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Christophers chart

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Dear Andrew:


Thanks for the reading of my chart. I've chosen to look at this carefully,

isolating each statement and offering my take on it in terms of possible

accuracy (as if I can say anything about that!) and astrological plausibility.



>Dear Christopher


>Your horoscope shows a strong intellect and rational mind.


Gee, thanks! Obviously, right on the money! :-) Rational yes, and

intellectually oriented for sure, as opposed to physical or emotional



>Lagna lord is located in the 12th house in the 9th sign of higher

learnings and spiritual knowledge showing an interest in high education and

study in a foreign country.


I have little interest in spiritual knowledge thus far, and I have an MA as

well as a half finished PhD. As a Canadian, I got my MA in the US.


On the face of it, that seems to hold up pretty well, except for the

spiritual stuff. And yet can that by itself explain higher education? No

way. I feel other factors must bear more responsibility. Mercury is

angular, and hence strong, and rules the signhouse 9th (sometimes linked

to higher education) and rules the unequal 5th (also linked to higher

education). Education can be tricky given that there are numerous houses

associated with it.


As for foreign education, this is true. Again, however, from the

perspective of a Canadian, studying in the US isn't 12th house stuff at

all. 12th house means really foreign far away places. Like a New

Zealander studying in Australia. So it's correct, but there's an asterisk



>Lagna falls in Capricorn a practical and sobor earth sign ruled by a

stern, dry and serious planet in Saturn.


For all this dry sobriety, you'd think I didn't laugh at jokes or something!


>Saturn in is the nakshatra ruled by the Moon who is in the 6th house of

work in the 3rd sign of the rational mind.


As you corrected, it's the lagna itself that is ruled by the Moon. Lagnesh

Saturn is ruled by Venus in Leo in the 8th.


>Gemini is also ruled by a dry and rational planet in Mercury. Mercury

falls on the 7th house cusp in exchange with 6th lord Moon. Mercury as 6th

lord of work and 9th lord of higher learnings located in the 7th house of

the public in conjunction with Uranus, could show a good lecturer or public



Never heard of this. One's talent as a speaker is governed by 2nd house

and Mercury. I lectured when in univerisity and was competent, but no more.


>Both Mercury and Uranus fall in a moksha sign in Cancer showing a fertile



Seems like a stretch to link Cancer and "fertile" in this way. Anyway,

Mercury and Uranus together in any sign can give originality. How would it

be different if it was in a fire or air sign?


>These aspects show an intelligent and inventive mind as they both fall in

the nakshatra of Mercury. They are also located in the 2nd house of speech

from the Moon.


This seems pretty sound. I am constantly looking for newness and novelty in

everything, including myself. So Mercury in Mercury's nakshatra ratchets

up the Mercury dosage, so to speak. OK, but Mercury gets a much bigger

boost by being so close to an angle: only 2 degrees. It's too bad jyotish

doesn't pay much attention to angularity because planets close the the

cusps of the 1/4/7/10 houses tend to dominate the chart in some way.

Usually, this has to be less than 5 degrees or so.




>Lagna lord Saturn is in the nakshatra of yoga karaka Venus who is in the

8th house of profound thinking in the 5th sign of creative intelligence.


Yeah, yeah, I'm as profound as that psychotic bum who lives in a doorway

down the street and natters on about the CIA monitoring his thoughts with

microwave ovens.


>Sun as 8th lord in the 8th house gives long life and in conjunction with

yoga karaka 5th and 10th lord Venus makes you extremely kind.


Why should this be so? Is it YK conjunct Sun only, or does it's 8th house

rulership have something to do with it? Probably not, I think. Anyway, I

am a kindly person I think, not given to conflict or violence since I was a

child. But there you have the problem of more than one factor linked to a

trait. Jupiter aspecting Sun is also connected to kindness, amongst other

things. So it's hard to verify that it is YK with Sun that is causing it.

Of course it could be -- and probably is -- an additive principle.


>Venus is in her own nakshatra in close trine to lagna lord Saturn. Both

are in moksha houses but also secret houses. You are probably shy and

somewhat secretive about certain things.


Shy yes for sure. But why are you saying that? Aspects to lagnesh from

planets in moksha houses? I would think the shyness come more from Moon in

dussthana aspected by Saturn causing inferiority complex or some such.


>There is also a wonderful trine aspect between Sun and Jupiter once again

in moksha houses. Sun is in the 8th house of deep thinking and 3rd house

from the Moon in the nakshatra of Ketu the mystical planet Ketu who is

placed in Aquarius.


But I'm not mystical at all. True I'm interested in astrology and UFOs and

all that sort of thing, but I have no psychic abilities or anything like that.


>Your Ketu as karaka of past lives is right on my lagna cusp. Your Moon

falls on my navamsha Moon and your Sun and Venus fall in my Moon sign. In

the navamsha your Sun, Jupiter and Ketu fall in my navamsha lagna and your

Mars aspects my Venus. Some very strong aspects between our charts.


For sure.



>Birth yogi planet Mars in your 5th house shows a sharp an active mind but

somewhat fixed as it falls in Taurus and somewhat fastidious as it is in

the nakshatra of Moon who is in the 6th house in Mercury's sign. All your

dry planets in Mars, Sun, Mercury and Saturn are very strong and even your

female watery planets Venus and Moon are in dry barren signs indicating a

lean body and Vata constitution.


Pretty lean, although it's hard once you hit 40 to keep it so. Vata/pita,

how knows, they are often too close to call.


>I would guess you are an academic of some kind as your Mercury is very



As I told you in an earlier post, I was doing a PhD but bailed out. I

think Mercury does play a big role here, although it has to be combined

with numerous other factors for make it a going concern.


>A lot of your planets are in hidden houses the 8th and 12th so there is a

lot of deep thinking going on under the rational exterior.


Some mistake it for a blank stare! Sometimes it's just watching TV. Hard

to say about this.


>Even your Mars is in the 12th from the Moon.


>Your Navamsha chart is very, very strong showing great inner strength.

Lagna lord Moon is exalted in the 11th house and Sun is exalted with dig

bala in the 10th house with Jupiter and Ketu who also has dig bala in the

10th house. In the navamsha you have great planets in the 9th, 10th and

11th houses which is always good for success.


Still waiting for this -- I'm as poor and unrecognized as they come. This

brings up that awful debate about how to read varga charts. Many people

read them as you do, like the rashi chart. I'm still cautious about doing

this, preferring to look only at dispositors (Mercury is in Saturn sign in

navamsha, therefore it assumes some Saturn qualities, esp. in marriage




>As for relationships we have a sexless and conservative planet as lagna

lord in the house of the bedroom with the honest planet and ruler of the

12th house Jupiter.


Presumably, this dampens the bed pleasures.


Both are aspected by Mars by its worst aspect the 8th house aspect.


Right. At very least, this is not good for living things. I have bad feet

for sure.


>Jupiter is also in trine to Sun in the 8th house of sexual passions.


This also reduces the passions? I would say it enhances them because

Jupiter is a benefic.


