mahapurusha, perhaps, once in a

> century.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > Manoj

> >

> >

> > >Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey>

> > >gjlist

> > >gjlist

> > >Re: [gjlist] kala sarpa yoga

> > >Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:06:19 -0700 (PDT)

> > >

> > >Namaste Manoj,

> > >

> > >While I can appreciate your comments, I have to say

> > >that I must disagree with your view, that things must

> > >be sanctioned by the classical works in order for them

> > >to be "alright". As Light on Life points out, this

> > >combination doesn;t have a great written about it, yet

> > >many, many Jyotishis know of it, whether they pay any

> > >attention to it or not.

> > >

> > >Everyone knows about Kuja Dosha, even the populace of

> > >India, yet there aren't any mention of this in BPHS,

> > >Phaladeepika, Brihat Jatak, etc. So, just because it's

> > >not in all of the classics, it doesn;t mean that it

> > >isn't relevant.

> > >

> > >While I have always admired the classics, I have also

> > >come to respect my own experience, too; and to that

> > >end, I have found that KSY, like Kuja Dosha, to be

> > >operating in the charts of people that I know very

> > >well. If you want, I can show these cases to you.

> > >

> > >Salaam,

> > >Mu

> > >--- Manoj Pathak <manojpathak@h...> wrote:

> > > > (Kala means both 'black' and 'time', and here refers

> > > > to

> > > > > >Ketu) and serpents (sarpa, which here refers to

> > > > Rahu)

> > > >

> > > > Dear Patrice,

> > > >

> > > > Kala which you mention here means only time. It is

> > > > Kal not Kala. And Kal is

> > > > Samay or better still the wheel of time. Therefore

> > > > dont confuse this with

> > > > Kala (black). If you know hindi or sanskrit, it

> > > > would be easy to follow. And

> > > > astrologically, Saturn is Kal or Time.

> > > >

> > > > When none of the classics have any mention about

> > > > this yoga, they why do we

> > > > un-necessary stress upon such combinations. Of

> > > > course you have to have a

> > > > Rahu in the Chart and a Ketu in the Chart. They may

> > > > be placed in any of the

> > > > houses, diametrically opposite to each other and are

> > > > there only to dispense

> > > > destiny as destined by HIM. So please dont worry

> > > > about them too much.

> > > >

> > > > Analyse this yoga also as per placement of Rahu and

> > > > Ketu and not as Kal

> > > > Sarpa Yoga.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > >

> > > > Manoj

> > > >

> >



> ___

> > > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> > > > http://www.hotmail.com

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Kick off your party with Invites.

> > >http://invites./

> >

> >



> __

> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> http://www.hotmail.com











> Message: 3

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:35:49 +0100

> "danielle-rose" <danielle-rose@c...>

> Re: Next Bava Conference


> Dear Mu


> Yes, tapes will be available after the conference.


> Regards.

> Dany



> Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey>

> gjlist <gjlist >

> 11 August 2000 20:38

> Re: [gjlist] Next Bava Conference



> >Hi Dany,

> >

> >Thanks for the info so far, and please do keep me

> >posted on those tapes!

> >

> >Salaam,

> >Mu

> >--- danielle-rose <danielle-rose@c...>

> >wrote:

> >> Dear Mu

> >>

> >> Here's list of speakers to the conference:

> >>

> >> Jaya Shekhar (India)

> >> Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Dennis Harness, William

> >> Levacy, Edith Hathaway,

> >> Christina Collins-Hill (USA).

> >> Hema Bindu (France)

> >> Andrew Foss, Gordon Brennan, Komilla Sutton (UK)

> >>

> >> I don't know about the tapes. I will find out for

> >> you.

> >>

> >> Regards.

> >> Dany

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey>

> >> gjlist <gjlist >

> >> 09 August 2000 23:00

> >> Re: [gjlist] Next Bava Conference

> >>

> >>

> >> >Hi Dani,

> >> >

> >> >I'm going to hit the sitre, and thanks for the

> >> info,

> >> >but....

> >> >

> >> >could you please tell, how's going to be there,

> >> and,

> >> >and this is the most important part, will there be

> >> >lecture tapes available?

> >> >

> >> >Please let me know.

> >> >

> >> >Thanks,

> >> >Mu

> >> >--- danielle-rose

> >> <danielle-rose@c...>

> >> >wrote:

> >> >> Dear List Members

> >> >>

> >> >> If anyone is interested, the next BAVA

> >> International

> >> >> Conference will be held in London (England) from

> >> >> September 28th to October 1st. BAVA stands for

> >> >> British Association for Vedic Astrology and for

> >> the

> >> >> lastest information visit www.bava.org.

> >> >>

> >> >> Namaste!

> >> >> Dany

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> >> >> removed]

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >Kick off your party with Invites.

> >> >http://invites./

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >gjlist-

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Kick off your party with Invites.

> >http://invites./

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >gjlist-

> >

> >

> >












> Message: 4

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 10:57:28 -0700 (PDT)

> Rhoda Reporter <rhodes10>

> why the delay???


> dear list members,

> i am sending some details of a chart of a friend, who

> wishes to know, why she is here in india while her

> husband is working in australia.they have been

> separated for over a year and she is desperately

> trying to join him, but is not able to do so.

> a lot of impediments and delays.

> just for your info, she is at the tail end of her ketu

> dasha.

> she wishes to know, what the future holds for her!!

> thanking you dear friends in advance.

> xperts please oblige!!


> Jan 28,1964

> Time: 4:00PM Zone: 5:30 DST: 0

> secunderabad

> Longitude: 78E27 Latitude: 17N27

> Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:21 365.25 Day Year

> Current Period: Ke/Ju


> As 16:12 Ge

> Su 14:12 Cp

> Mo 07:06 Cn

> Ma 18:35 Cp

> Me 19:32 Sg

> Ju 20:44 Pi

> Ve 20:27 Aq

> Sa 00:12 Aq

> Ra 17:44 Ge

> Ke 17:44 Sg


> waiting to hear from you

> regards

> rhoda




> Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

> /










> Message: 5

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 14:02:19 -0700

> "Tarun K. Tripathy" <ttripath@c...>

> Question on a time...


> Dear All,


> Could someone tell if a very important thing that the native is

> waiting for will go smoothly in the Sept - Dec timeframe ?


> ***************************************

> * Sat * Rahu * * Jup, Ven *

> * * * * Mars *

> ***************************************

> * * * Sun, Mer *

> * * * *

> ********* ***************

> * * * Moon *

> * * * *

> ***************************************

> * * * Ke * *

> * * Asc * * *

> ***************************************

> Jupiter transiting 7th from Lagna

> Sat transiting 7th from Lag

> Dasa-bhukti: Moon-Jupiter

> Pratyantar during Sept-Dec: Mer, Ketu, Venus


> Bye,

> Tarun











> Message: 6

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 13:30:03 +0200

> Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa@p...>

> the influence of yogas-example



> Dear Manoj,

> Here is the chart:

> Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

> Germany in 23h 48 minutes

> 11.27 E 48.47 N

> time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


> Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

> afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

> dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

> Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the benefit

> and easy reference of all.

> Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will see

> that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

> Best wishes,

> Zoran













> Message: 7

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 04:49:28 +0200

> Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa@p...>

> Re: kala sarpa yoga


> Dear Costa,


> > Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he will wreak

havoc. For

> > example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu

mahadasha .Rahu is not

> > spiritually evolved .

> >


> You are completely right, about rahu. There is only one special


> When rahu becomes atmakarak, and is placed in 12th house from arudha

> lagna, the sage is born, as the case is with Shri Ramakrishna. The


> which is the king of the chart, has a sole purpose, to cleanse the

soul from

> its

> sins, thus rahu will reject the fruit of materialism. If placed in


> house

> from

> arudha lagna(loss) the person's direction of life(arudha lagna)

rejects the

> fruits

> of materialism and he/she becomes very spiritual. It is also the

case when

> rahu


> is placed in 7th house from arudha lagna( marak place) while ketu

at the

> same

> time being placed in arudha lagna, turns the direction of life


> moksha.


> > Please present the chart.

> > Nicholas


> It has been sent. Try to see some bad yoga in the chart.

> Best wishes,

> Zoran













> Message: 8

> Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:43:36 -0700

> Prakash Desai <pdesai@i...>

> RE: kala sarpa yoga


> Dear Zoran,


> I have Rahu in the 12th from Arudha Lagna. I also have my Lagna

lord in the

> 12th House. And I can tell you the material world does not please

me even

> though I live in the lap of luxury. My Atmakarak is Venus placed in

his own

> house in Libra in the 9th house. In case you want to study further,

here are

> my details:


> DOB: 7/26/45, 12:46:18 PM (DST On); Navsari (20N51, 72E55), India.


> Thought this might help you confirm what you said. Also my daughter


> child) has Rahu in the 7th (along with Jupiter in Mooltrikona) with

Ketu in

> Lagna! She too is very spiritual.


> Prakash



> Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa@p...]

> Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:49 PM

> gjlist

> Re: [gjlist] kala sarpa yoga



> Dear Costa,


> > Rahu can give worldly boons but at the same time he will wreak


> For

> > example Hitler became a world conqueror during Rahu

mahadasha .Rahu is

> not

> > spiritually evolved .

> >


> You are completely right, about rahu. There is only one special


> When rahu becomes atmakarak, and is placed in 12th house from


> lagna, the sage is born, as the case is with Shri Ramakrishna. The

> atmakarak

> which is the king of the chart, has a sole purpose, to cleanse

the soul

> from

> its

> sins, thus rahu will reject the fruit of materialism. If placed

in 12th

> house

> from

> arudha lagna(loss) the person's direction of life(arudha lagna)


> the

> fruits

> of materialism and he/she becomes very spiritual. It is also the

case when

> rahu


> is placed in 7th house from arudha lagna( marak place) while ketu

at the

> same

> time being placed in arudha lagna, turns the direction of life


> moksha.


> > Please present the chart.

> > Nicholas


> It has been sent. Try to see some bad yoga in the chart.

> Best wishes,

> Zoran





> --


> --




> --


> --


> gjlist-

















> Message: 9

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:41:54 +0800

> "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@o...>

> Re: the influence of yogas-example


> Hi Zoran & All


> I've been away from astrology, the list, and indeed the world, for

the past

> 12mths so I'm more than a little rusty, but here goes.

> I've just taken a VERY QUICK look at the horoscope you put up for

> consideration.


> Firstly:

> All the benefics (MO-ME-JU-VE) are in inimical signs whilst only the

> malefics (SU-MA-SA) are neutral. There are no planets dignified.

This of

> itself does not bode well for a smooth life.


> Secondly:

> Asc.Lord's dispositor (Mars) has gone to the 12th house...this

again (of

> itself) does not bode well for a smooth life.


> Thirdly:

> Mars (in 12th) owns the two most important houses for happiness and


> solving...4th hse; general happiness and contentment, and 9th hse;


> from nature, solutions to problems etc...not much luck! happiness &

> contentment lacking!


> Fourthly:

> Saturn (Lord of 6th & 7th) in ascendant will certainly bring a lot


> difficulties, obstacles & disappointments to the native.


> Fifthly:

> The current dasa period is Rahu...note that Rahu's dispositor

Mercury is

> conjunct 12th lord Moon in the 5th house of the mind.


> Sixth point:

> Vidasa lord Jupiter is in the sign of a great enemy and is being

aspected by

> 12th lord Moon and Rahu's dispositor (Mercury), who has, of

course, taken

> aboard the nature of Rahu.


> Best Regards to All

> Wendy

> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic

> gjlist ; manojpathak@h...

> Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:30 PM

> [gjlist] the influence of yogas-example




> Dear Manoj,

> Here is the chart:

> Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

> Germany in 23h 48 minutes

> 11.27 E 48.47 N

> time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


> Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

> afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

> dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

> Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the


> and easy reference of all.

> Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will


> that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

> Best wishes,

> Zoran





> --


> --




> --


> --


> gjlist-

















> Message: 10

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 13:53:43 +0800

> "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@o...>

> Re: the influence of yogas-example


> Post Script

> Most important feature that I forgot to mention is that 4 planets

are in

> retrograde motion...certainly this of itself will present many


> in life. The houses ruled by these planets will not produce good



> Wendy

> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic

> gjlist ; manojpathak@h...

> Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:30 PM

> [gjlist] the influence of yogas-example




> Dear Manoj,

> Here is the chart:

> Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

> Germany in 23h 48 minutes

> 11.27 E 48.47 N

> time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh


> Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

> afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

> dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

> Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the


> and easy reference of all.

> Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will


> that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

> Best wishes,

> Zoran





> --


> --




> --


> --


> gjlist-

















> Message: 11

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 09:43:58 +0400

> root@k...

> Re: the influence of yogas-example


> Dear Zoran,Hare Krishna!

> This chart...


> Preferences:

> Rachu/Ketu - Mean

> Lunar Parallax - No

> Vimsottari Dasha - 360

> Ashtaka Varga Bindu Scheme :Shri Parashara


> Best regards


> ----------------

> Nikolai Agafonov.Director

> Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

> Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

> 88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

> Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02

> root@k...

> www.kantimala.uzhgorod.ua


> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:51 +0400 Zoran Radosavljevic wrote to

> gjlist , manojpathak@h...:


> >

> > Dear Manoj,

> > Here is the chart:

> > Male born 12.12.1977. in Ingolstadt

> > Germany in 23h 48 minutes

> > 11.27 E 48.47 N

> > time zone 1h Lagna 25.29 simh

> >

> > Please look at this chart, and you will see that it has normal

> > afflictions and normal beneficial places. However, life is totally

> > dark. I have some problems with my GJ program so I shall contact

> > Das about it, therefore if someone can post a chart for the


> > and easy reference of all.

> > Try to give some hints about the chart objectively and you will


> > that mere planetary positions cannot explain the life story,

> > Best wishes,

> > Zoran

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >













> Message: 12

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:11:07 +0400

> root@k...

> Re: the influence of yogas-example (part1)


> Dear Zoran,Hare Krishna!

> This chart...


