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Al Gore

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Dear Group,


I sent the following story to Richard Houk to wind him up about the U.S

election. I'll post it for other up'n'coming Pundits to have a look at.


The following are some points on Al Gores horoscope. I read your page but do

not understand tertiary progressions. He was born on the 31st of March, 1948 at

12.53pm in Washington U.S.A. According to Hindu astrology his ascendant is

Cancer with its lord Moon in the 6th house and the 9th sign of the zodiac,

associated with the 9th lord Jupiter, the most friendly and benefic planet.

Jupiter is the birth yogi planet located in the 6th house of service and health

granting him good foresight, correct thinking and an alert mind.


Moon the planet of the mind of the masses in conjunction with its friend

Jupiter denotes he is a man for the people. Political planet Sun is in the 9th

house with Suba Vesi yoga in trine to Mars, Saturn and Pluto, excellent

combinations for political leadership, international fame and divine guidance.


Venus in the 11th house with Uranus in the nakshatra of Sun his 2nd lord

denotes his close associates will contribute to his success. Venus is the karaka

for eyes and is in his own sign in the 2nd sign of the zodiac, in the nakshatra

of 2nd lord Sun, this shows the face, speech and eyes are clear and bright. He

is a good looking man with an appealing face.


His ascendant Cancer associated with the strongest and heaviest planets

Mars, Saturn and Pluto in excellent aspect to Sun have become great benefics for

the strength of the lagna. Hindu astrology says Saturn in the lagna for a

Cancerian makes the person calm, cool, collected and work hard with perseverence

to obtain their ambitions.


The political planet Sun in the 9th house in excellent aspect to raja yoga

planet Mars and lord of the 7th house of the public Saturn shows he was born to

gain high status in public life. Saturn is a conservative planet in the lagna.

This can make him appear very lifeless and overly serious in the expression of

his personality.


Jupiter the birth yoga planet is a final depositor of all the nakshatra

lords which denotes he is very fortunate throughout life.


He is now under the directional influence of Rahu as major lord who is in

the 10th house deposited by Mars the raja yoga planet and also the 5th lord of

political ministry. Mars as 10th lord in the nakshatra of Mercury makes him very

ambitious. Mars gains neecha bhanga raja yoga status in the lagna. He has very

strong planets in the 9th, 10th and 11th houses guaranteeing great success.


Rahu has given him his current high status since November 1992. The sub lord

at election time will be Mercury. Mercury in the 8th house of legacy in the

nakshatra of birth yogi Jupiter in the 11th sign of gains will grant great gains

in life. Mercury as 3rd and 12th lord has become a very powerful force in this

chart by its location in the 8th house. Mercury is the lord of two bad houses

placed in another bad house thus gaining Vipreeta Raja yoga. Mercury as 3rd lord

of victory is in the 3rd house of victory from the Moon being aspected by this

powerful 5th and 10th lord Mars from the lagna.


From the Moon lagna Mercury is the 7th lord of the public and 10th lord of

status in the 3rd house of victory aspected by the 5th lord of political

ministry Mars. In the navamsha Mercury is with birth yogi planet Jupiter and in

the Dashamsha Mercury is exalted and trine to Jupiter.


The depositor of Mercury in the rashi chart Saturn is in the lagna in rapt

conjunction with Mars the yoga karaka planet. This Mercury is a very strong

planet for Gore. Saturn as 7th lord of the people, public and 8th lord of legacy

is with Mars, a very powerful combination.


In ashtakarvarga he has 42 bindus in the 4th house while 10th and 11th

houses contain 32 and 36 bindus. 36 bindus in the house of gains and friends

will grant powerful and wealthy friends. This Venus in the 11th house, in its

own sign, in the house of realisation of worldy desires is a great position.

Both houses of Venus have high bindus.


In Gores election chart Sagittarius rises with the present ruling planets

Rahu, Saturn and Mercury in the 9th house aspected by Jupiter the planet of

President. This denotes that he will have great political success.


Bush is a secret sinner with ava yogi Mars in the 2nd house and 12th house

from Moon. His speech will be his downfall. He called some reporter an arsehole

in front of the whole world and this shows his true nature as a shifty two faced

bastard. Smiling while calling someone an arsehole behind their back.


Jupiter, Moon and Rahu all fall in the nakshatra of Mars the ava yogi

planet. I think he secretly has practiced all the vices, women, drugs, alchohol

and a bad temper. He may have grown out some of these habits as he's got older.

This is all hidden under his persona of a caring politicion. In other words he

is a great potential President in the making!!


He is running Saturn/Mars in the 4th dasha period. If he is elected with a

bit of luck he may be assassinated as he also has Karla sarpa yoga and was born

on Ashtami day. Rahu in transit over the natal Sun in the 10th house from the

Moon is a powerful transit. They both have very strong horoscopes. It will be a

good fight right to the finish.