>Mercury and Uranus in the 7th house shows low biological strength and

their depositor is Moon located in the 6th house in Gemini,


This is news to me. Why is Merc in the 7th bad for bio vitality?


>a dry and barren sign in opposition to Saturn. Saturn and Jupiter are in

the 7th from Moon. Venus is papa kartari between Sun and Rahu with the hard

aspect of Mars.


This heightens sexual energy I would say, although it does create problems

of harmony in relationships.


>These are tough aspects to form lasting relationships and 6th and 7th

lord in exchange can show lack of interest in marriage also.


All true, and all important too, I think.


>In the navamsha this is reinforced by neecha Venus with Saturn retrograde

getting the hard aspect of Mars. More importantly Saturn is in exchange

with Mercury in the 7th house of sex. Mercury in the navamsha chart falls

in the 7th in the navamsha of Saturn in exchange with Saturn. These are of

course both sexless planets.


I think of myself as a sexual person however. I am very choosy about

partners and don't have an overriding or predominant sexual urge that I

must satisfy. I place a high value on ethics (Jupiter's influence there

perhaps) and have never engaged in empty flattery and lies to obtain sexual

access. Sadly, this seems to be the norm in this part of the world. Love

is a magical force that I respect and revere. I don't separate sexual

urges from it.


>This is just the way I see it and my comments are made with out prejudice.

I see these aspects purely in energetic terms, some people are strong, some

are weak, some are smart and some are stupid. These are just relative terms

we use to try and understand things.






>I think you would be very well known perhaps even world wide in some field.


That's nice to hear, but what is the basis of this glowing prediction?


I would like you to give me an interpretation on your Neptune in the 10th

house. Are you involved with in a field that involves the ocean?


Nope. Just a former PhD student, former used bookstore clerk, presently

under employed by a correspondence school. I seem to spend most of my time

doing astrology and writing stories.


>I want to know for my own research. My old Pundit says this is a great

position for Neptune.


Maybe he knows something. In the west, it's attributed to people in

artistic pursuits or people who are just confused about their life's

direction. I'd say I belong to the latter group! I don't think this is

anything special but share your pundit's reasoning if it's available.


To finish off I think there is a very rational side to you and also a deep

inner side with extremely deep thinking. I also think you would have

trouble expressing this deep side.


This is one of those impossible to verify claims. Everybody has a deep

side! Usually it only comes out to our closest intimates, or in an

emotional crisis.


The rational side would come easy as your postings show. You are obviously

extremely intelligent although I realise intelligence is also a relative

term. Your navamsha shows a very spiritual man hidden behind a rational



I could become a spiritual person I guess, but as I said, I'm not and have

actually some anitpathy towards it. Of course, should God come down and

tap me on the shoulder, I would sit up and listen to what he had to say.


So a very impressive reading, I'd say, although I would contest much of it

on logical grounds. How's that for a skeptic's praise?







Lets get some good feedback going so we can all learn something!!


>As my Guru Yogaswami said,


> "Don't think too much and don't read too many books, open the book that

is inside your heart and all that is hidden will be revealed.


>Regards Skinbags.













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Christopher Kevill <ckevill

<gjlist >

Wednesday, September 06, 2000 11:51 AM

Re: [gjlist] Christophers chart




> Dear Andrew:


> Thanks for the reading of my chart. I've chosen to look at this


> isolating each statement and offering my take on it in terms of possible

> accuracy (as if I can say anything about that!) and astrological



Saturn as lagna lord and that bloody Mercury. You use the word isolate

which is very Saturnian. I am a very intuitive person and it is very hard

for me to write a chart reading like a mathematical formula. The rational

mind can interpret but understanding on a deep level is sometimes hard to

interpret in written words. I think you know what I mean!

> >

> >Dear Christopher

> >

> >Your horoscope shows a strong intellect and rational mind.


> Gee, thanks! Obviously, right on the money! :-) Rational yes, and

> intellectually oriented for sure, as opposed to physical or emotional

> orientations.


A Vata mind. Your Moon is in the most intellectual and rational sign of

Gemini aspected by Saturn.


>Lagna lord is located in the 12th house in the 9th sign of higher

> learnings and spiritual knowledge showing an interest in high education


> study in a foreign country.


> I have little interest in spiritual knowledge thus far, and I have an MA


> well as a half finished PhD. As a Canadian, I got my MA in the US.



Is Jyotish not a spiritual science? Are our communications just idle

bullshit or a form of spiritual communication? Is it just coincidence we

write to each other? A masters degree sounds like high education to me as a

high school drop out!



> On the face of it, that seems to hold up pretty well, except for the

> spiritual stuff. And yet can that by itself explain higher education? No

> way. I feel other factors must bear more responsibility. Mercury is

> angular, and hence strong, and rules the signhouse 9th (sometimes linked

> to higher education) and rules the unequal 5th (also linked to higher

> education). Education can be tricky given that there are numerous houses

> associated with it.


> As for foreign education, this is true. Again, however, from the

> perspective of a Canadian, studying in the US isn't 12th house stuff at

> all. 12th house means really foreign far away places. Like a New

> Zealander studying in Australia. So it's correct, but there's an asterisk

> there.



You told me you stayed in Thailand. Do you think higher learnings in

life are found only in Universities? Higher learnings are when we start to

look inside ourselves and make sense of our existence. Keep things simple,

lagna lord in the 12th shows time in foreign countries. Jupiter is the

planet of higher learnings here also. Overseas countries have been a source

of learning for you.


> >Lagna falls in Capricorn a practical and sobor earth sign ruled by a

> stern, dry and serious planet in Saturn.


> For all this dry sobriety, you'd think I didn't laugh at jokes or




Saturn is a negative and skeptical planet in bad aspect to Moon. You

undervalue yourself and your abilities. Saturn in the house of undoings can

show you are your own worst enemy.


> >Saturn in is the nakshatra ruled by the Moon who is in the 6th house of

> work in the 3rd sign of the rational mind.


> As you corrected, it's the lagna itself that is ruled by the Moon.


> Saturn is ruled by Venus in Leo in the 8th.


> >Gemini is also ruled by a dry and rational planet in Mercury. Mercury

> falls on the 7th house cusp in exchange with 6th lord Moon. Mercury as 6th

> lord of work and 9th lord of higher learnings located in the 7th house of

> the public in conjunction with Uranus, could show a good lecturer or


> speaker.


> Never heard of this. One's talent as a speaker is governed by 2nd house

> and Mercury. I lectured when in univerisity and was competent, but no




The people or masses are shown by the Moon. Your Mercury as karaka of

speech is in the Moons sign. He is in his own nakshatra in the 7th house, a

kendra and house of the public. 6th lord is the lord of work or service and

the 9th lord is the lord of higher education. Your work was lecturing.

Saturn as lord of speech shows cautious speech also. Have you ever lectured

in a foreign country as shown by the 12th house?



> >Both Mercury and Uranus fall in a moksha sign in Cancer showing a fertile

> mind.


> Seems like a stretch to link Cancer and "fertile" in this way. Anyway,

> Mercury and Uranus together in any sign can give originality. How would


> be different if it was in a fire or air sign?