> Preferences:

> Rachu/Ketu - Mean

> Lunar Parallax - No

> Vimsottari Dasha - 360

> Ashtaka Varga Bindu Scheme :Shri Parashara



> The Horoscope of


> --------------------------------

> Provided to you by

> ------------------

> Kantimala

> 88018,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

> root@k...

> www.kantimala.uzhgorod.ua

> Uzhgorod : (03122) 2-46-02

> Printed on 16/08/2000 at 09:25:39

> Jyotish software: Goravani Jyotish v2


> Based on the data of

> --------------------

> 12/12/1977, at 23:48:00


> Vedic Astrology Weekday (Sunrise to Sunrise): Monday

> Calendar Weekday: Monday

> Lahiri: 23:32:59

> Ingolstadt Germany

> 11 E 27 48 N 46

> Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: -1.00


> Main Classifications for Male born

> --------------------

> Moon Sign: Sagittarius

> Rising Sign: Leo

> Sun Sign: Scorpio

> Moon Star (Nakshatra): Uttarashadha Pada (Quarter): 1

> Tithi 3rd Tithi-Tritiya of Waxing Moon

> Yoga 11th-Vriddhi

> Karan 6th-Gara


> On the day of birth, at the place of birth:

> Sunrise occured at local time:08:07:23

> Sunset occured at local time:16:12:43


> The Positions in the Zodiac of the Ascendant,

> also known as the Lagna, and the Planets,

> and the Nakshatra (Star) ruling over each.

> "Ret"='retrograde', meaning backwards moving.


> Planet Ret Sign (Rasi) Degrees Nakshatras

> --------------------

> Ascendant Leo 25¸ 29' Purvaphalguni

> Sun Scorpio 27¸ 15' Jyestha

> Moon Sagittarius 28¸ 52' Uttarashadha

> Mars R Cancer 18¸ 0' Ashlesha

> Mercury R Sagittarius 13¸ 50' Purvashadha

> Jupiter R Gemini 8¸ 52' Ardra

> Venus Scorpio 17¸ 36' Jyestha

> Saturn R Leo 6¸ 59' Magha

> Rahu Virgo 18¸ 0' Hasta

> Ketu Pisces 18¸ 0' Revati

> South Indian Style Rasi Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 8* 9* 10* 11*

> * * * * *

> * * * * JUP *

> * KET Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 7* * MAR 12*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 6* * 1*

> * * * SAT *

> * * * LAG *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * MOO 5* VEN 4* 3* RAH 2*

> * * * * *

> * MER * * * *

> * Sa* SUN Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Rasi Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * RAH * * MAR * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * VIR* SAT * CAN* *

> * LIB** **GEM *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * JUP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LEO * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VEN SCO * TAU *

> * * * * * *

> * * * AQU * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MER * * * * *

> * SAG** **ARI *

> * * CAP* * PIS* *

> * * * * * *

> * MOO * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * KET * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************

> South Indian Style Bhava Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * SAT 8* 9* 10* 11*

> * MAR * * * *

> * * * RAH * *

> * Pi* LAG Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 7* * 12*

> * * * SUN *

> * * * VEN *

> * JUP Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 6* * 1*

> * * * MER MOO *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 5* 4* 3* 2*

> * * * * *

> * * KET * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Bhava Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * SUN VEN * *

> * * * * * *

> * * 2 * MOO MER * 12 * *

> * 3 ** **11 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * KET * 5 * * *

> * * * * * *

> * 4 * 10 *

> * * * * RAH * *

> * * * 7 * * *

> * * * * * LAG *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * JUP * * *

> * 5 ** ** 9 *

> * * 6 * * 8 * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * MAR * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * SAT * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Navamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 5* 6* 7* SAT 8*

> * * * * RAH *

> * * * * *

> * SUN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 4* * 9*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 3* * MER 10*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 2* LAG 1* 12* 11*

> * KET * * * *

> * VEN JUP * * * *

> * MAR MOO Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Navamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * KET MOO * * * *

> * * VEN MAR * * * *

> * * JUP * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SAG* * LIB* *

> * CAP** **VIR *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SCO * * *

> * * * * * *

> * AQU * LEO *

> * * * * * *

> * * * TAU * * *

> * SUN * * * MER * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * PIS** **CAN *

> * * ARI* * GEM* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * RAH * *

> * * * * SAT * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Chandra Lagna Chart

> or Male born


> *************************************************

> * 4* 5* 6* 7*

> * * * * *

> * * * * JUP *

> * KET Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 3* * MAR 8*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 2* * 9*

> * * * SAT *

> * * * LAG *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * MOO 1* VEN 12* 11* RAH 10*

> * * * * *

> * MER * * * *

> * Sa* SUN Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Chandra Lagna Chart

> or Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * SUN VEN * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * CAP* MOO MER * SCO* *

> * AQU** **LIB *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAG * * *

> * * * * RAH * *

> * KET PIS * VIR *

> * * * * * *

> * * * GEM * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * LAG *

> * * * * * *

> * * * JUP * * *

> * ARI** **LEO *

> * * TAU* * CAN* *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * MAR * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************