He has Moon as the planet of the mind of the masses in the nakshatra of ava

yogi Mars. Mars is in the 12th house of loss from the Moon in a maraka house the

2nd house of speech. This Mars also becomes a vipreeta raja yoga planet from the

Moon as 3rd and 8th lord in the 12th house. His Mars is a very complex planet

for him.


Anyway I couldn't really give a rats arse who wins but it is interesting to

follow things astrologically. I'm a cheeky bastard talking about others as

secret sinners when I'm a closet Aleister Crowley myself..


regards Skinbags







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Dear Group



Here in Australia we like nothing more than a bit of piss taking at the

expense of Americans. We kicked your arse in the 4 by 100 mens swimming relay at

the Olympics tonight which had everybody in Australia going crazy.


One thing I would like to mention about the U.S election as my final point on

the matter is, if you look at the chart of the election day Mars will be in the

10th house from Gores natal Moon in the nakshatra of Moon his lagna lord. Sun

and Mercury will be in the 11th house in a house which has 42 ashtakarvarga

bindus for Gore.


The Sun gets a thumping 8 bindus in this house and will be in the nakshatra of

birth yogi Jupiter with the sub lord or activator being Mercury. This Sun will

be in almost exact trine to Rahu in the 7th house from natal Moon. Sun will also

have neecha Bhanga raja yoga status. Rahu is also in the the nakshatra of

Jupiter on that day with the sub lord once again Mercury.


Mercury on election day will be in the nakshatra of Rahu. Rahu is in the 10th

house from Gores lagna and will be in mutual aspect to Sun on election day. What

we have on the election day for Al Gore is 9th and 10th lords from the natal

Moon are in conjunction in the 11th house in aspect to both natal Rahu and

transit Rahu.


This is very important as he is running Rahu / Mercury and Jupiter is final

dispositor of all the planets. Jupiter is birth yogi and very powerfully placed

in the 6th house of enemies in its moolatrikona sign with the lagna lord Moon.

Importantly the 11th house from the lagna and Moon for Gore both have very high

ashtarkarvarga bindus.


I mention this as most people are saying the transits favour Bush. Is this

actually so when you use the nakshatras? Once again I stress I am not saying I

am right. I am just trying to present some ideas about Gores Mercury. As a

vipreeta raja yoga planet in transit in the 11th house from natal Moon in a

house with 42 bindus it is a very strong force as bhukti lord in the nakshatra

of Rahu the dasha lord.


Mercury is situated in the 8th house of legacy from the lagna and 3rd house of

victory from the Moon for Gore. On the election day there will be a grand trine

aspect between natal Mercury, transit Rahu and transit Sun within 2 degrees in

all the houses of desire from Gores natal Moon. This grand trine falls in the

signs of Aquarius the 11th sign of gains, Gemini the sign of victory and Libra

the natural sign of the public.


On election night full Moon will be in the 5th house of political ministry

from the natal Moon with Gores dasha lord Rahu and in the 10th house from lagna.

Some will argue that Bushs transits are just as strong. I just don't believe he

can win.











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Subj: (no subject)


rkoch, gjlist




I would like some feedback on my planetary career analysis for my daughter.BD

is 8/17/1983 at 2:48 am TZ 6(CDT) in Evanston,IL.First choice planet is

mercury because it is AK in 9H in D9,in the 10H from moon,9L in D10

dispositor of 10L in D1,moon is in mercury ruled nakshatra,,born in

mercury,venus,mercury is 6L in D9 dispositor of 10L in D1,mercury conjuncts

the sun in sun nakshatra,mercury aspects the 10H in bhava chart,mercury rules

ascendant,mercury house has 31 points and mercury 5 bindus,mercury conjunct

venus which is 10L in D10,mercury dispositor of saturn,mercury aspects

9H,mercury conjuncts mars in H5 in D10.

Second choice is Jupiter because it rules 10H,Aspects 10H,conjuncts the

moon,10H cusp is in jupiter ruled nakshatra,jupiter is in 9H in D10,Jupiter

rules 9H in D9,Jupiter is yogi for chart,it conjuncts mars in D9 ascendant

ruler of D9,jupiter is placed in 6H,Jupiter aspects mars in2H which is Lord

of 6and 11H,Jupiter conjuncts rahu in D9,it conjuncts uranus and ketu in D1.