Cancer is the Moons sign and sign of the mother. It is the most fertile

sign and where the water element reaches its strongest point. This is the

end of the lunar half of the zodiac where Jupiter gets exalted. Capricorn is

the end of the solar half of the zodiac where Mars gets exalted. This is

where the fire energy reaches its peak Gurudeva was born in Capricorn with

Moon and Venus in the lagna showing his world wide renown as a great world

teacher. His 7th lord of the masses in the lagna with yoga karaka Venus. He

can move the world with his kindness


> >These aspects show an intelligent and inventive mind as they both fall in

> the nakshatra of Mercury. They are also located in the 2nd house of speech

> from the Moon.


> This seems pretty sound. I am constantly looking for newness and novelty


> everything, including myself. So Mercury in Mercury's nakshatra ratchets

> up the Mercury dosage, so to speak. OK, but Mercury gets a much bigger

> boost by being so close to an angle: only 2 degrees. It's too bad jyotish

> doesn't pay much attention to angularity because planets close the the

> cusps of the 1/4/7/10 houses tend to dominate the chart in some way.

> Usually, this has to be less than 5 degrees or so.


Who told you Jyotish doesn't pay attention to planets right on the

angles. This is the basis of planets being strong in kendra or angular from

each other. Western astrology uses squares and assumes all square aspects

are difficult. Jyotish prefers to look at the nature of a planet in a chart

before condeming it as good or bad. A bad malefic such as Saturn in a kendra

can cause much trouble as we know. Do not underestimate this planet Uranus

and its effect on the mind. Uranus with Mercury makes you a skilled but

scientific and rational astrologer like my Pundit. He has this conjunction

in his 5th house. I have Moon and Uranus in rapt conjuntion in the 7th house

of the masses. I naturally seem to attract people to my writings on

astrology without even trying. My lagna lord in the 12th house makes me

reluctant to promote myself and I undervalue myself like I'm sure you do. I

have Jupiter and Mercury both with dig bala in the lagna boosted by Mars

with them. I am only starting to realise that maybe I'm not as stupid as I

always considered myself to be. Seeing some of the dickheads and charlatins

ripping off people on psychic phone lines and promoting themselves in

magazines as astrologers just infuriates me. They give themselves stupid

names such as Athena Starwoman. Some English dickhead Jonathan Canier writes

in my local newspaper with the usual Sun sign generalized crap that is so

common. I haven't made a brass razoo out of astrology and to think these

frauds are being paid just depresses me and makes me realize just how hard

it is going to be to ever get any credibility for Jyotish. I suffer like

most astrologers with being labelled as a weirdo or nutcase because of all

these money chasing, rip off merchants.


> >

> >Lagna lord Saturn is in the nakshatra of yoga karaka Venus who is in the

> 8th house of profound thinking in the 5th sign of creative intelligence.


> Yeah, yeah, I'm as profound as that psychotic bum who lives in a doorway

> down the street and natters on about the CIA monitoring his thoughts with

> microwave ovens.



Don't talk about me like that! Once again you are undervalueing

yourself again. Moon /Saturn across 6/12th houses!!

> My bloody phone was bugged last year! Thats why I'm on 11 charges. I wish

I had been a bit more paranoid. There is a very fine line between a genius

and a madman.



>Sun as 8th lord in the 8th house gives long life and in conjunction with

> yoga karaka 5th and 10th lord Venus makes you extremely kind.


> Why should this be so? Is it YK conjunct Sun only, or does it's 8th house

> rulership have something to do with it? Probably not, I think. Anyway, I

> am a kindly person I think, not given to conflict or violence since I was


> child. But there you have the problem of more than one factor linked to a

> trait. Jupiter aspecting Sun is also connected to kindness, amongst other

> things. So it's hard to verify that it is YK with Sun that is causing it.

> Of course it could be -- and probably is -- an additive principle.



Don't over rationlize aspects. Sun is the lord of the heart and soul in

his own sign with the sweet and kind planet Venus. Sun and Venus conjunction

always makes a person sweet and kind and yours also has the aspect of

Jupiter making you honest as well. The 8th house is the house of research

also. Are you a good researcher? Hey! I have Sun and Venus in conjunction so

I am hardly going to say anything else.



> >Venus is in her own nakshatra in close trine to lagna lord Saturn. Both

> are in moksha houses but also secret houses. You are probably shy and

> somewhat secretive about certain things.


> Shy yes for sure. But why are you saying that? Aspects to lagnesh from

> planets in moksha houses? I would think the shyness come more from Moon


> dussthana aspected by Saturn causing inferiority complex or some such.


True also, this aspect shows lack of belief in your own talents or

ablities. Your lagna lord, Sun as lord of heart, Moon and Venus as natural

lord of the 2nd house of speech are all in hidden houses, showing you shy

away from the public gaze if possible.



> >There is also a wonderful trine aspect between Sun and Jupiter once


> in moksha houses. Sun is in the 8th house of deep thinking and 3rd house

> from the Moon in the nakshatra of Ketu the mystical planet Ketu who is

> placed in Aquarius.


> But I'm not mystical at all. True I'm interested in astrology and UFOs


> all that sort of thing, but I have no psychic abilities or anything like




This Mercury / Uranus conjunction shows these interests. I bet you like

star-trek, Dr Who and Star wars. A Vata mind. Airy and spaced out. I can't

see you as a jock or sportsman. Astrology is a mystical science as we cannot

rationally prove the influences of the planets as yet. Everybody is somewhat

psychic. It is just a matter of tapping into it and not doubting your

instincts that have been honed over millions of years of evolution. The

rational mind can only interpret what it recieves from the senses or

interpret what is stored on the hard drive of the mind as represented by the

Moon. The power of the Moon and Mercury should be in balance. This is why

Mercury takes on the influences of planets it is associated with, it has no

nature of its own like a new born child. Moon is the hard drive, Mercury in

the RAM. Does this make sense at all to you??



> >Your Ketu as karaka of past lives is right on my lagna cusp. Your Moon

> falls on my navamsha Moon and your Sun and Venus fall in my Moon sign. In

> the navamsha your Sun, Jupiter and Ketu fall in my navamsha lagna and your

> Mars aspects my Venus. Some very strong aspects between our charts.


> For sure.


You are rational, I am intuitive. Together we blend.

> >

> >Birth yogi planet Mars in your 5th house shows a sharp an active mind but

> somewhat fixed as it falls in Taurus and somewhat fastidious as it is in

> the nakshatra of Moon who is in the 6th house in Mercury's sign. All your

> dry planets in Mars, Sun, Mercury and Saturn are very strong and even your

> female watery planets Venus and Moon are in dry barren signs indicating a

> lean body and Vata constitution.


> Pretty lean, although it's hard once you hit 40 to keep it so. Vata/pita,

> how knows, they are often too close to call.



Mars in the 5th can make you lean also. Jupiter with the lagna lord can

make you put on a bit with age also.



> >I would guess you are an academic of some kind as your Mercury is very

> strong.


> As I told you in an earlier post, I was doing a PhD but bailed out. I

> think Mercury does play a big role here, although it has to be combined

> with numerous other factors for make it a going concern.