> Name Star Qtr. Lord Sub

> ----------

> Ascendant Purvaphalguni 4 Ven Merc

> Sun Jyestha 4 Merc Jup

> Moon Uttarashadha 1 Sun Mars

> Mars Ashlesha 1 Merc Merc

> Mercury Purvashadha 1 Ven Ven

> Jupiter Ardra 1 Rahu Jup

> Venus Jyestha 1 Merc Merc

> Saturn Magha 3 Ketu Rahu

> Rahu Hasta 3 Moon Merc

> Ketu Revati 1 Merc Merc


> Dasha, Bhukti Start Dates

> ----------

> Sun Mars 12/12/1977

> Sun Rahu 07/02/1978

> Sun Jup 28/12/1978

> Sun Sat 12/10/1979

> Sun Merc 18/09/1980

> Sun Ketu 21/07/1981

> Sun Ven 24/11/1981

> Moon Moon 19/11/1982

> Moon Mars 15/09/1983

> Moon Rahu 12/04/1984

> Moon Jup 04/10/1985

> Moon Sat 27/01/1987

> Moon Merc 19/08/1988

> Moon Ketu 11/01/1990

> Moon Ven 09/08/1990

> Moon Sun 31/03/1992

> Mars Mars 27/09/1992

> Mars Rahu 21/02/1993

> Mars Jup 06/03/1994

> Mars Sat 05/02/1995

> Mars Merc 10/03/1996

> Mars Ketu 02/03/1997

> Mars Ven 27/07/1997

> Mars Sun 20/09/1998

> Mars Moon 24/01/1999

> Rahu Rahu 22/08/1999

> Rahu Jup 20/04/2002

> Rahu Sat 31/08/2004

> Rahu Merc 23/06/2007

> Rahu Ketu 27/12/2009

> Rahu Ven 09/01/2011

> Rahu Sun 24/12/2013

> Rahu Moon 13/11/2014

> Rahu Mars 06/05/2016

> Jup Jup 19/05/2017

> Jup Sat 26/06/2019

> Jup Merc 24/12/2021

> Jup Ketu 19/03/2024

> Jup Ven 18/02/2025

> Jup Sun 06/10/2027

> Jup Moon 20/07/2028

> Jup Mars 12/11/2029

> Jup Rahu 14/10/2030

> Sat Sat 24/02/2033

> Sat Merc 12/02/2036

> Sat Ketu 08/10/2038

> Sat Ven 11/11/2039

> Sat Sun 25/12/2042



> Yogi........Mercury

> Degree......29¸ Sco

> Avayogi.....Mars

> Yogi Star...Jyestha



> Sripati Bhava Madhyas

> ---------------------

> 1st 25 Leo

> 2nd 24 Vir

> 3rd 23 Lib

> 4th 22 Sco

> 5th 23 Sag

> 6th 24 Cap

> 7th 25 Aqu

> 8th 24 Pis

> 9th 23 Ari

> 10th 22 Tau

> 11th 23 Gem

> 12th 24 Can



> Sripati Bhava Sandhis

> ---------------------

> Sandhi Between

> 12th & 1st 10 Leo

> 1st & 2nd 10 Vir

> 2nd & 3rd 9 Lib

> 3rd & 4th 8 Sco

> 4th & 5th 8 Sag

> 5th & 6th 9 Cap

> 6th & 7th 10 Aqu

> 7th & 8th 10 Pis

> 8th & 9th 9 Ari

> 9th & 10th 8 Tau

> 10th & 11th 8 Gem

> 11th & 12th 9 Can


> Sripati Bhava Cusps

> Sandhis and Madhyas

> Sandhi Madhya

> Begins Middle

> -------------------------

> 1st 10 Leo 25 Leo

> 2nd 10 Vir 24 Vir

> 3rd 9 Lib 23 Lib

> 4th 8 Sco 22 Sco

> 5th 8 Sag 23 Sag

> 6th 9 Cap 24 Cap

> 7th 10 Aqu 25 Aqu

> 8th 10 Pis 24 Pis

> 9th 9 Ari 23 Ari

> 10th 8 Tau 22 Tau

> 11th 8 Gem 23 Gem

> 12th 9 Can 24 Can


> Shad Bala Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat

> -------------------

> Rupas 4.68 9.11 7.90 7.68 7.16 4.61 7.63

> Strength 0.72 1.52 1.58 1.10 1.10 0.84 1.53


> Vimshopak Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat

> -------------------

> Total 10.3 10.5 13.3 10.1 13.4 13.9 11.8

> Percent 52 53 67 51 67 70 59



> Bhava Balas

> -----------

> 1: 6.50

> 2: 8.26

> 3: 4.28

> 4: 7.98

> 5: 7.81

> 6: 7.60

> 7: 6.59

> 8: 7.77

> 9: 9.27

> 10: 5.95

> 11: 10.30

> 12: 10.93



> 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Saturn 12 Losses Vipat

> Rahu 9 Very Good Param Mitra

> Ketu 22 Prosperity Kshema



> Planet Stars to Mars: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 26 Good Mitra

> Sun 19 Danger Janma

> Moon 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars

> Mercury 17 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus 19 Danger Janma

> Saturn 27 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu 10 Danger Janma



> Planet Stars to Mercury: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 10 Danger Janma

> Sun 3 Losses Vipat

> Moon 27 Very Good Param Mitra

> Mars 12 Losses Vipat

> Mercury

> Jupiter 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Venus 3 Losses Vipat

> Saturn 11 Wealth Sampat

> Rahu 8 Good Mitra

> Ketu 21 Losses Vipat



> Planet Stars to Jupiter: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 23 Obstacles Pratyak

> Sun 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Moon 13 Prosperity Kshema

> Mars 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Mercury 14 Obstacles Pratyak

> Jupiter

> Venus 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Saturn 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Rahu 21 Losses Vipat

> Ketu 7 Dangers Naidhana



> Planet Stars to Venus: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 8 Good Mitra

> Sun 1 Danger Janma

> Moon 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars 10 Danger Janma

> Mercury 26 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 13 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus

> Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu 19 Danger Janma



> Planet Stars to Saturn: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 27 Very Good Param Mitra

> Sun 20 Wealth Sampat

> Moon 17 Good Mitra

> Mars 2 Wealth Sampat

> Mercury 18 Very Good Param Mitra

> Jupiter 5 Obstacles Pratyak

> Venus 20 Wealth Sampat

> Saturn

> Rahu 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Ketu 11 Wealth Sampat



> Planet Stars to Rahu: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 3 Losses Vipat

> Sun 23 Obstacles Pratyak

> Moon 20 Wealth Sampat

> Mars 5 Obstacles Pratyak

> Mercury 21 Losses Vipat

> Jupiter 8 Good Mitra

> Venus 23 Obstacles Pratyak

> Saturn 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Rahu

> Ketu 14 Obstacles Pratyak



> Planet Stars to Ketu: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 17 Good Mitra

> Sun 10 Danger Janma

> Moon 7 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars 19 Danger Janma

> Mercury 8 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 22 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus 10 Danger Janma

> Saturn 18 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu


> South Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* 2* JUP 3*

> * * MER * * *

> * * * * *

> * VEN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * SUN 4*

> * * * KET *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * MOO 5*

> * * * SAT *

> * * * *

> * RAH Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* MAR 8* 7* 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * VEN * *

> * * * * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* MER * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * KET * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * MOO * * * RAH * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * MAR * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 11* 12* LAG 1* 2*

> * * * VEN * *

> * RAH * * * *

> * MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 10* * 3*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 9* * SUN 4*

> * * * SAT *

> * * * *

> * MAR Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 8* 7* 6* MOO 5*

> * * * * JUP *

> * * * * KET *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * GEM* VEN * ARI* *

> * CAN** **PIS *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * RAH *

> * * SAT * * * MER *

> * * * TAU * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO * AQU *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SCO * * *

> * MOO * * * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * KET * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VIR** **CAP *

> * * LIB* * SAG* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MAR *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* VEN 2* 3*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * SUN 4*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * KET Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * RAH 5*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* 8* MAR 7* 6*

> * * * MER * *

> * * * * *

> * MOO Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * VEN * * JUP * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * KET *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * RAH * * * SAT * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * MAR * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* MER * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MOO *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 7* 8* JUP 9* MER 10*

> * * * SAT * *

> * * * * *

> * SUN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 6* * 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 5* * 12*

> * * * *

> * KET RAH * * *

> * VEN MAR Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 4* 3* 2* LAG 1*

> * * * * MOO *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * LIB* MOO * LEO* *

> * SCO** **CAN *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * VIR * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SAG * GEM *

> * * * * * *

> * * * PIS * * *

> * MAR * * * MER * *

> * VEN * * * * *

> * RAH * * * * *

> * KET * * SUN * * *

> * CAP** **TAU *

> * * AQU* * ARI* *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * * * * JUP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 3* 4* MAR 5* MOO 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 2* * RAH 7*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 1* * JUP 8*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * KET LAG Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 12* SUN 11* 10* VEN 9*

> * * * * SAT *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MER * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * AQU* KET * SAG* *