Third choice is Saturn because it is exalted in H5 rules 9H,conjuncts

pluto,rules D10 ascendant in 11H in D10,rules 10H in D9,jupiter and mars in

saturn ruled nakshatras,Mars ruler of 6 and 11H aspected by saturn,2H and 11H

aspected by saturn.Saturn shadbala is 1.37. Fourth choice is venus because

it rules 10H in D10.rules 10H from sun in D1,aspects the 10H in D9,conjuncts

the sun,dispositor of saturn,conjuncts mercury ascendant ruler,in 10H from

moon.Weaknesses are in 12H in D10,52 in vimshopak,and retrograde. Fifth

choice is Rahu because it it is in 10H from sun,in 10H conjunct uranus in

D10,Jupiter and moon aspect rahu,rahu is conjunct jupiter in 6H in D9,Rahu

conjuncts mars ruler of ascendant in D9. Sixth choice is sun which is in 10H

from moon,conjunct mercury,exalted in ascendant of D9,moolatrikona,conjunct

venus,in 3h in own sidn,vimshopak is 100,shadbala is 1.28.Weakness is in 8H

in D10. My tentative conclusion is that the favorable placements of mercury

and jupiter wtih saturn should be predominant.However my daughter is a senior

in HS 4th or 5th in her class,very bright in math and science.Loves her class

in government and participates avidly in model United Nations,she also loves

singing in the choir and is taking private voice lessons.Her proposed college

majors at the moment are biology,music and political science.Based on her

chart I am inclined to encourage her to pursue political science and

law.Rahu and venus do show their influence thru the interest in science and

music.Please comment on what i may have missed in my synthesis. Dave PS Tenth

house from mercury is aries ruled by mars,but aspected by saturn.

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Dear List,

Another interesting note that Braha makes in his article in the Mountain

Astrologer relates to the 20 year cycle of nearr death or actual death

experiences that American presidents have experienced over the last 160 years.

(Presidents that have been elected or in office in 1980 -Reagan's near

fatal shooting that one of his men took in the head, 1960 - kennedy, 1940

-Roosevelt, 1920 - Harding, 1900 - McKinley, 1880 - Garfield, 1860 -

Lincoln, and 1840 - Harrison)

One aspect of his prediction that Gore will win is the possibility of his

untimely or early death and the election year happening in the next cycle

year of 2000. This prediction is based on Saturn's rulership of the 8th and

the afflictions to it located ih the first house of the body.

Any thoughts?




At 09:21 AM 9/17/00 -0500, you wrote:


>Dear Skinbags and Lalia

>Nice to have some predictions out there .Houck and V.K.Choudhry for Bush

>and Braha for Gore .We need to have some Olympic type competition amongst

>the big guns otherwise there are too many self proclaimed world's best

>astrologers out there . I'm with Braha and Skinbags .Gore for president .

















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Marcia <marcia

<gjlist >

Sunday, September 17, 2000 12:19 PM

Re: [gjlist] Re: Al Gore





In my last posting on the election I thought the U.S election was on the

11th of November but I'm told it is actually the 7th so my spin on the full

Moon should be disregarded. No auspicious events should be held on a full

Moon day anyway. If anybody knows where I can read this article by Braha

please post the address or email me it if possible. Gore has Moon as lagna

lord in the sixth house with Jupiter in the 9th sign. His enemies cannot

bring him down. Also does anybody have the time of birth for Tiger Woods. He

must be a Libran with Moon and Venus in the 2nd house with that smile. I

have him born on 30 Dec 1975 in Cypress California. If he's a Libran as I

suspect, he has Jupiter in the 6th house in its own house and nobody can

beat him either. If I can get a correct time I want to post a story on him.











> Dear List,

> Another interesting note that Braha makes in his article in the Mountain

> Astrologer relates to the 20 year cycle of nearr death or actual death

> experiences that American presidents have experienced over the last 160


> (Presidents that have been elected or in office in 1980 -Reagan's near

> fatal shooting that one of his men took in the head, 1960 - kennedy, 1940

> -Roosevelt, 1920 - Harding, 1900 - McKinley, 1880 - Garfield, 1860 -

> Lincoln, and 1840 - Harrison)

> One aspect of his prediction that Gore will win is the possibility of his

> untimely or early death and the election year happening in the next cycle

> year of 2000. This prediction is based on Saturn's rulership of the 8th


> the afflictions to it located ih the first house of the body.

> Any thoughts?

> Marcia



> At 09:21 AM 9/17/00 -0500, you wrote:

> >

> >Dear Skinbags and Lalia

> >Nice to have some predictions out there .Houck and V.K.Choudhry for Bush

> >and Braha for Gore .We need to have some Olympic type competition amongst

> >the big guns otherwise there are too many self proclaimed world's best

> >astrologers out there . I'm with Braha and Skinbags .Gore for president


> >Regards

> >Nicholas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >gjlist-







> gjlist-





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Dear Skinbags and Lalia

Nice to have some predictions out there .Houck and V.K.Choudhry for Bush

and Braha for Gore .We need to have some Olympic type competition amongst

the big guns otherwise there are too many self proclaimed world's best

astrologers out there . I'm with Braha and Skinbags .Gore for president .



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