What was your field of study? I am very wary of pointy headed

intellectuals. I will email you a letter I sent to a female Professor who

wrote an article about Australian men I disagreed with. you will see clearly

my Mars / Mercury conjunction in my biting and sarcastic commments.



> >A lot of your planets are in hidden houses the 8th and 12th so there is a

> lot of deep thinking going on under the rational exterior.


> Some mistake it for a blank stare! Sometimes it's just watching TV. Hard

> to say about this.


> >Even your Mars is in the 12th from the Moon.

> >

> >Your Navamsha chart is very, very strong showing great inner strength.

> Lagna lord Moon is exalted in the 11th house and Sun is exalted with dig

> bala in the 10th house with Jupiter and Ketu who also has dig bala in the

> 10th house. In the navamsha you have great planets in the 9th, 10th and

> 11th houses which is always good for success.


> Still waiting for this -- I'm as poor and unrecognized as they come. This

> brings up that awful debate about how to read varga charts. Many people

> read them as you do, like the rashi chart. I'm still cautious about doing

> this, preferring to look only at dispositors (Mercury is in Saturn sign in

> navamsha, therefore it assumes some Saturn qualities, esp. in marriage

> affairs.)


Your poor, I have Jupiter as 2nd and 11th lord of the $, in the lagna

with Mercury who is 2nd and 11th lord from the Moon lagna. Where the f*** is

my money? I'll be dead before Jupiter dasha the way I live. Mars with the

planet of money Jupiter makes me waste money on vices such as cigars. I have

never got any money. I have never made a zak from astrology. I do not use

lordship in the varga charts. I use the navamsha lagna lord and aspects

only. It is essential to look at placement of a rashi lord in a varga.

Lordship cannot apply in a varga chart.



> >As for relationships we have a sexless and conservative planet as lagna

> lord in the house of the bedroom with the honest planet and ruler of the

> 12th house Jupiter.


> Presumably, this dampens the bed pleasures.


> Both are aspected by Mars by its worst aspect the 8th house aspect.


> Right. At very least, this is not good for living things. I have bad


> for sure.


> >Jupiter is also in trine to Sun in the 8th house of sexual passions.


> This also reduces the passions? I would say it enhances them because

> Jupiter is a benefic.


> >Mercury and Uranus in the 7th house shows low biological strength and

> their depositor is Moon located in the 6th house in Gemini,


> This is news to me. Why is Merc in the 7th bad for bio vitality?



Mercury and Uranus conjunction can show inability to maintain an erection

and lack of power in erection. Look for this in a mans chart who is having

problems with his wife. Nobody will admit to this readily of course! These

two planets in conjunction seem to short circuit each other in some ways.

Both these planets in your chart are in the 7th house of sex in the sign of

fertility Cancer. Moon is in the most infertile sign in bad aspect to

Saturn. I'll say you have no children and have never been married? Is this




> >a dry and barren sign in opposition to Saturn. Saturn and Jupiter are in

> the 7th from Moon. Venus is papa kartari between Sun and Rahu with the


> aspect of Mars.


> This heightens sexual energy I would say, although it does create problems

> of harmony in relationships.



Maybe in the mind, but can the body back up the energy and impulses.



> >These are tough aspects to form lasting relationships and 6th and 7th

> lord in exchange can show lack of interest in marriage also.


> All true, and all important too, I think.


> >In the navamsha this is reinforced by neecha Venus with Saturn retrograde

> getting the hard aspect of Mars. More importantly Saturn is in exchange

> with Mercury in the 7th house of sex. Mercury in the navamsha chart falls

> in the 7th in the navamsha of Saturn in exchange with Saturn. These are of

> course both sexless planets.


Saturns aspect on Mercury weakens the nerves.



> > I think of myself as a sexual person however. I am very choosy about

> partners and don't have an overriding or predominant sexual urge that I

> must satisfy. I place a high value on ethics (Jupiter's influence there

> perhaps) and have never engaged in empty flattery and lies to obtain


> access. Sadly, this seems to be the norm in this part of the world. Love

> is a magical force that I respect and revere. I don't separate sexual

> urges from it.



Oh a closet idealist! Is this Venus speaking from the hidden 8th house or

Jupiter from the hidden 12th house. As they are both in good aspect with the

Sun, this shows your real nature or soul nature. It took us a while but we

have found the true Christopher. When I am forced to choose between two

evils I usually choose them both! I have a simple system of courting females

every man should note down. When you are young, baffle them with the

bullshit. When you are old, dazzle them with the dollars. Plan B is Skinbags

golden rules, whoever has the gold rules! You sound a bit lonely to me.


Seriously speaking your atmakaraka is Moon. In the navamsha chart you lagna

is Cancer and Moon is exalted in the 11th house of friendship. I showed your

chart to my Pundit and he says you are a very decent and good man.

Unfortunately in the modern world, money, power and possessions are

everything. I think it is very sad when people are judged on what they have

rather than what they are as a person. This is the modern world WE have

created!! and we think we are so f***** intelligent..............what a



> >This is just the way I see it and my comments are made with out


> I see these aspects purely in energetic terms, some people are strong,


> are weak, some are smart and some are stupid. These are just relative


> we use to try and understand things.


> Agreed.



> >

> >I think you would be very well known perhaps even world wide in some



> That's nice to hear, but what is the basis of this glowing prediction?



My Pundit says Neptune in the 10th house is a wonderful position. He has

seen it many times he says. I'm not really sure why, but he took a strong

shine to your chart straight away. Probably because he has Mercury /Uranus

in conjunction as well.



> I would like you to give me an interpretation on your Neptune in the 10th

> house. Are you involved with in a field that involves the ocean?


> Nope. Just a former PhD student, former used bookstore clerk, presently

> under employed by a correspondence school. I seem to spend most of my


> doing astrology and writing stories.



Mercury= writing, books, study, writing etc.



> >I want to know for my own research. My old Pundit says this is a great

> position for Neptune.


> Maybe he knows something. In the west, it's attributed to people in

> artistic pursuits or people who are just confused about their life's

> direction. I'd say I belong to the latter group! I don't think this is

> anything special but share your pundit's reasoning if it's available.



Neptune is definetly the planet of escapism, whether you do it with drugs,

sex, grog or whatever! it shows a desire to merge into the abyss. I know, I

have Neptune in the 9th house in trine to my lagna and all the planet in it.

I truly believe in reincarnation and the ongoing cycles of life. Our final

goal is to merge with Siva or God or whatever you want to call it.



> To finish off I think there is a very rational side to you and also a


> inner side with extremely deep thinking. I also think you would have

> trouble expressing this deep side.


> This is one of those impossible to verify claims. Everybody has a deep

> side! Usually it only comes out to our closest intimates, or in an

> emotional crisis.



SO TRUE.............................



> The rational side would come easy as your postings show. You are


> extremely intelligent although I realise intelligence is also a relative

> term. Your navamsha shows a very spiritual man hidden behind a rational

> exterior.


> I could become a spiritual person I guess, but as I said, I'm not and have

> actually some anitpathy towards it. Of course, should God come down and

> tap me on the shoulder, I would sit up and listen to what he had to say.