> * PIS** **SCO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * SUN *

> * * * CAP * * *

> * * * * * *

> * ARI * LIB *

> * * * * * *

> * * * CAN * * *

> * MAR * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * RAH * * *

> * TAU** **VIR *

> * * GEM* * LEO* *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * JUP * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 10* VEN 11* 12* LAG 1*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 9* * SUN 2*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 8* * MAR 3*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 7* MER 6* JUP 5* 4*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * KET RAH Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MAR * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * CAN* * TAU* *

> * LEO** **ARI *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * GEM * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VIR * PIS *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAG * * *

> * JUP * * * MOO * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * RAH * * *

> * LIB** **AQU *

> * * SCO* KET * CAP* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MER * * SAT * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* KET 2* 3*

> * * SUN * * *

> * * MER * * *

> * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * 4*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * JUP 5*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* RAH 8* SAT 7* MOO 6*

> * * * * MAR *

> * * * * *

> * VEN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * KET * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * MER LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAT * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * MAR * * * *

> * * MOO * * RAH * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 10* RAH 11* MER 12* LAG 1*

> * * * * VEN *

> * * * * *

> * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 9* * 2*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * MAR Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 8* * 3*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 7* MOO 6* SAT 5* SUN 4*

> * * * KET * JUP *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * MER * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * CAN* VEN * TAU* *

> * LEO** **ARI *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * JUP * * * RAH *

> * * * GEM * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VIR * PIS *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAG * * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * KET * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LIB** **AQU *

> * * SCO* * CAP* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MAR *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 7* JUP 8* VEN 9* 10*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 6* * MER 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 5* * 12*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * MAR Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 4* SAT 3* SUN 2* LAG 1*

> * * * * RAH *

> * * * * KET *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * LIB* RAH * LEO* *

> * SCO** **CAN *

> * * * KET LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MER *

> * * * VIR * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SAG * GEM *

> * * * * * *

> * * * PIS * * *

> * MAR * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * MOO * * *

> * CAP** **TAU *

> * * AQU* * ARI* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * JUP * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* MER 2* SUN 3*

> * * MAR * * *

> * * SAT * * *

> * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * 4*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * RAH 5*

> * * * KET *

> * * * *

> * JUP Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* VEN 8* 7* 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * MER * * MOO * *

> * * * * * *

> * SUN * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* MAR * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * SAT LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * RAH * * * JUP * *

> * KET * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * VEN * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* 2* 3*

> * * SUN * * *

> * * * * *

> * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * MOO 4*

> * * * MER *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * 5*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* 8* 7* MAR 6*

> * * * * VEN *

> * * * * RAH *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* KET Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * JUP * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * * *

> * * MER * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * * * * SAT * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * RAH * * * *

> * * VEN KET * *

> Best regards


> ----------------

> Nikolai Agafonov.Director

> Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

> Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

> 88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

> Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02

> root@k...

> www.kantimala.uzhgorod.ua











> Message: 13

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:14:39 +0400

> root@k...

> Re: the influence of yogas-example (part2)


> Sarv-Ashtaka Varga Chart


> *************************

> * * * * *

> * 24 * 34 * 37 * 28 *

> * * * * *

> *************************

> * * * *

> * 26 * * 19 *

> * * * *

> ******* *******

> * * * *

> * 27 * * 29 *

> * * * *

> *************************

> * * * * *

> * 22 * 24 * 36 * 31 *

> * * * * *

> *************************



> *************************

> ** 37 * 24 **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * 28 ** 34 ** 26 *

> * * * * * *

> * * 19 * * 27 * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * 29 ** 36 ** 22 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 31 * 24 **

> *************************



> Asht. Varga

> Bindus in Own

> Name Signs B/M Shastiamsa


> Ascendant M Kala Pavaka

> Sun 5 B Kinnara

> Moon 5 B Payodhi

> Mars 1 B Mahesvara

> Mercury 2 B Kshiteesa

> Jupiter 4 B Indu

> Venus 4 B Deva

> Saturn 3 B Marut

> Rahu B Mahesvara

> Ketu B Mahesvara




> Planet Shastiamsa M/B Meaning

> --------------------

> Ascendant Kala Pavaka M The destructive fire at the end of

the world

> Sun Kinnara B A mythical being with a human head in

the form

> of a horse, a bad or deformed man

> Moon Payodhi B Ocean

> Mars Mahesvara B Siva

> Mercury Kshiteesa B Ruler of the earth

> Jupiter Indu B Moon, the number 1, camphor

> Venus Deva B Divine

> Saturn Marut B The wind god

> Rahu Mahesvara B Siva

> Ketu Mahesvara B Siva



> Planet Latitude Veloc. Deg/Day

> *********************************

> Lagna

> Sun 1.03 1.0168

> Moon + 09:19 1.14 14.9865

> Mars + 14:27 -0.00 -0.0022

> Mercury - 10:55 -0.12 -0.1408

> Jupiter - 16:46 -0.99 -0.1310

> Venus + 03:56 1.22 1.2575

> Saturn + 08:58 -0.04 -0.0028

> Rahu + 01:17

> Ketu + 01:17



> Planet Owns Exlt.Debil Frnd Enmy Trin Kend Dust.

> *************************************************

> Lagna

> Sun 1 2 2 6 5 1 7 2

> Moon 2 1 1 4 3 5 6

> Mars 2 2 3 5 2 4 5 5

> Mercury 2 5 1 5 1

> Jupiter 3 2 2 3 3 4 3

> Venus 4 2 3 4 1 4 5 4

> Saturn 1 3 1 6 5 6 6 2

> Rahu 1 2 1 5 6

> Ketu 2 2 4 5 4



> Planet Lord Sub SubSub Disp. Rasi & Navamsa

> *************************************************

> Lagna Ven Merc Jup Sun Mars

> Sun Merc Jup Ven Mars Jup

> Moon Sun Mars Merc Jup Jup

> Mars Merc Merc Jup Moon Jup

> Mercury Ven Ven Moon Jup Sun

> Jupiter Rahu Jup Jup Merc Jup

> Venus Merc Merc Mars Mars Jup

> Saturn Ketu Rahu Ven Sun Merc

> Rahu Moon Merc Merc Merc Merc

> Ketu Merc Merc Jup Jup Jup



> Planet Aim Symbol Deity Sex Caste

> *************************************************

> Lagna Kama Font legs of Bhaga F Brahmin

> Sun Artha Umbrella Indra F Servant

> Moon Moksha Back of Squar Visvadev F Kshatriya

> Mars Dharma Serpent Nagas F Lowest

> Mercury Moksha Front of Squa Apas F Brahmin

> Jupiter Kama Head Lord Rud F Butcher

> Venus Artha Umbrella Indra F Servant

> Saturn Artha Palanquin Pitris F Shudra

> Rahu Moksha Palm Suryadev M Vaisya

> Ketu Moksha Fish Pushan F Shudra



> Planet State Ear Wat Fire Air Odd Even Card Fixed Comm

> ******************************************************

> Lagna 4 1 5 5 10 5 9 4 2

> Sun NTL 3 5 4 3 7 8 6 5 4

> Moon ENM 4 5 3 3 6 9 3 3 9

> Mars NTL 6 5 2 2 4 11 7 4 4

> Mercury ENM 2 5 7 1 8 7 6 5 4

> Jupiter GEN 5 3 4 3 7 8 3 5 7

> Venus ENM 5 4 3 3 6 9 3 4 8

> Saturn NTL 4 1 4 6 10 5 6 5 4

> Rahu 5 6 2 2 4 11 4 3 8

> Ketu 6 4 2 3 5 10 4 4 7



> Planet Shad Bala Bhava Vimsho Karaka for:

