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RE: Dirt on Gore

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You got the good stuff on Gore (sounds like you're a fan) and ladled out the

dirt on Bush, but no dirt on Gore. Surely he is not without skeleton in



Curtis Burns




> Dear Group,


> I sent the following story to Richard Houk to wind him up

> about the U.S election. I'll post it for other up'n'coming

> Pundits to have a look at.


> The following are some points on Al Gores horoscope. I read

> your page but do not understand tertiary progressions. He was

> born on the 31st of March, 1948 at 12.53pm in Washington U.S.A.

> According to Hindu astrology his ascendant is Cancer with its

> lord Moon in the 6th house and the 9th sign of the zodiac,

> associated with the 9th lord Jupiter, the most friendly and

> benefic planet. Jupiter is the birth yogi planet located in the

> 6th house of service and health granting him good foresight,

> correct thinking and an alert mind.


> Moon the planet of the mind of the masses in conjunction with

> its friend Jupiter denotes he is a man for the people. Political

> planet Sun is in the 9th house with Suba Vesi yoga in trine to

> Mars, Saturn and Pluto, excellent combinations for political

> leadership, international fame and divine guidance.


> Venus in the 11th house with Uranus in the nakshatra of Sun

> his 2nd lord denotes his close associates will contribute to his

> success. Venus is the karaka for eyes and is in his own sign in

> the 2nd sign of the zodiac, in the nakshatra of 2nd lord Sun,

> this shows the face, speech and eyes are clear and bright. He is

> a good looking man with an appealing face.


> His ascendant Cancer associated with the strongest and

> heaviest planets Mars, Saturn and Pluto in excellent aspect to

> Sun have become great benefics for the strength of the lagna.

> Hindu astrology says Saturn in the lagna for a Cancerian makes

> the person calm, cool, collected and work hard with perseverence

> to obtain their ambitions.


> The political planet Sun in the 9th house in excellent aspect

> to raja yoga planet Mars and lord of the 7th house of the public

> Saturn shows he was born to gain high status in public life.

> Saturn is a conservative planet in the lagna. This can make him

> appear very lifeless and overly serious in the expression of his

> personality.


> Jupiter the birth yoga planet is a final depositor of all the

> nakshatra lords which denotes he is very fortunate throughout life.


> He is now under the directional influence of Rahu as major

> lord who is in the 10th house deposited by Mars the raja yoga

> planet and also the 5th lord of political ministry. Mars as 10th

> lord in the nakshatra of Mercury makes him very ambitious. Mars

> gains neecha bhanga raja yoga status in the lagna. He has very

> strong planets in the 9th, 10th and 11th houses guaranteeing

> great success.


> Rahu has given him his current high status since November

> 1992. The sub lord at election time will be Mercury. Mercury in

> the 8th house of legacy in the nakshatra of birth yogi Jupiter in

> the 11th sign of gains will grant great gains in life. Mercury as

> 3rd and 12th lord has become a very powerful force in this chart

> by its location in the 8th house. Mercury is the lord of two bad

> houses placed in another bad house thus gaining Vipreeta Raja

> yoga. Mercury as 3rd lord of victory is in the 3rd house of

> victory from the Moon being aspected by this powerful 5th and

> 10th lord Mars from the lagna.


> From the Moon lagna Mercury is the 7th lord of the public and

> 10th lord of status in the 3rd house of victory aspected by the

> 5th lord of political ministry Mars. In the navamsha Mercury is

> with birth yogi planet Jupiter and in the Dashamsha Mercury is

> exalted and trine to Jupiter.


> The depositor of Mercury in the rashi chart Saturn is in the

> lagna in rapt conjunction with Mars the yoga karaka planet. This

> Mercury is a very strong planet for Gore. Saturn as 7th lord of

> the people, public and 8th lord of legacy is with Mars, a very

> powerful combination.


> In ashtakarvarga he has 42 bindus in the 4th house while 10th

> and 11th houses contain 32 and 36 bindus. 36 bindus in the house

> of gains and friends will grant powerful and wealthy friends.

> This Venus in the 11th house, in its own sign, in the house of

> realisation of worldy desires is a great position. Both houses of

> Venus have high bindus.


> In Gores election chart Sagittarius rises with the present

> ruling planets Rahu, Saturn and Mercury in the 9th house aspected

> by Jupiter the planet of President. This denotes that he will

> have great political success.


> Bush is a secret sinner with ava yogi Mars in the 2nd house

> and 12th house from Moon. His speech will be his downfall. He

> called some reporter an arsehole in front of the whole world and

> this shows his true nature as a shifty two faced bastard. Smiling

> while calling someone an arsehole behind their back.


> Jupiter, Moon and Rahu all fall in the nakshatra of Mars the

> ava yogi planet. I think he secretly has practiced all the vices,

> women, drugs, alchohol and a bad temper. He may have grown out

> some of these habits as he's got older. This is all hidden under

> his persona of a caring politicion. In other words he is a great

> potential President in the making!!


> He is running Saturn/Mars in the 4th dasha period. If he is

> elected with a bit of luck he may be assassinated as he also has

> Karla sarpa yoga and was born on Ashtami day. Rahu in transit

> over the natal Sun in the 10th house from the Moon is a powerful

> transit. They both have very strong horoscopes. It will be a good

> fight right to the finish.


> He has Moon as the planet of the mind of the masses in the

> nakshatra of ava yogi Mars. Mars is in the 12th house of loss

> from the Moon in a maraka house the 2nd house of speech. This

> Mars also becomes a vipreeta raja yoga planet from the Moon as

> 3rd and 8th lord in the 12th house. His Mars is a very complex

> planet for him.


> Anyway I couldn't really give a rats arse who wins but it is

> interesting to follow things astrologically. I'm a cheeky bastard

> talking about others as secret sinners when I'm a closet Aleister

> Crowley myself..


> regards Skinbags










> gjlist-





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