You ARE a spiritual person and God is inside your heart. Don't look for

him anywhere else for you are God in the making. Heaven is simply man at his

best, Hell is man at his worst. Jesus said it very clearly in the Bible.

"The kingdom of heaven lies within thyselfAs thou shalt think, so thou

shalt be". Simple words but oh so




> So a very impressive reading, I'd say, although I would contest much of it

> on logical grounds. How's that for a skeptic's praise?



Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living but the

other helps you make a life. The simple realization that there is other

points of view other than our own is the beginning of wisdom. Understanding

what they are is a great step for us, but the final test is understanding

why they are held.......Agreed?




> Chris





> Lets get some good feedback going so we can all learn something!!

> >

> >As my Guru Yogaswami said,

> >

> > "Don't think too much and don't read too many books, open the book that

> is inside your heart and all that is hidden will be revealed.

> >

> >Regards Skinbags.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> gjlist-




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Sorry to everybody for this long-winded exchange. Here we go again.



>> Dear Andrew:


>> Thanks for the reading of my chart. I've chosen to look at this


>> isolating each statement and offering my take on it in terms of possible

>> accuracy (as if I can say anything about that!) and astrological



> Saturn as lagna lord and that bloody Mercury. You use the word isolate

>which is very Saturnian. I am a very intuitive person and it is very hard

>for me to write a chart reading like a mathematical formula. The rational

>mind can interpret but understanding on a deep level is sometimes hard to

>interpret in written words. I think you know what I mean!


It is hard, but if astrology is to move forward, we have to try. Teaching

intuition doesn't seem like a winning pasttime to me; teaching proven

principles would appear to have a much better shot.



>> >

>> >Dear Christopher

>> >

>> >Your horoscope shows a strong intellect and rational mind.


>> Gee, thanks! Obviously, right on the money! :-) Rational yes, and

>> intellectually oriented for sure, as opposed to physical or emotional

>> orientations.


> A Vata mind. Your Moon is in the most intellectual and rational sign of

>Gemini aspected by Saturn.


> >Lagna lord is located in the 12th house in the 9th sign of higher

>> learnings and spiritual knowledge showing an interest in high education


>> study in a foreign country.


>> I have little interest in spiritual knowledge thus far, and I have an MA


>> well as a half finished PhD. As a Canadian, I got my MA in the US.



> Is Jyotish not a spiritual science? Are our communications just idle

>bullshit or a form of spiritual communication? Is it just coincidence we

>write to each other? A masters degree sounds like high education to me as a

>high school drop out!


You may choose to believe what you wish. All I'm saying is that concluding

higher education from lagnesh in Sagittarius is out and out gambling! (I'm

not sure where you'd put the 12th in the education mix.) I think lagnesh

in 12th can go some ways to explain my love of foreign things, and the

travels that I have embarked on so far. Spirituality? Like I said, I'm

not that way. "Weird things" might be a better catch-all.




>> On the face of it, that seems to hold up pretty well, except for the

>> spiritual stuff. And yet can that by itself explain higher education? No

>> way. I feel other factors must bear more responsibility. Mercury is

>> angular, and hence strong, and rules the signhouse 9th (sometimes linked

>> to higher education) and rules the unequal 5th (also linked to higher

>> education). Education can be tricky given that there are numerous houses

>> associated with it.


>> As for foreign education, this is true. Again, however, from the

>> perspective of a Canadian, studying in the US isn't 12th house stuff at

>> all. 12th house means really foreign far away places. Like a New

>> Zealander studying in Australia. So it's correct, but there's an asterisk

>> there.



> You told me you stayed in Thailand. Do you think higher learnings in

>life are found only in Universities? Higher learnings are when we start to

>look inside ourselves and make sense of our existence. Keep things simple,

>lagna lord in the 12th shows time in foreign countries. Jupiter is the

>planet of higher learnings here also. Overseas countries have been a source

>of learning for you.


OK, but I was thinking of higher education as meaning university degrees.

That's the way most people and most clients take it to mean. Sure,

learning can occur outside the academic setting (thank God!), although

where we put that isn't clear to me. So, yes, learnings in foreign

countries, why not? But education proper should be seen from Mercury, the

4/5/9. Right? Here's a good trick to learn. For education, look at

houses 5th and 9th from Mercury, taking Mercury as lagna. I think 5th is

better here, but I'm open minded on the question.




>> >Lagna falls in Capricorn a practical and sobor earth sign ruled by a

>> stern, dry and serious planet in Saturn.


>> For all this dry sobriety, you'd think I didn't laugh at jokes or




> Saturn is a negative and skeptical planet in bad aspect to Moon. You

>undervalue yourself and your abilities. Saturn in the house of undoings can

>show you are your own worst enemy.


Not enough humility in the world, that's what I say. Andrew, statements

like "you are your own worst enemy" are completely unfalsifiable. I mean,

is it true? How would I know? What does it even mean? I guess that's

what the self-help books call "self sabotage". Fear of success. How about

another way to look at it? Like: 'wanting the world on my terms'. If

everyone has a specific destiny, why should we settle for the ones carved

out for us by this cardboard cut-out society? If you don't fit the mould,

do you take a knife to yourself and cut out the overhang? Or to seek

another mould that fits you better? I've chosen the latter. To me, that's

not being an enemy to myself, that's understanding who I am and what my

needs are. Being in university became a stale experience for me. I chose

to leave. Coventional people would say that I sabotaged my own success.

But that's the conformist way of looking at things. What kind of success

would that be if I became so alienated that I had to take of drinking or

something just to face the world the next day? No thanks. If the world is

going to change, is has to change one person at a time, making individual

choices of resistance against a way of doing things that is antithetical to

them, and I think, to a lot of people. Possibly to the whole planet. But

there's my idealism talking again.




>> >Saturn in is the nakshatra ruled by the Moon who is in the 6th house of

>> work in the 3rd sign of the rational mind.


>> As you corrected, it's the lagna itself that is ruled by the Moon.


>> Saturn is ruled by Venus in Leo in the 8th.


>> >Gemini is also ruled by a dry and rational planet in Mercury. Mercury

>> falls on the 7th house cusp in exchange with 6th lord Moon. Mercury as 6th

>> lord of work and 9th lord of higher learnings located in the 7th house of

>> the public in conjunction with Uranus, could show a good lecturer or


>> speaker.


>> Never heard of this. One's talent as a speaker is governed by 2nd house

>> and Mercury. I lectured when in univerisity and was competent, but no




> The people or masses are shown by the Moon. Your Mercury as karaka of

>speech is in the Moons sign. He is in his own nakshatra in the 7th house, a

>kendra and house of the public. 6th lord is the lord of work or service and

>the 9th lord is the lord of higher education. Your work was lecturing.

>Saturn as lord of speech shows cautious speech also. Have you ever lectured

>in a foreign country as shown by the 12th house?


No, since I don't consider the US to be a 12th house country. Foreign

though it most definitely is to me. And there's another point. If I did,

it was for 4 months. That's all. It's a general point I'm making here.