> *************************************************

> Lagna 6.5

> Sun 0.7 8.0 52% Amatya (Mind)

> Moon 1.5 7.8 53% Atma (Self)

> Mars 1.6 10.9 67% Bhatri (Father/Brother

> Mercury 1.1 7.8 51% Putra (Children)

> Jupiter 1.1 10.3 67% Gnati (Caste)

> Venus 0.8 8.0 70% Matri (Mother)

> Saturn 1.5 6.5 59% Dara (Spouse)

> Rahu 8.3

> Ketu 7.8



> Planet Body Part By Drekkana By Star

> *************************************************

> Lagna General Pelvis Right Hand

> Sun Stomach Right Thigh Right Torso

> Moon Chest Right Knee Waist

> Mars Head Left Shoulder Ears

> Mercury Neck/Shoulders Right Heart Back

> Jupiter Waist/Genitals Left Ear Eyes

> Venus Face Right Side Right Torso

> Saturn Thighs Head Lips/Chin

> Rahu Legs Right Shoulder Fingers

> Ketu Legs Left Chest Ankles



> Planet Dwadashamsha (12 parts) Meaning Age

> *************************************************

> Lagna Age

> Sun Cattle Child

> Moon Yogic Practices Dead

> Mars Mysticism Teenage

> Mercury Pregnancy Youthful

> Jupiter Education Teenage

> Venus Comforts Youthful

> Saturn Head Teenage

> Rahu Concentration Teenage

> Ketu Homicide Teenage



> Planet House Names Natural Karaka(s)

> *************************************************

> Lagna Tanu Body Sun

> Sun Sukha Happiness Moon/Mercury

> Moon Suta Son Jupiter

> Mars Vyaya Loss Saturn

> Mercury Suta Son Jupiter

> Jupiter Labha Gain Jupiter

> Venus Sukha Happiness Moon/Mercury

> Saturn Tanu Body Sun

> Rahu Dhana Wealth Jupiter

> Ketu Mrityu Death Saturn



> Planet Lag Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

> ***********************************************

> Lagna 8 11 26 10 23 8 27 3 17

> Sun 21 4 19 3 16 1 20 23 10

> Moon 18 25 16 27 13 25 17 20 7

> Mars 3 10 13 12 25 10 2 5 19

> Mercury 19 26 2 17 14 26 18 21 8

> Jupiter 6 13 16 4 15 13 5 8 22

> Venus 21 1 4 19 3 16 20 23 10

> Saturn 2 9 12 27 11 24 9 4 18

> Rahu 26 6 9 24 8 21 6 25 15

> Ketu 12 19 22 10 21 7 19 11 14



> Planet Stars to Lagna: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna

> Sun 21 Losses Vipat

> Moon 18 Very Good Param Mitra

> Mars 3 Losses Vipat

> Mercury 19 Danger Janma

> Jupiter 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Venus 21 Losses Vipat

> Saturn 2 Wealth Sampat

> Rahu 26 Good Mitra

> Ketu 12 Losses Vipat



> Planet Stars to Sun: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 8 Good Mitra

> Sun

> Moon 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars 10 Danger Janma

> Mercury 26 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 13 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus 1 Danger Janma

> Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu 19 Danger Janma



> Planet Stars to Moon: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 11 Wealth Sampat

> Sun 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Moon

> Mars 13 Prosperity Kshema

> Mercury 2 Wealth Sampat

> Jupiter 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Venus 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Saturn 12 Losses Vipat

> Rahu 9 Very Good Param Mitra

> Ketu 22 Prosperity Kshema



> Planet Stars to Mars: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 26 Good Mitra

> Sun 19 Danger Janma

> Moon 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars

> Mercury 17 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus 19 Danger Janma

> Saturn 27 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu 10 Danger Janma



> Planet Stars to Mercury: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 10 Danger Janma

> Sun 3 Losses Vipat

> Moon 27 Very Good Param Mitra

> Mars 12 Losses Vipat

> Mercury

> Jupiter 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Venus 3 Losses Vipat

> Saturn 11 Wealth Sampat

> Rahu 8 Good Mitra

> Ketu 21 Losses Vipat



> Planet Stars to Jupiter: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 23 Obstacles Pratyak

> Sun 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Moon 13 Prosperity Kshema

> Mars 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Mercury 14 Obstacles Pratyak

> Jupiter

> Venus 16 Dangers Naidhana

> Saturn 24 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Rahu 21 Losses Vipat

> Ketu 7 Dangers Naidhana



> Planet Stars to Venus: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 8 Good Mitra

> Sun 1 Danger Janma

> Moon 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars 10 Danger Janma

> Mercury 26 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 13 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus

> Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu 19 Danger Janma



> Planet Stars to Saturn: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 27 Very Good Param Mitra

> Sun 20 Wealth Sampat

> Moon 17 Good Mitra

> Mars 2 Wealth Sampat

> Mercury 18 Very Good Param Mitra

> Jupiter 5 Obstacles Pratyak

> Venus 20 Wealth Sampat

> Saturn

> Rahu 25 Dangers Naidhana

> Ketu 11 Wealth Sampat



> Planet Stars to Rahu: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 3 Losses Vipat

> Sun 23 Obstacles Pratyak

> Moon 20 Wealth Sampat

> Mars 5 Obstacles Pratyak

> Mercury 21 Losses Vipat

> Jupiter 8 Good Mitra

> Venus 23 Obstacles Pratyak

> Saturn 4 Prosperity Kshema

> Rahu

> Ketu 14 Obstacles Pratyak



> Planet Stars to Ketu: Result (Sanskrit)

> **************************************************

> Lagna 17 Good Mitra

> Sun 10 Danger Janma

> Moon 7 Dangers Naidhana

> Mars 19 Danger Janma

> Mercury 8 Good Mitra

> Jupiter 22 Prosperity Kshema

> Venus 10 Danger Janma

> Saturn 18 Very Good Param Mitra

> Rahu 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

> Ketu


> South Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* 2* JUP 3*

> * * MER * * *

> * * * * *

> * VEN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * SUN 4*

> * * * KET *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * MOO 5*

> * * * SAT *

> * * * *

> * RAH Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* MAR 8* 7* 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Drekkana Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * VEN * *

> * * * * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* MER * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * KET * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * MOO * * * RAH * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * MAR * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 11* 12* LAG 1* 2*

> * * * VEN * *

> * RAH * * * *

> * MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 10* * 3*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 9* * SUN 4*

> * * * SAT *

> * * * *

> * MAR Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 8* 7* 6* MOO 5*

> * * * * JUP *

> * * * * KET *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Caturtamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * GEM* VEN * ARI* *

> * CAN** **PIS *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * RAH *

> * * SAT * * * MER *

> * * * TAU * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO * AQU *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SCO * * *

