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Western Astrology VS Vedic Astrology; Mu'Min's Views...

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This seems to be the one topic that just won;t go

aaway; and, I guess, since I am both, a Western and a

Vedic Astrologer, I feel compelled to speak to



Ok, this is the deal: When Western Astrologers knock

Vedic Astrologers, and say that they're all

fate-oriented, and that they're books are all old, and

that they're aren;t about finding meaning in life, the

Western Astrologers are WRONG...


....and, when Vedic Astrologers say that Western

Astrolgers cannot possibly do any good work, because

they use a "wrong" zodiac, and that Western System has

no validity because there isn't the same amount of

emphasis on prediction, and that understanding the

Human Condition with the help of Humanistic Psychology

thru the lense of Western Astrology is baseless and a

waste of time, guess what - they're WRONG...


....at the end of the day, all of this, Western, or

Vedic, or Chinese, or whatever, this is all symbolic,

and they all spring from that same Primordial Source,

from where everything Elemental can be found. This is

where all the truths of the Universe are to be found:

The Holy Qur'an, The Bhagavad-Gita, The Bible, The

Eightfold Ways of Buddhism, and so on. At the end of

it all, all of these great religions flow in the same

direction; so it is with Western and Vedic Astrology.


I keep saying, that, in this time of our Collective

History, we simply cannot afford to continue to be

ignorant in the name of some imagined superiorty, or

in the name of tradition; I have come accross many

Indians, for example, that have a great interest in

Western Astrology, especially of the brand that Noel

Tyl and Liz Greene teach; this is not to say that they

have abandoned the Vedic System, but they recognize

that there may be other ways to look at a situation,

and so, they are open. The same can certainly be said

for Western Astrologers, wanting to learn more about

the Vedic System; this is especiailly so here in the

States, where Vedic Astrology has experienced an

explosion. As cultures all over the world get more and

more exposure to each other, so too, must their



I consider myself to very, very fortunate to have

received what I call a Panoramic Education in

Astrology; I have studied Parasara, and I have studied

Ptolemy; I have studied William Lilly, and I have

studied Mantreshwara; I have studied Bepin Behari and

I have studied Dane Rudhyar; I have studied K.N. Rao

and B.V. Raman, and I have studied Jeff Green and

Steven Arroyo. I studied Solar Arcs as taught by Noel

Tyl, and I have studied Vimshoattari Dasas as taught

by K.N. Rao; I have studied Western Transits, and I

have studied Ashtakavarga, too. All of it has given me

a much richer view of Humankind's fascination with the

stars, and their effects on us here on Earth.


I have demonstrated many times, in this forum, and in

others, how both of these Great Systems, Western

Astrology and Vedic Astrology, often points to the

same conclusions; in fact, just the other day, I had a

client that had very strong sexual issues that simply

had to be discussed - any Astrologer, Western or

Vedic, would be seriously remiss, not to discuss this.

In both her Western and Vedic horoscopes, these issues

were dominant - but, don't take my word for it - see

for yourself (Jul 15, 1975, 10PM, Philadelphia, PA,

USA). This client was sexually abused by a babysitter

when she was younger, and, since then, has lead a

double-life as both a women's sex-educator, and

engaging in sexual escapades that would make Anais Nin

blush. Again, I have to point out that BOTH charts,

Western and Vedic, pointed to these concerns, AND,

both charts accurately timed the unfoldment of these



I seen case, after case, after case, of this

happening, that is, how both the Western chart and the

Vedic chart will both say that same things - but then

again, the truth is the truth is the truth, no matter

what language it is said in.


It is my view, after having spent at least the last 2

years of intense comparitive study in this area, that

the overwhelming majority of those who try to

denigrate one system while at the same time hoisting

their system of choice up in the air, are incredibly

ignorant - they obviously have't studied the work of

Reinhold Ebertin and the Comsmobiologists in Germany;

they have not studied the rich history of Astrology in

India, and how, Astrological thought and practice

there changes from town to town; they haven't availed

themselves of the very, very significant work of Carl

Jung, and how Dane Rudhyar used this work, and laid

down the foundation for an entire generation of

Astrologers, that breathed new life into an old and

outdate symbology; they haven't exposed themselves to

the ground-breaking research and work of the brilliant

K.N. Rao, or Sanjay Rath, updating ancient texts of



....they have just missed so much...


But, I am hopeful - as time marches on, and as our

world continues to get smaller and smaller, these

antiquated views will fall by the wayside, as all

other out-moded and out-dated ideas have in the past.


It is as James Braha says in his veryt first book,

Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western

Astrologer, that one day soon, the round chart of

Western Astrology will take its place beside the

square-shaped on of Vedic Astrology, and vice-versa,

for all Astrologers, world-wide, will recognize who

truly powerful both systems are, in thier own ways.


I eagerly await that day...


But, in the meantime, please let me say, to those that

are curious: do yourself a favor - investigate all of

this for yourself, test out the charts in your

possession, as I have, and THEN, make your decision;

this is the 21st Century, afterall - we shouldn't make

conclusions on the basis of feelings and bias, but

instead on the basis of investigation, study and

research, all within the Spirit of Learning.


That's my Two Cents.


Your Serve...



Mu'Min Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer






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