All these natal configurations have a permanency about them that is falsely

monolithic. They don't mean the person always did this, or even acted this

way. DO they? At best, they represent slices of life. But then, how can

they be called accurate any more? I mean, if we are doing all sorts of

different things nowm changing careers 5 times and what not, eventually

we'll all end doing a little bit of everything at least once, right? Then

all horoscopes will be correct!





>> >Both Mercury and Uranus fall in a moksha sign in Cancer showing a fertile

>> mind.


>> Seems like a stretch to link Cancer and "fertile" in this way. Anyway,

>> Mercury and Uranus together in any sign can give originality. How would


>> be different if it was in a fire or air sign?



> Cancer is the Moons sign and sign of the mother. It is the most fertile

>sign and where the water element reaches its strongest point. This is the

>end of the lunar half of the zodiac where Jupiter gets exalted. Capricorn is

>the end of the solar half of the zodiac where Mars gets exalted. This is

>where the fire energy reaches its peak Gurudeva was born in Capricorn with

>Moon and Venus in the lagna showing his world wide renown as a great world

>teacher. His 7th lord of the masses in the lagna with yoga karaka Venus. He

>can move the world with his kindness


>> >These aspects show an intelligent and inventive mind as they both fall in

>> the nakshatra of Mercury. They are also located in the 2nd house of speech

>> from the Moon.


>> This seems pretty sound. I am constantly looking for newness and novelty


>> everything, including myself. So Mercury in Mercury's nakshatra ratchets

>> up the Mercury dosage, so to speak. OK, but Mercury gets a much bigger

>> boost by being so close to an angle: only 2 degrees. It's too bad jyotish

>> doesn't pay much attention to angularity because planets close the the

>> cusps of the 1/4/7/10 houses tend to dominate the chart in some way.

>> Usually, this has to be less than 5 degrees or so.


> Who told you Jyotish doesn't pay attention to planets right on the



When I say angles, I don't mean just kendras. I mean the angles ie with

less than 5* orb!


This is the basis of planets being strong in kendra or angular from

>each other. Western astrology uses squares and assumes all square aspects

>are difficult. Jyotish prefers to look at the nature of a planet in a chart

>before condeming it as good or bad. A bad malefic such as Saturn in a kendra

>can cause much trouble as we know. Do not underestimate this planet Uranus

>and its effect on the mind. Uranus with Mercury makes you a skilled but

>scientific and rational astrologer like my Pundit.


This is an overstated maxim from western astrology. Uranus is a key planet

for astrology and I do believe it's aspects with Mercury are statistically

overrepresented in astrologer's charts, but you'll find plenty of great

astrologers who dont' have any contact between them in the rashi chart.


He has this conjunction

>in his 5th house. I have Moon and Uranus in rapt conjuntion in the 7th house

>of the masses. I naturally seem to attract people to my writings on

>astrology without even trying.


It's the old madison avenue refrain: "sex sells"! :-)


My lagna lord in the 12th house makes me

>reluctant to promote myself and I undervalue myself like I'm sure you do. I

>have Jupiter and Mercury both with dig bala in the lagna boosted by Mars

>with them. I am only starting to realise that maybe I'm not as stupid as I

>always considered myself to be. Seeing some of the dickheads and charlatins

>ripping off people on psychic phone lines and promoting themselves in

>magazines as astrologers just infuriates me.


Me too, brother. All of a sudden, it dawns on you that the most successful

(read: richest) astrologers around are the self-promoting know-nothings. I

speak here of western astrologers, as I don't know the situatino in India.

That's too harsh though, since they do know western astrology in all of its

warm and fuzzy glory. And the truth is, I can't do that kind of astrology.

It's too wordy, nothing enough meat somehow. Thing is, though, that's

what a lot of people will pay to hear. It doesn't matter that they can't

predict anything, it doesn't matter that there is no way to falsify much of

what they say in terms of natal interpretation. It's a vehicle for

self-awareness, don't you know! I mean, if that's what they want, they

should have it. Because the experience of going to an astrologer is pretty

weird for most people. They are using the counsellor model in the west to

gauge their expectations. Why would they want something that wasn't

couched in those terms of self-help? And some people need to hear support

and warmth from someone. There are so many helpless souls out there,

without religion, without inner strength, with nothing to hang onto except

a credit card limit and a dream catcher. Jyotish is tough medicine

sometimes. I'm not comfortable with forcing bad news on people at all.

That's one BIG obstacle for jyotish to overcome in the west. People don't

want to hear it's perceived fatalism. Above all, people need hope.


They give themselves stupid

>names such as Athena Starwoman. Some English dickhead Jonathan Canier writes

>in my local newspaper with the usual Sun sign generalized crap that is so

>common. I haven't made a brass razoo out of astrology and to think these

>frauds are being paid just depresses me and makes me realize just how hard

>it is going to be to ever get any credibility for Jyotish.


It's up to you and everyone else on this list to get out there a bit and

plug it. Why not write an article for magazine? Very difficult to get it

published, I know, since everyone and their grandma is an astrologer with a

unique pespective on Neptune or some such.


I suffer like

>most astrologers with being labelled as a weirdo or nutcase because of all

>these money chasing, rip off merchants.


Even if they weren't frauds, I think we'd still be labelled nutcases. Of

worse, if jyotish was found to be as powerful as it really is and people

started to go for it, you can bet the gov't types would be in there either

shutting it down, or better yet, 'getting a piece of the action'.



>> >

>> >Lagna lord Saturn is in the nakshatra of yoga karaka Venus who is in the

>> 8th house of profound thinking in the 5th sign of creative intelligence.


>> Yeah, yeah, I'm as profound as that psychotic bum who lives in a doorway

>> down the street and natters on about the CIA monitoring his thoughts with

>> microwave ovens.



> Don't talk about me like that! Once again you are undervalueing

>yourself again. Moon /Saturn across 6/12th houses!!

>> My bloody phone was bugged last year! Thats why I'm on 11 charges. I wish

>I had been a bit more paranoid. There is a very fine line between a genius

>and a madman.


Agreed. What the heck did you do? Or maybe I don't want to know...




> >Sun as 8th lord in the 8th house gives long life and in conjunction with

>> yoga karaka 5th and 10th lord Venus makes you extremely kind.


>> Why should this be so? Is it YK conjunct Sun only, or does it's 8th house

>> rulership have something to do with it? Probably not, I think. Anyway, I

>> am a kindly person I think, not given to conflict or violence since I was


>> child. But there you have the problem of more than one factor linked to a

>> trait. Jupiter aspecting Sun is also connected to kindness, amongst other

>> things. So it's hard to verify that it is YK with Sun that is causing it.

>> Of course it could be -- and probably is -- an additive principle.



> Don't over rationlize aspects.


Why not? Some parts of that equation (that's what it is, amigo!) are wrong

and some are right. It's up to us to find out which is which.


Sun is the lord of the heart and soul in

>his own sign with the sweet and kind planet Venus. Sun and Venus conjunction

>always makes a person sweet and kind and yours also has the aspect of

>Jupiter making you honest as well. The 8th house is the house of research

>also. Are you a good researcher?