> * MOO * * * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * KET * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VIR** **CAP *

> * * LIB* * SAG* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MAR *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* VEN 2* 3*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * SUN 4*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * KET Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * RAH 5*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* 8* MAR 7* 6*

> * * * MER * *

> * * * * *

> * MOO Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Panchamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * VEN * * JUP * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * KET *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * RAH * * * SAT * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * MAR * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* MER * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MOO *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 7* 8* JUP 9* MER 10*

> * * * SAT * *

> * * * * *

> * SUN Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 6* * 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 5* * 12*

> * * * *

> * KET RAH * * *

> * VEN MAR Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 4* 3* 2* LAG 1*

> * * * * MOO *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Shastamsha Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * LIB* MOO * LEO* *

> * SCO** **CAN *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * VIR * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SAG * GEM *

> * * * * * *

> * * * PIS * * *

> * MAR * * * MER * *

> * VEN * * * * *

> * RAH * * * * *

> * KET * * SUN * * *

> * CAP** **TAU *

> * * AQU* * ARI* *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * * * * JUP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 3* 4* MAR 5* MOO 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * MER Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 2* * RAH 7*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 1* * JUP 8*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * KET LAG Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 12* SUN 11* 10* VEN 9*

> * * * * SAT *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Saptamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MER * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * AQU* KET * SAG* *

> * PIS** **SCO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * SUN *

> * * * CAP * * *

> * * * * * *

> * ARI * LIB *

> * * * * * *

> * * * CAN * * *

> * MAR * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * RAH * * *

> * TAU** **VIR *

> * * GEM* * LEO* *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * JUP * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 10* VEN 11* 12* LAG 1*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 9* * SUN 2*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 8* * MAR 3*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 7* MER 6* JUP 5* 4*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * KET RAH Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Ashtamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MAR * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * CAN* * TAU* *

> * LEO** **ARI *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * GEM * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VIR * PIS *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAG * * *

> * JUP * * * MOO * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * RAH * * *

> * LIB** **AQU *

> * * SCO* KET * CAP* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MER * * SAT * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* KET 2* 3*

> * * SUN * * *

> * * MER * * *

> * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * 4*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * JUP 5*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* RAH 8* SAT 7* MOO 6*

> * * * * MAR *

> * * * * *

> * VEN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Dashamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * KET * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * MER LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAT * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * MAR * * * *

> * * MOO * * RAH * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 10* RAH 11* MER 12* LAG 1*

> * * * * VEN *

> * * * * *

> * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 9* * 2*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * MAR Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 8* * 3*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 7* MOO 6* SAT 5* SUN 4*

> * * * KET * JUP *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Dwadashamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * MER * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * CAN* VEN * TAU* *

> * LEO** **ARI *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * JUP * * * RAH *

> * * * GEM * * *

> * * * * * *

> * VIR * PIS *

> * * * * * *

> * * * SAG * * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * KET * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LIB** **AQU *

> * * SCO* * CAP* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MAR *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 7* JUP 8* VEN 9* 10*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 6* * MER 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 5* * 12*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * MAR Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 4* SAT 3* SUN 2* LAG 1*

> * * * * RAH *

> * * * * KET *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Shodashamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * LIB* RAH * LEO* *

> * SCO** **CAN *

> * * * KET LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * MER *

> * * * VIR * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SAG * GEM *

> * * * * * *

> * * * PIS * * *

> * MAR * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * MOO * * *

> * CAP** **TAU *

> * * AQU* * ARI* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * JUP * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* MER 2* SUN 3*

> * * MAR * * *

> * * SAT * * *

> * MOO Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * 4*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * RAH 5*

> * * * KET *

> * * * *

> * JUP Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* VEN 8* 7* 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Vimshamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * MER * * MOO * *

> * * * * * *

> * SUN * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* MAR * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * SAT LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * RAH * * * JUP * *

> * KET * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * VEN * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 12* LAG 1* 2* 3*

> * * SUN * * *

> * * * * *

> * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 11* * MOO 4*

> * * * MER *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 10* * 5*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 9* 8* 7* MAR 6*

> * * * * VEN *

> * * * * RAH *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* KET Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Siddhamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * JUP * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * TAU* SUN * PIS* *

> * GEM** **AQU *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * * *

> * * MER * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAN * CAP *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * * * * SAT * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * LEO** **SAG *

> * * VIR* * SCO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * RAH * * * *

> * * VEN KET * * * *

> * * MAR * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Bhamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 2* MER 3* MOO 4* 5*

> * * VEN * MAR * *

> * * * JUP * *

> * Pi* Ar* KET Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 1* * 6*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * LAG Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 12* * 7*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SUN Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 11* RAH 10* SAT 9* 8*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Bhamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * SUN * *

> * * * * * *

> * MER * * * * *

> * VEN * * * * *

> * * PIS* * CAP* *

> * ARI** **SAG *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * * *

> * * MAR * * * *

> * * JUP * AQU * * *

> * * KET * * * *

> * TAU * SCO *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LEO * * *

> * * * * RAH * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * GEM** **LIB *

> * * CAN* * VIR* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Trimshamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * KET 6* 7* 8* 9*

> * RAH * * * *

> * VEN * * * *

> * MAR Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 5* * 10*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT JUP Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 4* * 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 3* SUN 2* LAG 1* 12*

> * * * MOO * *

> * * * * *

> * MER Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Trimshamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * SUN * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MER * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SCO* MOO * VIR* *

> * SAG** **LEO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAP * CAN *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * SAT * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * AQU** **GEM *

> * * PIS* * TAU* *

> * * * * * *

> * * RAH * * * *

> * * VEN KET * * * *

> * * MAR * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Khavedamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 3* 4* 5* MOO 6*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * JUP Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 2* * 7*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 1* * 8*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * SAT LAG Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 12* 11* KET SUN 10* VEN 9*

> * * * MAR * *

> * * * MER * *

> * Sa* Sc* RAH Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Khavedamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * JUP * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * AQU* SAT * SAG* *

> * PIS** **SCO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * CAP * * *

> * * * * KET * *

> * ARI * LIB RAH *

> * * * * MER * *

> * * * CAN * MAR * *

> * * * * SUN * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * TAU** **VIR *

> * * GEM* * LEO* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * VEN *

> * * * * * *

> * * MOO * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************


> South Indian Style Akshavedamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 6* 7* 8* SAT 9*

> * * * * *

> * KET * * * *

> * RAH Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 5* * MOO 10*

> * * * MAR *

> * * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 4* * MER 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * JUP Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 3* 2* LAG 1* 12*

> * * * VEN * *

> * * * * *

> * SUN Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Akshavedamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * SUN * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SCO* VEN * VIR* *

> * SAG** **LEO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * JUP * * * *

> * * * * * MER *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAP * CAN *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * MAR * *

> * * * * MOO * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * AQU** **GEM *

> * * PIS* * TAU* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * SAT *

> * * KET * * * *

> * * RAH * * * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************





> ----------------

> Nikolai Agafonov.Director

> Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

> Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

> 88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

> Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02

> root@k...

> www.kantimala.uzhgorod.ua











> Message: 14

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:15:39 +0400

> root@k...