Only things I'm interested in. I prefer experimentation more. That's two

points for Mercury.


Hey! I have Sun and Venus in conjunction so

>I am hardly going to say anything else.



>> >Venus is in her own nakshatra in close trine to lagna lord Saturn. Both

>> are in moksha houses but also secret houses. You are probably shy and

>> somewhat secretive about certain things.


>> Shy yes for sure. But why are you saying that? Aspects to lagnesh from

>> planets in moksha houses? I would think the shyness come more from Moon


>> dussthana aspected by Saturn causing inferiority complex or some such.


> True also, this aspect shows lack of belief in your own talents or

>ablities. Your lagna lord, Sun as lord of heart, Moon and Venus as natural

>lord of the 2nd house of speech are all in hidden houses, showing you shy

>away from the public gaze if possible.


Yes. Maybe I'd do well as a silhouetted form from behind a curtain

standing at a poduim sharing my deep thoughts with an adoring public.

Sorry, I know that bugs you.




>> >There is also a wonderful trine aspect between Sun and Jupiter once


>> in moksha houses. Sun is in the 8th house of deep thinking and 3rd house

>> from the Moon in the nakshatra of Ketu the mystical planet Ketu who is

>> placed in Aquarius.


>> But I'm not mystical at all. True I'm interested in astrology and UFOs


>> all that sort of thing, but I have no psychic abilities or anything like




> This Mercury / Uranus conjunction shows these interests. I bet you like

>star-trek, Dr Who and Star wars.


I found Star Wars pretty simple-minded. I've never sat through an entire

movie. Just not enough thematic meat there. Just human cartoon characters

waving around light sabres. Guess I'm a snob. Where is that in the chart?

Star Trek for sure. Dr Who has camp value, no more.(what did the BBC spend

on that show? $100?)_ Love the theme music by Ron Grainer.


A Vata mind. Airy and spaced out. I can't

>see you as a jock or sportsman.


I've got a pretty good curve ball (baseball talk, for all the non-north

americans out there)


Astrology is a mystical science as we cannot

>rationally prove the influences of the planets as yet.


Maybe we can't prove it yet because people go around calling it a "mystical



Everybody is somewhat

>psychic. It is just a matter of tapping into it and not doubting your

>instincts that have been honed over millions of years of evolution. The

>rational mind can only interpret what it recieves from the senses or

>interpret what is stored on the hard drive of the mind as represented by the

>Moon. The power of the Moon and Mercury should be in balance. This is why

>Mercury takes on the influences of planets it is associated with, it has no

>nature of its own like a new born child. Moon is the hard drive, Mercury in

>the RAM. Does this make sense at all to you??


Yeah, Moon is memory. Could be collective unconscious, or not. Who knows?





>> >Your Ketu as karaka of past lives is right on my lagna cusp. Your Moon

>> falls on my navamsha Moon and your Sun and Venus fall in my Moon sign. In

>> the navamsha your Sun, Jupiter and Ketu fall in my navamsha lagna and your

>> Mars aspects my Venus. Some very strong aspects between our charts.


>> For sure.


> You are rational, I am intuitive. Together we blend.


Sounds like we should write a book or something. Or form a comedy team.


>> >

>> >Birth yogi planet Mars in your 5th house shows a sharp an active mind but

>> somewhat fixed as it falls in Taurus and somewhat fastidious as it is in

>> the nakshatra of Moon who is in the 6th house in Mercury's sign. All your

>> dry planets in Mars, Sun, Mercury and Saturn are very strong and even your

>> female watery planets Venus and Moon are in dry barren signs indicating a

>> lean body and Vata constitution.


>> Pretty lean, although it's hard once you hit 40 to keep it so. Vata/pita,

>> how knows, they are often too close to call.



> Mars in the 5th can make you lean also. Jupiter with the lagna lord can

>make you put on a bit with age also.



>> >I would guess you are an academic of some kind as your Mercury is very

>> strong.


>> As I told you in an earlier post, I was doing a PhD but bailed out. I

>> think Mercury does play a big role here, although it has to be combined

>> with numerous other factors for make it a going concern.



> What was your field of study? I am very wary of pointy headed



Me, too. Although I admire all intellectual effort to some degree.

Sociology, mostly theoretical stuff and economic development as well. Why

is the Third world poor, the rise of corporate capitalism, imperialism,

and all that. It is still an important insight into the way the world is

going these days. It's just the way it's done in the academic setting is

too slow, too stale for me now.


I will email you a letter I sent to a female Professor who

>wrote an article about Australian men I disagreed with. you will see clearly

>my Mars / Mercury conjunction in my biting and sarcastic commments.



>> >A lot of your planets are in hidden houses the 8th and 12th so there is a

>> lot of deep thinking going on under the rational exterior.


>> Some mistake it for a blank stare! Sometimes it's just watching TV. Hard

>> to say about this.


>> >Even your Mars is in the 12th from the Moon.


I avoid conflict at all costs!!


>> >

>> >Your Navamsha chart is very, very strong showing great inner strength.

>> Lagna lord Moon is exalted in the 11th house and Sun is exalted with dig

>> bala in the 10th house with Jupiter and Ketu who also has dig bala in the

>> 10th house. In the navamsha you have great planets in the 9th, 10th and

>> 11th houses which is always good for success.


>> Still waiting for this -- I'm as poor and unrecognized as they come. This

>> brings up that awful debate about how to read varga charts. Many people

>> read them as you do, like the rashi chart. I'm still cautious about doing

>> this, preferring to look only at dispositors (Mercury is in Saturn sign in

>> navamsha, therefore it assumes some Saturn qualities, esp. in marriage

>> affairs.)


> Your poor, I have Jupiter as 2nd and 11th lord of the $, in the lagna

>with Mercury who is 2nd and 11th lord from the Moon lagna. Where the f*** is

>my money?


What does that tell you about simplistic astrological formulas?


I'll be dead before Jupiter dasha the way I live. Mars with the

>planet of money Jupiter makes me waste money on vices such as cigars. I have

>never got any money. I have never made a zak from astrology. I do not use

>lordship in the varga charts. I use the navamsha lagna lord and aspects

>only. It is essential to look at placement of a rashi lord in a varga.

>Lordship cannot apply in a varga chart.



>> >As for relationships we have a sexless and conservative planet as lagna

>> lord in the house of the bedroom with the honest planet and ruler of the

>> 12th house Jupiter.


>> Presumably, this dampens the bed pleasures.


> > Both are aspected by Mars by its worst aspect the 8th house aspect.


>> Right. At very least, this is not good for living things. I have bad


>> for sure.


>> >Jupiter is also in trine to Sun in the 8th house of sexual passions.


>> This also reduces the passions? I would say it enhances them because

>> Jupiter is a benefic.


>> >Mercury and Uranus in the 7th house shows low biological strength and

>> their depositor is Moon located in the 6th house in Gemini,


>> This is news to me. Why is Merc in the 7th bad for bio vitality?



> Mercury and Uranus conjunction can show inability to maintain an erection

>and lack of power in erection. Look for this in a mans chart who is having

>problems with his wife. Nobody will admit to this readily of course! These

>two planets in conjunction seem to short circuit each other in some ways.