> Re: the influence of yogas-example (part3)


> South Indian Style Shastiamsa Chart for Male born


> *************************************************

> * 6* 7* SUN 8* 9*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * Pi* Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * 5* * MAR 10*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * KET Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 4* * 11*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 3* MER 2* LAG 1* MOO 12*

> * * JUP * VEN * SAT *

> * * * * RAH *

> * Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*

> *************************************************


> North Indian Style Shastiamsa Chart for Male born


> *******************************************************

> ** * * **

> * * MER * * MOO * *

> * * JUP * * SAT * *

> * * * * RAH * *

> * * * * * *

> * * SCO* VEN * VIR* *

> * SAG** **LEO *

> * * * LAG * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * LIB * * *

> * * * * * *

> * CAP * CAN *

> * * * * * *

> * * * ARI * * *

> * KET * * * MAR * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * AQU** **GEM *

> * * PIS* * TAU* *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * SUN * *

> ** * * **

> *******************************************************



> ----------------

> Nikolai Agafonov.Director

> Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

> Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

> 88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

> Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02

> root@k...

> www.kantimala.uzhgorod.ua











> Message: 15

> Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:17:26 +0400

> root@k...

> Re: the influence of yogas-example (part4)


> List of Yogas

> for Male born


> Each Yoga has it's name underlined. Following the name

> you see the configuration of factors which cause the yoga

> in Goravani Jyotish Tag Form (a type of astrological

> shorthand) and then translated. The readings for the yogas

> can be found amongst the other readings.




> Bhagyavahana Yo

> ---------------

> /LO5IN11/LO11IN5/

> The lord of the 5 is in 11, and the lord of the 11 is in

> 5.


> Bodily Discomfort

> -----------------


> The lord of the 1 conjoins a malefic planet or the lord

> of the 1 is in 8, and is not the lord of the 1 is

> aspected by a benefic, and is not the lord of the 1

> conjoins a benefic.


> Budhimaturya

> -------------



> The lord of the 5 conjoins Venus or the lord of the 5

> conjoins Mercury or the lord of the 5 conjoins Jupiter or

> the lord of the 5 is aspected by Venus or the lord of the

> 5 is aspected by Mercury or the lord of the 5 is aspected

> by Jupiter, and 5 is aspected by Venus or 5 is aspected

> by Mercury or 5 is aspected by Jupiter or Venus is in 5

> or Mercury is in 5 or Jupiter is in 5.


> Durmukha

> ---------


> A malefic planet is in 2, and the lord of the 2 conjoins

> a malefic planet or the lord of the 2 DEB.


> Fortunes

> --------


> The lord of the 1 is in a kendra or Venus is in a kendra

> or Jupiter is in a kendra.


> Good Creativity

> ---------------



> Jupiter is the lord of the 5, and the Sun is in Aries or

> the Sun is in Leo or the Sun is in a trine or the Sun is

> in a kendra, and is not the Sun DEB.


> Indra

> -----


> The lord of the 5 is in 11, and the lord of the 11 is in

> 5, and Moon is in 5.


> Passions

> --------


> Venus conjoins Mars or Mars is aspected by Venus or Venus

> is in Aries or Venus is in Scorpio.


> Putra Sukha ----

> ----------------


> Mercury is in 5.



> Raja on 12

> ----------


> The lord of the 9 is in 12, and the lord of the 4 is in

> 12, and Leo is in 1 or Aquarius is in 1.


> Raja on 3 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /3ABLO4/3ABLO9/

> 3 is aspected by the lord of the 4, and 3 is aspected by

> the lord of the 9.


> Raja on 3 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /3ABLO5/3ABLO7/

> 3 is aspected by the lord of the 5, and 3 is aspected by

> the lord of the 7.


> Raja on 3 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /3ABLO7/3ABLO9/

> 3 is aspected by the lord of the 7, and 3 is aspected by

> the lord of the 9.


> Raja on 4

> ---------


> The lord of the 1 is in 4, and the lord of the 10 is in

> 4, and is not Virgo is in 1, and is not Pisces is in

> 1.


> Raja on 6 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /6ABLO9/6ABLO4/

> 6 is aspected by the lord of the 9, and 6 is aspected by

> the lord of the 4.


> Raja on 7 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /7ABLO5/7ABLO4/

> 7 is aspected by the lord of the 5, and 7 is aspected by

> the lord of the 4.


> Raja on 7 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /7ABLO5/7ABLO7/

> 7 is aspected by the lord of the 5, and 7 is aspected by

> the lord of the 7.


> Raja on 7 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /7ABLO9/7ABLO4/

> 7 is aspected by the lord of the 9, and 7 is aspected by

> the lord of the 4.


> Raja on 7 by Aspect

> -------------------

> /7ABLO9/7ABLO7/

> 7 is aspected by the lord of the 9, and 7 is aspected by

> the lord of the 7.


> Rogagrastha -

> -------------


> The lord of the 1 is considered Weak in Shad Bala.



> Separated from Family

> ---------------------


> The lord of the 4 conjoins a malefic planet or the lord

> of the 4 is aspected by a malefic planet or the lord of

> the 4 is in the house of an enemy or the lord of the 4 is

> in the house of a great friend the house of a great

> friend or the lord of the 4 DEB.


> Strong Raja on 12

> -----------------

> /LO9IN12/LO4IN12/

> The lord of the 9 is in 12, and the lord of the 4 is in

> 12.


> Weak Raja on 10 by Aspect

> -------------------------


> 10 is aspected by the lord of the 10, and 10 is aspected

> by the lord of the 1, and is not Virgo is in 1, and is

> not Pisces is in 1.


> Weak Raja on 10 by Aspect

> -------------------------

> /10ABLO7/10ABLO1/

> 10 is aspected by the lord of the 7, and 10 is aspected

> by the lord of the 1.


> ----------------

> Nikolai Agafonov.Director

> Private Enterprise "Kantimala"

> Kaspersky Lab (AVP) Diler

> 88018,UKRAINE,Uzhgorod-18,P.O.Box 72

> Tel./fax:+380 (3122) 2-46-02

> root@k...

> www.kantimala.uzhgorod.ua










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I recently saw a cancer lagna individual who was instructed by his spiritual

guruji (dont know his expertise in jyotish) to wear a neelam (saturn's gem)

on his ring finger (sun's finger). General gospel is that this is very

dangerous and sun and saturn should not be mixed and so on. Well, for this

fellow, 'guruji's advice sure worked. He landed a mega-mega moolah deal

which was being stalled by government for a while and also his health



Some of these absolute positions need to be taken with a pinch of salt, it






>"Alex " <lostinmotion



>[gjlist] Re: Wearing a stone

>Thu, 31 Aug 2000 01:14:26 -0000


>Hi Anand,


>If Jupiter owns the 2nd, 7th it is very dangerous for your health to

>wear the stone, as Jupiter's energies will be strengthened whether

>bad or good.


>Likewise if Jupiter is functionally malefic, or owns the 6th, 8th,

>12th the houses owned will be strengthened, thereby bringing more

>malefic effects into your life.


>Particularily be careful if you are a Taurus or Libra ascendant, as

>Jupiter is very dangerous for these.





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