>Both these planets in your chart are in the 7th house of sex in the sign of

>fertility Cancer. Moon is in the most infertile sign in bad aspect to

>Saturn. I'll say you have no children and have never been married? Is this



Thankfully so! But where do you get this weak erections stuff with

Mercury/Uranus? Off the mark, if I can say so-- or if you'll believe me!.

Mercury in the 7th isn't great for sexual energy, it's true, but that's

only one factor. Uranus, I don't know. Reference, please. Venus is

aspected by Mars so that usually increases sexual energy, perhaps more so

with Venus in the 8th in a fire sign.




>> >a dry and barren sign in opposition to Saturn. Saturn and Jupiter are in

>> the 7th from Moon. Venus is papa kartari between Sun and Rahu with the


>> aspect of Mars.


>> This heightens sexual energy I would say, although it does create problems

>> of harmony in relationships.



> Maybe in the mind, but can the body back up the energy and impulses.



>> >These are tough aspects to form lasting relationships and 6th and 7th

>> lord in exchange can show lack of interest in marriage also.


>> All true, and all important too, I think.


>> >In the navamsha this is reinforced by neecha Venus with Saturn retrograde

>> getting the hard aspect of Mars. More importantly Saturn is in exchange

>> with Mercury in the 7th house of sex. Mercury in the navamsha chart falls

>> in the 7th in the navamsha of Saturn in exchange with Saturn. These are of

>> course both sexless planets.


> Saturns aspect on Mercury weakens the nerves.



>> > I think of myself as a sexual person however. I am very choosy about

>> partners and don't have an overriding or predominant sexual urge that I

>> must satisfy. I place a high value on ethics (Jupiter's influence there

>> perhaps) and have never engaged in empty flattery and lies to obtain


>> access. Sadly, this seems to be the norm in this part of the world. Love

>> is a magical force that I respect and revere. I don't separate sexual

>> urges from it.



> Oh a closet idealist! Is this Venus speaking from the hidden 8th house or

>Jupiter from the hidden 12th house. As they are both in good aspect with the

>Sun, this shows your real nature or soul nature. It took us a while but we

>have found the true Christopher. When I am forced to choose between two

>evils I usually choose them both! I have a simple system of courting females

>every man should note down. When you are young, baffle them with the

>bullshit. When you are old, dazzle them with the dollars. Plan B is Skinbags

>golden rules, whoever has the gold rules!


Duly noted, sir!


You sound a bit lonely to me.


We're all lonely while waiting at that windswept busstop, a crumpled copy

of yesterday's news lying on the ground stained brown from age -- was it

only yesterday?, waiting for God to show his face. Maybe you like to chat

with that woman next to you in the queue to pass the time, while I stare up

at the stars, or rummage around in the dirt for that paper looking at the

basball scores to see who's leading in batting.



>Seriously speaking your atmakaraka is Moon. In the navamsha chart you lagna

>is Cancer and Moon is exalted in the 11th house of friendship. I showed your

>chart to my Pundit and he says you are a very decent and good man.

>Unfortunately in the modern world, money, power and possessions are

>everything. I think it is very sad when people are judged on what they have

>rather than what they are as a person. This is the modern world WE have

>created!! and we think we are so f***** intelligent..............what a



Individuallly intelligent, collective suicidal.



>> >This is just the way I see it and my comments are made with out


>> I see these aspects purely in energetic terms, some people are strong,


>> are weak, some are smart and some are stupid. These are just relative


>> we use to try and understand things.


>> Agreed.



>> >

>> >I think you would be very well known perhaps even world wide in some



>> That's nice to hear, but what is the basis of this glowing prediction?



> My Pundit says Neptune in the 10th house is a wonderful position. He has

>seen it many times he says. I'm not really sure why, but he took a strong

>shine to your chart straight away. Probably because he has Mercury /Uranus

>in conjunction as well.


Hey, I'd like to take a peek at his chart.





>> I would like you to give me an interpretation on your Neptune in the 10th

>> house. Are you involved with in a field that involves the ocean?


>> Nope. Just a former PhD student, former used bookstore clerk, presently

>> under employed by a correspondence school. I seem to spend most of my


>> doing astrology and writing stories.



> Mercury= writing, books, study, writing etc.



>> >I want to know for my own research. My old Pundit says this is a great

>> position for Neptune.


>> Maybe he knows something. In the west, it's attributed to people in

>> artistic pursuits or people who are just confused about their life's

>> direction. I'd say I belong to the latter group! I don't think this is

>> anything special but share your pundit's reasoning if it's available.



> Neptune is definetly the planet of escapism, whether you do it with drugs,

>sex, grog or whatever! it shows a desire to merge into the abyss. I know, I

>have Neptune in the 9th house in trine to my lagna and all the planet in it.


Yeah, but Neptune has to be prominent in the chart. Mine only is using

midpoints: Sun/Moon is conjunct Neptune using the 90* dial. Otherwise, it's

just floating around out there. Just being somewhere in the 9th or 10th

doesn't mean much. Yours is 3* off a trine to lagna, so that's something.



>I truly believe in reincarnation and the ongoing cycles of life. Our final

>goal is to merge with Siva or God or whatever you want to call it.



>> To finish off I think there is a very rational side to you and also a


>> inner side with extremely deep thinking. I also think you would have

>> trouble expressing this deep side.


>> This is one of those impossible to verify claims. Everybody has a deep

>> side! Usually it only comes out to our closest intimates, or in an

>> emotional crisis.



> SO TRUE.............................



>> The rational side would come easy as your postings show. You are


>> extremely intelligent although I realise intelligence is also a relative

>> term. Your navamsha shows a very spiritual man hidden behind a rational

>> exterior.


>> I could become a spiritual person I guess, but as I said, I'm not and have

>> actually some anitpathy towards it. Of course, should God come down and

>> tap me on the shoulder, I would sit up and listen to what he had to say.



> You ARE a spiritual person and God is inside your heart. Don't look for

>him anywhere else for you are God in the making. Heaven is simply man at his

>best, Hell is man at his worst. Jesus said it very clearly in the Bible.

>"The kingdom of heaven lies within thyselfAs thou shalt think, so thou

>shalt be". Simple words but oh so




>> So a very impressive reading, I'd say, although I would contest much of it

>> on logical grounds. How's that for a skeptic's praise?



> Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living but the

>other helps you make a life. The simple realization that there is other

>points of view other than our own is the beginning of wisdom. Understanding

>what they are is a great step for us, but the final test is understanding

>why they are held.......Agreed?


A difficult place to close off. Astrology allows me to appreciate that

others are the way they are for good reason. With that comes acceptance

and greater tolerance for others. Even if I think badly of other's

behaviour, at least there's a reason.






>> Chris





>> Lets get some good feedback going so we can all learn something!!

>> >

>> >As my Guru Yogaswami said,

>> >

>> > "Don't think too much and don't read too many books, open the book that

>> is inside your heart and all that is hidden will be revealed.

>> >

>> >Regards Skinbags.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >gjlist-

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >



>> gjlist-













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